** CUBA [and non]. 5025, Dec 17 at 1816, S6 carrier vs noise at same level, as 
R. Rebelde manages to be detectable near noon at mid-winter. Also 5015, WRMIBS 
at S7 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 9325, Dec 17 at 1812, S9 signal with suptorted just barely 
modulation, S9, 1826 a little better Qur`anish. Obviously R. Cairo Hausa 
service as scheduled, 18-21 UT, 250 kW, 241 degrees from Abis.

9540.24, Dec 17 at 1831, open carrier at S6. This is obviously R. Cairo in 
Italian at 18-19, 250 kW, 315 degrees from Abis USward, which I also had Dec 9, 
measured on 9540.158 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGET) See also 

** ERITREA [and non]. 7175, Dec 16 at 1523, JBA carrier, presumed VOBME-1 by 
long path. Also JBA carriers on 7120-Somaliland, 7205-Sudan, but not 7146+ for 
the other VOBME. There is one on 7195 where suspect VOBME-2 has shifted, but 
not confirmed elsewhere.

(In fact, at a very different hour, 15-17 UT, 7195 has been identified by Ivo 
Ivanov as RFA in Korean via Tinian, ex-7210. Isn`t it unprecedented for IBB to 
invade the ham band like that??) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ERITREA [non]. 11670, Fri Dec 16 at 1512, again no signal in Arabic as heard 
Wed Dec 14 but not Thu Dec 15 either.

11670, Sat Dec 16 at 1515, unID S9+10 Arabic is back! mentions Stockholm so 
suspected IBRA, but many more mentions of Al-Shabab in continuous M&M 
conversation; 1529 HOA song and announcement, 1531 switch to non-Arabic 
language, with schedule mentioning kHz and meter-band, 1532 finally catch ID as 
``Radio Adal``. That`s the one which had been on 17580, 100 kW via Issoudun, 
FRANCE at 15-16. Confirmed by Ivo Ivanov, on Wed/Sat only sked, thus explaining 
the hiatus, and switching to Tigrinya at 1531 (plus R. Al-Mukhtar on Tuesdays) 

** KURDISTAN [non]. 11600, Dec 16 at 1401, Denge Kurdistane first day on 
reactivated `summer` frequency, with an echo, long/short path? S9 but much 
weaker than 11860 Yemen [non]. Ex-9400 where there is nothing. YL mentions 
Ankara, etc., mostly talk, but by 1455 music at S6. By 1512, 11600 is S9+10 in 
Kurdish talk. Ivo Ivanov thought the 14-16 bihour would be via BULGARIA, altho 
BRB misleadlingly registers all D.K. transmissions with HFCC as KCH = Kishinov, 
Moldova = Grigoriopol`, Pridnestrovye. However, on Dec 16 he notes for the 
15-16 UT hour, both 9400 Bulgaria and 11600 Pridnestrovye; perhaps during 
incomplete transition.

11600 & 9400, Dec 16 at 1816 check, nothing audible on either, when 7455 is now 
supposed to be the only D.K. channel, 1600-2000 via France, then 2000-2130 via 
Pridnestrovye (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MADAGASCAR. 17640, Dec 16 at 1810, MWV APR in English, is VG with marital 
advice: wives, don`t let yourselves go, after a few children, but remain 
attractive, lest your husband lose interest in you. Repeat English hour audible 
but poorly at 2034. 

17640, Dec 17 at 1759, VG open carrier S9, 1800 trumpets and APR sign-on, with 
guest host Jonah, and Terry, previewing magazine contents including African 
Children`s Choir from Uganda; righteousness; wife`s appearance (more); 
Thelonius Monk; this day in history. It`s almost the OSOB, only weak 17790 
WRMIBS besides it, making MWV the SSOB by far, still at 1823 check (Glenn 

** OMAN. 15140.505, Dec 16 at 1528, RSO is still split off from 15140.0, S5 
carrier, just barely modulated. Also Dec 17 at 1510 check on 15140.5, not 
precisely measured further, but slightly closer to 15141.000 (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** PERU. 5980, Dec 17 at 0041, no signal from R. Chaski --- either closing much 
earlier than 0105*v now, or more likely completely off the air. They had been 
having issues, per Claudio Galaz Toledo, Chile.

(5979 CHINA carrier not audible now either, poor propagation; to make matters 
worse, elevated noise level especially on 2 MHz band at S9+20, probably 
blamable on neighborhood Xmas displays/lighting for the duration) (Glenn 

** UGANDA [non]. 15240, Sat Dec 17 at 1659, VP carrier, 1700 music? Presumably 
Radio Munansi opening via WWRB Tennessee. About equal to 15825 WWCR signal, 
both of which could really use some sporadic-E enhancement. Where is it as the 
winter peak season should be underway? A 16-MHz MUF isn`t much to ask, no need 
to reach VHF. By 1755, 15240 is slightly better, JBA at S6 (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1856 monitoring: not confirmed UT Saturday 
Dec 17 at 0030 on WBCQ 9330v-CUSB: No signal at all, nor from 9265 WINB, as 31m 
propagation almost gone, only very weak signals except for 9395 WRMI (7490 WBCQ 
with Fred Flintstone music is still S9, but 5130 is admittedly off even after 

Sat Dec 17 at 1544 check, on 7265-CUSB via HLR via UTwente, nothing but South 
Asian music audible from CRI Kashgar. However, Nino Marabello in Treviso, 
Italy, sends me a clip of WOR opening at 1531, where it`s weak but atop CRI! 
Sat 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sun 0410v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND 
Sun 1130   HLR 9485-CUSB to SW
Mon 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0400v  WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430   WRMI 9955 to SSE  
Tue 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030   WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 1200   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Tue 2130   WRMI 15770 to NE
Tue 2300   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Wed 2200   WBCQ 7490v to WSW
Thu 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW

** U S A. 5850 // 7730, Friday Dec 16 at 0700, WRMI again duplicating `Viva 
Miami` about the Everglades, instead of `Media Network Plus` which is on the 
schedule this hour Fridays, for 7730 at least. BTW, Keith Perron says PCJ Radio 
International is dropping SW to North America as of yearend, i.e. WRMI.

7730, Dec 17 at 0034, WRMI is VG with hymns, unseems `Wavescan` as scheduled UT 
Sat 0030 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5085, Fri Dec 16 at 0656, WTWW-1 is on, Ted with a radio ad. You 
never know whether it will be or not, and the wtww.us program schedule page is 
no help, full of mistakes and omissions. 

5830, Dec 16 at 1522, WTWW-1 is still on night frequency instead of 9475, 
screaming gospel huxter.

9930, Fri Dec 16 at 1922 & 2033, Xmasmx from WTWW-2, distorted as usual, no 
`Dave Ramsey Show` which had been airing 19-22 UT weekdays, and still shown as 
1-4 pm CT on homepage. Unchecked UT Dec 17 whether that appeared circa 0030 
like yesterday with 9930 still on at night. Dec 16 afternoon, 9475 and 12105 
are nominal.

9930, Sat Dec 17 at 1859, Xmasmx from WTWW-2, 1901 plug Santa Net nightly at 7 
pm CT thru Xmaseve on 3916-(LSB?), allegedly allowing patches from kids to 
Santa at North Pole. At 1902:30 `Theater Organ of the Ozarx`` starts late with, 
what else? Xmas carols; outro at 1931 mentions being on Saturday nights (does 
Heil know that both times were no-shows last week, Dec 10-11?) and refer to 
program sked, but where? This does not end until 1935:30, so ran 33 minutes, 
inconvenient for a tightly-scheduled station, not WTWW! Then to non-organ 
Xmasmx. This contradicts WTWW`s own attempt at a program schedule which already 
shows a conflict of two other programs on ``9330`` [sic] Sat 1:30 pm:

** U S A. 17775, Friday December 16 at 1516 and 1816 chex, still no signal from 

** U S A. 9275, Fri Dec 16 at 1816, WMLK is on, good signal and even good 
modulation from DEJOM, still so at 2034 (when 9265 neighbor WINB is still not 
on yet); will WMLK be able to keep this up (after Sabbathday off), or will 
something else break down? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 9330, Dec 17 at 1811, S7 open carrier; 1826 up to S9. What could 
it be? WBCQ transmitter on testing? Cuban Spy Numbers/RHC transmitter? --- 
seems too weak for that and normally active only in nightmiddle. Only other 
station which has been on 9330 in recent years is Damascus, Syria, long 
inactive. Could that be attempting a comeback?? Probably more pressing matters 
over there. Note that 9325 and 9540+ Cairo in the other part of the ex-UAR, are 
indeed propagating, see EGYPT. No, it`s not WTWW, q.v., which imagines it 
broadcasts on 9330 instead of 9930 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 2128 UT December 17
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