20 December 2016 Micro-DXpedition:

6200 UNID. Something here at the start 1600. Rock mx coming up at 1603, and recognized “Shadow Dancing” by Andy Gibb at 1606. Distorted. Suddenly blasted for abt 5 seconds at 1608:40 and went off. Pirate testing a xmtr?? (Valko 20 Dec.)

7465 SINGAPORE BBC (relay) 1620 feature w/actualities in EG, //7445 Madagascar. Both weak but partially readable. (Valko 20 Dec.)

6195 OMAN BBC (relay) W doing the nx in EG at 1631, //7445 and 7465. ID at 1632 “BBC news”. Very weak. Getting nice by 1730. Very strong at 1859 w/ID by W, pgm promo, and signal off. (Valko 20 Dec.)

7174.99 ERITREA V.O. the Broad Masses of Eritrea (pres.) M continuously tlking in lang. from 1635. Faded by 1649 but still barely audible. Sounded audible again at 1737 w/poss. mx, Gone at 1742 check. (Valko 20 Dec.)

11735 ZANZIBAR ZBC 1659 end of anmnt by M w/ment of ZBC, usual ToH routine of drum IS, slow time ticks, then deadair with the sound the W EG nxcaster shuffling around preparing for the nx then ID to start “Its’ 9 o’clock East African Time. Here is the news from Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation read by ?? First the main points”. (Valko 20 Dec.)

7480 MOLDOVA R. Payam e-Doost Really nice signal 100% copy w/end of feature by W in apparent Farsi and closing by M over instru. mid-east mx. W again, classical mx bridge, then feature by M w/break for MOR vcl song 1823-1825. More of the same. Had the usual trumpet fanfare song at sign off but no ID anmnt. Signal off at 1845:11. Wish I would have been here for s/on. (Valko 20 Dec.)

22 DECEMBER 2016 Micro-DXpedition:

7120 SOMALIA R. Hargeisa M anncr from 1316 but modulation way to low. If the modulation would be at 100%, this would be nice. (Valko 22 Dec.)

7175 ERITREA V.O. the Broad Masses of Eritrea 1337 HoA mx, then M anncr at 1339, mx bridge, and M again. More HoA mx at 1342 briefly and cont. tlk. Not as strong as Hargeisa. No sign of 7146.56 as Jim Young observed independently as well. (Valko 22 Dec.)

9381 INDIA AIR, National Channel, Aligarh Found here again off-freq at 1346 w/subcont. mx weakly, then W in pres. Hindi. to at least 1352. No better than at home. For a Youtube video of the reception, use this link https://youtu.be/59CiAr6s3Fo (use 480p quality setting for best viewing)
 (Valko 22 Dec.)

15140 OMAN R. Sultanate of Oman Signal on at 1359:11. Audio up at 1402:18 but not 100% and sounding as though a mic was placed up against a telephone receiver. M w/EG nx. Audio gradually cleared up in 5 min. but still weak. 1408 fanfare mx, then ad for Omantel and long slick promo w/list of FM stns ending w/ID for 90.4, then live M DJ in EG at 1411. (Valko 22 Dec.)

2520 USA WOCO, Oconto, WI (2 X 1260 harmonic) First found at 1205 w/M w/inspirational message, farming related nx and features. 1221 Joe Prato(?) w/wx ending w/ID, live lady DJ w/current conditions, 1222 Polkas. 1229 DJ w/song anmnts and sev. anecdotes. 1230 “USA Radio News”, 1232 wx again, lady DJ. 1240-1255 back to Polkas including one mentioning “Merry Christmas from Wisconsin” and “I Love Christmastime”. Lady tlking abt what Lena was having for breakfast. 1256 wx sponsored by Peterson Ford, and another Polka leading up to ToH. Signal was strong but modulation a little low. (Valko 23 Dec.)

6115 CONGO R. Congo (tent.) Signal came on at 0535:45 and almost immediately tlk by M in progress sounding like a remote. Diff. M briefly at 0540. Sounded like an interview. Just a little too weak to tell the lang. Sign on time suggests Congo. Gradually faded. (Valko 24 Dec.)

4894.92 BRAZIL?? R. Novo Tempo?? Found a signal here at 0856. Nowhere near enough for audio, but did find R. Novo Tempo on the exact same freq using Artur Nogueiras SDR.hu web rx. Nice ID at 0901. (Valko 24 Dec.)

4835 AUSTRALIA ABC, Alice Spring 1419 “2000 Miles” Christmas song by The Pretenders, usual W host. 1430 fanfare and ID by M leading into the nx. 1440 “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” by W vclist. Most audible yet. Still able to hear the mx at 1457 but not good enough to recognize songs. Last remnants of audio at 1501. (Valko 24 Dec.)

4920 UNID. Hearing this again at home like at the SGLs. Thought for sure it was // 5015 w/Bro. Stair at 1430, but definitely not at 1458 as it had mx and 5015 still had Stair. (Valko 24 Dec.)

9800 FRANCE Norddeutscher Rundfunk (via Issoudun) Signal on 1859:48 and audio up at 1900 w/W anncr in GM w/ment of NDR and pres. nx, then Christmas Eve pgm for sailors at sea w/men and W hosts. 1906 “The Christmas Song” in EG. Poor signal and fady but did improve. Found // to 6125 (Nauen) at 1923 w/”Oh Holy Night”. (Valko 24 Dec.)

6925.38 PIRATE (NA) Happy Hanukkah R. From 2033. Music from “Fiddler on the Roof”. ID by M in elf-like voice. S/off anmnt at 2052 w/e-mail addr happyhanukkahra...@gmail.com and girl w/”Happy Hanukkah”, then IS and signal off at 2054:00. Good signal. For a Youtube video of the reception, click on this link https://youtu.be/UrzQRTeyI4E (use 480p quality setting for best viewing) (Valko 24 Dec.)

5930 GERMANY Norddeutscher Rundfunk (via Nauen) 2156 pipe organ mx, 2158 M in GM w/contact info and ID leading up to ToH nx by M. 2204 back to the special Christmas Eve pgm w/M and W anncrs hosting. Ments of peoples names and included a message from a crew member in EG at 2209. Good signal here at this time. For a Youtube video of the reception, use this link https://youtu.be/Wi7IBLrcx24 (use 480p quality setting for best viewing)
 (Valko 24 Dec.)

3325 INDONESIA RRI Palangkaraya (pres.) Could just barely hear mx when found at 2209. Too weak to tell what kind. M anncr at 2215. Tried to confirm using SDR.hu web rxs but one in Japan was tied up and the one in South Korea wasn’t on line. Australia was already into daylight. This is a near perfect grayline the whole way. The quick fade indicates it’s Palangkaraya. Would be the first evening Indo in years. (Valko 24 Dec.)

9664.92 BRAZIL R. Voz Missionaria Tuned in at 2325 and was surprised to hear the end of a full EG ID by M “…(freqs and meterbands) RVM radio, Brazil”. Beautiful signal too. Of course by the time I started recording, the ID ended. Will have to keep this in mind and hope they air this ID at this time again in the future. (Valko 24 Dec.)

4920 UNID. Around 1215, found it was indeed //5015 WRMI which had 2 or 3 programs running simultaneously. A real mess. Fixed at 1230 and only Bro. Stair was on. But oddly, 4920 was 10 seconds behind 5015. Checked and found on sev. SDR.hu rxs on the east coast. After 1300, this had another pgm not carried on any other freq. Not hrd the next 3 days. (Valko 25 Dec.)

2520 USA WOCO, Onconto, WI (2nd harmonic) Was on the freq and waiting for s/on. Did indeed come on at 1156:51, deadair, then audio up w/live W DJ at 1159 giving ID, ment of AM and FM stereo, QTH, date, nx intro, and into US Radio News. Strong and clear. For a Youtube video of the reception, use this link https://youtu.be/blGtK-rW6nw (use 480p quality setting for best viewing) (Valko 26 Dec.)

3325 INDONESIA RRI Palangkaraya (pres.) Signal came on at 2156:16. Like yesterday, it faded out around 2250. (Valko 27 Dec.)

5010 CUBA R. Habana Cuba (mixing product of 5025 Rebelde and 5040 RHC) OC at 1156. 1200:18 usual piano theme song w/M and W giving ID anmnt, choral NA, 1202 W anncr w/ID and sked anmnt /5040, /9640, 9850, 11760, 11840. Good signal but 5015 WRMI QRM and best in LSB. (Valko 28 Dec.)

5055 CUBA R. Rebelde and RHC (mixing product of 5025 Rebelde and 5040 RHC) Found signal here at 1055 w/piano mx and then M and W anncrs in SP. W over ToH //5025, and mixing w/second audio from RHC when it started. Hrd on other web rxs around the country. Never hrd this and 5010 mixing products before. (Valko 28 Dec.)

28 December 2016 Micro-DXpedition:

7480 UZBEKISTAN R. Payam e-Doost Discussion feature in Farsi when I tuned in at 1840. 1843 traditional vcl song by W briefly, same W anncr, usual trumpet dramatic mx fanfare, and off. (Valko 28 Dec.)

9445 INDIA AIR Delhi Big signal at 1857 w/pgm “One Film” of movie mx soundtracks, 1900 M in EG w/ID mentioning they were taking a break in the pgm, then W w/EG nx starting w/ID. End of pgm at 1943 w/M in EG giving ID, tomorrows sked, then into Hindi ID and sked by W. Went off sometime between 1946 and 1950. For a Youtube video of the reception, click on this link https://youtu.be/B4wnc6en_78 (use 480p quality setting for best viewing) (Valko 28 Dec.)

9650 GUINEA R. Guinee Nice signal w/Afro Pop mx at 1857. 1900 3 IDs during ID/promo by M in FR over mx, intro, and into pres. nx headlines w/mx between items. Pleasant listening. For a Youtube video of the reception, click on this link https://youtu.be/EY1n1g8nD1I (use 480p quality setting for best viewing) (Valko 28 Dec.)

7445 CHINA Firedragon jammer here w/huge signal at 2055 on R. Free Asia (Kuwait) in CH which could still be hrd underneath. The Firedragon was // on 7415 although much weaker jamming RFA (Marinana Is.) also in CH. (Valko 28 Dec.)

7500 CLANDESTINE North Korea Reform R. (pres.) Very weak w/audio right at threshold, W anncr in Asian lang at 2056. Wiped out by 7490.09 WBCQ s/on at 2057. (Valko 28 Dec.)

2520 USA WOCO, Oconto, WI (2 X 1260 harmonic) Hrd this afternoon w/C&W and C&W Christmas songs. 1923 canned wx ending w/ID, ads, and back to mx. 2000 USA Radio nx. Fady. (Valko 28 Dec.)

11895.07 BRAZIL Super R. Boa Vontade 2143 “Voz do Brasil”, // to other ZYs carrying the pgm. Strong enough to ID surprisingly. (Valko 28 Dec.)

9674.89 BRAZIL R. Cancao Nova Hrd 2110+ w/”Voz do Brazil” // other ZYs. Fair signal. (Valko 28 Dec.)

2850 USA UNID Harmonic 3 X 950 or 5 X 570. 2146 Pitt/Northwestern Pinstripe Football Bowl game. Don’t know which stn but I’m betting on 570 WSPZ Bethesda MD. (Valko 28 Dec.)

3325 INDONESIA RRI Palangkaraya On at 2156, and some sort of droning mx (IS??). 2158:30 fanfare mx and 2159 soft-spoken W anncr and immediately into what sounded like a ballad. 2202 W returned. A little stronger and a little more audio than at home but getting splash QRM from both South Africa and CHU. (Valko 28 Dec.)

5024.92 PERU R. Quillabamba With Rebelde off, Quillabamba in the clear from 2222 w/same W anncr hrd in the past with a few mx bridges to 2238. Still improving as the Sun hadn’t set there yet. Unfortunately the last laptop battery was running out of juice, otherwise I would have stayed. (Valko 28 Dec.)

5024.92 PERU R. Quillabamba Still in the clear when I got home at 2255 and all evening to s/off. M and W chatter at 0006, baby crying, and group of people, sounded like a radio play. Pgm of soft MOR mx and M w/apparent rel. tlk in the next half hour. 0101 W sounding like a pgm intro, but M gave intro at 0103 for pgm w/M and W hosts. 0157 usual canned full ID anmnt w/calls and freqs played at s/on and s/off, M w/final prayer ending w/somber mx, deadair and off at 0201:13. Nice to hear this in the clear again. (Valko 28-29 Dec.)

5005 EQUATORIAL GUINEA R. Bata (tent.) 0556-0616, decent signal here and thought hrd bits of audio at times. Until they fix their audio, this will be imposs. (Valko 29 Dec.)

29 December 2016 Micro-DXpedition:

4920 USA WHRI (2nd subharmonic of 9840) 1817 playing rel. Pop-like mx. M and W anncrs at 1828. 1829 World Harvest R. addr. // 9840 at 1836. Fairly strong at 1821, 1823. Not there at 1931 check and neither was 9840. Glad to finally figure this out. For a Youtube video of the reception, click on this link https://youtu.be/5OmHp5YINe0 (use 480p quality setting for best viewing) (Valko 29 Dec.)

7480 MOLDOVA Payem e-Doost *1800 on w/usual trumpet and dramatic mx -fanfare, opening anmnt by W but didn’t hear any ment of Payem e-Doost though. 1840 tlk by M in Farsi w/ments of Dushanbe ending w/e-mail. 1842 M over mx w/ments of Iran, usual s/on s/off fanfare, no W anncr this time, then the Babcock instru. mx and signal off. For a Youtube video of the reception, click on this link https://youtu.be/XV05xsdzmZU (use 480p quality setting for best viewing) (Valko 29 Dec.)

7478.2v UNID. Found a signal here wobbling around after Payem e-Doost signed off. Definite W anncr at 1855. Went off at 1859:30. (Valko 29 Dec.)

7510 CLANDESTINE Sedaye Bahar (V.O. Spring) (via Moldova) Audio up before 1900, M anncr w/ment of Afghanistan, vcl song, then long tlk by M. 1906-1908 mid-east mx w/short voice-over tlk by M in Farsi. M at 1908 again w/ment of Iran, and feature w/remote reporter tlk percussion instru. and tlk by diff. M at 1911, then another remote report. 1913 more percussion and M anncr. 1914 more remote tlk. 1915 studio M anncr, 1916:15 ment of “Sedaye…” poss. ID over mid-east vcl mx which continued to 1920:55 sounded like ID by M. 1921-1922 M continued along w/another M. 1922 simple vcl mx and stringed instru. Gregorian chant-like vcl at 1928 cutoff, Babcock mx started very briefly at 1929:30 and signal off w/out closing ID. For a Youtube video of the reception, click on this link https://youtu.be/BlrKTfGo1ac (use 480p quality setting for best viewing) (Valko 29 Dec.)

1610 CANADA CHRN/R. Humsafar, Montreal 1935 M w/Canadian accent tlk abt traffic and wx, then going right into tlk on fake nx/rpts in media, and lost at 1938. Voces Latinas playing SP version of “Jingle Bells” at 1940. 1944 Indian accented ads. ID at 1947. Quick deep fades. (Valko 29 Dec.)

1710 USA KID760 (TIS), Somerset, PA Usual Flight 93 National Memorial loop tape w/info by M at 1937. Strong but audio a little muffled. For a Youtube video of the reception, click on this link https://youtu.be/pwy2NSLuUPQ (use 480p quality setting for best viewing) (Valko 29 Dec.)

6090 ETHIOPIA Amhara R. Beautiful signal at 2003, almost as good as that one day in Oct. 25th. M anncr including sev. IDs at 2008:00. HoA song cut out once at 2021, then deadair going past 2043. For a Youtube video of the reception, click on this link https://youtu.be/gYWGwty0lnc (use 480p quality setting for best viewing) (Valko 29 Dec.)

6135 SWAZILAND TWR Tremendous signal w/”What a Friend We Have in Jesus” at 2003, studio M anncr w/ID and Swaziland addr, brief instru. mx bridge, M again but cut off, IS once, and off at 2005. (Valko 29 Dec.)

6040 IRAN VOIROI Went off abruptly in mid-pgm at 2020:12. Very strong but usual low modulation. (Valko 29 Dec.)

9835 MALAYSIA?? Sarawak FM?? Found a weak signal here at 2038 w/audio right at threshold. Nothing else sked to be on this freq at this time. (Valko 29 Dec.)

5920.03 GERMANY HCJB Deutschland (pres.) Had a signal here at 2050. Little soft rel-like mx at 2057 and more so on 2058 peaks. W in definite GM at 2100:35 and went off the air at 2101:00. Just when it was starting to come up. For a Youtube video of the reception, click on this link https://youtu.be/G5yHN7xYvl4 (use 480p quality setting for best viewing) (Valko 29 Dec.)

9380 INDIA AIR, National Channel, Aligarh Noted this was off-freq on 9381 before Christmas, found they had readjusted it back on 9380 the past few days. Came on at 1320:23 and subcont. mx start at 1325:17 briefly followed by W anncr. Strength isn’t too bad but modulations is low. For a Youtube video of the reception, use this link https://youtu.be/59CiAr6s3Fo (use 480p quality setting for best viewing) (Valko 30 Dec.)

e-QSL came in from Europa 24 for September reception reported in November. (Valko 30 Dec.)

5939. BRAZIL R. Voz Missionaria Was waiting and hoping to catch the full EG ID anmnt and was listening from 2255 and nothing. But at 2356 hrd the same correspondence/report request by M in EG as hrd on the 28th at 2358 on 9664.95. So maybe it's a regular feature at the end of the pgm. For a Youtube video of the reception, use this link https://youtu.be/sEQ6f6NlClo (use 480p quality setting for best viewing) (Valko 30 Dec.)

73 and have a Happy DX-filled New Year, 2017!!!

Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

Perseus SDR with Wellbrook ALA1530S loop and 153 foot Delta Loop at home, and BOGs on Micro-DXpeditions.
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