JRX Logs_December 2016.
January 2, 2017: I was received my WRTH 2017 edition this monday.
Logs from:  Algeria/ Argentina/ Brazil/ Burundi/ China/ Clandestine/ Cuba/ 
Ecuador/ Egypt/ France/ Germany/ Greece/ Guam/ Guinea/ India/ Indonesia/ Iran/ 
Japan/ Korea South/ Madagascar/ Morocco/ Nigeria/ Oman/ Romania/ Saudi Arabia/ 
South Africa/ South Sudan/ Spain/ Taiwan/ Tanzania/ Thailand/ Turkey/ UK/ USA/ 
Vatican/ Vietnam/ Yemen/ Zambia/.
DXer: Jose Ronaldo Xavier (JRX).
Location: Cabedelo-PB, Brazil (UTC-3).
RX (s): Degen DE1103 & Sony ICF-SW100S & Tecsun S-2000.
Antenna: Portable Telescopic.
Logs by Country:
** 5865. December 11, 2016. 0440-0447, Radio Algerienne, Issoudun, in Arabic. 
Man annnouncer talks; A algerian arabic song. Transmission with fair signal and 
modulation, 35433.
** 7335. December 10, 2016. 2212-2220, Radio Algerienne, Issoudun, in French/ 
Arabic (not Arabic only). Woman annnouncer talks News; 2214 Man annnouncer 
talks in Arabic and following, Qur´an chant. Station with fair signal and 
modulation, 35433.
** 9635. December 19, 2016. 1903-1910, Radio Algerienne, Issoudun, in Arabic. 
National Anthem; Man annnouncer talks; Qur´an chant and recitation. 
Broadcasting with good signal and fair modulation, 45433.
** 9710. December 7, 2016. 2101-2110, Radio Algerienne, Issoudun, in Arabic. 
National Anthem; Man annnouncer talks; The Qur´an chant and recitation. Very 
good signal and modulation, 45544.
** 15345. December 8, 2016. 2112-2117, RAE Argentina al Mundo, General Pacheco, 
in German. Woman annnouncer talks in slowly german. Transmission with fair 
signal and distorted audio, 35431.
** 15345. December 19, 2016. 1921-1926, RAE Argentina al Mundo, General 
Pacheco, in Italian. Woman annnouncer talks; A song. Station continues with a 
poor signal and barely audible, 15431 (sometimes unlistenable).
** 1280. December 29, 2016. 0330-0423, Radio Tupi, Rio de Janeiro-RJ. Fernando 
Sergio presents "Supermadrugada Tupi" - A variety program with the following 
spaces: "Tunel do Tempo"- dedicated to brazilian old hits; Newsletter, 
including Debbie Reynolds death and a original song "Singin´in the Rain"; 
"Concurso de Piadas" - Station troupe interprets the jokes sent by listeners. 
Call-sign, ID. Fair transmission, 35433.
Note: I only got this log because Radio Sanhaua, on 1280kHz, in Joao Pessoa-PB 
metropolitan area, has a transmitter off, this night.
** 11765. December 12, 2016. 1411-1420, Radio Deus É Amor, Curitiba-PR. Man 
annnouncer, Pastor, makes a religious preaching. Station RDEA with fair signal 
and modulation, 35433.
** 11780. December 12, 2016. 1358-1410, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, 
Brasilia-DF. A song; ID: RNA, a public station of EBC (Empresa Brasileira de 
Comunicação) and next, "Reporter Nacional": brazilian news. Broadcasting with 
fair signal and modulation, 35433.
** 11925. December 12, 2016. 1420-1425, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo-SP. Man 
annnouncer talks news about brazilian football, last scores games; ID. 
Transmission with fair signal and moderate buzz, 33332.
** 11550. December 12, 2016. 1802-1807, Radio Publique Africaine, Issoudun, in 
Kirundi.Woman annnouncer talks. Barely audible transmission, 25431.
** 9455. December 5, 2016. 1921-1926, China National Radio 1 - CNR1. Firedragon 
(only treble and continuous instrumental music). SINPO 45544.
** 9600. December 5, 2016. 2138-2144, China Radio International, Kashgar, in 
English. Man and woman conversation; ID. Fair transmission, 35433.
** 9645. December 5, 2016. 1835-1842, Radio China International, Kunming, in 
French. Man annnouncer presents News; ID. Good signal and a slight interference 
by Radio Guinea, on 9650kHz, 44544.
** 9730. December 5, 2016. 1945-1950, China Radio International, Kashgar, in 
Portuguese. Woman and man annnouncer presents a Chinese Class; ID. Very good 
signal and modulation, 45544.
** 9745. December 5, 2016. 1951-1958, China Radio International, Urumqi, in 
Esperanto. Man and woman annnouncers talks. ID. Fair transmission, 
** 7480. December 12, 2016. 1808-1813, Radio Payam e-Doost, Maiac, in Farsi. 
Man annnouncer talks; A song by female singer. Barely audible broadcasting, 
** 9400. December 5, 2016. 2050-2105, Denge Kurdistan, Maiac, in Kurdish. 
Kurdish song; 2052 No audio, sign-off; Returns on-air, but no audio until 2056; 
2056 A song by female singer (Music with many notes similar to Interval Signal 
of The Voice of Turkey). 2100 Man annnouncer talks. Irregular transmission this 
afternoon (Cabedelo: 05:50-06:05PM). Now, with a moderate to severe 
interference by CNR1 jamming on 9410kHz, in Mandarin.
** 9400. December 10, 2016. 2056-2105, Denge Kurdistan, Kishinev, in Kurdish. 
Kurdish songs; 2100UT: Man annnouncer talks news, presumably. Station with fair 
signal and poor modulation, 35432.
** 15140. December 19, 2016. 1911-1920, Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta, in Arabic. 
Man and woman annnouncers talks; A Newsletter, presumably. Station with fair 
signal and modulation, 35433.
** 15370. December 6, 2016. 2000-2010, Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta, in Portuguese. 
IS, ID; Remembering Fidel, a programming space. News. Good signal and 
modulation, 45444.
** 15370. December 10, 2016. 2015-2030, Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta, in 
Portuguese. Man annnouncer talks; A song; RHC announcement: Pocket Calendar 
2017. ID. The world of sports : News. RHC Contest: 55th Anniversary. 
Transmission with good signal and fair modulation, 45533 (rare, 45544).
** 15370. December 11, 2016. 2016-2022, Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta, in 
Portuguese. Man annnouncer talks. Today, this station presents a irregular 
signal and modulation: 25441/ 35432/ 15441, etc.
** 15370. December 29, 2016. 2033-2043, Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta, in Arabic. 
Woman annnouncer talks; Man talks. Station with fair signal and poor 
modulation, 35432.
** 7300. December 7, 2016. 2121-2127, HCJB Voice of Andes, Woofferton, in 
Arabic. Man and woman annnouncers talks. Transmission with fair signal and 
barely audible audio, 35331.
** 7300. December 8, 2016. 2105-2110, HCJB Voice of Andes, Woofferton, in 
Arabic. Man annnouncer talks. Station with fair signal and barely audible, 
** 9530. December 10, 2016. 2147-2202, HCJB Radio Akhbar Mufriha, Ascension, in 
Hassinya-Pulaar. A song; Man annnouncer talks, makes a preaching, presumably. 
Tribal song; IS, ID, e-mail. Station with good signal and modulation, 45444.
** 9325. December 5, 2016. 2045-2050, Radio Cairo, Abis, in Hausa. Man 
annnouncer talks; Music. Transmission with many audio interruptions and very 
** 12005. December 7, 2016. 2226-2235, Radio Cairo, Abis, in Portuguese. Open 
carrier (S4), dead air or unlistenable.
** 7205. December 10, 2016. 2035-2043, Radio France International, Issoudun, in 
French. Man and woman annnouncers talks; A song, conversation.Fair 
transmission, 35433. Parallel log on 9790kHz, Issoudun, 45544.
** 9540. December 8, 2016. 2020-2025, Radio France International, Issoudun, in 
Hausa. Man annnouncer talks; Man and woman annnouncers presents a French Class. 
Transmission with good signal and fair modulation, 45433. 
** 9790. December 17, 2016. 1931-1940, Radio France International, Issoudun, in 
French. Announcers (man and woman) presents a Newsletter; ID. Transmission with 
very good signal and modulation, 45544.
** 15275. December 19, 2016. 1828-1838, Deutsche Welle, Dhabbaya, in Hausa. Man 
annnouncer talks; ID: DW jingle; Sports. Good signal, fair modulation, 45533.
** 9420.00. December 28, 2016. 2140-2155, Voice of Greece, Avlis, in Greek. 
Greek songs. S9 with audio interruptions. Woman annnouncer talks. Frequencies 
9935 and 11645kHz, sign-off.
** 9935. December 5, 2016. 2010-2020, Voice of Greece, Avlis, in Greek. Man 
annnouncer presents a program with greek songs, folks perhaps. Good signal, 
fair modulation, 45433.
** 9540. December 5, 2016. 2122-2130, Adventist World Radio Guam (KSDA 
Station), Agat, in Mandarin. Man annnouncer (Pastor) makes a religious 
preaching, presumably. Very good signal and modulation, 45544.
** 9690. December 8, 2016. 2127-2133, Adventist World Radio (KSDA), Agat, in 
Korean. Woman annnouncer talks in Korean and man annnouncer talks in Spanish by 
Radio Exterior de Espana: That´s a collision.
** 9650. December 5, 2016. 1813-1830, Radio Guinea, Conakri, in French. Man 
annnouncer talks; A local song. ID. Station with a exceptional signal and 
modulation, this afternoon (03:13PM), until 1830, 45544. Note: At 1830UT, start 
a slight interference by China Radio International, on 9645kHz, Kunming, in 
** 9650. December 12, 2016. 1725-1735, Radio Guinea, Conakri, in French. Man 
annnouncer talks; Local songs. Start with fair signal and modulation, 35443.
** 9650. December 15, 2016. 2033-2100, Radio Guinea, Conakri, in French & 
Vernacular. Man annnouncer makes a prayer and says Amen; 2040 Woman annnouncer 
talks in local language, ID and News, presumably. Broadcasting with very greek 
signal and modulation, 45544.
** 9650. December 17, 2016. 1909-1920, Radio Guinea, Conakri, in French. Man 
and woman annnouncers talks; Local song; ID: Vous écoutez Radio Guinée; A song. 
Broadcasting with good signal and fair modulation, 45533.
** 9650. December 19, 2016. 2127-2136, Radio Guinea, Conakri, in Vernacular 
language. Man annnouncer talks; Short song; Woman talks. Station with good 
signal and modulation, 45444.
** 9445. December 5, 2016. 2107-2115, All India Radio, Bangalore, in English. 
Woman annnouncer talks News; Man annnouncer talks ID, News following; Song. 
Broadcasting with fair signal and modulation, 35433.
** 9445. December 10, 2016. 2122-2130, All India Radio, Bangalore, in English. 
Indian song; Man annnouncer talks. Poor transmission, 35332.
** 9445. December 17, 2016. 2057-2110, All India Radio, Bangalore, in English. 
Indian song; Woman annnouncer talks, ID. 2100 Man annnouncer presents News; 
Transmission with fair signal and modulation, 35433.
** 9950. December 5, 2016. 2020-2030, All India Radio, Khampur, in Hindi. Woman 
annnouncer presents a program with indian songs; ID. 45433.
**13640. December 15, 2016. 1945-2026, All India Radio, Bangalore, in French. 
IS; Woman annnouncer talks: ID, programming of the day. A song in french; News 
in slow french; ID. All Indian songs, mantras. Station with good signal and 
fair modulation, 45433.
** 13695. December 6, 2016. 1913-1920, All India Radio, Bangalore, in English. 
Man annnouncer talks; Woman annnouncer talks, ID. Transmission with fair signal 
and modulation, 35433.
** 13695. December 28, 2016. 1918-1945, All India Radio, Bangalore, in English. 
Man and woman annnouncers talks, ID. Woman talks about Indian tourism; 1925 Man 
talks, ID and presents Classical of the Indian Music: songs. 1943 ID, schedule 
in english, Address. Station with good signal and modulation, 45444.
** 13695. December 29, 2016. 1914-1942, All India Radio, Bangalore, in English. 
Indian song; Man annnouncer talks, ID. Man and woman talks about India: Science 
and Technology and other themes. Today, AIR with a fair transmission, 45433.
** 9525. December 5, 2016. 1900-1912, Voice of Indonesia, Jakarta, in English. 
Woman annnouncer says: ID, frequency and presents News. Station with fair 
signal and poor modulation, 35432.
** 9525. December 6, 2016. 1942-1950, Voice of Indonesia, Jakarta, in English. 
Woman annnouncer talks; Songs; ID. Station with fair signal and poor 
modulation, 35432.
** 9525. December 8, 2016. 1925-1932, Voice of Indonesia, Jakarta, in English. 
Woman annnouncer talks; ID; A song. Fair signal and poor modulation, 35432.
** 9525. December 12, 2016. 1931-2005, Voice of Indonesia, Jakarta, in English. 
Woman annnouncer presents a Indonesian Class; ID; Many Indonesian songs; 1959 
ID, frequency, website,Postal Address to Jakarta. 2000 Woman annnouncer says ID 
and start a program in French. Station with fair signal and modulation, 35433.
** 9525. December 15, 2016. 1939-1945, Voice of Indonesia, Jakarta, in English. 
A song; Woman annnouncer talks; Other song. VOI on-air today, with a fair 
signal and modulation, 35433.
** 9525. December 17, 2016. 1951-2000, Voice of Indonesia, Jakarta, in English. 
Musical program presented by woman annnouncer: Indonesian songs; ID. Station 
with fair signal and poor modulation, 35432.
** 9525. December 19, 2016. 1840-1850, Voice of Indonesia, Jakarta, in German. 
Indonesian song; Woman annnouncer talks; Other song. Station with fair signal 
and poor modulation, 35432.
** 9526. December 28, 2016. 2014-2020, Voice of Indonesia, Jakarta, in French. 
On-air, but unlistenable. On 9525.90kHz, Twente WebSDR, woman annnouncer talks. 
Barely audible transmission.
** 7360.10. December 28, 2016. 2103-2120, Voice of Islamic Republic of Iran, 
Sirjan, in Spanish. Woman annnouncer makes a interview with a man, about Syria; 
2108 A report about "El Profeta del Islam y su Mausoleo": a history. ID, 
schedule in spanish, all addresses. Good reception, S9+30dB.
** 6195. December 13, 2016. 0415-0430, NHK Radio Japan, Furman, in Spanish. Man 
and woman annnouncers presents a program abt 111 Anniversary of Japan-Russia 
relations and a unknown historialc fact during the war Japan-Russia in 1905. A 
song; ID, schedule in spanish. Very good signal and modulation, 45544.
** 6195. December 29, 2016. 0424-0430, NHK Radio Japan, Furman, in Spanish. Man 
and woman annnouncers talks about japanese own sport; ID; A song. Broadcasting 
with good signal and modulation, 45544.
** 9855. December 11, 2016. 2049-2058, NHK Radio Japan, Talata Volonondry, in 
French. Man and woman annnouncers talks; ID. Station with fair signal and poor 
modulation, 35432.
** 17540. December 19, 2016. 2137-2155, NHK Radio Japan, Furman, in Portuguese. 
Man annnouncer presents a NHK Newsletter; ID and frequency. 2145 "Aula de 
Japonês": Lesson 37. Broadcasting with good signal and modulation, 45444.
** 5950. December 13, 2016. 2052-2058, KBS World Radio, Issoudun, in French. 
Announcers (man and woman) talks about korean culture theme; ID. Station wit 
fair signal and modulation, 35433.
** 5950. December 17, 2016. 2008-2018, KBS World Radio, Issoudun, in French. 
man annnouncer presents KBS News; Woman annnouncer talks, ID. Transmission with 
fair signal and modulation, 35433.
** 9840. December 5, 2016. 2000-2008, KBS World Radio, Dhabbaya, in Arabic. Man 
annnouncer presents News and says Korea many times. Transmission with good 
signal and modulation, 45444.
** 9840. December 13, 2016. 2046-2052, KBS World Radio, Dhabbaya, in Arabic. 
Man and woman annnouncers talks. Transmission with fair signal and modulation, 
** 9495. December 5, 2016. 1914-1920, MWV New Life Station, Mahajanga, in 
Russian. Song; Man annnouncer talks. Poor station, 35332.
** 9495. December 19, 2016. 1927-1935, MWV New Life Station, Mahajanga, in 
Russian. Man annnouncer talks; Woman annnouncer talks; A song by child. 
Transmission with fair signal and modulation, 35433.
** 11610. December 8, 2016. 2119-2125, MWV New Life Station, Mahajanga, in 
Mandarin. Woman annnouncer talks; Man talks. Good signal and modulation this 
night, in Cabedelo (06:19PM), 45444.
** 11610. December 19, 2016. 2110-2116, MWV New Life Station, Mahajanga, in 
Mandarin. Man talks; Woman annnouncer talks; Good signal, fair modulation, 
** 11790. December 7, 2016. 2237-2242, MWV Radio Feda, Mahajanga, in Arabic. 
Man annnouncer talks. Broadcasting with fair signal and poor modulation, 35432.
** 11945. December 6, 2016. 1951-1956, MWV Radio Feda, Mahajanga, in Arabic. 
Music; Woman annnouncer talks; Other short song; Man annnouncer talks; 1956 
sign-off. Transmission with fair signal and poor modulation, 35332.
** 11945. December 8, 2016. 1938-1943, MWV Radio Feda, Mahajanga, in Arabic. 
Man annnouncer talks. Transmission few better than other days, 35433.
** 11945. December 19, 2016. 1935-1942, MWV Radio Feda, Mahajanga, in Arabic. 
Man annnouncer talks and talks. Station with fair to good signal and fair 
modulation, 35333 (sometimes 45333).
** 13710. December 17, 2016. 2024-2030, MWV Radio Feda, Mahajanga, in Arabic. 
On-air and barely audible and/or unlistenable.
** 17640. December 8, 2016. 2036-2043, MWV African Pathways Radio, Mahajanga, 
in English. Man annnouncer makes a preaching, Bible messages. A hymn; ID. This 
station returns on-air, after many days sign-off. Fair signal, poor modulation, 
35432 (sometimes 35433).
** 17640. December 11, 2016. 2040-2047, MWV African Pathways Radio, Mahajanga, 
in English. Man annnouncer makes a preaching; A hymn by chorus; Glory! The 
World Bible! ID, website. Broadcasting with fair signal and modulation, 35433.
** 17640. December 17, 2016. 2019-2024, MWV African Pathways Radio, Mahajanga, 
in English. Man annnouncer, Pastor, makes a preaching. Poor transmission, 25432.
** 17640. December 19, 2016. 1850-1858, MWV African Pathways Radio, Mahajanga, 
in English. Pastor makes a preaching; Man says ID and frequency; next, a song; 
1857 Sign-off. Transmission with fair signal and modulation, 35433.
** 9575. December 5, 2016. 1843-1850, Radio Mediterranee International, Nador, 
in French. Man and woman annnouncers talks; Man annnouncer talks News about 
football: South American Championship and the victory of a brazilian team 
Chapecoense by CONMEBOL; Other News.  Broadcasting with good signal and 
modulation, 45444.
** 9575. December 19, 2016. 2056-2107, Radio Mediterranee International, Nador, 
in French. Arabic song; Man annnouncer talks, ID; 2100 Man annnouncer talks a 
Newsletter; A song. Medi1 with very good signal, slight buzz and fair 
modulation, 45433.
** 7255. December 17, 2016. 2032-2050, Voice of Nigeria, Abuja, in Hausa. Man 
annnouncer talks; ID. Local song. Broadcasting with good signal and fair 
modulation, 45433 (sometimes 45432).
** 7255. December 19, 2016. 2013-2020, Voice of Nigeria, Abuja-Lugbe, in Hausa. 
Man annnouncer talks; Woman annnouncer talks. Good signal, poor modulation, 
** 7415. December 11, 2016. 0520-0527, Dandal Kura Radio, Ascension, in Kanuri. 
Man and woman annnouncers talks. Very good transmission, 45444.
** 15140. December 28, 2016. 1955-2010, Radio Sultanate Oman, Thumrait, in 
Arabic and Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta, in creole,till 2003 (2003: RHC ID and 
start program in english). It´s a collision. At 2038-2050:  Collision 
continues, now, RHC with a few better than RSO (On 15139.70kHz, Twente WebSDR, 
both stations unlistenable).
** 9610. December 8, 2016. 2045-2056, Radio Romania International, Tiganesti, 
in Spanish. ID and woman annnouncer talks about "Deportes": Sport News. ID, 
schedule in spanish, All addresses; IS. Broadcasting with good signal and fair 
modulation, 45433.
** 9610. December 19, 2016. 2022-2027, Radio Romania International, Tiganesti, 
in Spanish. Man annnouncer talks; ID. Woman annnouncer talks. RRI with poor 
transmission, today, 35432.
** 9555. December 5, 2016. 1851-1858, BSKSA, Riyadh, in Arabic. Saudi arabic 
songs; Man annnouncer talks. Good transmission, 45544.
** 11930. December 6, 2016. 1931-1940, BSKSA, Riyadh, in Arabic. Man annnouncer 
talks; Says Qur´an: start Holy Qur´an chant. Broadcasting with excellent signal 
and slight to moderate interference by Radio Marti on 11930kHz, 53543.
** 11930. December 7, 2016. 1840-1855, BSKSA, Riyadh, in Arabic. Holy Qur´an 
chant and recitation. Very good signal, slight interference by Radio Marti on 
11930kHz, 44444. Parallel logs on 11820, 45341; 11915kHz,, 45443.
** 11930. December 7, 2016. 1931-1956, BSKSA, Riyadh, in Arabic. Man annnouncer 
(muslin cleric, presumably) makes a Qur´an chant and a exciting preaching, 
simultaneously. Broadcasting with very good signal (sometimes excellent), 
slight to moderate interference by Radio Marti, 44544. Parallel on 11915kHz, 
45433 (I didn´t listen interference on 11915).
** 11930. December 7, 2016. 2040-2058, BSKSA, Riyadh, in Arabic. Holy Qur´an 
recitation. Very good signal and moderate to severe interference by Radio 
Marti, barely a collision.
** 11930. December 7, 2016. 2130-2150, BSKSA, Riyadh, in Arabic. A authentic 
collision. In rare moments, Radio Marti is better than BSKSA. Parallel log on 
11915, 45433.
** 11930. December 7, 2016. 2206-2225, BSKSA, Riyadh, in Arabic. Man annnouncer 
talks, conversation with a child, presumably, and singing the Qur´an; 
Recitation and Qur´an chants. Station with good signal, free of interference, 
and fair modulation, 45433. On 11915kHz, 45433; On 11820kHz, 35332.
** 11930. December 8, 2016. 1907-1923, BSKSA, Riyadh, in Arabic. Muslin cleric 
singing Holy Qur´an in BSKSA, and woman annnouncer reading news in Radio Martí. 
The signal and modulation of BSKSA is better than R. Marti, but, sometimes, 
it´s a collision. On 11915kHz, 45433 and 11820, 45433.
** 11930. December 10, 2016. 1843-2000, BSKSA, Riyadh, in Arabic. The Holy 
Qur´an: chants and recitations. Excellent signal, very very slight interference 
by Radio Marti and very good modulation, 55544 (rare, 54544).
** 11930. December 10, 2016. 2000-2015, BSKSA, Riyadh, in Arabic. The Holy 
Qur´an chant. Excellent signal, slight interference (sometimes, moderate) by 
Radio Marti, after 2000UT, 54544/ 53543.
** 7285. December 11, 2016. 0512-0520, Radio Sonder Grense, Meyerton, in 
Afrikaans. Woman and man annnouncers talks. Good signal and fair modulation, 
SOUTH SUDAN (Target to)
** 7250. December 11, 2016. 0450-0455, Eye Radio, Issoudun, in Arabic. Man 
annnouncer talks; Local song. Barely audible transmission, 25431.
** 9690. December 5, 2016. 1937-1943, Radio Exterior de Espana, Noblejas, in 
Spanish. Men annnouncers talks, conversation. Good signal, fair modulation, 
** 15390. December 29, 2016. 2043-2110, Radio Exterior de Espana, Noblejas, in 
Spanish. Man annnouncer interviews with Real Madrid member and others, in the 
program "Radiogaceta de los Deportes". 2100 Time pips, ID, Address and start a 
program " Espanoles en la Mar". Very good signal and modulation, 45544.
** 9895. December 19, 2016. 1947-1954, Radio Taiwan International, Dhabbaya, in 
French. A song; Man annnouncer talks, ID. Very poor transmission, 35432.
** 11640. December 11, 2016. 0456-0503, Radio Taiwan International, Kouhu, in 
Mandarin. Man annnouncer talks. Barely audible transmission, 25431.
** 6015. December 13, 2016. 0355-0415, Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation, Dole, 
in Swahili. Man and woman annnouncers talks; 0400 Time pips; Woman annnouncer 
talks, ID and presents News (news of Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Namibia, Congo, 
Tanzania-Zanzibar, etc). ZBC with fair signal and modulation, 35433.
** 9390. December 5, 2016. 1928-1935, Radio Thailand, Udon Thani, in English. 
Man and woman annnouncers talks; Woman annnouncer talks about Thailand travel 
with piano underground;
ID, Address. Broadcasting with good signal and fair modulation, 45433.
** 9390. December 11, 2016. 2008-2015, Radio Thailand, Udon Thani, in German. 
Woman annnouncer talks news, presumably; A song by piano (jazz); 2014UT: IS and 
sign-off at 2015. Broadcasting with fair signal and modulation, 35433.
** 9390. December 17, 2016. 1940-1950, Radio Thailand, Udon Thani, in English. 
Man and woman annnouncers talks; ID, website. Fair signal and modulation, 35433.
** 9625. December 10, 2016. 2107-2115, Voice of Turkey, Emirler, in French. 
Turkish songs; Man and woman talks; ID in many langguages; A song. Broadcasting 
with fair signal and modulation, 35433. Parallel log on 5970kHz, 25332.
** 9625. December 11, 2016. 2033-2039, Voice of Turkey, Emirler, in French. 
Woman annnouncer talks. Barely audible transmission, 25431 (sometimes, 25432).
** 9410. December 10, 2016. 2044-2054, BBC, Al Seela, in Arabic. Man and woman 
annnouncers talks. Transmission with very good signal and fair modulation, 
** 11810. December 8, 2016. 1951-1958, BBC, Ascension, in English. Man and 
woman annnouncers talks; ID. Station with good signal and modulation, 45444..
** 6035. December 11, 2016. 0505-0510, Voice of America, Ascension, in Hausa. 
Man and woman annnouncers talks news, presumably; VOA jingle ID. Station with 
good signal and modulation, 45444.
** 9265. December 10, 2016. 2115-2120, WINB, Red Lion, in English. Woman 
annnouncer preaching, presumably. Very poor to barely audible transmission, 
25332/ 35331.
** 9355. December 12, 2016. 1743-1748, Deewa Radio, Kuwait, in Pashto. Man 
annnouncer talks. Poor transmission, 25432.
** 9475. December 5, 2016. 2116-2121, WTWW, Lebanon, in English. Pastor makes a 
preaching. 35333 (sometimes, 35332).
** 9535. December 6, 2016. 1924-1930, Adventist World Radio, Nauen, in Arabic. 
Man annnouncer makes a preaching, presumably; A hymn by chindren Station with 
good signal and modulation, 45444.
** 9535. December 8, 2016. 1932-1937, Adventist World Radio, Nauen, in Arabic. 
Man annnouncer talks, preaching, presumably. AWR relay Nauen, this time, 
continues with a very good signal and modulation, 45544.
** 9565. December 5, 2016. 2132-2137, Radio Marti, Greenville, in Spanish. Men 
and women annnouncers talks, conversation, laughs; News with external reporter. 
Station with fair signal and modulation, 35433.
** 9780. December 12, 2016. 1915-1920, Afia Darfur Radio, Mopeng Hil, in 
Arabic. Man and woman annnouncers talks. Fair signal and modulation, 35433.
** 9980. December 5, 2016. 2031-2037, WWCR-The Overcomer Ministry, Nashville, 
in English. Pastor makes a preaching; Says TOM, slowly; A song. Transmission 
with fair signal and poor modulation, 35432.
** 9985. December 5, 2016. 2038-2043, Voice of America, Udon Thani, in Korean. 
Man annnouncer talks. Barely audible transmission, 35331.
** 9985. December 8, 2016. 2135-2150, Radio Free Asia, Tinian, in Korean. Man 
and woman annnouncers talks; A conversation. Transmission with good signal and 
modulation, 45444. Parallel logs on 9860, Tinian, 45544.
** 11695. December 12, 2016. 1425-1435, Voice of America, Tinang, in Khmer. 
Woman annnouncer talks; ID; 1429 sign-off. 1430 Start a program of Radio 
Vaticana in Hindi. Poor transmission, 35432.
** 11835. December 12, 2016. 1922-1930, Voice of America, Pinheira, in 
Tigrinya. Woman annnouncer talks. Very poor transmission, 35432.
** 11850. December 8, 2016. 1944-1950, Voice of America, Pinheira, in 
Kinyarwanda-Kirundi. Man and woman annnouncers talks. Transmission with good 
signal and very poor modulation, 45332.
** 11930. December 12, 2016. 1347-1357, Radio Marti, Greenville, in Spanish. 
Woman annnouncers talks, a conversation, laughs; ID. Man annnouncer talks; A 
song. Very poor transmission, 35332.
** 11975. December 17, 2016. 1922-1930, Adventist World Radio, Moosbrunn, in 
Hausa. Man annnouncer talks, makes a prayer; ID; AWR hymn. Station with good 
signal and fair modulation, 45433.
** 12075. December 13, 2016. 2100-2115, Voice of America, Santa Maria di 
Galeria, in French. Man annnouncer presents a Newsletter. Woman annnouncer 
talks, ID. American english conversation: English Class. Very good signal and 
modulation, 45544. Parallel log on 9485kHz, Kuwait, 25442.
** 12105. December 10, 2016. 2137-2142, WTWW, Lebanon, in Portuguese. Man 
annnouncer (Pastor) makes a biblic preaching. Very poor transmission, 35432.
** 13860. December 12, 2016. 1750-1800, VOA Studio 7, Pinheira, in Zimbabwe 
languages. Women annnouncers talks; ID. Man annnouncer talks, ID. 1759 Man 
annnouncer talks, ID: VOA Studio Seven, frequency, website. Note: To each 
annnouncer, a new language, presumably.
** 15580. December 29, 2016. 2111-2120, Voice of America, Greenville, in 
English. A pop song; Woman annnouncer talks, ID and a RAP song. Transmission 
with fair signal and modulation, 35433.
** 17570. December 11, 2016. 2024-2030, Adventist World Radio, Talata 
Volonondry, in Moore language. A song by female singer; Man and woman 
annnouncers talks. Fair signal and poor modulation, 35332.
** 9660. December 8, 2016. 2012-2018, Radio Vaticana, Santa Maria di Galeria, 
in English. Woman annnouncer presents News; In conversation with a external 
reporter from South Africa; ID. Very good signal and modulation, 45544.
** 11900. December 6, 2016. 2217-2225, Radio Vaticana, Tinian, in Mandarin. Man 
and woman annnouncers talks. Station with fair signal and modulation, 35433. 
(LOG 6.200).
** 11900. December 10, 2016. 2203-2210, Radio Vaticana, Tinian, in Mandarin. 
Man annnouncer talks; Woman talks. Broadcasting with fair signal and very poor 
modulation, 35332.
** 9730. December 7, 2016. 2112-2120, Voice of Vietnam, Sontay, in French. 
Woman annnouncer talks; Man talks. Very poor broadcasting, 35331.
** 9730. December 19, 2016. 2000-2010, Voice of Vietnam, Sontay, in German. IS; 
Woman annnouncer talks: ID, Newsletter. VOV with fair signal and poor 
modulation, 35432.
** 11860. December 11, 2016. 2001-2006, Republic of Yemen Radio (Radio Sana´a), 
Jeddah, in Arabic. Man annnouncer talks. Barely audible transmission, 35331.
** 11860. December 12, 2016. 1736-1741, Republic of Yemen Radio, Jeddah, in 
Arabic. Man annnouncer talks; A song. Very poor transmission, 35432.
** 11860. December 19, 2016. 2030-2035, Republic of Yemen Radio, Jeddah, in 
Arabic. On-air, but unlistenable.
** 5915. December 29, 2016. 0430-0442, Zambia National Broadcasting 
Corporation, Lusaka, in Vernacular language. Woman annnouncer talks; A local 
song; ID; Man annnouncer talks. ZNBC poor transmission this dawn, 35332.

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