** ANGUILLA. 11775, Jan 22 at 1406, no signal from so-called Caribbean Beacon 
on day frequency, altho night 6090 was reactivated earlier this UT date. There 
is something weak, which per Aoki could be AIR via GOA in Nepali until 1430, 
and/or CNR1 jamming of a 100-watt Sound of Hope nuisance transmitter on Taiwan 
possible during very long hours. (The main other 11775 is Algeria via France at 
19-21). Still no AIA at 1615 Jan 22. 

6090, Jan 23 at 0418 is on again at S9+40 level with distorted DGS, and some 
no-het CCI underneath, presumably ETHIOPIA. 

11775, Jan 23 at 1406 check, again no AIA, but algo, see above. 11775 still off 
at 2000, no Algeria audible either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, Jan 22 at 1420, JBA carrier half a sesquihour after 
sunrise here, NBC surviving the 7.9 earthquake nearby? However, RRI 
Palangkaraya is also on 3325, and Boug is normally off the air earlier. Can 
anyone confirm NBC still on? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 2598-USB, Jan 23 at 0446, YL in French intonation, S7 = noise level. 
Per Canadian CG sked in DXLD 16-43, final weather broadcasts before frequencies 
resuming in 3 hours are from:

0437 2598 VCF Les Escoumins from site Natashquan QC 50 08 40 -61 48 00

and also, but unheard:
0437 2749 VCF Les Escoumins from site LaVernière QC 47 21 26 -61 55 36

** CANADA. 15034-USB, Jan 22 at 1615, for at least the second day in a row, 
CHR, Trenton Military is totally dysfunxional, ``no report received`` over and 
over and over, from Gander, Halifax, Shearwater, Greenwood.

15034-USB, Jan 23 at 1424, for at least the third day in a row, CHR, Trenton 
Military continues totally dysfunxional, ``no report received`` over and over 
and over, from Edmonton, Calgary, Cold Lake, Winnipeg. 1425 introduces 
``terminal forecasts`` but same quartet devoid of any info. 1426, mis-timecheck 
as ``1325 zulu``, no reports received from: Comox, Victoria, Vancouver, 
Abbotsford; ``repeating aviation weather``, ditto. Usual good S9 signal now, 
but before 1400 I had zero signal, not on or totally unpropagating?

15034-USB, one more check Jan 23 at 2000: no change (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CUBA. 5025, Jan 23 at 0425, R. Rebelde is absent; and 4765 is a JBA carrier, 
not R. Progreso? Propagation this band is OK, with 5040 RHC English S9+40!

17750, Jan 23 at 1429, S9+10 of dead air, then JBM IS and talk, but there is NO 
signal on normally much louder // 17730; while // 17580 is on at S9+10 with 
good mod (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE. 5938-5978, Jan 23 at 0420, approx. range of splatter at modulation 
spikes out of 5960, NHK in Japanese, which is 500 kW, 290 degrees from Issoudun 
at 03-05. Haven`t noticed such a problem from this transmitter before, and I 
hope, not again (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 9420, Sunday Jan 22, VP S2 signal, but recognizable as Orthodox 
chanting, as VOG is starting to make it. Hope this uppick as spring oncomes, 
nice music violating Separation of Church and State (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** IRAN. 9500, Jan 23 at 1418, S4 talk in uncertain language, fanfare and off 
1420*, smacking of VIRI, and so it is, per HFCC in Urdu, due east from Sirjan 
(not until only 1350 as in Aoki) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** MEXICO. 770, UT Mon Jan 23 at 0438, ``desde todo el equipo de Luces de la 
Ciudad`` birthday greetings; on to actividades ``en el sector chino de nuestra 
ciudad`` for Chinese New Year imminent, also mentions Zona Rosa (which I 
suppose exist elsewhere than the DF), boletos disponibles. Typically this would 
be XEACH, Monterrey NL, with KKOB/KKOB easily nulled. This is during the 
local-content cutaway from `La Hora Nacional` aprovechado by many stations, but 
they seem to think ``nuestra ciudad`` is sufficient identification. There might 
be same programming on 570, 630, 900, 990, 1050, 1140, but no exact matches 

** MYANMAR [non]. 11795, Jan 23 at 1408, S9 tonal language conversation, and 
some squeal on the modulation. It`s RFA Burmese, 1230-1430, 250 kW, 280 degrees 
via TINIAN per HFCC, no longer Iranawila, Sri Lanka, as in Aoki (Glenn Hauser, 

** NAMIBIA. 7156-LSB, Jan 23 at 0449, V51B, Andre, working K0OL in English. 
QRZ.com lookup has lots of photos of his antennas, mostly quads, and says SWL 
reports are welcome for QSL: ``Andre Pretorius V51B, P.O. Box 626, Oranjemund, 
NAMIBIA, Africa``. O, that Namibia, the one in Africa. I suppose he`s an 
Afrikaaner with that Latinate name (Glenn Hauser, OK, the one in North America, 

** NEW ZEALAND. 11725, UT Sunday Jan 22 at 0655, RNZI is wrapping up TED talks. 
It`s SHAMEFUL that not a single US SW station, private or public, is willing to 
broadcast such excellent programming as available on public radio in the US. We 
have to get it from NZ!!!! Is it every Sunday at 0605 UT? Check the RNZI 
program schedule, click on Sunday and this is the link with correct date:

Trouble is, the page stays on the current day`s sked, which is Tuesday! So we 
have to go to RNZ National for correct daily info including for Sunday night 

7:05 PM. The TED Radio Hour
A crafted hour of ideas worth sharing presented by Guy Raz (NPR)

0655 UT, RNZI announcer mentions 7.9 earthquake in Bougainville, music fill 
until news at 0700. Usual VG signal. 0705 mentions possibility of tsunami in 
PNG, Solomons. 0706 on to next show, one of my favourites, but it starts too 
late for CST zone:

8:06 PM. Sunday Night with Grant Walker [until 0900 UT]
An evening of music and nostalgia (RNZ) [song requests back to 1940s]

11725 now, and normally, has the best signal on 25m after 0600, even better 
than 11780 Brasil. Australia is essentially useless on too-high 
15 and 17 MHz frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAO TOME. 4960, Jan 23 at 0627, S6 open carrier or JBM? Past 0630, off at 
0632. VOA Pinheira is scheduled until 0630 in French M-F, break, and then 0700- 
daily in Hausa, both 100 kW at 30 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** SWAZILAND. 6120, Jan 23 at 0506, American English religious discussion about 
children at S9+, i.e. TWR Manzini, 50 kW, 233 degrees at 0501-0700 for B16 in 
Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 6080, Jan 23 at 0419, VOT English is S9+10, fair signal but not easy 
copy; more of a problem than co-channel VOA São Tomé is splatter from distorted 
6090 Anguilla reactivated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** UGANDA [non]. 15240, Sunday Jan 22 at 1615, JBA carrier; by 1752 up to S9+10 
with presumed Luganda talk from R. Munansi via WWRB (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 3885.27-AM, WA1HLR, Timtron in Maine discussing equipment as usual, 
QRM from another carrier about 3884.82; and his alternating contact, also AM, 
is on another frequency, 3884.70, WA1KNX. If I copied that correctly, he is not 
in New England at all, but MC GORRILL, DEAN H, 5445 S. Butts RD, TUCSON, AZ 
85757. If they disdain SSB, too bad they don`t zero-beat their AMs. Anyhow, 
WA1HLR`s ham transmitter has a much stronger signal than any WBCQ broadcast 
signal now. I imagine that when he`s at WBCQ, he hooks up to one of those 
antennas, as there is no limit to antenna gain hams may legally use, only to 
transmitter power (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 3908-LSB, Jan 23 at 0455, pileup of at least 3 stations at once, plus 
some CW QRM. One group are trying to have net QSOs, while repeatedly 
interrupted by apparent loop saying exactly the same thing, ``W6WBJ, to become 
a full member of the organization, please``
SPRINGS, CA 95619. He seems to be calling the NCS, KJ6JKA, who is: Young Jr, 
Willard E, 8362 Edam Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 92647. 

The organization mentioned is WARFA, Western Amateur Radio Friendship 
Association, and this is it:

``"Communicating With The World Through Friendship" on 3908 kHz Sunday, 
Tuesday, and Thursday at 8 pm PT (standard [0400 UT Mon/Wed/Fri] or daylight) 
Established in 1976, this group of amateur radio operators started as a RV 
owning fishing group. They would visit various locations in California and drop 
their lines for that big catch`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1861 monitoring: confirmed UT Sunday Jan 22 at 0429 on 
WA0RCR, 1860-AM, Wentzville MO, about four minutes in, so did not start until 
0425; fair vs storm static crashes. Also confirmed UT Monday Jan 23 at 0030 on 
WBCQ 9330-CUSB, very poor. Also confirmed starting at 0402 UT Monday Jan 23, S8 
on Area 51 via WBCQ 5129.82. Also confirmed at 0447 Jan 23 the UT Monday 0430 
on WRMI 9955, very poor S4-S5 vs pulse jamming; tnx a lot, Arnie! Next:
Tue 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030   WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 1200   WRMI 9955 to SSE, 6855 to WNW
Tue 2130   WRMI 15770 to NE
Tue 2300   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Wed 1030   WRMI 5850 to NW, 6855 to WNW
Wed 1415.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE, 6855 to WNW
Wed 2200   WBCQ 7490v to WSW
Thu 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW

** U S A [and non]. 9955, Jan 23 at 0413, WRMI music is poor S6-S7 vs pulse 
jamming. Yet, 9790 CRI via CUBA manages S9+40 signal (and no jamming! tho 
habitually undermodulated). Similar distance and slightly further south. Bigger 
transmitter and higher-gain antennas aimed our way make all the difference 

** U S A. 7490, Jan 23 at 0410, WBCQ but a JBA carrier, and no signal on 
9330v-CUSB, while WINB is only JBA on 9265 (but 5129.82 is fairly audible with 
WOR). Very low MUF tonight: WBCQ needs to hurry up and get 3250v into full 
service, full power; but not going to this winter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 7505vv, Jan 23 at 0410, WRNO is still AWOL (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 15555-USB, Jan 23 at 1537 and 2000 chex, no signal from WJHR. Really, 
I haven`t heard it in quite some time. Due to low power and lousy propagation, 
not always evidence it`s off, but when did anyone last hear it? Nominal sked is 
14-22 UT daily. Last logs preserved in DXLD, or in my inbox were Dec 27:

``15555, USB. WJHR, Radio International, Milton FL; Dec 27 at 1625. English. 
Full ID at 1703, OM Bible discussion. Audio: 
https://clyp.it/ufuv5von (Dino Bloise, Miami [FL], USA), JRC 545 + Longwire, 
dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) And strong here in NB at about 1945 UT. But I 
have to ask the question: How many listeners does he have? (-- Richard Langley, 
ibid.)`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 840, Jan 23 at 0437 UT, Spanish station in total null of WHAS. I 
figure it`s KVJY Pharr TX, as heard a few times before, but what I get does not 
match up to last known info about it. ``La mejor alternativa, 107.9, la palabra 
de dios, levantando una nueva generación``, into praise music. 

As of November, logged by Terry Krueger, KVJY was // Ultra 104.9 FM, with pop 
music format. http://www.ultra1049.com/ still appends 840 on its home page. 
Maybe has really changed format/FM relayer again. Slogans and format do not 
match up to any likely Mexicans either. 

The 107.9 in the RGV is KVLY EDINBURG TX 100.0 kW, 257.0 m, MIX 107.9 ADULT 
CONTEMPORARY, per WTFDA Database, and no match to // 840. Note the similarity 
in calls http://mix1079.net/ but ownership is different. If this is the source 
for 840 now, it too would have to be a drastic format-change.

There are only two other US 840s this could possibly be, both of which are 
listed as religious, but not Spanish, and are daytimers: KDLF Ball LA, and WBHY 
Mobile AL (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 9130, Jan 23 at 1422, weak talk at S2-S3; nothing listed in Aoki, 
but perhaps a new jammed Sound of Hope frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

UNIDENTIFIED. 15436-USB, Jan 22 at 1504, INTRUDERS 2-way in Spanish here again 
24 hours after last log; today, not much signal from 15435 BSKSA. Another 24 
hours later, Jan 23 at 1508, no SSB and BSKSA is quite strong at S9+10 (Glenn 

This report despatched at 2030 UT January 23
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