JRX Logs: March 27, 2017.

BRAZIL.*  11765. Mar 27 at 0319, Radio Deus E Amor, Curitiba-PR. Pastor makes a 
preaching and talks about Healing of sickness through Jesus. Broadcasting has a 
good signal and fair modulation, 45433.*  11815. Mar 27 at 0331, Radio Brasil 
Central, Goiania-GO. Man annnouncer talks and a musical program; Songs. RBC has 
a fair transmission, 35433.

CHINA.*  17540. Mar 27 at 0302, China Radio International, Beijing-CHN, in 
Chinese. Man annnouncer talks; 0306 Woman talks and music background; Man in 
conversation with a woman. CRI with good signal and fair modulation, 45433.

CLANDESTINE.*  7460. Mar 27 at 0232, Radio Payam-e Doost, Maiac-MDA, in Farsi. 
Woman annnouncer talks; Songs; 0240 Woman and man talks; 0257 A short song, man 
talks, ID. Station with fair signal and modulation, 35433.

FRANCE.*  17850. Mar 27 at 1727, Radio France International, Issoudun-F, in 
French. Man and woman annnouncers talks News; Comments about next french 
elections and the candidates; 1739 ID, a song. RFI has a good signal and 
modulation, 45444.

GERMANY non.*  15275. Mar 27 at 1747, Deutsche Welle, Issoudun-F, in French. 
Man and woman annnouncers talks; Interview with a teacher; 1754 A short song; 
Man talks a news resume; 1757 A african song and sign-off at 1759. DW has a 
good signal and modulation this frequency, 45444.

MADAGASCAR.*  17640. Mar 27 at 1838, MWV - African Pathways Radio, 
Mahajanga-MDG, in English. Man annnouncer talks and says ID, website and POBox 
to Harare, Zimbabwe; Man and woman present a educational dialogue about The 
Bible: Request and explanations;  Children's noises background; 1845 ID and 
website. APR has a very good signal and modulation, 45544.

NIGERIA.*  7255. Mar 27 at 1850, Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu-NIG, in English. Man 
annnouncer talks; 1853 Woman talks; 1857 Man annnouncer talks, ID and a song. 
VON has a good signal and a poor modulation this frequency, 45432.Nigeria non. 
After 1900UTC, in english. Interference by China Radio International and it´s a 
collision, of course.

PHILIPPINES.*  15190. Mar 27 at 1820, Radyo Pilipinas, Tinang-PHL, in Filipino. 
Women annnouncers talks, in nice and long conversation, laughs; During 
conversation, a few words in english and spanish; 1832 Conversation continues; 
1835 ID and all addresses of R. Pilipinas. Today, on 15190, transmission with 
good signal, slight interference by Radio Inconfidencia, Brazil, and a 
distorted audio, 44433. Parallel logs on 9910, 45444 and 12120kHz, 45544.

SOUTH SUDAN non.*  17730. Mar 27 at 1704, Eye Radio, Issoudun-F, in English. A 
song; Woman talks and interview with a man; 1713 Woman speechs in Sudanese and/ 
or local dialect; Woman annnouncer talks and says South Sudan many times; 1716 
A local song. Fair transmission, 45533.

SPAIN.*  17855. Mar 27 at 1803, Radio Exterior de Espana, Noblejas-E, in 
Spanish. Program "24 Horas": Man and woman annnouncers present News - policy, 
economic, sports, etc. 1807 man talks, ID (Radio Nacional de Espana,station 
head of this transmission) and says: Son las siete y siete en las Canarias 
(7:07PM); 1814 Policy news. REE has a good transmission, with this frequency, 
45544. Parallel logs on 15390, 45433; 17715, 55544.

SWEDEN non.*  11875. Mar 27 at 1908, IBRA Radio, Woofferton-UK, in Fulfulde. 
Man annnouncer makes a preaching, in slow fulfulde and ends with Hallelujah! 
1915 A tribal song; Man talks. IBRA with good signal and fair modulation, 45433.

DXer: Jose Ronaldo Xavier Location: Cabedelo-PB, Brazil (UTC-3)RX (s): Sony 
ICF-SW100SAntenna: Longwire
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