** ARGENTINA [non]. 11709.84, UT Sat April 15 at 0205, JBA carrier. Could it 
RAEATTW reactivated, ex-11710.7v? More likely a birdie on the R75 or unknown 
station. 11709.8, UT Sun April 16 at 0042, there is a JBA carrier again on the 
other rx, NRD-545, so less likely receiver-generated. Anyhow, we have it from 
Arnaldo Slaen to the DXLD yg that RAE is still off as of April 13:

``Unfortunately, RAE Argentina al Mundo, the new name of Argentine Broadcasting 
Abroad, has left the air on shortwave due to the rupture of a valve in its 
transmission equipment located in the transmitting plant of General Pacheco. 
The purchase of the valve necessary to return to the air has already been 
authorized but in practice it was not yet acquired. For now the station is only 
available on the internet and its programming can be heard live at 
73 Arnaldo Slaen`` (Glenn Hauser, OK DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** COLOMBIA. 5910, April 15 at 0435, no signal from Alcaraván Radio, HJDH 

** CUBA. 15230, April 16 at 0045, this RHC is still propagating altho much 
weaker than // 13740 in Spanish, and 15230 modulation is suptorted.

6145, April 16 at 0057 I am monitoring for the dreaded collision by RHC and The 
Mighty KBC, which has already been on 6145 for months at 00-02 UT Sundays only, 
but RHC moved here from 6165 as of April 10. The other RHC English frequency, 
6000, is already on with OC at 0058, S9+35. But still no carrier on 6145 --- 
guess what, at 0059, I find that RHC is back on 6165 with OC, jazz prélude, 
0100 sign-on, and now find // 6000 is just barely modulated. So Arnie must have 
been made aware of the pending conflict, and temporarily went back to old 
frequency. By next check 0328, it`s back on 6145. Kudos to Arnie for being 
considerate of another station. Maybe will do the same next two Sundays if KBC 
stay on 6145 for its weekly bihour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 9825, April 16 at 0340 check, no signal from VIRI, ``Voice of 
Justice`` to North America as now registered for A-17; the // 9420 has a JBA 
carrier but likely Greece (as Iran always plans to collide with at least one 
other station during this service). Both are for Kamalabad site, the one which 
closed several months ago but continues to be registered, so is it coming back? 
Maybe only that is preventing the VOJ from existing (as well as several other 
English broadcasts except for the 1920 one which some are hearing on 9820 via 
Sirjan) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NETHERLANDS [non]. 6145, UT Sunday April 16 at 0014, The Mighty KBC is S9+25 
via GERMANY, Mike Roberts inviting orders for T-shirts to Uncle Eric. Since RHC 
moved from 6165 to 6145 six nights ago, we fear there will be a big collision 
after 0100. But Arnie must have heard about it, since RHC is back on 6165 for a 
while tonight, leaving 6145 clear for KBC. See CUBA. But unfortunately it`s 
time for the season première of a new Doctor Who series on BBC America. Moving 
to 9925 for summer would not have helped, with superstrong WTWW on 9930 past 
0030, but supposed to stop at 0000. HFCC does show 9920 is available, but would 
get het from WTWW spur on 9917, and still splash from 9930 (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** NORTH AMERICA. 7615, April 15 at 0247, very poor talk, must be Station YHWH 
on his favorite frequency. Still at 0425, better at S5, 0448 S8 with 
recognizable Martin K Elliot voice (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6950, 6945, 6935, 6925, April 16 at 0015, four pirates at 
once! Must be a fest. Unravelling them individually:

6950-USB, April 16 at 0015, rock music at S9, stops at 0023 and nothing further 
on this frequency heard. Apparently back on later and sent SSTV ID as Radio 

6945-USB, April 16 at 0015, pirate music at S8-S9; 0038 ID as Radio Free, 
What-ever. Many more logs here:

6935-USB, April 16 at 0015, song from the 30s/40s? S9+10, suspected Wolverine 
Radio. Yes, after 0025 cowboy song, 0030 ID. Still at 0048. Many more logs 
here; tonight`s keyword theme: live/living:

6925.07-AM, April 16 at 0016, pirate music at S8, but lo modulation. Still 
going at 0048. No logs of this at HFU, unless same as one a few hours earlier 
at 1949-2049 on 6925, ``This is Not WMPR``:

6955-USB, April 16 at 0048, hard rock at S9, stops at 0057* with no 
announcements heard. Not on earlier. Also UnIDs here with punk:

** ROMANIA. 9730, UT Sunday April 16 at 0033, RRI English with classical music, 
VG at S9+25, next version of Ave Maria sounds like Zamfir (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** TURKEY. 9515, April 15 at *0256:15, JBA carrier comes on at S5-S6, 0258 
starts IS, 0300:05, 5-pip timesignal ends, but VOT English to North America is 
way too weak to be listenable. As soon as this appeared, I switched to // 6165 
and found it had come on too at about equal level, in the absence of RHC moved 
to 6145. Possibly if 6165 were aimed usward, swapped with 9515 to be aimed 
eastward, both targets would be better off. See also CUBA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1873 monitoring: after 2229 ``WNYW`` style WRMI ID, 
confirmed Friday April 14 at 2230 on WRMI 5950, very poor, // VG 11580 (and 
6855 is still off; see separate report). Also confirmed Friday April 14 at 2330 
on WBCQ 9330, very poor vs high noise level (7490 good, 5130 off). Also 
confirmed Saturday April 15 at 2230 on WBCQ 9330.15v-CUSB, fair (so frequency 
now has been bumped up a kHz, closer to nominal). Also confirmed UT Sunday 
April 16 at 0327 about 5 minutes into program on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, MO, poor with 
storm noise level, so started circa 0322. Next:
Sun 1030   HLR 9485-CUSB to WSW [off for maintenance this week only]
Sun 2330   WBCQ 9329v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0300v  WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0330   WRMI 9955 to SSE [pre-empted this week only]
Mon 2330   WBCQ 9329v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030   WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 1100   WRMI 9955 to SSE, 9455? to WNW
Tue 2130   WRMI 15770 to NE, 9455? to WNW
Tue 2330   WBCQ 9329v-CUSB to WSW
Wed 1030   WRMI 5850 to NW, 9455? to WNW
Wed 1315.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2100   WBCQ 7490v to WSW
Wed 2330   WBCQ 9329v-CUSB to WSW

** U S A. 6855, April 16 at 0018 still no WRMI-5. Now we know why: 

From WRMI Facebook page: "WRMI Radio Miami International 14 April 2017
6855 kHz off air - Due to interference with a U.S. Army frequency, WRMI has 
been asked to vacate 6855 kHz. We are now off of this frequency. However, a 
replacement frequency of 9455 kHz has been assigned, and we expect to be on the 
air on 9455 kHz sometime next week. This frequency will be directed primarily 
to the Southwestern United States and Mexico, although it will probably be 
audible in other areas as well, depending on propagation conditions."

I imagine the programming contained will be changed, as it will no longer make 
much sense to duplicate nearby 9395, or 9955. It does make sense to move to a 
higher band, anyway for summer, if running 24 hours. BTW, my high line noise 
level has considerably abated, so maybe OG&E worked on it today when I wasn`t 
looking or listening.

9395, UT Sunday April 16 at 0040, ``Sleigh Ride`` --- sounds like `Xmas Radio` 
program is now here. Had been on defunct 6855, listed as UT Mondays only during 
this hour, but suspected to be daily. Still nothing sacred heard even on Holy 
Saturday into Easter (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5128.82-AM, April 14 at 2330 check, this WBCQ is off like last 
evening. Still off at 0301; still inaudible April 15 at 2230. But by 0013 April 
16, I do make out a JBA carrier on 5129.83 vs high storm noise level. It was 
expected to be back on in time for Area 51.

7490, April 15 at 0425, WBCQ is a JBA carrier! Unusual for this frequency, and 
no signal at all from 7850-CUSB CHU. MUF must have plunged in disturbance.

7490.08, UT Sunday April 16 at 0019, WBCQ now good with usual strange `Mitch & 
Kathy Show` during this hour. 9330-CUSB also good with Full Gospel as always 
during this hour, a.k.a. Blalock the Blaster (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 9942.9, UT Sunday April 16 at 0030, O o, here`s that parasitic spur 
from WTWW-2 as I tune down; sure `nuff, huge fundamental 9930 is next, still on 
at S9+55, 0030 canned ID, music, and matching spur on 9917.1. By next check 
0142, has QSYed to 5085; probably circa 0100 for `TOFTO`. So 9925 would have 
been no good for Mighty KBC from 0000 instead of 6145, which is due to change 
from May 7. If WTWW-2 keep running here until 0100, that will still be the 
case. However, HFCC shows it`s supposed to stop by 0000, so maybe a sloppy Ted 
anomaly (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5050, UT Sunday April 16 at 0045, WWRB has made its seasonal switch 
to here ex-3215/3195, usual paranoid huxters on weekends. S9+40, enough to cut 
thru storm noise level better than it would on 90m (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 1380, April 15 at 0446 UT, Spanish religion about ``el caudillo de 
Israel``, i.e. KRCM Shenandoah TX, probably on 22 kW day power (Glenn Hauser, 

** U S A. 1480, April 15 at 0445 UT, South Asian songs dominating again this 
time of night, no doubt KBXD Dallas (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1640, April 15 at 0437 UT, local KZLS (Alex Jones accusing salon.com 
of lying about him; he makes me want to puke), with an understation, traces of 
Spanish. Rather than Argentina or Perú, I`m confident it is KBJA Sandy UT, the 
only SS known in North America on 1640. No sign of WTNI Biloxi MS with silly 
sportstalk in English, which is the usual understation, and often QRMing KZLS 
as if on daypower (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0520 UT April 16
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