** BRAZIL. 9724.81 approx., June 16 at 2356, S3 signal with music, presumed 
Rádio RB2, stronger than 11855.57 Aparecida, probably //. It`s also stronger 
than another ZY on 9674.9 and weaker than 9665.8. Next check on other receiver 
at 0318 June 17 puts it on 9724.835. 

And at 0325 June 17, Rosary in Portuguese on 11934.934, another RB2 frequency, 
probably // Aparecida 11855.596 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 11855.57 approx., June 16 at 2351, S3 signal with JBM music, 
presumed R. Aparecida reactivated. When last heard it was slightly above 11856. 
Another check June 17 at 0328 achieves S9 of JBM on the other receiver, 
measured now 11855.596 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. NTSC channel A2, June 17 at 1409 UT, after months of snow, my analog 
TV set finally shows signs of a video raster. 6m maps show Es over SE quadrant 
of US, including south FL, so very likely this is Tele-Rebelde, Habana, the 
only Cuban within range circa 1300 miles. I keep on it, and at 1437 a glimpse 
of video locking in, looks like ice hockey! Now I must consider Canada. The two 
analogs in Ontario, one with CTV, the other Global, neither show anything like 
that at this time on network program skeds, nor do Es maps show any paths to 

I finally find the Cuban TV schedule, which must be unzipped:

CV SABADO 17 DE JUNIO DE 2017 [in Yanqui EDT:]
BANDERAS Bob Esponja emprende un viaje para recuperar una receta que ha robado 
un pirata. Estación cine: Bob esponja, un héroe fuera del agua Estación 
animados: La guarida del león la primera aventura Estación saber: ¿Por qué 
flotan los barcos? Estación natura: Las aves Estación sorpresa: El valle de las 
flores Estación música: Nana de los cocuyos
11:15 PONTE AL DIA``

No ice hockey there either, but if the Spongebob movie runs straight thru for 
93 minutes, would have finished at 1433 UT, and nothing on sked until 1515, so 
conceivably TR was filling with ice hockey. I am certainly open to other 
suggestions, as I could really use some double-hop Es from further Caribbean, 
like HIJB-TV, Tele-Antillas, Dominican Republic, which is often seen single-hop 
in SE USA; or Central/South America! Nothing further viewed on 2 during next 

With MUFs allegedly to 108 MHz, on the 98-degree porch (high predicted: 106 F), 
I keep making some quick FM bandscans during the next few hours until 1900 UT, 
but no Es to be heard here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1882 monitoring: confirmed Friday June 16 at 2330 on 
WBCQ 9330.18v-CUSB, fair. Also confirmed by Ivo, Bulgaria, Sat June 17 at 0630 
on HLR 6190-CUSB. Also confirmed here Saturday June 17 at 1431 on Hamburger 
Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB via UTwente remote --- sufficient, steady but noisy, no 
QRM (also for Media Network+ before 1430 with gh propagation outlook near end). 
Sat 1930v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sat 2230   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW [or 2330 now?? check both]
Sun 0200   WRMI 11580 to NE
Sun 0310v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sun 1030   HLR 9485-CUSB to WSW
Sun 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0300v  WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0330   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Mon 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030   WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 2130   WRMI 9455 to WNW, 15770 to NE
Tue 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Wed 1030   WRMI 5850 to NW, 9455 to WNW
Wed 1315   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 2100   WBCQ 7490v to WSW
Wed 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW

** U S A. 7490.03-AM, UT Sat June 17 at 0003, WBCQ with `Allan Weiner 
Worldwide` --- he starts off saying his fingers are sore from twisting dials, 
working on the #5 transmitter, a ``10-ton monster`` (really?) which is 
installed in the same building as the backup steam engine, and to be used on 
``Nifty 32-50``. It seems someone else had done a lot of work on it over 
winter, but still needs more. He`s tweeting photos of the process; all WBCQ SW 
transmitters are used, converted from MW. 

0022 takes a call from Mark Sills in Dallas with an update on George Thurman`s 
condition in Houston: terrible injury, real serious, brain damage, may not be 
same person if he recovers. Mark laments he can`t travel to Houston to see him. 
Allan calls for prayers for George (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 12105, June 16 at 2350 check, WTWW-3 is still OFF. When did anyone 
hear it last? Propagation is OK, with 12050 WEWN audible.

9475, June 17 at 0008, WTWW-1 is *still* dead air. At 0311, the QSY to 5830 has 
been successful, but *still2* dead air, ditto at 0346. I guess Ted didn`t 
notice lack of modulation, since he was paying more attention to #2 which he 
gets to play DJ on, 5085 now running at S9+30 with music, a jazzed-up classic. 
Despite hi storm noise level on 60m, I can still barely detect the parasitic 
spurs on 5072.1 and 5097.9. 

9475, June 17 at 1706 & 1802, WTWW-` is *still3* dead air. 12105 off. 9930 off 
at 1803, when it should have been starting `Theater Organ from the Ozarx`` 

** U S A. 7505.00, June 17 at 0316, WRNO is on tonight with Chinese, and 
incredibly, right on frequency; don`t stay with it long enough to tell if 
varying (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 690, June 17 at 0617 UT, long string of Ad Council PSAs, 0619 UT Fox 
Sports Radio promo for FS1 (TV?), 0620 UT back to ``live`` stupid sports talk 
on FSR. It`s obviously my nearest, KGGF Coffeyville KS. Own program schedule 
ignores the 12-5 am CT period (when it used to be silent), as well as weekends, 
but a wide variety of local and network non-sports talkshows elsewhen. I 
suppose they are just filling in overnight with FSR, rather than 100% now. I 
need to check it more often (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 880, June 17 at 0624 UT, surprised to find Jim Bohannon here, looping 
N/S so must be KRVN Lexington NE, and best on LSB to avoid USB-only KHAC Window 
Rock AZ cheater, altho it`s close to 90 degrees away. 0628 UT Jimbo break 
includes an ad/PSA for something in Nebraska. Jimbo website, undated
convenient for searching all on one page, includes not a single 880 station, 
and as always not a single Okie. Does still show 690 KGGF Coffeyville KS, at 
live time of 9-12 midnight CT, whence he`s been gone for months; out of date!

http://krvn.com has lots of stuff, including, rather than soft-core Babes some 
stations purvey, Tractor of the Week!
but no plain old program schedule! No hits searching site on Bohannon! (Glenn 

** U S A. 1060+, June 17 at 0631 UT, praise music in Spanish looping WSW/ENE, 
and giveaway off-frequency fast SAH on the hi side against any other 1060 
stations, i.e. KIJN Farwell TX, 10 kW daytimer, *still cheating*, but that`s 
OK, since it`s In Jesus` Name. WWJD? Not known to be a broadcaster or DXer 

** U S A. 1080, June 17 at 0607 UT in bandscan on DX-398, NO signal from KRLD 
Dallas! Not even a carrier. Sometimes it`s weak here at an awkward 400-km 
distance, but now it`s definitely off. Band is noisy and maybe somewhat 
auroral, as other clears including CBS stations are barely audible if at all, 
WBBM 780 and WCCO 830; nor WHAS 840, and 650 at 0621 UT instead of WSM is 
occupied by Spanish, probably XETNT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1130, June 17 at 1338 UT, Adèle song from KLEY Wellington KS, finally 
back on the air after a few weeks` silence; ad for a 401K with an 844 toll-free 
number; ``from the Wheat Capital of the World [not Enid???], The Wave, 100.3 
and 1130``. Still on at 1705 UT recheck, via groundWave (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 1440, June 17 at 0603 UT, ``estamos en todo el mundo en 
www.lapatrona.com`` and on to music, vs various English talkers --- that should 
be enough to downpin it; usually dominant SS on 1440 is KTNO The Metroplex, but 
it`s Christian, surely no such slogan unless a recent flip. But no hits on that 

OR was it www.lapadrona.com? I don`t think so: that`s an Italian bondage site! 
Search soon finds station Facebook, which is from: KTUV Little Rock AR, 
5000/240 watts U2 and previously `La Mexicana` as in NRC AM Log:
which started about a month ago, and that leads to its correct website, not as 
I had heard it:

But this site they link to from FB is NOT KTUV, rather a different Patrona, 
``la que manda``, implying not bondage but dominance! 88.1, WHPR --- where is 
that? Certainly not in Arkansas. Has the same grafix design, so obviously 
related. Here it is in WTFDA Database, apparently no longer only a 44-watt 
``power talk`` (ha3) English in Michigan:

[WHPR-FM 88.1 HIGHLAND PARK MI USA 0.044 0.044 32.0 32.0 42-24-29 83-05-30 

This report despatched at 1926 UT June 17
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