GERMANY  Checked 6160.012 kHz measured new SW outlet, mentioned located at
Winsen-Luhe, south of Hamburg Germany,
1440-1525 UT time slot at August 3rd.

Other German hobby stations compared
were 5919.986, 6005even, 6069.998, 6150even kHz, too.

Best signal was 6070v kHz as S=9+15dB in BEL, GB, ITA and
Amberg central Bavaria Oberpfalz.
Also Grenoble France S=9.

         Bavaria Italy  F     BEL      GB       HNG
5919.986  5       3      2-3   9+5dB    6        DRM RRI ROU 5925
6005even  3       3      5-6   4        5        3
6069.998  9+15dB  9      8-9   9+15dB   9+10dB   2-3
6150even  4       4      4     4        8        2-3
6160.012  5-6     5-6    4     9+5dB    6        5-6

73 wb df5sx

----- Original Message ----- From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2017 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: [HCDX] [BDXC-UK] New shortwave station about to commence

Thanks Dave,
I thought it was a 24 hrs equipment test series...
nothing on air at 1045 UT today on 6160 kHz. 73 wb df5sx

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave Kenny BDXC" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2017 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: [BDXC-UK] New shortwave station about to commence

Its not scheduled at the time you checked, the test schedule was given in
previous postings:

6160 kHz / Monday to Saturday / 10:00-12:00 / 14:00-16:00 / 18:00-20:00
3975 kHz / Monday to Saturday / 12:00-14:00 / 16:00-18:00 / 20:00-22:00
73s Dave

-----Original Message----- From: 'Wolfgang Bueschel' [bdxc-news]
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2017 1:18 AM
Subject: Re: [BDXC-UK] New shortwave station about to commence

Nothing on air at 0010 UT Aug 3. 73 wb df5sx

----- Original Message ----- From: "
[bdxc-news]"Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2017 12:47 AM
Subject: Re: [BDXC-UK] New shortwave station about to commence

Strong signal here this evening at 1815 UT SIO444, with music and
English announcements by well-known voices on 6160.
HFCC shows transmitter site as Winsen, south east of Hamburg, Germany.
73 Alan  AOR7030plus, longwire Caversham, UK
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