** AUSTRALIA. 9690, Sept 16 at 1240, good signal playing ``Waltz of the 
Flowers``, great orchestral music by Chaikofsky --- what`s this? Nothing 
scheduled. 1244 English sign-off for Reach Beyond, Australia, Burmese service 
to resume tomorrow at 1115 on ``9685``! Indeed supposed to be on 9685 per HFCC; 
maybe back there tomorrow, mistake today on 9690? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CUBA. 5010, Sept 16 at 0050, JBA carrier, probably leapfrog of Cuba 5040 
over 5025 another 15 kHz lower; however, there is no match on the other side, 
5055. 5040 is VG with RHC French; 5025 is S9+30 of dead air, maybe a trace of 
modulation. 5010 might also be grayline from India? 5025, Sept 16 at 0957 quick 
awake check: Radio Rebelde is still dead air (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CUBA [and non]. 15730, Sept 16 at 1951, Cuban music at S9+40 on VOA 
frequency; must be a VOA African program? Lyrix even assert ``música cubana``. 
1956 outro in French about David Blanco, ``Hit-Parade`` pronounced in French. 
I`m almost thinking it is really RHC --- Yes! At 2000 RHC IS and into 
Portuguese; now I can hear VOA way underneath it, which has just started French 
at 2000 via Greenville. RHC is supposed to be on 15370 now! But lysdexic 
putton-busher upmixed the digits, or if saved, hit a real RHC frequency but 
which is not supposed to be on until later. Take that, VOA, for being silly 
enough to attempt a frequency time-share with the incompetent Cuban commies 

** INDONESIA. 9525-, Sept 16 at 1246, no signal from VOI. No entry yet for 
today at http://rri.jpn.org but Atsunori Ishida says it was already absent on 
Sept 14 and 15 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MADAGASCAR. 17640, Sept 16 at 1830, MWV African Pathways Radio is the SSOB 
at S9+10 during `Creation Moment` with a nonsensical item about butterflies vs 
birds as if Darwinism could not explain it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** SPAIN [non]. 21620, 17855, 17715, 15520, 15390, Sat Sept 16 at 1730, no 
signals on any of the REE frequencies, as Manuel Méndez, Spain, had noted 
earlier shortly after their scheduled *1400. Still nothing at 1831 (when 17640 
MWV Madagascar English is inbooming). 17855 had been off for weeks, and one or 
two of the others sporadically, but now, nothing! And on a deportive Saturday, 
to boot, tsk2 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1895 monitoring: confirmed Friday Sept 15 at 
2333 on WBCQ, 9330.03v-CUSB, fair. 

NOT confirmed Saturday Sept 16 at 1431 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB. 
Monitored via UTwente from 1419 when Media Network Plus is scheduled; I can 
barely make out some talk and music; cannot recognize Keith or me with 
propagation before 1430. After 1431 still no WOR detectable, with more ACI from 
both sides rather than HLR. 1445 it`s a YL voice, music, certainly not WOR; 
1500 weak but clear timesignal, CRI theme. Scheduled is CRI via Kashgar, East 
Turkistan, in Sinhala at 1400, Hindi at 1500 on same 100 kW, 174 degree beams. 
Maybe HLR is really on, but as too often, ceding 7265 to CRI even in the 
Netherlands. No confirmation yet from anyone in Europe for 7265, but the 
earlier 0630 UT Saturday HLR airing on 6190-CUSB is confirmed by Ivo Ivanov, 

GERMANY, Poor signal of HLR relays on 6190-CUSB, Sept 16
World of Radio#1895
0630-0700 on  6190 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg to CeEu English

Also confirmed before 2300 the Sat 2230 on WBCQ 9330.0v-CUSB, fair; and at 2300 
Sat September 16 on WRMI 11580, VG. Next:
Sun 0200   WRMI 11580 to NE
Sun 0315v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sun 1030   HLR  9485-CUSB to WSW
Sun 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0300v  WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0330   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Mon 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030   WRMI 7730 to WNW

** U S A. Checking WRMI frequencies, Friday Sept 15 at 2211:
11580, has come back on, with RAE in Italian as sked
 7780, JBA carrier, presumably BS
 9455, Bob Biermann soft-core preaching: must be His Weekend Show
 9955, seems like PCJ Radio International

At 2334 Sept 15:
11580, Radio Ukraine International relay in English
 9455, music, Oldies?
 7780, still JBA and the other sevens still off: 7730, 7570

Saturday Sept 16 at 0956: 
 9395 // 9455 with Oldies, both about S8, so seems 9395 has been resumed on a 
full-power transmitter.

 At 1237 Sept 16: 
 9395 with VOA News just ending, back to Oldies, and // much weaker 7780 (both 
of which carry The Power Hour on weekdays)
 9455 // 9955 with gospel huxter in English (instead of REI Spanish weekdays)
11580, still on with BS at 1247; at 1413, RAE AAM in Spanish as scheduled altho 
RAE does not acknowledge existence of this repeat 

 At 1731 Sept 16: ON: 21525, 11580, 9955, 9455, 9395; 
still OFF: 15770, 11825 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Here are the WRMI FB posts since my last report, in reverse order:

WRMI Radio Miami International
2250 UTC Saturday, September 16, 2017 - OK, Transmitter 12 is ready to go at 
2300 UTC. That's 5850 kHz. [R. Tirana at 23 except Sunday]

2338 UTC Friday September 15, 2017 - Transmitter number 6 (9395 kHz) is up at 
full power now! Just before sundown, when the engineers can't work any more in 
the field for the day. So far, so good.

2215 UTC Friday September 15, 2017 - Transmitter 10 is ready to go tonight from 
0000-0200 UTC on its regular schedule on 11530 kHz.

1915 UTC Friday, September 15, 2017 - We're on a roll. We now have Transmitter 
1 (7780 kHz) on the air with full power. It will broadcast its regular schedule 
of programming.

We'll do our best to catch up to everyone and take pictures to post here.

1830 UTC Friday, September 15 - We are still without telephone lines and 
Internet service at our transmitter site. The telephone company, CenturyLink, 
which provides our telephone and Internet service, tells us that they estimate 
service should be restored by September 25 -- at 7:00 pm!

1712 UTC Friday, September 15 - Our power came back on last night about an hour 
after it went off. This morning we repaired the transmission lines for 
Transmitter 2 (5985 kHz) and it is working fine, so it will be on the air on 
its regular schedule from 0300-0500 UTC. Now we have just put Transmitter 9 
(11580 kHz) back on the air. So right now we have the following frequencies 
back on according to their normal schedule: 5985, 9955, 9455, 9395 (low power), 
21525 and 11580 kHz`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Mark Sills in Dallas left a phone message circa Sept 14 that Randi 
Steele had died, liver failure on way to hospital. Né[e] Randy Ripley, was ops 
manager at WBCQ, and as a transgender person had a rather acrimonious split 
with the station some 18 years ago. No further details or confirmation (Glenn 
Hauser, Sept 15, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Dave Zantow forwarded the above to Allan Weiner. I don`t tune in `AWWW` until 
0050 UT Sept 16 on 7490, when he is already talking about Randi, summarizing: 
In 1998-1999 she helped get WBCQ going; a talented person but had an 
uncompromising streak. Had a problem with Brother Scare, kept calling AW at all 
hours of the night to complain about his anti-homosexual, anti-transgender 
rants. Allan, who still loves BS, and believes he really is the prophet of God, 
concedes that such behavior is Unbiblical, and founded on Free Speech, BS gets 
to advocate such a position. 

``She still didn`t get it``, that FS is all-important at WBCQ. She was doing an 
afternoon show then on 7415. In April or May of 1999 she ``threw BS off and 
took over the station``. AW was in Kennebunk at the time, had to drive up to 
Monticello and take it back. Randi left and he never talked to her again; heard 
she was in Wisconsin programming an LPFM. 

At 0100, AW mentions that tonight he is also on ``the nifty 32-50``, but poor 
here in storm noise level. Then to some program change info: Tom Taylor 
[European Music Radio] will be on every month for a year, Saturday at 2130-2200 
on 7490 starting this week [so is it defined as the third Saturday of each 
month, or what?] 

`The Next Chapter` has ended its run after some 200 episodes, so that opens up 
Wed at 7-8 pm ET. [so is Radio Alexandria close to fruition?]

`Voice of the Report of the Week`, at 8 pm ET will stop repeats on Sundays. 
Interrupted by a phone call from Lee in Joisey --- can`t that wait?? And 
another call breaking up. 

`Uncle Bill`s Melting Pot` from this week moves from Thursday, to Sunday at 
6-6:30 pm ET on 7490, right after `Marion`s Attic`; and 6:30-7 pm ET will be 
occupied by a repeat of `Furthermore 29-54` from the previous Monday. 

Bill`s old spot Thursday 7-7:30 pm ET will have a repeat of `Camp Constitution 
Radio`, which Allan also likes (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9475, Sat Sept 16 at 1829, WTWW-1 with suptorted ham talk on QSO show 
pre-empting far-right white racist extremist SFAW; and WTWW-2, 9930 is still 
absent, no Theater Organ (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 5050, Sept 16 at 0050, no signal. A new Latin American unID had 
been reported on HCDX late Sept 15:

``I’m hearing Latin music and a male announcer in Spanish on 5049.24 kHz from 
2250 tune in. I think there was an ID at 2254, but my old ears couldn’t pick it 
out. Some of the music sounds Andean. At this time, almost all of South America 
is in darkness, except a bit of Colombia, Ecuador and Perú, and those areas are 
just coming into gray-line with my location. Anyone? --Art Delibert, N. 
Bethesda, MD``

David Goren, circa NYC, replied: ``I tuned in after I saw your note; could 
barely copy voices out of the noise, but a Spanish speaking male did fade up 
for a few seconds. I didn’t see the exact moment the  signal went off, but it 
was somewhere around 2315``

Art replied: ``Thanks David. I couldn’t stay at the radio for very long after I 
sent the message, but I did note that the carrier signal of this station (or 
another right on top of it) became very strong, a fact seemingly at odds with 
the weakness of the audio and the fading in and out. So I’m not sure what was 
happening on this frequency. Art Delibert, North Bethesda, MD``

So maybe it was a phantom? Perhaps would be on air pre-sunrise with a better 
chance. I happen to awaken at 0957 Sept 16, but nothing audible. The only 
stations known on 5050 are India and China, which would also be propagable at 
certain hours, but not in Spanish. PLUS, WWRB UT Sun-Mon-Tue only circa 00-02 
UT or less (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 2348 UT September 16
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