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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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Today's Topics:

   1. EMR IN SKG (Zacharias Liangas)
   2. Glenn Hauser logs September 17-18, 2017 (Glenn Hauser)
   3. REE (Manuel M?ndez)
   4. REE se?al en todas las frecuencias al inicio de la
      transmsisi?n (Manuel M?ndez)
   5. Re: REE (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   6. LRA 36 now on air (Manuel M?ndez)
   7. WILD 1090 Boston (Paul B. Walker, Jr.)
   8. ON LATE: WKNV 90 Fairlawn/Blacksburg, BA (Paul B. Walker, Jr.)
   9. Re: ON LATE: WKNV 890 Fairlawn/Blacksburg, BA
      (Paul B. Walker, Jr.)
  10. Re: ON LATE: WKNV 890 Fairlawn/Blacksburg, BA
      (Paul B. Walker, Jr.)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 08:55:31 +0000 (UTC)
From: Zacharias Liangas <>
To: <>
Cc: "" <>,  DX Arg
        <>, DX cumbre <>,        
        Glenn Hauser <>,      dX India
        <>,     DX Pir SW pirates
        <>,    DX1 <>, DX3
        <>,   DX4 Anker Petersen
        <>,       "Michael Bethge (WWDXC)" 
        Playdx Info <>, taranto <>
Subject: [HCDX] EMR IN SKG
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

PLEASE READ Metal Fm statios in Salonica ? NO!!! See why!
A  funny history of two stations who came and gone relatively soon. edited on 
13 and again now  

Very DX signal here: EMR  in THS-GR (or SKG)9485 yesterday  on 16m Hor antena   
no signal on 0819 , Also  testin a mate desgned  SW  loop  on 0915 with no 
signal  while on 0930 with just marginal at best.   

Zacharias Liangas (all mypages !!)


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 17:08:22 +0000 (UTC)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 17-18, 2017
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

** AUSTRALIA. 9690, Sept 18 at 1230, RBA Burmese service is still here instead 
of listed and announced 9685 where there is nothing; gospel music, poor (Glenn 

** CUBA. 6100, Sept 18 at 0607, RHC English reactivated here after missing 
several nights, good S9+20, but now 6060 is missing. Still // 6000 
undermodulated; 6145 S9+30 but undermod; and 5040 off as it normally is by 0600.

5025, Sept 18 at 0611, R. Rebelde with JBM music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** INDONESIA. 3325, Sept 18 at 1228 immediately upon tune-in, ``Radio Republik 
Indonesia`` ID in passing, at S2-S4, with Bougainville no doubt already off --- 
the last living Indonesian SW station as 9525-, VOI is still absent (but maybe 
not forever) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 560, Sept 18 at 1200 mentions Monterrey, Nuevo Le?n, but then spoken 
and sung ``La Tremenda``, which is XESRD, Santiago Papasquiaro, Durango, 10/1 

** MEXICO. 630, Sept 18 at 1202, full ID for XEFB, Monterrey NL, by SHVA 
(super-hype voice actor) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. 790, Sept 18 at 1205, patriotic speech clips, probably from Sept. 16 
celebrations; 1207 surprised by untranslated English clips of Tillerson, Haley, 
May; back to Spanish, loops SW and dominant. 1212 program ID as `En los Tiempos 
de la Radio``; Senado PSA; and finally ID as ``790 AM Grupo F?rmula La Paz``; 
1213 mini-features `M?xico y sus Sabores` about quesadillas; `Rincones de 
M?xico` about Cuatro Ci?nagas, Coahuila and its dunes; then another `Sabores` 
about gorditas. This is XENT, 10000/750 watts, La Paz BCS. Always neat to hear 
a station from the far end of Mexico; already this morning had unlogged closer 
but nearby Sinaloans across the Cortez Sea on 610, 650 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** NEW ZEALAND. 6679-USB, Sept 18 at 1251, VOLMET in monotone DU accent, can`t 
catch locations until 1253 ``Terminal forecast, Auckland``; S5. Per EiBi it is 
indeed Auckland, starting at :20 and :50 past the hours, time-shared with 
Tokyo, Hong Kong, Honolulu (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. RF 42, Sept 18 at 1448 UT, barely enough morning tropo to 
visiblize sporadically KBZC-LD OKC. Keeps changing its lineup of subchannels. 
Now 42-2 is Tuff TV, with ``creating conservative political talk show``, `Live 
from Studio 6B`, set up like a radio studio. Program website and Tuff TV 
+program sked websites won`t finish loading. Finally! A conservative talkshow!

42-1 has a sillyballgame which now labels as Stadium; 42-3 
still Buzzr; 42-4 GetTV; 42-5 QVC; 42-6 QVC-2; and I didn`t get up to 42-7 to 
reconfirm Shop LC. NTSC KOCY-LP OKC also barely visible snowy on ch 48 (Glenn 

** U S A. 7245-LSB, Sept 18 at 1239, Navy Club Net with KK6BS (``Battle-Ship``) 
in Gainesville FL about getting back to normal. Joseph C. Folsom (Glenn Hauser, 

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1895 monitoring: confirmed Sunday September 17 at 2346 
the 2330 on WBCQ, 9329.95v-CUSB, fair. Also confirmed UT Monday September 18 at 
0304 on WBCQ, 5130.240-AM, VP in noise level (and 3250 not on // like it was 
during AWWW UT Sat). Also confirmed after 0330 on WRMI webcast, and presumably 
9555. Next:
Mon 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030   WRMI 7730 to WNW [but still not restored as of Sept 18]

** U S A. 7780, Sept 18 at 1235, this WRMI is off again, while 7570 is VG with 
BS. Also still on are 5850, 9395, 9455, 9955, 11580.

5950, Sept 18 at 1248 BS on this WRMI at S6; new on this transmitter?

WRMI skedgrid has now been updated as of Sept 17:

It shows 5950 from two different transmitters, at the same time:
1100-1230, #3 at 160 degrees, and #14 at 181 degrees; #14 also at 22-01. But 
not after 1230. 

5850 has an addition at 2230-2300 `Yeshua` before Radio Tirana. 

11825 is still missing at 1407 Sept 18, but 7780 is now on with `The Power 
Hour` ads // 9395, 9455.

FB posts since my last report, in reverse order:

``WRMI Radio Miami International 17 hrs ?
Many thanks to Ray Robinson of KVOH in Los Angeles for guest-hosting Wavescan 
this week! Jeff White has been busy with the hurricane reparations at WRMI. 
There will be a report on WRMI's hurricane experiences on this week's Wavescan, 
which begins airing today, September 17th.

2125 UTC Sunday September 17, 2017 - The frequency of 5950 kHz is now back on 
the air! This broadcasts Family Radio, Adventist World Radio and several other 
programs on a beam to Cuba and the Caribbean. We are using Transmitter 3 
instead of Transmitter 14, since Transmitter 14's transmission lines are still 
not repaired.

Para nuestros oyentes en Cuba y el Caribe, ya est? en el aire la frecuencia de 
5950 kHz!

WRMI Radio Miami International
1615 UTC Sunday September 17 - It's been almost a week since Hurricane Irma 
arrived here at Okeechobee. We now have 10 of our 14 transmitters on the air 
again with their normal power:

Transmitter  1 at  7780 kHz
Transmitter  2 at  5985 kHz
Transmitter  4 at  9955 kHz
Transmitter  5 at  9455 kHz
Transmitter  6 at  9395 kHz
Transmitter  7 at 21525 kHz
Transmitter  9 at 11580 kHz
Transmitter 10 at 11530 kHz
Transmitter 11 at  7570 kHz
Transmitter 12 at  5850 kHz

We will continue working to put the others on the air during the next few days. 
We cannot put Transmitter 3 on 15770 kHz again on the same antenna because the 
hurricane destroyed the 44-degree European antenna that this transmitter was 
using. But we may use Transmitter 3 with another antenna in the near future.

It seems that our Internet service has finally come back, so we are hoping that 
Monday we can have our audio livestream working normally again, and that our 
customers can again send us their programs via Internet.

Thanks to our Facility Manager Pat Travers and his team for their hard work 
over the last week repairing all of the transmission lines in the antenna 
field, we have been able to return to the air on so many transmitters so fast.

And thanks to our listeners for their patience waiting for us. The hurricane 
has been a bad experience, but we have overcome it and we are in the air again 
to serve you

WRMI Radio Miami International
1615 UTC Domingo Septiembre 17 - Ha sido casi una semana desde que lleg? el 
Hurac?n Irma aqu? a Okeechobee. Ahora tenemos 10 de nuestros 14 transmisores en 
el aire de nuevo con su potencia normal:

Transmisor  1 en  7780 kHz
Transmisor  2 en  5985 kHz
Transmisor  4 en  9955 kHz
Transmisor  5 en  9455 kHz
Transmisor  6 en  9395 kHz
Transmisor  7 en 21525 kHz
Transmisor  9 en 11580 kHz
Transmisor 10 en 11530 kHz
Transmisor 11 en  7570 kHz
Transmisor 12 en  5850 kHz

Seguiremos trabajando para poner los otros en el aire durante los pr?ximos 
d?as. No podemos reponer Transmisor 3 en 15770 kHz en la misma antena porque el 
hurac?n destruy? la antena de 44 grados hacia Europa que este transmisor estaba 
usando. Pero quiz?s usaremos Transmisor 3 con otra antena en el futuro cercano.

Parece que nuestro servicio de Internet ha regresado por fin, as? estamos 
esperando que ma?ana lunes podemos tener nuestro stream de audio en vivo 
funcionando normalmente de nuevo, y que nuestros clientes puedan mandarnos sus 
programas por Internet de nuevo.

Gracias a nuestro Gerente de Facilidad Pat Travers y su equipo por su trabajo 
duro durante la semana pasada reparando todas las l?neas de transmisi?n en el 
campo de antenas, hemos podido regresar al aire en tantos transmisores tan 

Y gracias a nuestros oyentes por su paciencia esper?ndonos. El hurac?n ha sido 
una experiencia mala, pero la hemos superado y ya estamos en el aire de nuevo 
para servirles.`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Pacific JBA MW carrier search, 1154 UT September 18: only 
702, with two carriers beating from WSW: presumably 50 kW 2BL ABC Sydney, and 
10 kW Magic, Auckland NZ, as other monitors have been getting into deep North 
America (tho there is another 1 kW NZer). Skipped midband, but nothing detected 
on hiband either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1708 UT September 18


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 19:16:41 +0200
From: Manuel M?ndez <>
To: "Noticias DX" <>
Subject: [HCDX] REE
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Manuel M?ndez
Lugo, Espa?a

Radio Exterior de Espa?a. Participan de la emisora que el no haber transmitido 
durante el fin de semana se debi? a un aver?a en el transformador de la red 
el?ctrica, y que el fallo ya est? subsanado, as? como que ya repararon el 
transmisor que no emit?a, o sea, el que emite en 17855 kHz. A ver si, hoy, al 
inicio tenemos todas las frecuencias en el aire.

Un saludo.

El software de antivirus Avast ha analizado este correo electr?nico en busca de 


Message: 4
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 18:06:51 +0000
From: Manuel M?ndez <>
To: "Noticias DX" <>
Subject: [HCDX] REE se?al en todas las frecuencias al inicio de la
Message-ID: <em22b9681a-5b3a-4dbb-b475-6b5d17fb8761@manuel1>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=utf-8

Manuel M?ndez
Lugo, Espa?a

ESPA?A, Radio Exterior de Espa?a, por fin hoy se?al en todas las 
frecuencias. Al inicio de la transmisi?n, moderada en 17715 y 15520 y 
baja en 17855 y 15390.

El software de antivirus Avast ha analizado este correo electr?nico en busca de 


Message: 5
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 20:34:25 +0200
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "DXLD" <>,      <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] REE
Message-ID: <0795ACEFAA7A497FB4645A3CE8E69456@HNPC2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="UTF-8";

SPAIN  all REE Noblejas SW TX on air again at 1820 UT,
but the 15390 kHz unit has mal distorted audio quality as usual:

15520 1820 UT S=9+20dB, Policia Espagnola...
15390 1825 UT S=9-10dB, distorted audio
17715 1830 UT S=9+10dB
17855 1835 UT S=9+5dB

heard in Liverpool England, in western Hungary and southern Germany tonight 
Sept 18.
73 wb

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Manuel M?ndez" <>
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2017 7:16 PM
Subject: [HCDX] REE

> Manuel M?ndez, Lugo, Espa?a
> Radio Exterior de Espa?a. Participan de la emisora que el no haber 
> transmitido durante el fin de semana se debi? a un aver?a en el 
> transformador de la red el?ctrica, y que el fallo ya est? subsanado, as? 
> como que ya repararon el transmisor que no emit?a, o sea, el que emite en 
> 17855 kHz. A ver si, hoy, al inicio tenemos todas las frecuencias en el 
> aire. Un saludo.
> Hard-Core-DX mailing list


Message: 6
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 19:00:44 +0000
From: Manuel M?ndez <>
To: "DX Listenig Digest" <>
Subject: [HCDX] LRA 36 now on air
Message-ID: <em2f895200-d4bb-491d-b02f-13d00231ddbc@manuel1>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=utf-8

Manuel M?ndez
Lugo, Spain

ANTARCTICA, 15476, LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arc?ngel San Gabriel, Base 
Esperanza, 1840-1901, 18-09, Latin American songs, comments. Very weak. 
15321. (M?ndez)

El software de antivirus Avast ha analizado este correo electr?nico en busca de 


Message: 7
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2017 02:44:56 +0000
From: "Paul B. Walker, Jr." <>
To: "" <>,    Hard-Core-DX
        <>,        Mailing list for the 
        Radio Club of America   <>, NRC <>
Subject: [HCDX] WILD 1090 Boston
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

On late, AGAIN, with Chinese music and Chinese language talking, this is
China Radio International. Listen out for the email address "" that's them

Way on top of WBAL at times

Paul Walker
Warren, Pennsylvania (NW corner, near Jamestown NY)


Message: 8
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2017 03:13:06 +0000
From: "Paul B. Walker, Jr." <>
To: ABDX <>, ""
        <>,    Hard-Core-DX <>,
        Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America
        <>, NRC <>
Subject: [HCDX] ON LATE: WKNV 90 Fairlawn/Blacksburg, BA
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

On air with gospel music and many Joy FM mentions. Female voice announces
name of ever song that plays after it's played. Creaming WLS to pieces
here, way on top! Will fade down every minute or two briefly but come back

Paul Walker
Warren, Pennsylvania (NW corner of the state near Jamestown NY)


Message: 9
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2017 03:13:48 +0000
From: "Paul B. Walker, Jr." <>
To: ABDX <>, ""
        <>,    Hard-Core-DX <>,
        Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America
        <>, NRC <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] ON LATE: WKNV 890 Fairlawn/Blacksburg, BA
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Oops, fixed. That's what I get for typing on a phone in the dark

On air with gospel music and many Joy FM mentions. Female voice announces
> name of ever song that plays after it's played. Creaming WLS to pieces
> here, way on top! Will fade down every minute or two briefly but come back
> up.
> Paul Walker
> Warren, Pennsylvania (NW corner of the state near Jamestown NY)


Message: 10
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 23:50:44 -0400
From: "Paul B. Walker, Jr." <>
To: ABDX <>, Hard-Core-DX
        <>,        Mailing list for the 
        Radio Club of America   <>, NRC <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] ON LATE: WKNV 890 Fairlawn/Blacksburg, BA
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Here's a short audio recording of how WKNV sounded at my location when it
was totally creaming WLS:

On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 11:13 PM, Paul B. Walker, Jr. <> wrote:

> Oops, fixed. That's what I get for typing on a phone in the dark
> On air with gospel music and many Joy FM mentions. Female voice announces
>> name of ever song that plays after it's played. Creaming WLS to pieces
>> here, way on top! Will fade down every minute or two briefly but come back
>> up.
>> Paul Walker
>> Warren, Pennsylvania (NW corner of the state near Jamestown NY)

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 177, Issue 21

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