** BRAZIL. Wolfgang Büschel replies to my Brazilian log on 9514.96, and what 
name it goes by?

``9515 (10 kW) ZYE726 "Rádio Marumby onda média e onda curta", Curitiba PR

very same station name title 'a emissora da paz Rádio Marumby':

Checked this 9515 kHz channel at 0910 UT on Oct 28, in remote Brisbane 
Queensland, only S=9+35dB powerhouse CNR2 Beijing visible as 11 kHz wide 
broadband block, but instead on Canadian Edmonton Alberta remote SDR access, 
9514.967 kHz Brazilian, most likely ZYE726 Radio Marumby ?? and equal S=7 level 
also CNR2 Beijing China mainland. 73 wb df5sx`` (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING 

** CHINA. 6075, Oct 28 at 2353, very raspy carrier, maybe jamming as Aoki shows 
both RFA Tibetan via Kuwait and RTI in Chinese until 2400, after which CRI 
English via Kashgar is clear (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 9820, Oct 28 at 2356, pop music mixing with talk in Chinese; not 
Brasil, which is still hetting from 9819. 2358 sounds like soft praise song, so 
Christian station? No. 0000 a 5+1 timesignal, and one or the other YL seems to 
say in English, ``Time: 8 A-M``, i.e. ChiCom time, one zone imperially imposed 
on the entire huge country which ought to span 3 or 4 like conterminous USA; 
and more music mixing with talk. YL tonal language, Vietnamese?

This is deliberate dentro-Chinese co-channel QRM, as Aoki shows scheduled are 
both: at 2055-2400, CNR2, 150 kW, 290 degrees from Xianyang 594 site; AND 

Voice of Beibu Bay Radio, 15 kW, 225 degrees from Nanning 954 site, at 
2300-2400 in English/Thai/Khmer, and 0000-0100 in Vietnamese. So it all fits. 
Art Delibert, Maryland, was hearing the same jumble one hour earlier (Glenn 

** COLOMBIA. 5910.3, Oct 28 circa 2341, no signal from Alcaraván Radio, nor has 
there been for a week or two at various evening and nightmiddle chex. Has had 
protracted outages before, but eventually returned. What CCI will it face in 
B-17 night hours? HFCC shows only Romania in Romanian as usual at 01-03; 
besides the never-activated IRDR at 00-01 to all CIRAF zones, place-held by SMG 
Vatican site. But there will be diverse ACI on both sides, mostly from China 

** INDIA. 5040, Oct 29 at 0012, find RHC missing, but a very poor signal from 
algo; RHC Creole cuts on and off again after a second or two. Something`s 
always wrong at RHC. Also seems a JBA carrier circa 5041. 0026 last check, RHC 
still off, and JBAC on 5040. Aoki/NDXC shows it`s AIR Kolkata, 50 kW ND from 
Jeypore, nominal *0025. 

5010 also has a JBA carrier at 0026, which can`t be the Cuban leapfrog since it 
takes both 5040 and 5025 to produce it, i.e. AIR Thiruvananthapuram, 50 kW ND 
from Chennai, starting at *0020 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ECUADOR. 6050, Oct 28 at 2350, HCJB is better than usual, S8 with amateur 
soloist in native language hymn ``The Church`s One Foundation``, then another 
him by amateur choir (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY [non]. Tnx to reminder from Richard Langley, we tune in the final SW 
broadcast in English from Deutsche Welle, which started at 1600 Oct 28, and no 
longer on the B-17 sked anywhen. Three of the five frequencies are audible 
here, roughly equal, less fading on the lower ones: 15290 & 15315 via FRANCE, 
and slightly delayed on 21780 via ASCENSION. 1651 a feature with songs and 
talk; still hard to copy. Hear mentioned FIFA, Valparaíso and origami, a rather 
odd combination unless I misunderstand something. 1657 outro as end of this 
week`s show, referring us to DWGlobalSociety; 1659 jingle and a bit of vamping 
until 1659:30******* Off forever. Not a word to thank faithful SW listeners for 
decades of audience. The end of another era. Of course, DW blew off its North 
American SWLs in English many years ago, so they obviously quit caring about us 
long before now. 

Well, in Enid we are lucky? enough to get some DW tv programs via our local 
cable access ETN, which has lots of time to fill with stuff having nothing to 
do with Enid (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MADAGASCAR. 11610, Oct 28 at 2139, MWV VG in Chinese, as good a signal as 
any on 25m, or even better than Cuba, WRMI; likewise 11790, Oct 28 at 2230 
during the Arabic hour, S9+20. Hard to believe the Chinese is aimed at China? 
No, it`s not, rather both 325 degrees toward W Africa, Europe, and thUSward 

** NEW ZEALAND. 5980, Oct 28 at 1330, RNZI is VG S9+10/20. Interview about 
translations to Maori. Should be last day for this very temporary new 
frequency, replaced by 7355 tomorrow, QSY from also reactivated 11610 during 
1258-1259 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6955-AM, Oct 28 at 2225, JBA carrier from presumed pirate. 
These logs say it was Doctor Detroit:

** NORTH AMERICA. 6780-AM, Oct 28 at 2342, JBA carrier, perhaps pirate, a bit 
less JBA than 6770, but with less modulation on 6780. When I quit at 0021 Oct 
29, 6780 is still on, but no big USB pirates have been audible since 2341:30* 
when 6875 went off. The Hallowe`en festival could continue for three more 
nights if not right now. No reports of 6780 at HFU (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** NORTH AMERICA. 6925.1-AM, Oct 28 at 2344, JBA carrier, perhaps pirate. This 
evening, HFU has unIDs on 6925-USB and LSB, but no 6925-AM since much earlier 
in day, Ion Radio at 1526-1549 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6935-USB, Oct 28 at 2225, rap music at S9+5; 2335 more than 
an hour later still going, now S9+30 in phone interview with someone throwing 
out MF-bombs and other profanity until chopped off the air at 2336*. When the 
FCC got `em? Not bloody likely. As expected, the very active Clever Name Radio 
as per multiple logs:

** NORTH AMERICA. 6875-USB, very good Oct 28 at 2331, interviewing Al-someone 
on phone about Hallowe`en, mentions R. Metallica Worldwide, but probably not an 
ID of this one. 2334 ``Monster Mash``. 2337 WHYP ID about to close, 2340 
contact info with fake South-Asian accent making it hard to copy; buzzing-bees 
SFX by human voices? Inviting Al Fansome on the phone to do the s/off for the 
WHYP Hallowe`en show, until 2341:30* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, Oct 28 at 2332, more than a JBA carrier, S8 but undermodulated 
from R. Chaski, and splash from 5990 CRI/Cuba, until autocutoff at 2333:37*, so 
it really was R. Chaski, and not until tomorrow will Romania block it for B-17. 
Farewell! This is the expected 6.5 seconds later than yesterday until 
2333:30.5* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 17855, Sat Oct 28 at 2134, no signal from REE, nor on 17715, nor on 
15390, but a JBA carrier on 15520. I believe 17855 was audible earlier today in 
a tuneby. Either off early or propagation dropped out on the final day of A-17 
and of 17855 to North America. We`ll see how 9690 does starting B-17 tomorrow 
at 15-23 UT. Unlike 17855, it should start out poorly and improve as the 
day/night progresses. Second choice probably 15500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** TAIWAN [non]. 7265-CUSB, Sat Oct 28 from 1414 tune-in via UTwente SDR, HLR 
fair with `Media Network Plus`, Keith in an archive interview with Rick O`Shea, 
something about radio chapstick(?). 1423 outro says more of it can be heard via 
http://patreon.com/pcjradio (which is mainly about raising funds for Happy 
Station shows). My 2+ minute propagation outlook runs at 1426, and some music. 
1430, Hamburger Lokal Radio outro, promo, contact info, intro WORLD OF RADIO 
from 1431 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 9830, Sat Oct 28 at 2224, VOT English amid very informal mailbag, 
S5-S7 so `Letterbox` is confirmed as an on-week of the fortnightly, as 
projected in our DX/SWL/Media Programs. No RTTY CCI, which generally seems to 
stop by the time VOT starts at 2200. But from tomorrow for B-17, usual shift to 
2300 on 5960 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1901 monitoring: confirmed Sat Oct 28 from 1431 on 
Hamburger Lokalradio, 7265-CUSB, via UTwente SDR. Fair and generally above the 
CCI until 1500* this time without HLR ID, off just as CRI is opening with 
increased signal. These two will still be vying for 7265 ears in B-17, when WOR 
is expected to shift an hour later to 1530 UT. (Also heard Media Network Plus 
until 1430; see TAIWAN [non]). 

WOR also confirmed Sat Oct 28 at 2130 on WBCQ 9330.20v-CUSB, S9 (only 
transmitter on this early, nothing on 3, 5, or 7). Also confirmed Sat Oct 28 at 
2300 on WRMI, 11580, good. Not confirmed UT Sun Oct 29 at 0200 on WRMI, 11580, 
since it`s a JBA carrier, and propagation for this one is not likely to improve 
thru the dark winter. Also confirmed starting at 0327 UT Sunday Oct 29 on good 
WA0RCR, 1860-AM, Wentzville MO, with Vern`s introduxion, and truncated opening 
minus the billboard to minimize the forbidden music. Vern also has to interrupt 
with his own ID every dekaminute. Next:
Sun 0315v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sun 1030   HLR  9485-CUSB to WSW [or 1130? with DST off]
Sun 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0300v  WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0330   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Mon 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030   WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 2030   WRMI 11580 to NE, 9455 to WNW

** U S A. 7490, Oct 29 before 2400, WBCQ with J. P. Ferraro on ``SW Saturday 
Night` with leftish politix. 9330.02 after WOR, at 2200 is airing Blalock the 
Blaster, and again after 0000. Missed checking what`s on at 23-24, maybe still 
AWWW repeat; the online Program Guide still hasn`t been updated about this. At 
0014 Oct 29 check, neither 3265- nor 5130+ is on, the latter scheduled for 
`Radio Timtron Worldwide` at 23-01 Sat into UT Sun (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 9370, Oct 28 at 0606, WWRBS once again is stuck on day frequency, VP 
S3, nothing on 3185. Wake up2, Dave! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 15610, Oct 28 at 1700, 2135, no signal from WEWN, nor at numerous 
other daytime chex the last few days; (15825 WWCR is poorly audible, as usual, 
about the same distance in a slightly different direxion.) B-17 sked is now up 
alleging that they are still broadcasting in English! New 9470 at 09-15 to SE 
Asia, i.e. across North America at 335 degrees; then 15610 at 15-19 to Europe, 
15610 at 19-24 to Africa; 11520 at 00-09 to Africa. Frequency page also linx to 
``Shortwave Radio Update`` which maybe will explain why they are off? Except 
it`s a pop-up and blank, just like the English frequencies!

** U S A. 9475, Oct 28 after 1800 and again at 2141 check, no signal from 
WTWW-1, in addition to nothing from WTWW-2 on 9930, WTWW-3 on 12105. 5085, Oct 
29 at 0127, however, WTWW-2 has come on for `Theatre Organ in the Ozarx`. 5085 
is still on with other music at 0326, and 5830 WTWW-1 is still AWOL (Glenn 

UNIDENTIFIED. 5935, Oct 28 at 2345, JBA carrier from possible R. Yura, much 
weaker than other Bolivians like S8 Pio 12 on 5952.48. Could be Tibet, but also 
weaker than more likely Tibetans on 4905, 4920; several much stronger Chinese 
on same band like 6080, 6090.

Noise burst jolts at 2348, probably from nearest street-light igniting a few 
minutes after our almost clear sky at 2339 sunset (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

This report dispatched at 0341 UT October 29
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