** ALGERIA [non]. 5905, Nov 4 at 2246, poor signal says ``Salaam Aleikum`` at 
tune-in, so probably Arabic. Now scheduled at 20-23 is the TDA relay via FRANCE 

** BRAZIL. 9664.066, Nov 5 at 0615, poor in Portuguese, current very variable 
frequency of R. Voz Missionária, and still an unID much weaker JBA carrier 
hetting from something else on 9665.00 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 6030.00, Nov 5 at 1407, S3 signal seems English as if a stand-up 
routine, but can`t be sure, S3 and no jamming; a bit later it`s peaking at S7 
along with a trace of jamming, but still unreadable and not positively comedic. 
Could also be AIR Delhi scheduled until 1430. Then there is a sesquihour break 
before Romania comes on 6030. Probably our best chance to hear CFVP in winter 
before 49m delves into midday absorption (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 9200, Nov 5 at 1330, CNR1 in Chinese opera during Sunday-night 
serious music show, // 6125, but 9200 is to jam totally unheard Sound of Hope 
as in A-17 Aoki with 1? kW transmitter. A much weaker carrier on 9100, now 
listed as Koreas` Echo of Hope rather than SOH (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CUBA. 11760, Sunday Nov 5 at 1430, RHC with 9:30 timecheck and news; 
confirming that as a Running Dog of Yanqui Imperialism, Cuba has also reset its 
clox ``en todo el territorio nacional`` to match the Miami Mafia, ex UT-4. Also 
means `En Contacto` starts an hour later now at 1435:30, introduced by our 
friend and announcer, Marta Ríos, then right over to scriptwriter Arnaldo Coro 
Antich on the lower-fi phoneline from home.

Arnie and RHC may not be making any delayed B-17 frequency changes for another 
week? But Spanish programming content shifts one UT hour later already, and 
*some* other languages also make usual shifts earlier or later, to be 
determined, starting with English expected at 20-21, ex-19-20 on 15140 (Glenn 

** CUBA [and non]. 13820, Nov 4 at 1805, R. Martí loud & clear, while 
wall-of-noise jamming remains on 13605, ex-frequency for A-17. After news, 
opening `Interferencia` show which nevertheless, is a worldwide top-10 pop 
music countdown, starting with #10, `Despacito`, English / Spanish version, 
introduced by a superhyper DJ. It`s beyond me how such overbearing nonsense may 
appeal to anyone. Drives me away.

7375, Nov 4 at 2242, R. Martí in clear on new frequency, while jamming remains 
on 7435. Changing 7 MHz frequencies almost every hour during evening must be 
new tactic to evade the jammers --- not difficult since they are asleep at the 
switches, slow to catch on to B-17 schedule which is no secret (Glenn Hauser, 

** INDIA. 7550, Nov 4 at 2215, S Asian music at S9-S8, no doubt AIR as only 
station scheduled, 1730-2230, 500 kW, 300 degrees from Bengaluru, including GOS 
in English at this hour, one of our best chances to hear it far beyond Europe 
target. Tried // 9445, which is same except 325 degrees, but too weak to match 

** JAPAN [and non]. 7410, Nov 5 at 1354, CRI in Japanese definitely has an 
understation maybe also Japanese, or Korean, as Shiokaze defeats itself by 
choosing this frequency again for the 13-14 UT broadcast, oblivious of CRI 
always using it. How long till the next QSY? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** MADAGASCAR. 17640, Nov 4 at 1802, African Pathways Radio via MWV, still 
bigsig from the opposite worldside, SSOB, sign-on schedule still includes ``8 
pm UTC on 17640``, despite that having vanished from the B-17 schedule, just 6 
pm = 1800. It doesn`t speak well for a station unable to convey its own info 
accurately; yet claiming to represent their omniscient infallible god (Glenn 

** NORTH AMERICA. 6940-USB, Nov 4 at 2141, music and swiftly ``Wolverine 
Radio`` ID, S8-S5. Uplooked later, one of these logs says it went off at 2229:

Not having seen that yet, 6940-USB, still going (presumably same station) at 
2244, and next check 2310, but off by 2322. No, that`s now Moonlight Radio, per:

** PERU. 5980, Nov 4 at 2331, no trace of AM carrier from R. Chaski amid the 
DRM noise from Romania, which so far has not been an obstacle. Maybe reset 
autocutoff earlier already than 2334+*, not propagating, or just off today. 
Further chex will show (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. 11815+, Nov 5 at 1432, Turkish song at S9+10/S9 with fast SAH from 
NHK co-channel, TRT Turkish service atop this time. Main lobe is 310 degrees 
USward, but could it also be longpath off the back? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U K. 15620, Nov 4 at 1757, song at S9-S7, stronger than 15610 WEWN; rudely 
chopped off in mid-song at 1759:35*. HFCC shows it is IBB=VOA Somali, 250 kW, 
126 degrees from Woofferton at 1600-1800 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 13483.5-USB, Nov 5 at 1600, much-publicized Interoperability exercise 
starts, and the world does not come to an end as Brother Scare would have us 
believe; never mind, move on to the next foolish prophecy! And your 
psychophants will keep lapping it up. 

Amid CODAR pulswishes, first station is AAM3, no location given, reading a 
script starting with ``Exercise`` thrice, and listing regional frequencies 
where this will really take place, all of which corresponding to so-called 
``60-meter`` discrete ham channels but which unlike regular hambands, are not 
off-limits to USG military/MARS stations. They are:

NE USA 5330.5; SE 5346.5; NW 5357; SW 5371.5; Central 5403.5. Reception reports 
are requested via http://www.usarmymars.org

This takes a little over a minute. Then same message is repeated by ``Desert 
Eagle``, except he is more formal uttering the term ``figure`` before numbers, 
and decimal instead of point. About 1603 there is a pause, probably for a third 
station I cannot hear to triplicate this. 1604, back to AAM3 again, with BTW, 
blaaps amid his speech. At 1607, another repeat by Desert Eagle, and again at 
1611. Cursory search leads to Desert Eagle at US Army MARS HQ, which I think 
means Fort Huachuca AZ. Someone guessed at last year`s test that AAM3 was in 

Meanwhile, quick chex of the five 5 MHz frequencies finds activity audible here 
only on the Central one, 5403.5-USB: at 1605 Nov 5, AAR6ES is NCS, taking a 
report from KW5JP for Parker County TX. They also exchange zip codes: 75473 for 
AAR6ES, which is Powderly TX amid the Camp Maxey Military Reservation, and 
where is that? Just north of Paris, almost in OK. KW5JP is in zip 76086, which 
is Weatherford. Talkovers occur from other over-eager contactors. 

5403.5-USB, at 1608 Nov 5, W5WI from Taylor County TX, 79562, reports all is 
normal including ``sewer water, academia``, etc.! That`s Tuscola, south of 
Abilene. At 1615, about Johnson County, Ohio, except there isn`t one. 
Apparently misunderstood for Iowa, = Iowa City, but the zip code mentioned, 
19103 goes to Philadelphia PA! While Iowa City is 52240.

At 1616, KD0OXA calls in from Saline County Emergency Management, Salina KS 
67401, ``all nominal and normal``, etc., etc. KD0OXA likes omega as his fonetik 
for O. 

With 3100+ counties or equivalents to check in, I suppose this exercise3 could 
go on all day/night (Glenn Hauser, OK DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1902 monitoring: confirmed Saturday November 
4 at 2130 on WBCQ, 9331.495v-CUSB, S9-S6 (from next week, Saturday-only time 
will be 2230). Also confirmed Sat Nov 4 at 2300 on WRMI 11580, S9+10/20, but 
introduced by a few notes of the Family Radio IS before switching to WOR! I 
think this has happened before, auto-programmed into this airing. Not // any of 
the other frequencies. 

Repeat three hours later at 0200 UT Sunday Nov 5 on 11580: has faded to JBA so 
can`t confirm for sure; meanwhile WS is fair on unscheduled 9455. WOR confirmed 
UT Sun Nov 5 at 0328 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM, MO, at 18 minutes into show, so 
started early circa 0310 (one hour-v later from next week). Manuel Méndez, 
Spain reports: ``9485, Hamburger Lokalradio, Göhren, Germany, 9485, 1130-1200, 
05-11, Glenn Hauser’s program "World of Radio". 35433``. Next:

Mon 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0400v  WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Tue 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030   WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 2030   WRMI 11580 to NE, 9455 to WNW, 7780?? to NE

** U S A. 7780 // 9395 // 9455, Sunday Nov 5 at 1325 check, WRMI with Oldies, 
``Penny Lane``, during time which had been a secret airing of AWR Wavescan. 
That has now moved a UT hour later as heard after 1400 on the three. So there 
will be further confusion about schedule changes concerning the Oldies channels 
and their opt-outs. WS also heard at unscheduled time of 0200 UT Sunday Nov 5 
on 9455. Our DX/SWL/Media Programs will soon need an updated version.

9955 is confirmed as having shifted all programming one UT hour later to 
pretend to stay at the same Eastern time: Sunday Nov 5 at 1401, the 
Japo-Mississippian gospel huxtress with her distinctive accent on `Living the 
Bible`, formerly at 1300 UT. 

So now the midday BS on 9955 does not start until 1500. Since they are not 
clearly delineated on the WRMI skedgrid, exactly when 9455 duplicates 9955 and 
when other frequencies, will also have to be remonitored. The still-silent 
15770 on the skedgrid really means 9455, which was already // at 21-22 (Glenn 

** U S A. 5830, Nov 5 at 0620-0621+, dead air from dead PPP on SFAW via WTWW-1. 
What a waste? really no more a waste than when it is modulating (Glenn Hauser, 

** U S A. 5810, Nov 5 at 1414, WEWN Spanish in song with modulation breakup. As 
usual, far from perfexion (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 1842 UT November 5
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