** ALASKA [non]. 9600, Nov 19 at 0253, New Life Station is wrapping up English 
hour via MADAGASCAR with schedule: on 7370 at 08, 10 and 12; 7355 at 14 (which 
are really KNLS, the last one clashing with NZ); and 9600 at 02, 15560 at 03 
which are really MWV; poor-fair, S4-S7. (The other English hours from MWV are 
African Pathways Radio, 11825 at 04, 17640 at 18 & 20) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** BOTSWANA. 4930, Nov 19 at 0228, music at S5-S7 where normally there is 
nothing. VOA should start at 0300, as confirmed by HFCC: ``4930 0300 0600 53,57 
BOT 100 20 0 750 1234567 291017 240318 D 4930 Eng BOT IBB IBB 376`` At 0230 
quick announcement by YL DJ, sounds like Hyper Heather, but presumably not 
Music Time in Africa. So why is BOT relay on this early? Even in easternmost 
Africa it`s before 6 am local. Of course, possibly it could be some other IBB 
site for this pre-hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** BOTSWANA. 9825, Nov 19 at 0251, S7-S4 open carrier; presumably IBB warming 
up for 0300-0330 Arabic, despite CRI Chinese via Kashgar scheduled until 0300 
but inaudible here. As Aoki/NDXC clarifies, but not HFCC, it`s really the Hello 
Darfur service (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 6935.20-LSB, Nov 19 at 0217, JBA sounds Brazuguese; then cuts on and 
off a much stronger speaker surely in Brazuguese, a pirate net? Here is a 
similar log from Sept 27 in the HFU Peskie sexion:
In this entire board could also be found some like the unID 2-ways in Spanish 
INTRUDERS I have been catching (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHILE. 6964.89, Nov 19 at 0214, JBA carrier with talk. No logs of it on HF 
Underground N American board. 

How about Latin American pirates; were, but moved to Peskies, here:

Chris Smolinski in Maryland has been tracking this since October 26, and here`s 
one reply, from FFM: ``«Reply #6 on: November 16, 2017, 0115 UTC» I've 
published some posts about they before, they are chileans form Coquimbo region 
in the north of Chile`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [non]. 7340, Nov 19 at 0245, violin concerto, surely not RHC ---- no, 
this frequency is now Romania, // 5910. In fact, had almost overlooked the fact 
that 7340 has been totally deleted from the new RHC B-17 schedule in effect 
less than a week. 

It was a surprise when Arnie activated an Habana 40-m frequency for the first 
time in A-17, contrary to his holier-than-thou stance about out-of-band 
broadcasting. Now he`s holier again since this is a fixed, not broadcast band, 
despite being dominated by many other broadcasters and not just yanquis. 
Considering how 11 and 9 MHz fade out at night, it could be quite useful (Glenn 

** GUATEMALA. 4055, UT Sun Nov 19 at 0221, Radio Verdad with very familiar 
voices, my old colleagues at Radio Nederland, Jaime Báguena y Alfonso 
Montealegre talking about the history of Philips Electronix, and them Marconi. 
Maybe from an old `Radio Enlace`, contained in a current DX program. Which has 
yet to appear on the RV program sked:

Showing at 0200-0230 GMT Sábado - meaning UT Sunday, ``Club de la Amistad y 
Filatélico``. This page is © 2009, and would not be surprised if never updated 
since. Now it`s `Antena DX` from Panamá:

``Radio Verdad 4055 SW en Guatemala - Los sábados a las 8:00 PM hora de 
Guatemala, Domingos 02:00 UTC www.radioverdad.org`` according to:
which is also on WRMI and WBCQ (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6950.56, Nov 19 at 0242, pirate music, very poor. These for 
6950.5 say it was Captain Morgan Shortwave until 0303*:

** NORTH AMERICA. 6770, Nov 19 at 0241, very poor Old Time Radio pirate. 
Usually it`s a JBA carrier at best, but sometimes can sound like OTR, with 
audience applause, laughter; from some secret radio museum (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** OKLAHOMA. 3270.3v, Nov 19 at 0232, the NRD-545 has one of numerous weak 
birdies, distinct from real carriers since they are always very slowly varying 
up or down, sometimes crossing/QRMing real DX. I had started calling these 
NRDies, but they are really caused by the Wellbrook antenna, since they 
disappear if I switch to the longwire (even tho the WB is still active and 
connected to the radio). My apology for misblaming JRC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** OKLAHOMA [non]. Just heard from James Branum about `Broad Spectrum Radio` 
scheduling: for now it is monthly and the next set will be December 10-16 at 
the same times as in November (tho there could be some repeats Mon 07-08 on 
WRMI 5850, 7730) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 5850, Nov 19 at 0235, tuning across WRMIBS, The 
OvermoleStair`s current idée fixe is needing 45 kilobux by next Tuesday to pay 
for uplinx to 4 satellites from Israel; ``I don`t like to ask for money at 
all`` --- coulda fooled me. GWBD (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1904 monitoring: barely audible but confirmed at 0212 
Nov 19, the 0200 UT Sunday on WRMI 11580 --- as usually now the case this long 
after dark in Okee. All programs on this frequency could benefit by being moved 
to a lower band after sunset for duration of winter. Also confirmed on WA0RCR, 
1860-AM, Wentzville MO, good S9+20, UT Sunday November 19 at 0421, 11 minutes 
into show, so started circa 0410. Next:
Sun 1130   HLR  9485-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW [maybe]
Mon 0400v  WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Tue 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW [maybe]
Tue 0030   WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 2030   WRMI 11580 to NE, 9455 to WNW, 7780 to NE [or #1905?]

** U S A. 5985, UT Sunday Nov 19 at 0238, WRMI with AWR `Wavescan` about KDKA, 
so yet another time for the program which is *not* on their schedule, instead 
0230-0300 on 5985 is blank except for `Wlkng Power` UT Mondays. Are there 
somethings Tue-Sat too during this semi-hour? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. Re: my 1510 log Nov 18 afternoon, Greg Hardison replies:
``Glenn: -- That Texas Superfoods spot is playing nationwide; we hear plenty of 
it out here with the Dallas QTH. The only Rush-head I know for sure on 1510 is 
WLAC. D'ya think.......? 73z -- GREG HARDISON``

Hi Greg, WLAC did cross my mind, and Rush is sked there on Saturday afternoons, 
but he is also on KNNS per NRC AM Log and their website, tho no program sked. I 
would really expect to hear KNNS at edge of groundwave around here. There was 
QRM, and Childress could make it too, but maybe all the items I cited were from 

UNIDENTIFIED. 7470, Nov 19 at 0248, something here, VP S4 carrier; could it be 
anti-Christ pro-Yahweh pirate, Station YHWH? Cannot detect the dulcet tones of 
Josiah, but this was his last favorite frequency, not heard since Oct 14, and 
nothing else is scheduled here (except 22-24 UT, IBB Bod-Tibetan via 
Tajikistan) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0554 UT November 19
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