Re 6090 kHz, 23.45 - 00.15 UT, Dec 5 / 6.

ANGUILLA   6090.002  Caribbean Beacon undoubtedly, heard on remote SDR at
Florida state eastern NoAM coast, at 00.06 UT on Dec 6.

Full power S=9+30dB or -47dBm proper, 11.8 kHz wideband audio outlet.

Male prayer on Aids illness. But audio accompanied by own main power buzz
peaks on 60, 120, 180, 240, and 300 Hertz buzz, visible either sideband.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 6)

MEXICO  6184.996 unstable little, wandered downwards for example to x.995
and back around 23.45 UT on Dec 5.

XEPPM Radio Educación. Program of typical national Mariachi music played
til 23.59 UT.

S=9+5dB or -69dBm signal noted in FL-US state remote SDR.
At 00.00 UT stn ID and Mexican National Hymn played,
and sung by school pupil chorus at 00.00-00.03 UT and
full ID mentioned again also shortwave, at 00.04 UT.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 5 / 6)

btw. on few recipients, QSL cards from Caribbean Beacon Anguilla received on this week in Austria and Germany and other European countries ... issued on reception confirmation between 2009 and 2014 year ...

Meine QSL hat von 2009 bis 2011 - also 2 Jahre gedauert bis ich sie
bekam. Scheint dort üblich sein, mit oder ohne Hurricane.

Am 05.12.2017 um 10:19 schrieb W.G:
Auch hier im Tiroler Mittelgebirge traf (gestern) eine späte QSL-Karte
(wunderschön handgeschrieben, und garantiert NICHT virtuell) ein.

Der RR war vom Februar 2014, von der Frequenz 6.090 kHz.

Man betonte die -relative- Wichtigkeit der RRs, auf die Zerstörung der
Sendeantenne wurde kein Bezug genommen, es gab somit auch keinen
indirekten Spendenaufruf.

Wie dem auch sei, meine Freude ist beträchtlich, hatte auch mit dieser
QSL in keiner Weise mehr gerechnet.


From: "Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX"
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2017 4:08 AM
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs December 3-4-5, 2017

ANGUILLA [non?]. 6090, Dec 5 at 0140, Caribbean Beacon appears to be back;
at least Dead Gene Scott is on here and \\ almost synchronized with 5935
WWCR. On the PL-880 signal meter they are about equal, but more fading on
6090; on the R-75, 6090 seems quite a bit weaker. Tnx to tip from Don Hosmer
in MI, to the DXLD yg earlier:

"I have been listening to Pastor Melissa Scott preaching on 6090 kHz since
2225 UT 12/04. Her long sermon ended at 2307. Then some music, a phone
number and then archived Gene Scott started at 2310. Then another request
for reservations for upcoming Sunday service at 2312. More music and then
more old Gene Scott ramblings.

No ID heard [there were NEVER any local Anguilla/CB IDs gh]. Checked FCC HF
listings and no USA based station has this freq registered for this Winter
season. I heard Anguilla site was destroyed. If this isn't the Anguilla
transmitter, where is it coming from? 73, Don Hosmer W8SWL, West Branch MI
USA, CommRadio Cr-1a with 102' G5RV dipole, Post at 2316 UTC 12/04/2017"

This time we shall see if the reactivation stix, also day frequency 11775,
former switchover times being 1000/2200 UT. Previously these have come back
on about once a month for a day or two, then gone again, impossible if the
Anguilla station was "destroyed" as per a recent QSL we quoted.

Per the DXLD archives, the last active dates were Oct 31-Nov 1; and Sept 24,
the first time since Irma about 5-week intervals. If only we could determine
exactly whence the 6090 and expected 11775 signal come from. If it was and
is "destroyed", they have to be from somewhere else. TUN could be hiring
time on some other station just to maintain occasional occupancy of the
frequencies. There were already some other stations on them, notably
Ethiopia and Nigeria on 6090 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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