Log of remote SDR unit in eastern Thai-Cambodian border area:

re 4920 kHz, Xizang Tibetan from Lhasa,
at 0000 UT no buzz at all, heard in eastern Thailand, exact on 4920 kHz.

4010.223 KGZ  Kyrgyz Radio Bishkek, empty carrier 23.55 UT at S=7 signal,
        music program on air, when tuned-in again at 0005 UT Jan 6.

4875.253 BRA  R Roraima Boa Vista nice S=5 propagating level, 2357 UT.

4949.730 AGL  R Nacional AGL Mulenvos, S=6 at 0003 UT. Easy listening
        music program.

Tonight poor signals from Myanmar on short skip zone in eastern Thailand:
5914.988 MMR  Myanmar Radio Nay Pyi Taw, S=6 at 0010 UT.
5984.998 MMR  Myanmar Radio Yangon, Burmese, S=8-9, hit heavy by 5980even
        RRI Bucharest Galbeni in Spanish, broadband 9.6 kHz wide,
        phone-in smaller 7.4 kHz wide signal modulation. S=9+30dB power
6029.999 MMW  Thazin program tentat. same level at 0033 UT.

5960.018 TUR  TRT Emirler in Deutsch ! German program repeat of New Year
        night program. Scheduled English program ended at 2355 UT,
        but on feed line from Broadcasting House still the German sce.
        500 kW S=9+25dB powerhouse signal in THA/CBG border. 0020 UT

6129.971 LAO  National Lao sce from Vietiane, S=5-6 short skip zone
        signal, hit by stronger CHN Lhasa Tibetan program on even 6130 kHz

6020even ALB  Reported in Nov and Dec 2017 already,
        distorted COMBINED signal of 2 x 150 kW transmitters at Cerrik
        Albania, European relay site of CRI organization.
        Screenshot show two different audio wide signals
        stronger signal is 10 kHz wide, but same Program in English
        heard/seen also 20 kHz wideband signal. Vienna Waltz music totally
        distorted each other, signal loss heard at 0041 UT on Jan 6.

7519.994 IND  AIR Khampur in Urdu, tiny signal in THA at 0046 UT.

7480even TJK/UAE?  some much distorted audio signal noted already at 0048 UT
        maybe rather CNR jamming buzz signal against RFA Uyghur at 01-20 UT
        19 x 100 Hertz apart distance BUZZ signal strings visible.
        S=9 in eastern Thailand. Some new kind of China mainland noise

7445even UK   BBC Woofferton in Dari, excellent quality signal, S=9+10dB
        at 0053 UT.

7435even USA R Marti Greenville NC, nice dark path propagation into Thailand
        S=9+10dB at 0056 UT, no Cuban jamming heard in South East Asia
        though. \\ same signal strength 7365 kHz here in Asia.

7380.058 IND  Very fq odd signal from Kingsway, at 0057 UT AIR string /
        flute instrument interval signal played already.
        S=7-8 into Thailand SoEaAS Sindhi language male anncr at 0100 UT.

9450even CHN  Heavy CNR1 jamming of 20 kHz wideband signal against
        RFA Uyghur Kuwait underneath, 0118 UT Jan 6. S=9+30dB powerful.
!!  but much different cold war fight on  !!
9700even KWT  RFA Uyghur is ahead of CHN jamming with S=9+30dB signal
        at 0122 UT on Jan 6.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 6)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ron Howard ron888how...@gmail.com [dxld]" <d...@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2018 8:43 PM
Subject: [dxld] Ron's logs

INDIA. 4920, AIR Chennai, 1600, Jan 3. What is happening here?
Recently hearing strong buzzing sound (assume a problem with
transmitter, but which one - India or Tibet?). Also noted strong buzzing
sound here on Jan 5, at 0109 and later at 1437.

7505.47, off frequency AIR, via New Delhi (Kingsway), 0216, on
Jan 5. Nice subcontinent music; my local sunset was at 0105 UT,
while Delhi sunrise was at 0145 UT. Of course this reception possible
with the absence of WRNO (USA). Last Jan also noted AIR here, but
was on 7505.0 and again with WRNO silent back then.
(Ron Howard,Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldygvia dxld)

MYANMAR. 5985, Myanmar Radio, 1231-1238, on Wednesday, Jan 3.
Language lesson "Say It In English"; "How do I pronounce this word?"
"How do I say that?"; more dialog with Tom and his aunt Jennifer; not as
readable as usual. Repeat of Monday's show.

Wednesday's (Jan 3) VOA program "The Benefits of Baby Talk," at 1542;
was a repeat of last Wednesday's show.

5985, on Thursday, Jan 4, with NHK's production of "Friends Around
the World," being a repeat of their Sept 24 show, with interview of
storyteller John Kilaka (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón
E1, antenna: 100' long wire, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

TIBET. Xizang PBS via Lhasa, 1600+, Jan 3. Thanks to Richard
Langley for providing complete list of all the frequencies for the "Holy
Tibet" program in English; intro for "China Tibet Broadcasting":

4920 - recently with strong buzzing sound (assume a problem with
transmitter, but which one - India or Tibet?). Also noted strong buzzing
sound here on Jan 5, at 0109 and later at 1437.
(Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, antenna: 100' long wire,

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