----- Original Message ----- From: "Glenn Hauser wghau...@yahoo.com [dxld]" Sent: Thursday, January 11,
2018 3:45 Subject: [dxld] Glenn Hauser logs January 8-9-10-11, 2018

CUBA. 6000 // much weaker 11950, Jan 11 at 0001, S9+10 of dead air from RHC;
finally at 0002 fades in undermodulated audio opening `Mesa Redonda` TV
soundtrack. Something`s always wrong at RHC.
[...]  (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Morning Cuban radio on 60 mb,
something always wrong:

5025even frequency
R Rebelde Bauta site, VERY LOW only 10% modulation, at 0611 UT
S=9+15dB though in nearby Florida remote loaction, on Jan 11.

- - -

U S A. WRMI is operating at only about 30% capacity, since the deletion
of Brother Stair. That`s the figure I compute after adding up all the
white-space hours for the 14 transmitters on the skedgrid at
http://www.tinyurl.com/WRMIfqs (Others please feel free to cite this compact
link I created months ago rather than the extremely complex googledocs URL.
Also the 9955 program schedule: http://www.tinyurl.com/WRMI9955 is

Only two transmitters are full-time (9395 & 9455); three are completely
silent; five are used less than 5 hours a day. What a tremendous opportunity
to broadcast worthwhile programming to North America and the world, such as
more relays of foreign stations, BBCWS! Radio Australia! Public radio
programming! Even a classical music channel! That would be available free
from WCPE, for example. But of course someone has to pay the bills and make
a decent profit for WRMI.

9395, Jan 8 at 2240, not `The Power Hour` but Oldies; 9455 with `La Rosa de
Tokio` as sked // 9955 during this lunes hour.

See also ARGENTINA [non]. Jan 10 at 2100 after still lacking RAE relays,
9395 opens GCN // 7780 for `The Power Hour`, and 9455 starts `FG Radio` from
Cyprus, opening story about a Berlin-Cyprus flight aborted.

9395 RMI much fluttery signal in FL-US state, S=6-7, also S=6-7 in Alberta
Canada remote SDR. Singer group at 0559 UT. guitar rock music performance at
0557 UT.

5985 nothing 0601 UT.
7570 nothing 0604 UT.
9955 nothing 0607 UT.
9455 at 0608 UT, only poor S=4 in Florida.
    in Edmonton, Alberta-CAN S=5 poor.
    (ATT off, BEST signal - switched on various ant selection).
    Singer group performance. \\ same on
9395 S=6 little stronger than 9455 kHz. at 0608 UT.

- - -

U S A. 9330v-CUSB, Jan 10 at 0700, WBCQ music is audible under the Cuban
numbers station, so much stronger I can`t be sure of WBCQ offset, but maybe
circa 9329.9. WBCQ had been unheard for several days at various day and
night chex, 9330 presumably suspended due to heavy weather in Maine? 9330
WBCQ is still/again audible Jan 10 at 1902, but as usually the case, off or
at least inaudible by WOR time at 0030 Jan 11 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF
RADIO 1912, dxld) This report dispatched at 0246 UT January 11

9329.661 exact measured in CUSB mode, WBCQ S=6 in Florida post.

Others this Jan 11:
5910v nothing, HJDH Alcavaran Radio, Puerto Lleras,
6010v nothing, HJDH La Voz de tu Conciencia Puerto Lleras.

but co-channel Brazilian ZYE21 R Inconfidencia Belo Horizonte MG, 0612 UT
6011.777 kHz very odd fq this morning, but stronger signal now, extreme !

5939.805 BRAzilian chorus Greensleeves, til 0614 UT, S=7-8 in Alberta CAN

6040.675 BRAzilian R Evangelizar Curitiba at 0621 UT, noisy tiny S=4-5.

6059.832 BRAzilian SRDA at 0624 UT Jan 11, S=5 only.

5970even WEWN EWTN S=9+15dB in Alberta remote.
        Spanish language singer at 0617 UT, 12 kHz wideband signal block

only typical winter path reception in CAN/USA on Jan 11:
7520 ARM Denge Kurdish program backlobe via Artic path
        into Alberta Canada, S=8 at 0630 UT on Jan 11.

9700.018 TUR TRT Emirler in Turkish language, at 0633 UT Turkish program
        heard in Canada.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX Topnews Jan 11)
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