5950 USA IBC (via WRMI) 0131 M anncr in accented EG w/ment of upcoming features, ment of www.dxfanzine.com, DX pgm of MW and SW loggings 0133-0142, IBC singing jingle, SP ID by M, then 425 DX News segment past 0148. Good signal w/some QSB. (Valko 13 Jan.)

9550.05 BRAZIL Super R. Boa Vontade PT tlk by W in PT at 0940, // 6160.02 which was very poor. This freq better. I believe this was the first time I’ve been able to // these freqs. (Valko 13 Jan.)

4989.98 ASURINAM R. Apintie 0949 M tlk in Sranan Tongo w/ments of September and Pakistani. Nice peaks at 0950:10 and 0950:50. Into canned anmnts/ads at 0952, 1 w/M shouting, and ID by M at 0953:05. 0954 people singing/shouting in unison like girls jumping rope. Faded and was very weak but got a “R. Apintie, the happy station” ID by W at 0955. 1004 apparent nx sponsor ad, then M w/nx. Still had some audio at 1050 recheck. (Valko 13 Jan.)

11735 ZANZIBAR ZBC 1805-1905 live coverage of the Mapinduzi Cup final between URA from Uganda and AZAM FC from Tanzania w/M anncr doing the play-by-play and screaming on occas. when the action got intense. There were a few breaks when they cut into Afro Pop mx. AZAM FC won 4-3. (Valko 13 Jan.)

6049.98 LIBERIA ELWA 2150 lcl rel. tlk/phone-in pgm in EG. 2200 M w/simply short “This is ELWA” ID, then into next EG rel. pgm from World Christian ??, and blasted by 6040 WHRI slop QRM. 2230 live M anncr w/another ID “You’re listening to ELWA…transmission…night…”, instru. NA, and off at 2232:07. Getting QRM from HCJB as well by s/off. (Valko 13 Jan.)

6150 GERMANY The Mighty KBC 0019 tlk abt writing of “Telstar”, then ID singing jingle, M w/song anmnt, and into “You Can Drive My Car” by The Beatles. Very strong and clear of course. (Valko 14 Jan.)

5914.99 ZAMBIA ZNBC/R. One 0338- live studio M and W pgm hosts w/chatter and taking phone calls. 0359 marvelous Fish Eagle mixed w/fanfare, then quick ID by W and pres. nx. 0403 Rooster crowing (which may have been the actual start of the next song) and into Afro Pop mx. More of the tlk show at 0405 to at least 0419. Not that bad of a signal and nice of 5920 WHRI to stay off. (Valko 14 Jan.)

3310 BOLIVIA R. Mosoj Chaski 0959 Quechua tlk by M anncr including a nice ID, then into instru. Andean mx. 1001 W anncr briefly more CP vcl mx. Fair signal. (Valko 14 Jan.)

11895.06 BRAZIL Super R. Boa Vontade 1012-1032 rel. tlk by W pgm host in PT w/ID at 1016. Ments of Gloria, Jesus, Jesus Cristo, esparto Santo, amor. 1027 canned anmnt by M and W w/ment of “Bible ??” and contact info. 1029 W w/ment of “oficial do Brasil” and Sao Paulo. Then rel vcl song 1029-1033. 1035 ID by little girl and then by same W. M anncr continued the pgm then to at least 1045, but was fading badly then. Seemed to peak around 1020-1025. No //’s found. Nothing on any of the freqs on any web rxs from Brazil either. This freq best hrd in a while. (Valko 14 Jan.)

4747.58 PERU R. Huanta 2000 (pres.) 2350 sounded like an ad block, OA camposina mx. What sounded like a ment of Huanta (twice) and Peru in the first canned anmnt in an ad/promo block 0004-0007. Back to camposina mx. Went off abruptly in mid-song at 0009:44. Horrendous CODAR QRM. Almost certain I could have IDed it if not for the CODAR. First hrd here on the 12th. (Valko 14-15 Jan.)

5055 AUSTRALIA 4KZ (pres.) 1259-1310 getting bits of M tlk a few times and mx on very short peaks of a no more than 1.5 seconds. Fading. Still barely visible in the Perseus display at 1438. Wish I would have been on freq earlier at my lcl sunrise. (Valko 15 Jan.)

Perseus with Wellbrook ALA1530S loop antenna


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA
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