** BRAZIL. 11854.792v, March 17 at 0250, R. Aparecida, S6-S9 Portuguese talk. I 
haven`t measured this one in some time, never right on 11855.000 but had 
recently been closer, I think (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 15370, March 17 at 1417, again no spurs all over the 19mb detected 
from RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


** U S A. 15580, Friday March 16 at 2105, after news not via WRMI, VOA with 
`Afropop Worldwide` as always hostessed by Hyper Heather --- great music, tho, 
and great signal thanks to Greenville on this frequency only during this hour. 
May be benefiting from some sporadic E boost now. Enjoy it while we can, as 
from A-18 this frequency will be only via Botswana in our afternoons. Of 
course, in the skip zone from GB, that could be an improvement in eastern North 
America. Friday 2105-2200 is a secret airing of APWW, at least secret to 
Heather who never mentions it when giving the program times at endofshow. HFCC 
A-18 schedule shows the only possible English from GB will be 17530 at 
1700-1830, which is mainly in Shona/Ndebele for `Studio 7` to Zimbabwe (Glenn 

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1921 monitoring: confirmed Friday March 16  
at 2330 on WBCQ, 9330.1v-CUSB, fair.

Not confirmed, Sat March 17, 1531-1600 on Hamburger Lokalradio, 6190-CUSB via 
UTwente SDR: not even a trace of the WOR theme at 1531, nor anything in further 
chex, just the two ChiComs rather weakly mixing, including language lesson at 
1554. Not until March 31 will this WOR airing change to 1431 UT, but will it 
also revert to 7265-CUSB? HFCC A-18 shows 6190 available 24 hours, 7265 between 
05 and 17. Next:
Sat 1930v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sat 2130   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Sat 2300   WRMI 7780 to NE
Sun 0200   WRMI 7780 to NE
Sun 0310v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sun 1130   HLR 9485-CUSB to WSW
Sun 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0300v  WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0330   WRMI 9955 to SSE [no longer // 9455]
Mon 2330   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030   WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 2030   WRMI 7780 to NE, 9455 to WNW [or #1922?]
Tue 2130   WRMI 7780 to NE, 9455 to WNW [or #1922?]

Full WOR schedule via all media, podcast access:

** U S A. 9455 // 9955, March 17 at 0252, R. Eslovaquia Internacional via WRMI 
on both at equal levels, good S9+10. It is interesting to observe how widely 
variable are the signals on these two at different times, not always equal 

Current skedgrid shows 9455 duplicates 9955 at these hours: 02-03, 11-14, 
22-23. See the 9955 sked at http://www.tinyurl.com/WRMI9955 for what programs 
get to be on both: At 02-03 it`s hardly anything but Praga and Bratislava in 
Spanish. 13-14 & 22-23 include some media shows (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 7490+v: Tnx to WBCQ being beholden to DST clox, it now makes 
`Behaviour Night` compete with VOA`s `Afropop Worldwide` [q.v.] during this 
same real hour, Friday 2100-2200 on 15580 Greenville. I try 7490 too, but 
reception is already too noisy, so far into the dayside. At this distance, we 
may not expect good reception again until November when it revert to 2200-2300 
UT, and also after sunset.

It`s too bad that excellent shows like this will not be put on the 500 kW 
transmitter. Maybe at least profits from that enterprise will allow incremental 
improvements to the other outlets? Or there may not be any profits, if it`s 
simply in service of whatever religious broadcaster is funding it. And since 
that will obviously come out when it`s all done, why keep it secret now? (Glenn 

** U S A. (7490), UT Sat March 17 from 0000, WBCQ webcast starts with almost 
dead air, but some talking I can`t make out, before `Allan Weiner Worldwide` 
``William Tell Overture`` theme starts. This usually happens, I suppose a delay 
imposed by  switching/cuing to Studio 9 feed from Deland of Fla. Allan starts 
by railing against midgets, huh?? Over to John Carver for the rest of the story:

``Listening on 5130 this evening. Theme music started about twenty seconds 
late. Over the theme music Allan's words for the week were such things as 
munchkins, midgets and dingbats. In studio 9 in FLA with Angela, Allan is 
outraged over a magazine article stating that midgets molested Judy Garland 
during the filming of the Wizard of Oz. Says it has made it impossible for him 
to ever enjoy watching the movie again. Blames it on the dingbats who want to 
besmirch everything in this country's past including the founding fathers, the 
civil war, TV and movie stars of today. Said they referred to the founding 
fathers as oversexed slave owners. He stated that the movie was a classic, an 
icon. Related the story about the first time he saw the movie on TV when he was 
young. He wonders when they're going to attack Gone With the Wind.

He announced that the station is out of money again and that donations are 
down. Says he has had to cancel the snow removal at the station as the guys 
running the plows keep raising their rates. Told Tom at the station to dig 
himself out as there will be no more snow plowing this year at the station. 
Commented that the snowfall is fifty-eight inches over last year's snow.

In a surprise statement, he referred to Angela as his beautiful mate instead of 
beautiful girlfriend.

Started reading of older emails at 0027. Read messages about the death of an AM 
station, news that Gates is ceasing production of AM transmitters and that 
iHeart Media has filed for bankruptcy.

After that, Allan announced that he's been granted a permit for an FM 
translator for his AM station along with descriptions of the AM and FM services 
he offers to the local area.

Reading of current emails began at 0055. Quick prayer at 0058. No phone calls 
this evening and program was off the air at 0100. John Mid-North Indiana`` 

** U S A. 690, March 17 at 0559 UT, dominant KGGF KS is still going, having 
abandoned its ~midnight signoff a few years ago; but fails to legal ID in the 
10 second hole before 0600 UT, during which tnx to its dead air, I can clearly 
hear legal ID from the otherwise understation: ``KTSM, El Paso, is NewsRadio 
690``. NRC AM Log says ``NewsTalk 690``; I suppose they could utter either 
informally. Of course, a few years ago, El Pasoans on 690 and 1380 exchanged 
stations with KHEY ending on the less desirable upper. KTSM is 10/10 kW U4; and 
the NRC Pattern Book as of 7/15/2013 showed 690 night pattern going strictly to 
the SSW! I am checking what`s on 690 after detecting a JBA carrier on 3 x 690 = 

** U S A. 770, March 17 at 0605 UT, ``WABC Radio, New York, thanks for tuning 
in``, talk about Irish stuff for SP Day. Well, thanks for coming in! Not an 
easy catch out here 1300+ miles away from NJ, where we are at least as likely 
to hear night remnants of KKOB/KKOB. Has some IBOC noise from 780 WBBM, even 
here from its peak at 767. I switch between LSB and USB and get clearer 
reception on one or the other. I wonder if someother 770 is USB or LSB only? 

** U S A. 1130, March 17 at 1650 UT check, it`s another SNAFU day for KLEY, 
Wellington KS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search. March 17 from 0600, I first 
notice hets/carriers on 621, 711, 774, encouraging me to scan the whole band at 
9-kHz offset intervals, starting at 0608:
549, 558, 567, 585, 603, 621, 639, 657, 666, 684 vs WSCR IBOC, 711,  747, 774* 
stronger, 783, 801, 855, 873, 882, 936(2), 1017, 1098, 1116, 1125, 1152 --- and 
I fall asleep, as later discovered (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 2070, March 17 at 0556 UT, JBA carrier barely above noise level. 
Seems to be real as still there with preamps off. Could be 3 x something from 
690. But off at 0557 UT. Could it be a station signing off around local 
midnight in the MDT zone? As with most frequencies, NRC AM Log shows everything 
on 690 either 24 hours or daytimer.

Mexicans are a different story. IRCA Log showed one match, XERG in Monterrey NL 
on a 1200-0600 UT schedule (and Mont`y is still on CST of UT-6 according to 
timeanddate.com, unlike ``northern NL`` --- but what does that mean? NL has 
only a few miles of border with USA/TX, unlike Tamaulipas and Coahuila whose 
border towns go along with USA DST calendar; NL includes a spur highway, just 
upriver from Nuevo Laredo). 

IRCA Log is now at least 3 years old; we keep hoping for a new edition, but 
apparently delayed by trying to keep up with all the XEs which have closed down 
their MW. It had 8 XEs on 690, as did the final CantĂș as of Feb 2015. Now, the 
WRTH 2018 lists *only 2*, XEN and XERG, but no attempt at schedule info in the 
by-frequency list; however, the NL04 station linked shows 12-07 UT (Glenn 

This report despatched at 1702 UT March 17
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