** GUATEMALA [non]. Okie Catholix are all excited because one of their own, undoubtedly a good man, is on track to sainthood, which ordinary Protestants cannot achieve. I normally would not cover such extraneous activities, but this is relevant because Blessèd Stanley Rother founded and ran the almost-SW station many of us heard, La Voz de Atitlán, 2390 kHz. I also visited the vacated building a few years after it had ceased to exist. Here`s the latest in a long series of items from our local paper; his backstory is told over and over:

Almost SW? I always considered 2390 to be well in the SW bands as it was >1800 kHz? Has the line been moved?


From: "Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX" <hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com>
Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2018 4:40 PM
To: <w...@groups.io>
Cc: <s...@mailman.qth.net>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 27-28, 2018

** CUBA. 15140, July 27 at 1747, once again I check RHC at this hour and find frequency on despite schedule, // 11760 Spanish; something`s always wrong? at RHC. 1754 startled to hear RHC ID in Esperanto --- listening closely, only amid a feature in Spanish about Esperantism. A congreso pending?

15140, July 28 at 1706, once again 15140 is running RHC Spanish, S9-S7 but squealy, unlike // 11760 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 13700 & 13740, July 28 at 1347, RHC AWOL from both 22mb frequencies, not due to propagation, since 15230 is audible, the SSOB and almost the OSOB on 19m. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUATEMALA [non]. Okie Catholix are all excited because one of their own, undoubtedly a good man, is on track to sainthood, which ordinary Protestants cannot achieve. I normally would not cover such extraneous activities, but this is relevant because Blessèd Stanley Rother founded and ran the almost-SW station many of us heard, La Voz de Atitlán, 2390 kHz. I also visited the vacated building a few years after it had ceased to exist. Here`s the latest in a long series of items from our local paper; his backstory is told over and over:


OKARCHE, Okla. — Catholics across Oklahoma, Arkansas and Guatemala will celebrate Saturday [July 28] the first feast day for Stanley Rother, a priest from Okarche who was killed in 1981 while serving as a missionary in Guatemala.

Last September, Rother became the first U.S.-born priest and first U.S. martyr to be beatified — a crucial step toward canonization as a saint, and a status in Catholicism honored with a feast day and the title "blessed."

"A feast day is a day designated by the Catholic Church to honor saints and blesseds," according to a press release from the Catholic Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. "The Church assigns one date out of the year for each saint, usually on the date of death. The saints are remembered on their feast days with special mention, prayers and sometimes with special scripture readings."

In honor of Rother's feast day, and his roots in Okarche, the Most Rev. Paul S. Coakley, Archbishop of Oklahoma City, will lead Mass at 5 p.m. Saturday [July 28, 2018] at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, 211 Missouri in Okarche. Members of the Rother family will be in attendance. . . [more]

(via gh, DXLD)

No doubt there will be more coverage of the event. KFOR-TV has already run many stories about him:

The search items are not dated, so which is the latest? This one from July 26, with audio-video:

I seriously doubt that Guatemala`s only SW station today, Radio Verdad, will take any notice of this, since they are evangelical, not Catholic; yet Christian & Abrahamist (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA. 7255-, July 28 at 0610, no signal from VON Hausa. Usually on, but sporadically missing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1000, July 28 at 0300 UT, on road back from OKC visit, at Okarche junxion of US81 and State Hwy 3, surprised to find KTOK OKC very weak, no match for the CCI, but can make out Dodgers baseball, not OKC, but LA, including local LA PSA concerning ``H204LA`` about water supply. Meanwhile, 930 WKY OKC is loud and clear, or rather clear but dead air during ESPND break, soon resuming.

What`s with KTOK? The answer from its night direxional plot:
which is dated 21 Mar 2018 --- as if it changes over time? Hardly, but most FCC AM Query plots display recent dates on them --- With two tight major lobes, one NNW which explains why we hear it well in Enid, and the other to the SE. Numerically for the fourth quadrant, in theoretical, and standard field strengths:

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