** CHINA. 4870-CW, October 12 at 1237, ID marker ``DE  RIS9 V``, 
repeating and a bit more CW which I don`t copy in marginal reception. 
My only log earlier this year explains it:

``4870, March 8 at 1255, CW marker DE RIS9, vs. CODAR and fading, took 
a while to copy the ID, better at 1322. That would be Russia if the R- 
were ITU allocated, but several logs in UDXF iog say this is from the 
Chinese Army in Beijing, on this and several other frequencies. So 
much for RRI, abandoned 4870v`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CUBA. 13767-FM, Oct 12 at 1434, RHC 13700 AM transmitter is again 
emitting spurs in FM, best here, but also detectable circa 13633, 
13566?, 13834, 13900, all with the F# tone above CMiddle. At the usual 
approx. 66-67 kHz intervals. I scan the 22 mb almost every morning for 
these, but none had been heard since a trace on August 31. Fundamental 
is S9+10/20, while 13740 CRI relay, not subject to this, rates S9+40. 
Something`s always wrong at RHC --- if not this, another anomaly 

** MEXICO. 650, Oct 12 at 1200, XETNT, Los Mochis, Sinaloa, opening 
`Noticiero Altavoz` (loudspeaker newcast) with 6 am timecheck, 
dominant signal here, and also audible // amid QRM on 610, XEGS 
Guasave, both still on AM tho Radio 65`s FM has moved to 100.5, ex-
106.5, top of band being cleared for community/non-commercial use 

** MEXICO. 800, Oct 12 at 1207, XEROK doing well, must be running more 
power than usual, vs easily nulled KQCV OKC. Adstring including help-
wanted for some engineer familiar with AM radio (for XEROK itself? 
apply at a street address on Insurgentes, which chex for XEROK). 
``800, bajo el cielo de Ciudad Juárez``; local news headlines, on 
`Calibre 800` (short for canal libre = clear channel) which seems to 
be the newscast name, on ``Radio Cañón``. 1210 finally starts the news 
with 6:09 TC; 1211 mix a bit of English, ``Good morning, El Paso``; 
and ``sí, hay clases, no hay día festivo``, no holiday for students 
even tho this is the Day of the Race. At this time you would not know 
the main format has converted to religion (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** MEXICO. 870, Oct 12 at 1215, XETAR, La Voz de la Sierra Tarahumara, 
going from Spanish to native language, leisurely opening announcements 
including phone numbers for CDI and other government agencies, mixed 
with bits of rustic music. Good dominant signal from Guachochi, 
Chihuahua, hardly any WWL to be heard even if nulled (Glenn Hauser, 

** NIGERIA [non]. See USA: WRMI

** U S A. 13565, Oct 12 at 1437, K6FRC beacon from California is JBA 
despite CODAR and blob maybe from RHC FM spur (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 11580, Oct 12 at 1441, dead air of S9/S9+10; audio shortly 
cutting on and off and on and off over and over, bits of African music, talk. 
Rustic string instruments and singing. Signal is pretty strong and steady, 
obviously not from afar like JBA 11530 from Eastern Hemisphere (which 
includes Issoudun). 

Surely it`s WRMI, now a seldom-used 25m channel. 1450 YL ID mentions 
``radio``, but what? Modulation still cutting in and out; 1453 I think 
I hear ``Nigeria, Kaduna``. 1455 very small bit of Qur`an, more YL 
talk. Now it has stopped cutting out. 1456 singing in a round; 1500 
partial canned WRMI ID and off*. Paul Walker, PA, was also hearing 
this mystery as early as 1310, and was not sure whether it`s WRMI.

I`ve asked Jeff White what station or program they are testing? 

Jeff White replies: ``Hausa. It’s the programming of Radio Nigeria 
Kaduna in Hausa. Jeff``. So what will be the regular schedule? (Glenn 

** U S A. 780, Oct 12 at 1204 UT, nulling KSPI Stillwater, I expect 
still to hear WBBM making fast SAH with off-frequency KSPI, but 
instead it`s Newstalk 780, WJAG, Norfolk NE, with morning news, ad for 
Battle Creek Mutual Insurance --- that could be confusing --- and 1205 
UT, Skywatch weather including records and forecast. 

WJAG is surprisingly seldom heard here at 629 km = 391 statute miles; 
1 kW ND daytimer with 500 watt PSRA but no PSSA, says NRC AM Log. If 
not for KSPI, it might be JBA in daytime like 840 KTIC, but that`s 5 
kW. Official FCC sunrise for WJAG full power is 1245 UT in October, 
1315 UT in November. In fact, I find only one previous report of it, 
almost exactly three years ago, so this must be the season for it:

``780, Oct 8 [2015!] at 1210 UT, promo for Norfolk Community Theatre, 
local news from WJAG, i.e. Norfolk NE, 1 kW ND daytimer, but before 
1245 UT in Oct, must be only on 500 W PSRA; yes, one of those few 
legacy W-calls west of the Miss. Nearby KSPI OK is nulled, and at this 
time no WBBM, after axual Chicago sunrise today at 1155 UT``.

WJAG dates back to 1922, but no explanation of the call letters:
Own website seems to lack any history:

UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Pacific JBA MW carrier search, Oct 12 at 1222: 
657-WSW, 702-NW, 747-NW, 774-NW, 882-WSW, 1017-WSW; unchecked further 
up but not much expected. At 1228 recheck, still in are Japan 747, 774 
and 828 from NW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 1655 UT October 12
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