** CUBA. 13740, Oct 22, less than two minutes of overlap today between 
RHC Spanish music and CRI English news, 1400-1401:50, adding up to 
S9+30/40. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** NIGERIA [non]. 11580, Oct 22 at 1356 check, Radio Nigeria, Kaduna 
is VG S9+20 thisaway with African music, so how is it in target? Note 
that WRMI`s other African beam on 21525 is almost 10 MHz higher. There 
has to be a huge propagational differential (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** NORTH AMERICA. UNID, 6940-USB, Oct 21 at 2314 rock music at S6-S7 
vs local increased noise level with spikes to S9, stops by 2315.
Many other extremely detailed logs here, until 2315* but no IDs!

** THAILAND. 9390, Oct 22 at 1244, R. Thailand amid news in English 
about clashes in Kaduna, poor with flutter, ACI de TOMBS 9395. HSK9 is 
rarely listenable here, but it might be if they would only aim this 
way instead of SE! But this frequency is about to be deleted in B-18. 

English broadcasts from HSK9 have been caught at unscheduled 
times/frequencies: by Alan Roe at 0120 on 15590, supposed to be an 
hour in Thai between Englishes to North America, but back to Thai the 
next day; by Ron Howard at 1130-1200 on 5875, English instead of 
Japanese and German, and with a transmission break at 1144, beam 
change? This was Oct 14, 15 and 17, so not an anomaly. 

I check the HFCC B-18 sked as of Oct 14 and do not find any such 
changes, but some other ones for the alleged complete English:

 7475 at 1900-2000 & 2030-2045 to Europe (ex-9390)
 9940 at 1230-1300 & 1400-1430 to SE Asia/Australia (ex-9390)
13745 at 0000-0100 & 0230-0300 to North America (ex-15590 as usual)
17640 at 0530-0600 to Europe (no change)

I don`t find any plain old SW schedule at http://www.hsk9.org and 
hardly anything in English (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1953, DX 

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1952 monitoring: confirmed Sunday October 21 
at 2130 on WRMI 9955 and 7780, about equally fair-poor. The UT Monday 
0130 broadcast on WRMI 5850 & 7780 was canceled a few weeks ago, but 
we are back at that time UT Monday October 22 on 5950, since WRMI has 
started relaying WRN during long hours, including this time for WOR; 
axually started on 5950 at 0130:33. Also confirmed circa 0300 UT Mon 
Oct 22 on Area 51 webcast, and on WBCQ 5129.8 at 0308 check. Also 
confirmed at 0358 check the 0330 on WRMI 9955, good signal.

WORLD OF RADIO 1953 contents: Alaska, Australia, Brazil, China, France 
non, Germany and non, Iran, Israel non, Japan non, Korea South non, 
Madagascar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria non, Oklahoma, Papua New 
Guinea, Romania, Somaliland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, 
Thailand, Turkey, USA; Silk Road Project; propagation outlook

WOR 1953 includes complete new B-18 English schedules for: Alaska, 
Iran, Japan, Madagascar, Romania, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey.

WOR 1953 ready for first airings UT Tuesday October 23: confirmed at 
0030 on WRMI 7730, VG S9+20; and immediate repeat at 0100 on WRMI 
9955, starting S9-S8, fading down by 0110 to S1-S5, but no jamming? 
And JBA by 0115. Next:

2130 UT Tuesday   WRMI   7780 to NE
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI   5950 to WNW
2100 UT Wednesday WRMI   9955 to SSE
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ   7490v to WSW
0629 UT Saturday  HLR    6190-CUSB Germany to WSW
1231 UT Saturday  WINB   9265V via Unique Radio to WSW
1431 UT Saturday  HLR    9485-CUSB Germany to WSW 
1600 UT Saturday  WRN    5950 via WRMI to WNW [unconfirmed]
1930vUT Saturday  WA0RCR 1860-AM non-direxional
0300vUT Sunday    WA0RCR 1860-AM non-direxional [nominal 0315-]
1030 UT Sunday    HLR    7265-CUSB Germany to WSW [ex-9485]
2130 UT Sunday    WRMI   7780 to NE, 9955 to SSE
0130 UT Monday    WRN    5950 via WRMI to WNW [or 0230?]
0300vUT Monday    WBCQ   5130v Area 51 to WSW
0330 UT Monday    WRMI   9955 to SSE

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite:

** U S A. So far I have heard these stations on WRMI 5950 matching the 
WRN English to North America schedule at 

0600 Oct 21, Deutsche Welle as I already reported;
2330 Oct 21, Israel Radio (or whatever they call it now), (misprint as 
             0030), 2350 Netanyahu, Mnuchen clips, 2356 Hebrew? song
0000 Oct 22, Radio Prague starting
0030 Oct 22, Radio Slovakia, 0056 QSL info
0100 Oct 22, Radio Guangdong, 0116 re investments there (weekly Mon)
0130 Oct 22, WORLD OF RADIO! (weekly Monday)
0200 Oct 22, KBS World Radio, as song spans 0230, inviting requests
0308 Oct 22, WRN not sked: sounds like Oldies music fill, not // 9395
0433 Oct 22, WRN not sked; gospel huxter in Spanish
0500 Oct 22, RFI, S9+20, altho at 0538 with news about Israel, 
             Nigeria, 0540 Radio France International ID
1515 Oct 22, 5950 is a JBA carrier after probably resuming WRN 1500-
2200 Oct 22, S9-S7 poor, about Berlin at 2213, so assumed DW, but 
             Poland sked this hour with DW previous hour
2300 Oct 22, NHK World Radio Japan, 2315 from news to Easy Japanese
0030 Oct 23, RSI, at 0048 about Slovakia 

IF the entire System E Green time is now WRN, here is all that may be 
heard, if possible in daytime, confirmable probably only by 
monitoring, UT [shifting one UT hour later as of Oct 28 or Nov 4?]:

05:00 Radio France International
06:00 Deutsche Welle from Germany
07:00 Polish Radio

15:00 Radio France International
16:00 Radio New Zealand International: Korero Pacifica (Mon-Fri)
      Glenn Hauser’s World of Radio (Sat)
      PCJ - Media Network Plus (Sun)
16:15 Vatican Radio World News live
16:30 Radio Prague (Mon-Fri)
      Radio Guangdong : Guangdong Today (Sat)
      Copenhagen Calling from Banns Radio International (Sun)
17:00 Israel Radio live news at 8
18:00 Polish Radio
19:00 Radio Slovakia International
19:30 Radio Telefis Eireann from Ireland (Mon-Fri)
      Copenhagen Calling from Banns Radio International (Sat)
      This Way Out (Sun)
20:00 KBS World Radio from Seoul, Korea
21:00 Deutsche Welle from Germany
22:00 Polish Radio
23:00 NHK World Radio Japan
23:30 Israel Radio
00:00 Radio Prague
00:30 Radio Slovakia
01:00 Radio New Zealand International: Korero Pacifica (Tue-Sat)
      Radio New Zealand International: Dateline Pacific (Sun)
      Radio Guangdong: Guangdong Today (Mon)
01:15 Vatican Radio World News (Tue - Sat)
01:30 NHK World Radio Japan (Tue-Sat)
      PCJ Asia Focus (Sun)
      Glenn Hauser’s World of Radio (Mon)
02:00 KBS World Radio from Seoul, Korea

Note that this gives Unitedstatesians an opportunity to hear difficult or
impossible stations such as: France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Japan, 
Poland. Thanks, Jeff! (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1953, DX 

** U S A. 5970, Oct 22 at 0539, NO signal from WEWN Spanish, whilst 
English on much higher 11520 is on and propagating very poorly. 5830 
WTWW is also AWOL, while 5935 WWCR is VG (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Pacific JBA MW carrier search, Oct 22 from 1228 
UT, this time for a change on the R75 with E-W longwire instead of DX
-398, so I can`t check direxions: 531, 585, 594*, 612, 657(2), 702, 
711, 747*, 756, 774*, 819(2), 828, 837, 855, 873, 882, 945, 972*, 
1008, 1017, 1035, 1044, 1062, 1098, 1143, 1179, 1197 but none higher; 
now it`s 1236 as the lower ones are weakening but I still have 891(2), 
945(2). *means stronger ones; (2) means at least two carriers beating. 
LSR today: 1245 UT (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report despatched at 0249 UT October 23
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