** BRAZIL [non]. 6180, Nov 24 at 0148, CRI English via CUBA is in the 
clear, no RNA collision, nor anyaudible on 11780. Maybe they just 
signed off earlier than usual 0205v*? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CUBA. 6165, Nov 23 at 0315, this RHC English is off, but 6000 is 
on; and so is 6060 in Spanish. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn 

** CUBA [non]. 6000, 6060, 6100, 6165, Nov 23 at 0719, all RHC English 
are off, despite local hi noise level, and propagation is OK since 
6090 Anguilla is on for a change and in. Something`s always wrong (or 
changed) at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 13700, Nov 23 at 1503, this RHC fails to flank itself with 
the plus/minus 23+ kHz parasitic spurs, even tho the fundamental hits 
S9+40. Something`s not wrong at RHC. I`ve checked for them almost 
every day since first detected (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 15700, Nov 23 at 1505, CRI Plus relay is S9+40 but modulation 
suptorted = suppressed/distorted. Wiggle that patchcord. Something`s 
always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 15230, Nov 23 at 1516, RHC is S9+20 and suptorted but better 
than 15700 CRI relay. Something`s always wrong at RHC. Meanwhile, RHC 
15140 is on and OK at S9+20 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6165, Nov 24 at 0148, no signal from RHC English, which had 
been showing up last few nights in the hour before 0200; 6000, at 0150 
is signaling S9+10 fading to S7 of dead air, which would qualify as 
just a warmup for *0200. At 0205 recheck, 6000 is in English 
programming and 6165 is still AWOL. Something`s always wrong at RHC 

** CUBA. 5040, Nov 24 at 0203, this RHC is back on, VG loud & clear. 
It had not been heard since Nov 16 on nightly chex. Something was 
always wrong at RHC. Nominal B-18 sked for 5040 is: 22-24 Spanish, 00
-01 English, 01-02 Creole & French, 02-06 Spanish, 06-07 English 

** IRAN. 6090, Nov 24 at 0149, ME music is VP, S9-S6 with flutter, and 
talk barely perceptible as Spanish, i.e. LVRII as scheduled. No QRM 
and no het which would imply Brasil or Nigeria (ha ha), also in the 
mix. And Anguilla, of course, is off. I expect this to sign off at 
0220 as scheduled in HFCC, Aoki/NDXC and EiBi, so resume listening at 
0218, more music, mentions ``punto de vista`` and keeps on going; 0226 
signal improves a bit as I hear correspondents checking in from 
Bogotá, also mentions from or about México, Palestina, Buenos Aires, 
past 0236+. Sort of an IRIB version of FOOC. I think I have heard such 
a program before from Iran in Spanish.

Obviously the Spanish broadcast does not end at 0220 as everyone has 
been told. Consulting WRTH 2018 for the B-17 schedule, it was indeed 
at 0020-0320 (on 6165 then) instead of 2320-0220 UT as currently 
listed. Which raises the question: are any or all of the VIRI B-18 
schedulings off by one hour too early, as if they were still shifted 
for summer??? 

Also, someone reported R. Bandeirantes being heard on 6090 recently in 
Portuguese, but I doubt it, as I think they quit SW; certainly the 
other two frequencies 9645v and 11925v have been gone long. And 6090 
if on would surely be offside (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KUWAIT. 11629.756, Nov 23 at 1433, R. Kuwait is back to good S9+10 
level while Qur`aning. Last measured on exactly same frequency Nov 18 

** MADAGASCAR. 5010v, Nov 24 at 0203, no JBA carrier from R. 
Madagasikara as presumably heard last few nights; propagation, or off? 
Despite both Bauta Cubans back on 5040 & 5025 and capable of 
leapfrogging onto 5010 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MADAGASCAR. 6180, Nov 23 at 0313, Spanish song, praise? Not RHC; 
0317 La Voz Alegre ID, as MWV now sked at 03-04, 265 degrees for CIRAF 
12 = NW South America (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 4809.995V, Nov 23 at 0213, JBA carrier wavering slightly 
around here, vs huge utehash on the plus side, probably Radio Logos 
altho Mumbai could also be here until 0215* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** PERU [and non]. 4774.87 & 4774.91 approx., Nov 24 at 0207 I have 
two JBA carriers beating and also fighting CODAR, as two of the few S 
American 60m stations insist on fighting over the same channel rather 
than shifting to one of many clear ones: R. Tarma, Perú, and R. 
Congonhas, Brasil [I remain to be convinced this ever calls itself 
``Radio Sora`` instead of ``Difusora``]. 

Here`s one precise report I find as of 2 June 2016, from Carlos 
Gonçalves, Portugal: ``4774.914, R. Congonhas, Congonhas MG, 2233-
2241`` and ``4774.946, R. Tarma, 2232-2240`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** SOUTH AFRICA. 15419.996V, Nov 23 at 1508, VP carrier with flutter, 
hard to measure, starting off slightly above 15420.00 but at one point 
centred here. HFCC shows BBCWS in English via Meyerton this hour only. 
(Also still lists WBCQ all day on 15420, which would surely vary even 
more than this, but Allan Weiner once said he had no intention of 
reactivating it) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Typo in date of this item, Nov 19 not 9; fixed:

7730 & 5850, UT Monday Nov 19 at 0700 and still 0721 no signals from 
WRMI. Kim Elliott of `SW Radiogram` had said his show was moved from 
Mondays at 0800 to UT Sundays, 24 hours earlier and less inconvenient? 
in North America. This presumably also applies to `Broad Spectrum 
Radio`, beepery from OK in the hour preceding it from 0700. And the 
WRMI skedgrid now specifies Sundays-only for these at 0700-0900 (Glenn 

And furthermore, a WORLD OF RADIO airing has been inserted without 
notice: 0830-0900 Sunday, System D 5850 5950 7730, now on skedgrid as 
confirmed by Kenneth Vito Zichi Nov 18 on 5850 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 5130.471v, Nov 24 at 0144, WBCQ with `Allan Weiner 
Worldwide`, from Florida studio, S9-S6 and noisy, apparently still 
backup transmitter on variable frequency up this high. Nothing audible 
on 9330v, but 31m is almost dead otherwise. 

7490.188v is best, S9-S7; retune at 0159 end of benedixion and AW says 
there will be new programming on 5130 next week, see website. But 
websked has no such new info, yet? And 7490+ into sign-off routine.

5130.471, UT Sat Nov 24 at 0205 recheck, this WBCQ still on at S6-S9, 
poorly audible talk, but sure sounds like John the VORW, musing about 
Thanksgiving. That would be a new time/station for him.

John H Carver, Jr, sends his weekly summary of the entire AWWW for Nov 
24 from 0100: ``Show started on time this evening on 7490 but I 
quickly tuned to 5130 as it was difficult to copy 7490.

Allan and Angela in studio 9 in FLA. Opening talk is about toilets and 
how many people in the world don't have any. Then comments about 
China, North Korea and Cuba. Then on to the question of the night 
which was "where is this economic prosperity" that everyone talks 
about. Then a sidebar about Black Friday and the budget deficit. Says 
too many entitlements put in play by the Democrats but quickly states 
that Social Security is NOT an entitlement.

First phone call at 0121 with talk about the opening theme song which 
morphs into talk about the economy and then into property taxes. 
Pirate Joe calls at 0140 after the previous caller vacates the phone 
line. Pirate Joe agrees that the economic recovery didn't happen. 
Allan's main statement this evening is stay out of debt.

Reading of emails at 0154. Just one email and Ramsey calls at 0156. 
Closing prayer at 0158. Allan stated that some new programs were 
starting this next week on 5130 but gave no other details. Show was 
off the air at 0200.

There was one longish internet dropout this evening during the show 
[apparently meaning the feed from FLA to Monticello]. A particular pet 
peeve of this writer. In a medium where we only have audio to work 
with this writer would prefer the lower quality audio via a phone 
patch and hear everything said rather than better audio and miss some 
things said. John, Mid-North Indiana`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 15555-USB, Nov 23 at 1506, trace of over-assertive gospel 
huxter. First time I`ve detected WJHR in quite some time. This 
explains it: Last year`s 2018 asserts that instead of licensed 50 kW, 
that`s just a future-plan, really only 250 watts run at 1 kW PEP! That 
I could believe. It would pay to read every line of a WRTH in less 
than a year. 

So to become an ISWBC station in the USA, you don`t really need a 
minimum 50 kW transmitter to get licensed --- just *plan* too have 
one. What will the imminent 2019 WRTH say about WJHR? (Glenn Hauser, 

This report despatched at 0611 UT November 24
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