CUBA Surprisingly heard a 2nd Spanish program like "Radio CC", and also internet address given during the program,
- listen to the recording -
from RHC today UTC morning at 0000-0100 UT
on 6060.008 kHz like from Bauta site?,
\\ 9535.003 BEJ,
9640.003 BEJ,
11670.004 kHz BAU,

BUT NOT \\ 5025 kHz Radio Rebelde Bauta,
nor 6000 kHz Quivican San Felipe TITAN site,
latter which had carried the usual RHC Spanish 'politica' spoken program !
S=9+50dB powerhouse.

5990even CUB  RCI Beijing Spanish sce via Quivican San Felipe TITAN site.
S=9+55dB powerhouse in Alberta Canada.

6000even kHz  CUB  Quivican San Felipe TITAN site with RHC English program
at 01-02 UT on S=9+50dB level on remote SDR in Edmonton Alberta Canada.

6180even kHz  CUB  Quivican San Felipe TITAN site with CRI Beijing English
sce, TERRIBLE audio signal MIXTURE hit each other
with equal level R Nacional Amazonia Brazilia, latter with 32 Hertz BUZZ tone interference from 6180.032 kHz at 0115 UT Dec 11.

6185.007 kHz poor tiny Mexican XEPPM from Mexico City D.F. at 0047 UT.

5950even kHz WRMI Okeechobee, probably 'Supreme Master TV' scheduled in
English ??, but at 0024-0027 UT heard undoubtedly a Vietnamese(!) language
segment. S=9+30dB signal on remoted SDR in Alberta Canada.

5914.988 kHz, station string visible, probably Myanmar Radio from Nay Pyi
Taw capital station. 0020 UT.

73 wolfie  df5sx
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