73 wolfie df5sx

CUBA   Full A-19 schedule of Radio Habana Cuba
start of 07 April 2019 til 27 Oct 2019.
Now RHC A-19 XLSX sheet file April 7 - transformed to pure text file.

0000-0030 15730 BEJ 050  135 SoAm Creole     exQuechua
0000-0600  6000 QVC 250  010 ENAm English    New York
0000-0600  6165 BAU 100  340 WNAm English    Chicago
0400-0600  6060 BAU 100  010 ENAm English    New York
0400-0600  6100 BAU 100  310 WNAm English    San Francisco
0600-0630  6100 BAU 100  310 WNAm Esperanto  Sun only [was 6060 kHz]

1100-1300  6150 QVC 250  n-d NCAm Spanish  non-directional
TITAN Quivican San Felipe antenna HQ2/2/0.2 non-directional

1100-1500  9535 BEJ 100  230 CeAm Spanish  MEX-GTM-CTR-Panama
1100-1500  9640 BEJ 050  110 Ant  Spanish  Antilles        HQ1/03
1100-1500 11760 BAU 100  n-d NCAm Spanish  non-directional HQ1/08
1100-1300 11950 BAU 100  340 WNAm Spanish  Chicago
1100-1400 13780 BEJ 100  160 SoAm Spanish  Buenos Aires
1100-1500 15140 BAU 100  130 SoAM Spanish  Rio de Janeiro
1100-1500 15230 QVC 250  305 SoAm Spanish  San Francisco
1300-1500 13700 BAU 100  310 WNAm Spanish  San Francisco

1500-1530 11760 BAU 100  n-d NCAm EsperantoSun only non-directional HQ1/08
1500-1530 15140 BAU 100  010 ENAm EsperantoSun only
1500-1530 11760 BAU 100  n-d NCAm Spanish  non-dir  Mon-Sat  HQ1/08
1500-1530 15140 BAU 100  010 ENAm Spanish  New York Mon-Sat
1530-1800 15140 BAU 100  010 ENAm Spanish  New York daily
1530-1800 11760 BAU 100  n-d NCAm Spanish  non-directional   HQ1/08

1800-1830 15140 BAU 100  340 WNAm Arabic   Chicago
1830-1900 15140 BAU 100  340 WNAm Creole   Chicago
1900-2000 15140 BAU 100  340 WNAm English  Chicago
2000-2030 15140 BAU 100  340 WNAm French   Chicago

1930-2000 15370 BAU 100  040 WeEu French   Europe
A-2 antenna HRS4/4/0.8  NY 10degr +30degr slewed EUR azimuth
2000-2030 15370 BAU 100  040 WeEu Portuguese Europe
2030-2100 15370 BAU 100  040 WeEu Arabic     Europe
2100-2300 15370 BAU 100  040 WeEu Spanish    Europe

2000-2030  9720 BAU 100  100 SoAf French     Africa
A-3 antenna HRS4/4/0.8 RJ 130degr -30degr slewed SoAF azimuth
2030-2100  9720 BAU 100  100 SoAf Portuguese Africa
2100-2200  9720 BAU 100  100 SoAf English    Africa

2100-0500  9535 BEJ 100  230 CeAm   Spanish  MEX-GTM-CTR-Panama
2100-2300  9640 BEJ 050  110 Antill Spanish  Antilles        HQ1/03
2100-0200 11760 BAU 100  n-d NCAm   Spanish  non-directional HQ1/08
2100-0500 11850 QVC 250  170 SoAM   Spanish  Chile (ex11840 kHz)

2100-0400 13740 BAU 100  160 SoAm   Spanish  Buenos Aires
tx #5 sometimes irregular on air, wb.
2200-2300 11700 QVC 250  160 SoAm Portuguese Buenos Aires
2230-2300 15730 BEJ 050  135 SoAm French     Mon-Sat
2230-2300 15730 BEJ 050  135 SoAm Esperanto  Sun Only
to Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires target.

2300-0000  6000 QVC 250  010 ENAm Spanish Mon-Thur "Mesa Redonda"?
towards Washington DC/New York.
2300-0400  6060 BAU 100  010 ENAm Spanish    New York
2300-0400  9640 BEJ 050  110 Antill Spanish  Antilles        HQ1/03
2300-0400 11670 BAU 100  130 SoAm Spanish    Rio de Janeiro
2300-0500 11700 QVC 250  160 SoAm Spanish    Buenos Aires
2300-2400 11950 BAU 100  340 WNAm Spanish Mon-Thur "Mesa Redonda"
to Chicago
2300-2330 15730 BEJ 050  135 SoAm Creole  Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires
2330-2400 15730 BEJ 050  135 SoAm Portug. Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires

83 and 263 degrees CT2/1/0.8, TX #6
2100-2300  5040 BAU 100  n-d Cuba Spanish
2300-2330 5040 BAU 100 n-d Cuba English Mon-Sat 2300-2330 5040 BAU 100 n-d Cuba Esperanto Sun Only 2330-2400 5040 BAU 100 n-d Cuba English daily
0000-0030  5040 BAU 100  n-d Cuba Creole
0030-0100  5040 BAU 100  n-d Cuba French
0100-0500  5040 BAU 100  n-d Cuba Spanish
0500-0600  5040 BAU 100  n-d Cuba English

Transmitter sites:
BAU Bauta    6 x 100 kW
BEJ Bejucal  50, 100 kW (combined 50 kW units)
QVC Titan-Quivican San Felipe  5 x 250 kW.

Shortwave schedule of Radio Rebelde
0000-2400  5025 BAU 100  non-dir to Ce&SoAm Spanish

Shortwave schedule of Radio Progreso
0030-0400  4765 BEJ 050  non-dir to Cuba  Caribbean Spanish

(RHC of April 7, 2019, thanks to Prof. Arnaldo Coro-CUB - CO2KK ham op -
RHC A-19 XLSX sheet file - transformed to pure text file via
wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews April 7)

CUBA   CRI La Habana Quivican San Felipe TITAN relay Cuba,
A-19 DST file of April 7

0000-0100  5990 QVC 250 n-dir NoAM   Spanish
0000-0100  9810 QVC 250   160 SoAM   Spanish
0100-0200  9580 QVC 250    10 NoAM   English
0200-0300  9580 QVC 250    10 NoAM   Chinese
0300-0400  9790 QVC 250   305 WeNoAM English
0400-0400  9790 QVC 250   305 WeNoAM Cantonese
1200-1300  9570 QVC 250    10 NoAM   Cantonese
1300-1400  9570 QVC 250    10 NoAM   English
1400-1500 11880 QVC 250   305 WeNoAM English
1500-1600 11880 QVC 250   305 WeNoAM English
2300-2400  5990 QVC 250 n-dir NoAM   English
2300-2400 13650 QVC 250   135 SoAM   Portuguese

TITAN tx #1 and #5.
(A-19 hfcc/crtv-CRI, via wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews, March 31)

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