\\ 4885.024 kHz at 07.10 UT on Sept 15
S=5 in NJ-US eastern state remote SDR.

CUBA  5025even nice Latin AM music program R Rebelde, S=9+30dB in NJ-US.
At 07.04 UT on Sept 15.

6100 kHz RHC - NOT ON AIR -, scheduled Esperanto special on Suns only
07.00-07.30 UT.

USA  5800.009 kHz WRMI special reserve unit parked here, #14 or even #15 at
WRMI Florida bcast center.
S=8-9 carrier and some weak WRMI intermodulation underneath
at 07.22 UT in NJ-US state.

NIGERIA  7254.941  Today Sept 15 at 07.27 UT a nice S=8 signal from
VoNigeria in Vernac from Abuja site, noted next to
Radio Vaticano Santa Maria di Galeria Suns in Romanian on 7250even.

vy73 wb  df5sx

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