** ANTARCTICA. 15476-, Oct 15 at 1410, JBA carrier from LRA36, so on
the air this Tuesday; also reported later from Spain by Manuel Méndez
at 1601 past 1835; and also Wed Oct 16 when I did not get a carrier,
at *1307-1414* per MM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. 15034-USB, Oct 15 at 1413, Trenton Military, ``time 1410
zulu``, ``no report received`` from everywhere; still distorted. So
clock is also 3 minutes slow. This thing has been on autopilot for
over a week; obviously no human is paying any attention to what is
going into or outof it. Have they not received any complaints from
genuine pilots needing to hear it?

Also Oct 16 at 1402, more NRRs, and 1403 ``Trenton Military, Out`` so
maybe 1400 is a scheduled break time in its scheduling. BTW they never
utter the listed CHR callsign (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 6100, Oct 15 at 0609, RHC English is S9+20 but wasting all
that power to be just barely modulated; 6165 is JBA; 6000 & 5040 are
off. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** CUBA. 5040.051, Oct 16 at 0209, this RHC is still off-frequency,
suptorted and squealing, yet S9+10/20. Something`s always wrong at RHC

** MEXICO [and non]. 1090, Oct 16 at 0604 UT, colchón (mattress) ad in
Spanish, but keeps going past 0609, an infomercial and mentions being
a TV offer. Roughly south with KAAY nulled at first during its dead
air. Anyhow, no sign of KEXS 10 kW MO daytimer which had been
all-nightly for quite a while. The SS is most likely XEAU Monterrey
NL, or maybe XEWL Nuevo Laredo, Tamps., but neither is supposed to be
on now per sked in IRCA Mexican Log: XEAU until 0600, XEWL until 0200;
even allowing for DST, Mex skeds are notoriously unreliable (Glenn

** SAUDI ARABIA. 17895, Oct 15 at 1437, Qur`an here but no signals on
17705, 17615+. However, Chris Krug, Tulsa, was hearing all three two
days and an hour earlier:

``Hi Glenn, I copied Saudi Arabia on 17615, 17705 and 17895 (1340-
1352) on Oct 13, 17615 was weakest, followed by 17705 with 17895 
being the best. Interesting that 17705 carried different programing
than 17615 (the FT-1000mp Mk5 has 2 separate receivers making it handy
to check such things). 73 Chris KC5IIE``

17895v, Oct 16 at 1404, Qur`an is JBA and today also stronger 17615+,
always off-frequency+plus, but nothing on 17705. Seems sporadic
operation/closing times on different frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** U S A. 356 kHz, Oct 16 at 0555, ND beacon ODX, which is 25 watts
from Ord, Nebraska. 293, FBY Fairbury NE also in at 0549 with 25 watts

** U S A. Last scheduled SW airings of WORLD OF RADIO 2003: Wed Oct 16
at 2100 on WBCQ 7490v; UT Thu Oct 17 at 0100 on WRMI 7780 (Glenn

** U S A. 9330, Oct 15 at 1953, no signal from WBCQ-6, despite AW`s
twit today that it would test again from 1930. However, retune 2000
now WLC is opening but only S7-S4, must be on 60 degree antenna.
Retune at 2200 is off, but *2200:50 VG S9+30 another hour of Miles &
Dave conversing as if they weren`t crazy. Must have just rotated
antenna thisaway, not a time previewed to change it. By 2250 already
playing interval vamp music of doomsday orchestral tune over and over,
heavy on the `celli, straight thru with no break until 2300, another
WLC hour in English, this one with preaching. 2357 vamp music again;
0001 UT Oct 16 Miles & Dave with a different hour. Not checked again
until 0202 when 9330 is dead air of S9+10/S9 burning 500 kW for
nothing; unknown when offturned or outfaded but inaudible by 0229.

Latest twit today Oct 16 says again will be testing from 1930;
yesterday he said, ``Transmitter on and off. Zapping bugs?``. Where`s
the Arabic? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1010, Oct 15 at 1330 UT, detailed ag report, cattle auxions,
Fargo mentioned? 1337 switch to another market report by same speaker,
1338 ad for something in Sterling-Brush-Fort Morgan, so this is KSIR,
licensed to Brush, address in Ft Morgan CO, U4 25000/280 watts. Now
day since 1300 UT (Nov: 1345). Day and night patterns from NE CO are
figure-8 E/WSW, not good for here to the SE. Some 20+ years ago, KSIR
was a WORLD OF RADIO affiliate (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** U S A. 1150, Oct 16 at 1247 UT, Spanish looping slightly CCW from
E/W; Ad with 623-area code, ``Radio [two syllables]``; fast SAH with
KSAL? at right angle, romantic song. 623 is one of the *five* ACs in
central Arizona, so this is KCKY Coolidge, in NRC AM Log as SS:REL,
Radio Casa, U4 5/1 kW. Both day and night patterns are sort of
figure-8 with the side notches toward me! This is just after sunrise
here so obviously well before SR there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** U S A. 1490, Oct 15 at 1322 UT, weather, ``Fabulous KDMO Morning
Show``, ``Red Sails in the Sunset``, i.e. Carthage MO in the SW
corner, briefly dominating the jungle around sunrise with NOS format

** U S A. 1550, Oct 15 at 1315 UT, NPR Morning Edition // but not
synch with delayed for IBOC 91.7 KOSU. Has to be KUAZ Tucson, 50 kW ND
daytimer. Oh2, official FCC October sunrise is not until 1330
(November: 1400). Anyhow, always great to hear a public radio station
on AM, of which there are vanishingly few especially around here

UNIDENTIFIED. Awake by 1215 UT October 16 presunrise 1239, I might as
well do a Trans-Pacific JBA MW carrier scan, on the DX-398 for DFing,
and wow, are there lots of them. Those with no direxion are too weak
or more likely both NW and WSW. If a beat is detectable, (2). 

774 and 747 are strong enough to detect some talk by W voice, but will
not assume Japanese, since could be during NHK language lesson.

774-NW, 765(2), 756-NW, 747-NW, 738-NW, 729-NW, 711-NW, 702-NW (2),
693-NW, 675-NW, 666-NW, 657-NW>WSW (2), 621-NW, 612-NW, 603-NW,
594-NW, 585-WSW, 567(2), 558-NW.

Now from 1226, upward from 774: 792-NW, 828-NW, 837, 846, 864-NW,
873-NW, 882-NW, 891, 918-NW, 972-NW, 981-NW, 1017-WSW, 1035-WSW&NW,
1044-NW, 1053, 1098-W&NW, 1134-NW, 1143-NW, 1197-NW, 1206-NW, 1287-NW,
1296, 1331-NW, 1413-NW, 1422, 1476, 1503-WSW, 1548-WSW, 1566-NW, until

1206 was noticeably off-frequency-minus. MWoffsets suggests:
1205.96 CHN Yanbian RGD Korean News General (Yanji/Longjing) 2000-1600
2016-08-09`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 1130, Oct 16 at 0556 UT, Spanish past 0600, nulling KWKH
favors SW, but now peaking this signal at SSW rather than SW, further
pointing to the new XECHAP, Chapingo EdoMex; see report of Oct 14

UNIDENTIFIED. 6120-USB, Oct 15 at 0608, 2-way in Spanish INTRUDERS

UNIDENTIFIED. 15182-USB, Oct 15 at 1400, 2-way in Spanish INTRUDERS
despite 15180-AM signal which is getting more QRM from 15182-U than
vice versa, i.e. R. Liberty, Uzbek via Woofferton (Glenn Hauser, OK,

This report dispatched at 1713 UT Oct 16
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