January 17, 2020 (Time in UTC) 
Receiver: KiwiSDR (PY2-81502 SWL - São Bernardo SP)  
Antenna: PA0RDT Mini Whip 
ALGERIA (t): 531 kHz Jill FM, F'Kirina, Arabic, 17/01 0025. Songs in Arabic,
male communication. 25432 (RG). Occasionally is it possible to listen this
station in Southeastern Brazil. Always the same program style.  Better in
USB Narrow mode. By AM, QRM 530 kHz Somos Radio, Buenos Aires. 
ARGENTINA: 710 kHz Radio Diez, Buenos Aires, Spanish, 17/01 0130. Id: 'Radio
Diez... en su presencia...'. Time checking, weather conditions in Buenos
Aires. 24542 (RG). 
ARGENTINA: 870 kHz Radio Nacional, Buenos Aires, Spanish, 17/01 0206. Male
communication, economic situation in Argentina. 34543 (RG). 
BRAZIL: 750 kHz Radio América, Belo Horizonte MG, 17/01 0155. Brazilian
oldies, id: 'Radio America'. Catedral Cristo Rei. 35543 (RG). 
BRAZIL: 820 kHz Radio Bandeirantes, Goiânia GO, 17/01 0200. Advs from
products and services in Goiânia. 35443 (RG). 

ANGOLA: 4950 kHz Radio Nacional Angola, Mulenvos, Portuguese, 17/01 0315.
African style songs, male communication, talk about '...mensalidade
rodoviária, música boa, música de Ghana'. 35443 (RG). 
BRAZIL: 4925 kHz Radio Educação Rural, Tefé AM, 17/01 0212. Brazilian song,
male communication in Portuguese. 24532 (RG). 
MALI: 17630 kHz China Radio International, via Bamako, English, 09/01 1545.
Interview, male and female communication, News, interval signal on 1600 UTC..
35553 (RG). Tx w/85° Az to Southern Asia. 
(RG) - Rudolf Grimm PY2-81502 SWL  
São Bernardo SP, BRAZIL  
http: //dxways-br.blogspot.com    
YouTube: GrimmSBC    

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