re 7260 kHz
maybe checked the antenna matching in 41 mb
at Vanuatu on Febr 29.

Today NZL DX Times magazine March 2020 arrived in PDF.format.
Local Time Vanuatu is at present UTC  +11hrs.

Adrian Sainsbury-NZL
has posted news of Vanuatu shortwave transmissions.
Here are the details.


VILA Time   UTC Time    MARCH 2020
0530-1130   1830-0030   3945
1100-1800   0000-0700   5040
1800-2230   0700-1130   3945

2230-0530  1130-1830  2485 occasional use only.

5040.002  VBCT Port Vila likely small poor EXITER signal ?
At 11.26 UT on March 1 in Hiroshima Japan.

5024 - 5086 kHz  OTHR broadband S=9+15dB at 11.28 UT.

ALASKA   6045even  KNLS Anchor Point Russian sce here,
S=9+30dB signal noted at 11.16 UT on March 1st,
Noted in Hiroshima south-western Japan remote Perseus SDR rx.

USA  5010even  AWR program via WRMI Okeechobee Florida relay signal,
not strong though in Japan as S=5-6 at 11.09 UT.

4828 - 4906 kHz OTHR signal in Japan, S=8 or -80dBm at 11.20 UT.

SOLOMON ISLS  5020even SLM  Likely SLBC Port Vila, S=5-6 -92dBm
fluttery signal in Japan remote rx at 11.23 UT, scheduled 05-12 UT.

two peaks signals on 5025 kHz channel at 11.24 UT March 1
CUBA/PERU   5025even  R Rebelde Bauta in Spanish, S=5-6 -94dBm
in Japan, and co-channel
5025.020 kHz  PRU  OAX7Q  Radio Quillabamba likely.

UNID  5055.008 kHz tiny string visible at 11.30 UT March 1.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 1)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Howard" <>
Sent: Saturday, February 29, 2020 9:56 AM
Subject: Radio Vanuatu on 7260 kHz., with extended broadcast

VANUATU. 7260, R. Vanuatu, 0540-0659* UT, Feb 29. Anomaly, with extended
broadcast; observed normally going off at 0630*; 0540-0629, with non-stop
chatting in vernacular, except for a few pop songs; 0629, IDs and program of
very entertaining Pacific Islands music/songs; promo in English for the
upcoming concert of the South African group "Soweto Gospel Choir"; suddenly
off. My audio of IDs and five minutes of their nice music, at

Asilomar State Beach, Calif.
Etón E1, antenna: 30m long wire

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