** ARGENTINA [non]. Since WRMI 5800 has been running either Hal Turner
or Taiwan relay test, has RAE Spanish just been deleted at 0100 on
5800? Last UT Saturday I was surprised to hear Hal Turner on there //
9455. Whither RAE Spanish? Outdated sked has long shown 2200-2300 M-F
on 5010 System D. The transmission schedule shows 5010 not starting
until 2300, and indeed no signal here at 2200 & 2215 March 16. And the
Argentine DX bulletin Conexión Digital continues to publish every week
totally wrong info about their own RAE, including 6060 which was soon
replaced by 5800:

``ARGENTINA: RAE, Radiodifusión Argentina al Exterior: 
0100-0200 O-6060 23456 
2200-2300 O-5010 12345``
Maybe another correxion like this will be noticed tho in English? 
(Glenn Hauser, OK, 0036 UT March 17, WOR iogroup)

** NORTH AMERICA. 7480, March 17 at 0248, dulcet tones from Josiah of
anti-Christ pirate, Station YHWH, S9-S7; tnx to tip from Walt Salmaniw
on the WOR iog, noting the time as earlier than usual (could he be on
DST, i.e. not Arizona?); and also heard next hour by Rick Barton AZ,
who also reported him the night before on 7475 instead of 7470 instead
of 7480, so check them all (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TAIWAN [non]. 5800, March 16 at 0059.5, WRMI ID by BZ after SMTV,
and instead of RAE Spanish relay repeat, 0100 into music, unseems the
publicized RTI relay test, but at 0102 I am hearing YL in Spanish with
Chinese accent, talking about Dia Mundial de la Radio which was back
on 13 febrero; S9+20/30. Soon mentions Radio Taiwán Internacional, so
that`s it with old program for test; includes music breaks and
sounders. 0129 RTI contact info; 0131 into some kind of music/fill.

The third series of relay tests, after two which went bust, is
supposed to be UT March 16-17-18: 0100 on 5800, 0200 on 5010, 2200 on

5010, March 16 at 0228 I barely tune in time to catch closing of RTI,
poor here, but guess what? It`s also on very poor 7780, and much
better 9395! (Just before WOR follows at 0230 on 7780.)

7780, March 16 at 2214, jazz music, 2221 RMI Spanish ID, more music.
Not RTI relay, maybe APS Radio as originally scheduled. However,RTI
did show here yesterday as Richard Langley, NB reported: ``Noted in
Spanish on my recording of yesterday (15 March) at 22:00 UTC on 7780
kHz instead of Voice of the Report of the Week``. That was a UT day
before the tests were supposed to start.

Let`s see what happen to these & other WRMI frequencies March 17-18.
See also ARGENTINA [non]. (Glenn Hauser, OK, 0036 UT March 17, WOR

And here`s what happens UT March 17: 5800, at 0100 WRMI starts Hal
Turner, who claims to have secret info about virus suppressed by
mainstream media; monitored via Colombia SDR, but at 0102 abrupt
switch to Spanish before HT can spill the beans. This proves to be the
RTI tests rather than RAE, as no Italian accent; they also about CV,
and sino-fobia, which surely affects Taiwanese too by the ignorant.
0112, RTI ID. At 0115 checking own receiver: both routes include a
squeal on the 5800 transmitter. 9455 at 0115 is still carrying Hal
Turner on his only nominal frequency.

At 0200, another scheduled test of RTI in Spanish via WRMI. Again on
three frequencies, not just one: 7780 good via UTwente; 5010 fair in
Colombia; 9395 good at Rockport (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2025 monitoring: confirmed Sunday
March 15 at 2130 on WRMI 7780, fair via UTwente SDR.

Also confirmed UT Monday March 16 at 0130 on WRMI 7780, S9/+10. But
9395 is playing something else until WOR start about 35 seconds late,
separate playout, good S9+10 but sounds better than 7780.

Also confirmed UT Monday March 16 at 0230 on WRMI 7780, fair. Also on
WRN webcast.

Also confirmed UT Monday March 16 at 0300 on Area 51 webcast; at 0327
also on WBCQ 5130, fair S9+10/20.

Also confirmed UT Monday March 16 at 0330 on WRMI webcast, and 9955 VG

Also confirmed Monday March 16 from about 1900:40 on IRRS 7290 after
QSY from 7295, and a few seconds of FSN headlines. No CCI but heavy
ACI/splatter from 7295 and 7280 (not 7285); via UTwente SDR. 

Also confirmed UT Tuesday March 17 at 0100 on WRMI 7780, JBA in
Colombia but good at UTwente; and at 0115 check fair here. Next:

2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0100 UT Thursday  WRMI 7780 to NE

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) 

** U S A. 5850 // >> 5010, March 17 at 0115, WRMIs Spanish
robobibling. See also ARGENTINA [non] and TAIWAN [non] (Glenn Hauser,

** U S A. 9330, March 16 at 1555, NO signal from WLCR via WBCQ; what`s
wrong? A-20 registrations so maybe not yet in use, call for relays via
Woofferton, UK. After spending millions to build the 500 kW
``Super-station`` at WBCQ site, to cover the whole flat world, they
discover need for a relay closer to the Mideast! To convert all those
Egyptians to nihilism (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0447 UT March 17
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