CUBA  Checked RadioCuba outlets on March 22 at 12.45-13.30 UT.

5025even  Radio Rebelde Bauta at 12.45 UT on March 22, S=9+25dB
strength in New Jersey US state remote SDR rx. Nice Latin AM music px.

5999.995 RHC La Habana music px via Quivican San Felipe TITAN bcast center,
at 12.53 UT on S=9+35dB powerful signal, little bit lower modulated.

7340even  RHC Spanish from Bejucal site towards Antilles at 13.00 UT,
S=8 in New Jersey SDR rx remote unit, RHC nice Latin music program.

9535.003  RHC Bejucal site, S=9+5dB signal in NJ eastern US state.
At 13.05 UT news by sonor male reader program. To Antilles target.

11760even  RHC Bauta transmission, towards all-Caribbean,
S=9+5dB into New Jersey US state SDR rx. 13.10 UT on March 22.

13700even (?from Bejucal site?) and 13780even (?from Bauta site?)
both equal signal levels today Sunday March 22 at 13.22 UT
RHC Spanish site 13-15 UT, S=9+15dB in New Jersey US state SDR rx.

15140 even, BAD MODULATION. Much terrible distorted scratch noise
audio signal from Bauta site, S=9+25dB towards 305degr azimuth at
western US / CA / Vancouver CAN target, at 13.25 UT. 20 kHz wideband.

15230even RHC from Quivacan San Felipe TITAN bcast center,
at 13.29 UT on March 22, S=9+15dB in New Jersey US eastern state,
towards Brazil South America target.

73 wb

----- Original Message ----- From: "Wolfgang Bueschel"Sent: Sunday, March 22, 2020 2:16 PM
Subject: 11825 at 13.00 - 13.14 UT today English UNID ?

UNID  USA program, some S=9+25dB strong US program ? on
11824.997 kHz from Greenville North Carolina or other WWCR/WHRI ?
noted in 13.00-13.14 UT on March 22. 73 wb

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