** ANTARCTICA. Adding to previous report on the extended broadcast of
LRA36, 15475.98-CUSB, July 11 as heard via Brasília KiwiSDR: Kept
playing nothing but music from Miguel Figueroa y Su Conjunto,
including shout-outs by the leader but no station announcements, past
1800, 1824, and still past 1900 and past when I finally quit at 1912+.
Manuel Méndez in Spain reported, ``At about 1940 signal weakened and
became inaudible. 15321``

I found this link to more about his group and many performances, and
BTW, July 9 was independence day in Argentina, so maybe that explains
this broadcast on I.D. weekend?
Citing here does not imply endorsement by gh of disgraced FB.

Now, Horacio Nigro posts to the WOR iog: 

``Friends and colleagues such as Horacio Nigro Geolkiewsky and
Alejandro Álvarez have suggested on various occasions to evaluate the
performance of the transmitter in use by LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcángel
San Gabriel in USB mode. I transmitted this concern to the operator
and technical manager of the  station, Mr Damian Tranamil, who
considered it possible to carry out some tests taking into account
both the mode of emission and the propagation at the appropriate

That is why the next Saturday, July 18 and 25, between 1700 pm [sic]
and 2300 UT, there will be test broadcasts of LRA 36 on the frequency
of 15476 khz USB mode. Reports of reception to
tranalr...@radionacional.gov or to Facebook Esperanza San Gabriel.
Confirm via eQSL. Diffusion appreciated (Adrian Korol, RAE, Buenos
Aires Argentina via Horacio Nigro Geolkiewsky, Montevideo, Uruguay,
July 12)`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** AUSTRIA. 11620, July 12 at 0614, YL in French; BBC via Moosbrunn
listed this hour only; tuning across in USB, hear a LAH so seemed
off-frequency, but measured within a couple Hz of .000. The LAH is
axually some hum on the audio, another indicator of trouble at this
transmitter site (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CHINA. 15340, July 12 at 1258, Chinese at S6-S8; Aoki shows Sound
of Hope relaying RFA via Pingtung, Taiwan site all the way from 00 to
17 with only 1 kW; so this is certainly CNR1 *jamming.

14870, July 12 at 1259, JBA algo, Chinese? An SOH frequency, so CNR1

More thorough CNR1 jammer survey, July 12 from 1305, a most active
hour in local primetime of 9 pm:

1305, 13835 with two signals mixing, the victim being RFA Tibetan via
TAJIKISTAN this hour only. Also single signals on 13160, 13150.

1310: 12880 S7-S9; 12870; 12800 echo; 11460; 11150; 11120; 11100
S4-S7; 10920; 10820 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 9940, July 12 at 1317, slow rather wistful song
at S6-S9, 1320 Korean talk and more music. It`s Nippon no Kaze via
Paochung, TAIWAN site during this semihour (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NIGERIA [non?]. 15120, July 12 at 0621, JBA carrier, possibly Voice
of Nigeria; when I heard this broadcast on 11770- instead of 9690-
instead of 7255-, I remarked, ``what`s next, 15120?``. Tonight all
three lower frequencies are vacant, and 19m is barely propagating
anything, the Midnight Sun helping. 

However, CRI Beijing site is on 15120 at 0300-0700; Nigeria supposedly
in DRM only, when active at various times between 0900 and 1900. Other
JBA AM carriers on 19m now: 15160 correlating with China, 15180 with
North Korea, and 15400 with BBC Madagascar (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6950-SSTV, July 12 at 0131 tune-in to SSTV beepery
in progress; hard to pin down in USB tuning, not having heard any
voice, also audible on 6951, but I notice no sound listening on AM.
S9+10 via indoor longwire due to local storms; pause and soon start
another SSTV and then apparently off, nothing further. Many logs here
as KDOG, with many previous SSTV images mostly of --- dogs:
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SCOTLAND [non]. 5850, UT Sun July 12 at 0137, `Encore` classical
music via WRMI, VG here and VP on // 5010. Hope to catch the rest of
it from 0200 UT Mon on 9455 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SINGAPORE. 15145, July 12 at 1258, S7-S9 of BBCWS English promotion
to 1259*, this hour only via Kranji, 250 kW at 13 degrees across China
and USward, and per Aoki also *jammed but none heard here. Far too
many Chinese understand English, so even BBC Must Be Jammed to keep
them ignorant (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. Once again while waiting/hoping for the Es MUF to penetrate
the FMBC band, I check out the 10m hambeaconband, mostly relogs:

28281-CW, July 12 at 1810, DE W8EH FM79, i.e.:

28254.5-CW, July 12 at 1812, VVV VVV DE K4JEE/B, i.e.:

28325-CW, July 12 at 1814, partial ID as W0R--, big fade up and out,
but not listed by WJ5O, as slightly above its beacon sub-band limit.
Seemed like a beacon, as CW QSOs would be down toward 28000.

28217.7-CW, July 12 at 1849 after lunch, VVV VVV DE K4PAR/B and more
in long message of 26 seconds, and long pause of 28 seconds before
repeating, i.e.:
``28.2177 K4PAR C EATONTON, GEORGIA NEW 1 JUNE 2019`` 

includes photos, cartoons, part of text:

K4PAR  Kilo 4 Putnam Amateur Rabbit
Piedmont Amateur Radio Club, Eatonton Georgia

Greetings from K4PAR
We are located in in Brer Rabbits Briar Patch which is in Central
Georgia near Eatonton GA and in Putnam County.

Our core group consist of about 20 licensed Ham Radio Operators who
are located in Putnam and adjoining counties. [group photo of 13 OMs,
no YLs]

We have a 2 acre tower site in Putnam County with numerous HF antennas
where our group gets together and works Field Day, Winter Field Day
and Georgia QSO Party. Hams and Non-Hams are welcome to join us for
these events. You can talk on the radio or just sit around the
campfire and cook your own hot dog.

If You are interested in becoming a licensed Amateur Radio Operator
(AKA Ham) or if you are already a Ham and would like to upgrade your
license, our VE team will be happy to work with you. We give exams by
appointment. For more information and to setup an appointment,
Mickey Patterson AF4MM 770 377 9014  junebugp...@bellsouth.net or
Douglas Barker  K4EGA  706 816 2117  db1...@gmail.com
Email   k4par.c...@gmail.com
Area attractions --- Uncle Remus Museum``

Nothing about the beacon on this page but mentioned briefly on own

28286.5-CW, July 12 at 1852, WB0BIN without any /B, alternating fast
and slow WPM, i.e.:
``28.2865 WBØBIN C SABIN, MINNESOTA # 7W, GP VERTICAL New 22 Apr 18``
(Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, WOR)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2042 monitoring: confirmed UT Sunday July 12
at 0300 on WRMI 5800; vs high storm noise level nearby.

Not confirmed between 0300 & 0400 UT Sun July 12 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM,
MO, as just too much storm noise even via inside longwire to copy
anything; abates slightly at 0404 when I can recognize Vern`s voice.

0030 UT Monday    WRMI 7730 to WNW [NEW]
0130 UT Monday    WRMI 7780 to NE
0230 UT Monday    WRMI 7780 to NE
0300vUT Monday    WBCQ 5130v Area 51 or 6160v to WSW
0330 UT Monday    WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed?]
0900 UT Monday    Unique Radio NSW 3210-USB
1800vUT Monday    IRRS 7290 Bulgaria to WNW, 594-Italy
0100 UT Tuesday   WRMI 7780 to NE
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0100 UT Thursday  WRMI 7780 to NE

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Thanks this week for financial support from Ron Howard, Monterey CA,
for a generous check in US funds on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, P O Box
1684, Enid OK 73702; in memoriam Brian Alexander, Pennsylvania DXer
who died in December 2012

One may also contribute via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com
PayPal not necessarily in US funds as they will convert.
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 7490.04 approx, UT Sun July 12 at 0134, dead air from WBCQ,
typical offset frequency. `Shortwave Saturday Night` with Pirate Joe,
J.P. Ferraro is supposed to run 0100-0400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 14400-AM, July 12 at 1304, rather steady S6 open
carrier. Not an Aoki-listed CNR1 jamming channel (Glenn Hauser, OK,

UNIDENTIFIED. 14486-USB, July 12 at 1300, 2-way in Spanish, weak but
stronger one mentions some numbers, and different tones in background
maybe music or just hum (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report despatched at 1943 UT July 12
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