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Today's Topics:

   1. Glenn Hauser logs November 3-4, 2020 (Glenn Hauser)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2020 02:41:40 +0000 (UTC)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Cc: Short-Wave Radio Listening <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs November 3-4, 2020
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

** AUSTRALIA. 5055, Nov 3 at 0740, JBA carrier, presumed the 1 kW,
4KZ, Innisfail, Queensland, starting to show up before sunset approx.
0824 UT, now that I`m awake late enough (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** AUSTRIA. 5930, Nov 4 at 0058, BBC in some language, not too much
problem from 5935 WWCR. Probably Dari as HFCC shows Prs at 0030-0100 &
0130-0200, 300 kW eastward from Moosbrunn, sandwiching Pus probably
Pashto betwixt (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CANADA. 2749-USB, Nov 3 at 0742 UT, weak marine weather in English
by roboyl. shows it`s VCO, Sydney, Nova Scotia,
550 watts with the first broadcast of the early morning starting at
0740 UT among the 3 other stations in the NS area 2749 is time-shared

2598-USB, Nov 3 at 0743, weak marine weather in English by roboyl
sounds quite like 2749 but probably not //. shows
this one is VCP-4, Placentia, Newfoundland, 3000 watts, with the first
broadcast of the early morning starting at 0737 UT among the 5 other
stations in the NL area 2598 is time-shared with. During DST I was
hearing some of these an hour earlier so suspect their schedules be
time-shifted altho not so specified. Now they appear to match (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CHINA [non]. B-20 CRI relays: see CUBA

** COLOMBIA? 4940, Nov 3 at 0331, anonymous mystery missionary station
still going with gospel huxter in Spanish, S8/S9+10 into Bonaire SDR
with typical -5v Hz carrier offset in SynchAM mode.

Despite having found Timed-Delay-of-Arrival direxion finding useless
before, I decide to try it again. Three Kiwi sites I can employ are
Pardinho, Brasil; Trinidad; and TWR Dominican Republic. They conclude
4940 is ``most likely`` at 3.20 degrees north, minus 69.80 longitude,
which is in east-central Colombia, or Barrara Minas, Guainia. This is
not too far from Puerto Ayacucho, Venezuela, just across the border,
one of the previous outcomes, so together they become somewhat more
credible as a general area. But then at 0345 I run it again with
different Kiwis: Vilhena, Brasil; Bonaire; and Cariaru, Brasil. This
time they put it at 13.50 north, -157.50 west, which is in the N
Pacific Ocean, off the coast SW of Mexico. I think not (Glenn Hauser,

** CUBA. 6145, Nov 3 at 0732, RHC English still on an extra hour,
S9+20 with sufficient modulation and // 6000. This may mean the NAm
English span has all shifted an hour later to 0100-0800 instead of
0000-0700. Due to end of DST in USA, as a Running Dog of Yanqui

5910, Nov 3 at 0736, RHC English is here too! Starting `Focus on
Africa` which is musical, S9+20. This frequency has been used before
for CRI relays earlier, not RHC itself, so could be an error at this
hour. 6100 however is off so maybe ex-that. 

Arnie continues to boycott HFCC since that might cause him to
negotiate with --- ugh --- Americans, but CRI at least registers its
relays via HABana, B-20 showing 5910 at 0300-0400 English, 0400-0455
Yue = Cantonese, with 250 kW at 305 degrees. Oh2, back to 6180 at
01-03, to collide with Brasil. No change from A-season for the others
on 5990, 9570, 13650, 15120; and as I already reported, 15700

6000, Nov 4 at 0013, RHC in suptorted Spanish, presumably the `Mesa
Redonda`` TV show soundtrack shifted as usual an hour later after DST,
nominally 00-01 weekdays, and // 11950, but no signal there to the
Virginia SDR where I am checking all these. Also NOT on now is 6145
the other NAm English frequency which used to start at 0000, now 0100?
Also NOT to be heard are Spanish: 11760, 9640; 6060 has something with
Qu`ran, and 6100 China`s Portuguese service music fill direct.

5040, Nov 4 at 0015, however is on now in English, probably the only
one at this hour per winter scheduling.

At 0050 Nov 4, I check Cuban frequencies direct: JBA carriers on
11800, 11760, 11670 which match for Cuba; propagation extremely
degraded but you would not know it from WWV at 0000: K-index only 1,
no storms, and solar flux for Nov 3 was a `high` 83! No signal on 9640
but 9535 is S7-S8. WRMI not making it on 9 MHz either but OK on 7

6180, Nov 4 at 0100, now very fast SAH between RNA Brasil and must be
the CRI CUBA relay back here despite collision last winter. Brasil was
solo before 0100 but disturbed and // much weaker 11780.

6145, Nov 4 at 0102, RHC has just come on here with dead air, then JIP
English modulation, and also now on weaker // 6000. 5040 now has
switched to Kriyol (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) See also PERU [and non]

** CUBA [and non]. 5980, Nov 3 at 0734, Cuban jamming against no
Mart?, instead trying to save us from those nasty WWCR leapfrog mixing
products, JBA underneath jam the 5890/5935 huxters which are very
strong this night on fundamentals (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** KOREA NORTH [and non]. 5990, Nov 3 at 0733, noise jamming of
slightly varying pitch in the Juche style, blotting something talking.
No doubt attacking Echo of Hope, one of their several jumparound
frequencies this week as confirmed by Ron Howard on Nov 3. Unless I
can modify my own sleephours depending on local time, during CST I may
be awake as late as 0730 UT instead of 0630, e.g. audiblizing stuff
like this as it`s nearing winter sunset on the peninsula, 0833 at
P`yongyang (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. 90.1, KUCO, Edmond: on Nov 1 I sent this to GM Brad

``Brad, Glad you`re back! Sure missed KUCO. Seemed most of the time
the silent carrier was on at least weakly, as KHCC would sometimes get
overcome depending on antenna orientation or in driving around.

Perhaps it would be a good idea not to put all your eggs in the
fibre-optic link, like at least for backup a plain old 900 MHz STL?

Still not clear to me why the webcast was also gone; yet you could
feed the relay stations? Or did they pick up WCPE directly? Are KCSC
and KBCW able to insert own IDs? As on 90.1 we always hear
triple-station IDs. Best wishes, Glenn Hauser, Enid`` --- he replied:

``Of course we wanted to use an STL from the get-go but no path was
available from our downtown location, hence the fiber optic cable.
And the cable is double looped for robustness. Just a devastating ice
storm this time around.

McAlester and Woodward are complete repeaters but we were able to feed
WCPE to them in the meantime. (And listeners had to suffer a second
fund drive from NC!) BF`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** PERU [and non]. 4764, Nov 4 at 0106, JBA carrier direct, presumed
R. Huanta Dos Mil, which LOB in Brasil is still reporting on this
frequency; we have another hour to hear it since R. Progreso, CUBA,
has timeshifted 4765 to start at *0131.8 as carrier-on tonight. But by
0114, no more signal on 4764, signed off already? (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** TURKEY. 12032.0, Nov 3 at 1413, JBA song on this odd even
frequency; not a stray CNR1 jammer as not // 6125. But there is no VOT
on 12035 for the 1330-1425v English, so is this that? Yes! At 1420,
Turkish muisc at S3-S5 and JBA English ID for Voice of Turkey.
Probably a keypad punch-up error; something`s always erroneous at
Emirler (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 7340-7345-7350, Nov 4 at 0054, DRM noise, so Radio Mart?
experiment is back from Grimesland NC. I found it missing for a couple
weeks at various chex. B-20 HFCC still has it falsely as NOT DRM, at
17-02. Now the NOT DRM RM frequencies I hear are 7355 & 7435, VG over
jamming, and also 6030 with more jamming (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2058 monitoring: confirmed UT Tuesday
November 3 at 0330 on WRMI 5800, S9+10/20 into TWR Bonaire KiwiSDR.
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW [timeshift]
2300 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 to SSE  [timeshift]
0100 UT Thursday  WRMI 7780 to NE

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Thanks this week for financial support from ionospheric researcher Dr
Phil Erickson, who, along with a contribution via PayPal to woradio at says:

``Dear Mr. Hauser - thanks for decades of faithful work on Review of
International Broadcasting, World of Radio, and more. I first received
RIB in upstate NY in 1977 and have admired your work ever since.
Keeping up now with WOR through Good DX, always. -- Phil
Erickson, Clinton, MA, USA (de W1PJE)``

Contributions via PayPal not necessarily in US funds. One may also
contribute via money order or check in US funds on a US bank to Glenn
Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. E-QSL from Texas Radio SW for Hallowe`en special via WBCQ
6160v, Nov 1 at 0200-0300:
It`s the 100th entry in my QSL gallery:
I have *many* more especially from decades ago yet to be scanned
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** VENEZUELA. 6905.96-RCUSB, Nov 3 at 0333, JBA carrier from presumed
ROCV, El Tigre, into Bonaire SDR, again unreasonably weak compared to
previous captations. There is also a JBA het and on the waterfall from
a carrier on exactly 6905.0 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0241 UT November 4

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 215, Issue 5

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