** TURKEY. 5980, Dec 14 at 2123, song at S9, must be V of Turkey, the
SSOB from Eurasia, and virtually the OSOB from there. Nothing but
music for my napping until 2155 IS and Turkish sign-off announcement
to 2156.5* after attaining S9+20 but not enough to overcome my HLLNL =
high local line noise level. It will have to do as Sa`udi Qur`an is
not making it any more if still on 11820+ (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2064 monitoring: confirmed Monday
December 14 from 1900.9 on IRRS 7290 via Bulgaria, monitored via
UTwente with VG signal but as always heavily splashed frequency from
both sides: 7295 CRI English Urumqi is back on air after maintenance
break last week, and VOV English direct on 7280 is just as bad altho
half as adjacent. 

I don`t get back from lunch before 1930 to hear how chopped off I may
be this week, but at 1939 I find the signal is very poor, at first
suspected off early? The two splashers remain much stronger. I try
other SDRs: closest to Bulgaria are in Romania and Greece, but they
are too far for groundwave, too close for much skywave. A JBA signal
to Thessaloniki could be Dan Roberts on SW Report or one of his
pickups. At 1950 I  finally try an Eire SDR and hear IRRS definitely
still on, but only S8-S9. As usual, his SW Report chopped short at
1959 for IRRS sign-off. 

I also monitored the lead-in: 1854 tune-in 7290 open carrier already
on with some hum; 7295 China not on yet but in addition to 7280
Vietnam there is a weaker with music on 7285, what? Aoki/NDXC says CRI
in Cha language from Xianyang 59 site until 1857; EiBi says CRI in AM
language from x site until 1900. ?? EiBi readme.txt language roster
shows CHA for Cha`palaa / Chacha in Ecuador; I think not; and AM for
Amoy. WRTH 2020 resolves the dilemma, showing no Amoy really at 1800
in B-19, but Chaozhou to Europe on 7285 and 6010. That language in
EiBi is abbr`d CC or [nan]! Anyhow, it`s off by 1857* but the much
stronger 7295 CRI English is on before 1900. Could our major
references ever get together on the lang. abbrs.?! Back to 7290: IRRS
ID at sign on from 1859.8, Feature Story News headlines at 1900.4
before WOR.

WOR 2064 also confirmed UT Tuesday December 15 at 0100 on WRMI 7780,
noisy S7-S9 here but VG S9+10 into Maine SDR. Next:

0330 UT Tuesday   WRMI 5800 to SSE
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
2300 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
0100 UT Thursday  WRMI 7780 to NE

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support:
thanks this week to Chuck Ermatinger and Keith Wyatt who sent
contributions via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com -- in US funds but
not necessarily.

One may also contribute by MO or check in US funds on a US bank to:
Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 5950, Dec 14 at 2122, this WRMI is much stronger than before
with a beam change effective today from 285 to 355 degrees. That
should not make so much difference here, between them at about 315
degrees from Okeechobee. Something else must have changed, modulation
improved, power level raised, and/or antenna sidelobes are now broader
too. It`s Bob Biermann, YWS? No, wrapping up at 2158 it`s his other,
radical political talkshow, `Truth to Ponder`, wondering how much
better the new frequency is for listeners, from a postal address in
Georgia. [BTW, everything that I, gh, say is also *the truth* but I
don`t have to keep asserting that it is.] Now in daytime, 5950 is
S9+10, stronger than only S9 5800 WRMI-10 which despite its
160-azimuth is quite listenable back here, e.g. during two WOR

The WRMI skedgrid http://www.tinyurl.com/WRMIfqs has been updated as
of Dec 14, with 9455 eliminated! 5950 is now pm XMTR-8 at 355 degrees,
all TOMBS except for 21-23 various and 02-04 Hal Turner. 4980 is
supposedly reactivated as XMTR-5 at 285 degrees, the old az. for 5950,
mostly SMTV or BS but some other blox at 01-02 & 07-10 UT. Now 11710
applies to XMTR-4 at 160 degrees but with NO transmissions, yet? Be
alert for QRP exciter-level emanations like formerly 4980.

Peter Hansen sums up the swaps as: ``What was on 9455 now is on 5950.
The programs that were on 5950 are now scheduled to be on 4980. Don't
hear 4980 yet, if anyone hears 4980 please let us know. Peter W
Hansen`` Nor am I hearing 4980 by 0130 December 15. Bob Biermann
himself replies on the WOR iog: ``It may be a while for 4980. It is
going to be a difficult frequency change in many levels. Matching to
the antenna will take weeks.`` 

That correlates with this via Chuck Gessner at 0050 UT Dec 15:
```Posted on FaceBook about two hours ago. ``Frequency changes on WRMI
--- Effective December 14, 2020, our transmissions on 9455 kHz have
been changed to 5950 kHz, and our transmissions that were previously
on 5950 kHz will be changed to 4980 kHz in the near future. We are not
ready to begin broadcasting on 4980 kHz yet, but we hope to be ready
in the coming days. We'll keep you posted.````` (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** U S A. 9975, Monday Dec 14 at 2120 checking for KVOH to come back
after failure Saturday and holyday Sunday, but nothing yet, direct.
But at 2207 I find a big open carrier in 9980 TOMBS WWCR sideband
splash; then with some minor carrier peaks, probably really modulated
tones measured about: 9974.17, 9973.35, 9972.54. 2210 replaced by
music modulation, song mentions Esperanza, S9+20/30 vs WWCR S9+30/40!
2212.5 cuts to tone, 2213 back to praise music; 2215.5 devotional in
Spanish from Ejército de Salvación, etc., etc. This is no low power
but it still has no business 5 kHz away from WWCR. 

In the next hour, Ken Zichi was also hearing this, ``9975 is booming
into Michigan at 2315 with SS music. KVOH ID at 2321 and "Voz de
Esperanza" at at the bottom of the hour. SINPO 44+54+4 with only my
local QRM poking through. This is before the listed s/on in SS so ...
a test? Good to hear it back; the Jazz show was one of my favorites
when it was on many moons ago. 73  //Ken Zichi`` 

Prompting this reply on the WOR iog from Ray Robinson at 2337: ``Yes,
Ken, that's us. Previously we had the transmitter running OK, but we
were only getting a fraction of full power into the antenna. Now that
has been resolved. This should be the last afternoon of testing.
After today, it will be strictly 0000-0700 UT. Ray.``

Another look at the skedgrid, which now clarifies UT vs local days:
Major music blox 6-daily, no doubt interrupted for evangelism, are:
0200-0255 `Swing Shift` with Pat Conrad, 0400-0500 `Song in the Night`
with Scott Martin; 0600-0700 `Jazz Session` with Pat Conrad. At 0231
UT Tuesday, preaching break, Pat thinks it`s ``Sunday night``.

BUT: by 0200 UT December 15, opening English, 9975 is VP, only S5-S6
to Missouri SDR, and even worse here, S5 about = the HLLNL, unusable.
Is it propagation, or underpowered again? By 0225 to MO has built up
to S6-S9, now listenable but noisy and fadey; S5-S7 into Bonaire
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0233 UT December 15

This report dispatched at 0231 UT December 15
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