The time is 0730-1130UTC on 9400(not 9500), 9550 and 9600

On Tue, 23 Feb 2021, 19:38 Wolfgang Bueschel, <> wrote:

> E25 - archive 2007 to 2019:
> Abis  /  Abu Zabal transmitter.
> Egyptian intelligence service music station.
> > as usual Um Kalthoum with a song called 'HOB AYIH what's Love',
> > she's blaming her lover for causing her so much pain !
> > one of her classicals as usual.
> read also the intermodulations with MW Abis 774 kHz ...
> EGYPT   TDOA und unbekannte Musikstation mit aegyptischen Saengern
> {innen}.
> The station seems to use the same transmitter site as Radio Cairo.
> As a test transmission was heard using the same transmitter problems
> as Radio Cairo.
> (see N&O Newsletter 222, E25 / E25a transmission 6140, 9450 kHz)
> <>
> <>
> PDF Seite 10:
> "... Qsr711 reports that E25 uses Radio Cairo's Abu Zabal transmitter
> site. You can hear that it is the same transmitter. Check the recordings
> on the N&O website. We already knew that E25 also uses Radio Cairo's
> Abis transmitter site. The logs are submitted by qsr711 and PW2..."
> <>
> #222 Picture E25 transmitter site at Abis
> #222 Picture E25 transmitter site at Abu Zabal
> <https:\\>
> "...First reported in 2000. Originally used live voices read by males,
> then used a very unique automated woman. Errors are common in
> transmissions, from computer tones, to hearing the operators playing a
> computer game, to the transmission just screwing up in general (no music
> intro, the transmission cutting out, or just not happening at all).
> Music is usually from musician Umm Kulthum, but can vary. Needless to
> say, E25 is in dire need of component, consistent operators (and perhaps
> a better voice). Emits in AM and/or USB"
> An Insight into E25 Transmissions by Manolis of Greece:
> <>
> (via Roger Thauer-D, A-DX June 1, 2019)
> and of 2015:
> "Well I have been following that music station for sometime now ... they
> are on 9500/9550/9600 kHz varying from 09:00 to 12:00 UT, but can't make a
> steady schedule. But I think this is the Egyptian station E25 which used
> to transmit numbers on 9450 kHz around 1200-1300 UT. No ID given, just the
> normal test tone of Egypt followed by songs varying from classic old
> Egyptian songs to up to date songs released a few years back in Egypt."
> (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 15, 2015)
> UNIDentified station with Arabic music
> 1030-1040 9400 unknown tx, August 16
> 1030-1035 9400 unknown tx, August 13
> 1050-1100 9600 unknown tx, August 13
> (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 18, 2015)
> and of 2013:
> EGYPT   11116.008 kHz Arabic singer, like Egyptian music in the 60ties and
> 70ties under Pres Nasser, 2130-2200 UT March 10, 2013.
> UNIDentified Arabic program on odd channel. Heard in Perseus net in
> Nuremberg, northern Germany, on Universitty remote receiver at Twente The
> Netherlands
> <>
> in Kiev and Vienna, also in northern Italy.
> (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 10)
> However, WRTH shows 774 site is Abis, the other one. So now they would
> both have to be at the same site, one or the other, for this theory to
> work. Perhaps there was a recent site change, which would explain why this
> just now showed up.
> (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld March 11, 2013)
> Just a thought, 11116 plus 774 is = 11890 kHz. Is there Egyptian broadcast
> at that time on 11890 kHz from the same site? Could then be tx site mixing
> product.
> (Jari Savolainen-FIN, dxld March 11, 2013)
> Strange though - but puzzle solved:
> hfcc: 11890 2115-2245 27,28 ABS 200 325 0 211 English EGY ERU
> 325 degr would fit to cover western Europe, even on very small
> INTERMODULATION power signal...
> 11116.008 kHz  Arabic singer, like Egyptian music in the 60ties and 70ties
> under Nasser, 2130-2200 UT March 10.
> Abis-EGY broadcast 11890 kHz is weak signal S=5-6 in southern Germany
> tonight, came on air 21.11:00 UT March 11, but left for a short break
> 21.13:20 UT again.
> After one minute back on air, but still weak tonight.
> Intermodulation 11116 kHz came also on air at same time 21.11:00 UT but
> left also 21.13:20 UT. At start appearance 11116 was much stronger
> at S=8- 9 level,
> never any low power INTERMODULATION signal, this was a real 100 kW
> shortwave broadcast, but lasted for two minutes only ... !
> Latter appeared again now, but channel signal is very weak and distorted
> on threshold level. More like question mark occurred, still a puzzle what
> happens on the SW antenna matrix or feederline at Abis bcast center site,
> towards 11890 kHz curtain array.
> MW Abis also on 774 kHz, former 1000 kW powerhouse, now 500 kW reduced?,
> 4-mast like BBC / Marconi design of Cyprus / Oman Masirah etc.
> Abis 774 kHz MW - to shortwave at ABZ would not work, distance already 156
> kilometers ...
> There is any formula for the other 9.4 to 9.448 MHz Enigma E25 outlet?
> often heard in past 2 decades with same Nasser era like songs of the
> 60ties/70ties ? Also reported by Rumen in the past ...
> [later] Thanks Ivo, now at 0020 UT March 12, right another Abis
> INTERMODULATION outlet, acc formula:
> 9965 minus 774 kHz = 9191.012 kHz.
> S=7-8 signal strength here in southern Germany. Stronger signal in
> Stuttgart Germany than 11116 kHz this night.
> I guess it was 9990 kHz minus 774 kHz, noted some few years ago ...
> (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 10/11/12, 2013)
> 2115-2245 UT on 11890 minus 774 = 11116 kHz
> 2300-0030 UT on  9965 minus 774 =  9191 kHz
> (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 11, 2013)
> 11116  March 11 at 2202 UT, nothing audible, altho R. Cairo English is on
> 11890 kHz, good level fair signal, but modulation distorted. 11116 kHz was
> a big mystery heard mainly in Europe, and then Tarek Zeidan in Egypt
> recognized 11116 kHz as "Middle East Radio (MW 774 kHz and FM 89.5 MHz) in
> Cairo, first time to hear them on SW. The Arabic ID is Idhaat Elsharq
> Elawsat".
> Guess what, 11890 minus 774 kHz = 11116 kHz, so it's a mixture between SW
> and MW transmitters at the Abis site, possible on 11116 kHz only during
> the 2115-2245 UT English broadcast on 11890 kHz.
> Wolfgang Bueschel says it's intermittent. The 774 mix would also explain
> the previous strange frequency from Egypt, 9191 kHz, 774 kHz below 9965
> kHz which is on at 2300-0430 UT, so be on the lookout for anything else
> 774 kHz away from an Abis R. Cairo frequency.
> (Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld March 12, 2013)
> Hello Wolfy, now this is interesting. This is the "Middle East Radio
> program of \\ MW 774 kHz and FM 89.5 MHz in Cairo, first time to hear them
> on shortwave. The Arabic ID is "Idhaat Elsharq Elawsat".
> [later]  Great analysis, but the Q remains the same ... why would ERTU
> brodcast "Middle East Radio" instead of the General Program or Radio Cairo
> in any language.
> (Tarek Zeidan-EGY  SU1TZ, dxld March 11, 2013)
> Recording of "Middle East Radio" was made after 22.00 UT news cast, is
> 0000 LT in EGY, wrth Egypt entry show Abis 774 "Program 5 - Middle East
> Program" too.
> Checked also 11890 + 774 kHz = 12664 kHz tonight. - Negative ...
> (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 11, 2013)
> ENIGMA sign number broadcast E25 and E11 carried the very same program
> also in the past decades. (wb.)
> of April 2008:
> NUMBER STN.   9450.00  special FOUR number station in English noted on Wed
> Apr 16th 2008, at 1300 UT. S=8 signal in Germany. "E25 Arab Man station"
> Egyptian intelligence sce.??  (wb)
> of May 2007:
> [not LIBYA, rather EGYPT]
> Test? on 9450 ended at approx. 0903 UT.
> Re: 9450 noted today Apr 30 again. I came on the band around 0730 UT and
> heard Arabic orchestra and singer continously til 08.31:15 UT. Then noted
> a 1000 Hertz whistle check tone for about 2 minutes, Now since 0833 UT the
> program continues[til 0903 UT].
> re: 9450 seemingly NOT from Libya. Insider sent me a reply, that the UNID
> Arabic station 9450 which we heard on Apr 29 and 30th at about 0745 to
> 0903 UT, was really music from Egyptian intelligence service station.
> (wb, wwdxc BC-DX May 1, 2007)
> Thanks for the interesting reply! Sometimes there is odd numbers being
> called just after the music! Check this web site out.
> <>
> Looking at E25.
> (Mike, May 1, 2007)
> Well that's what we call Number station ... that station (off the record
> of course) is coming from Egypt, as number stations follower we call it
> E25, the main transmission for that station with messages is between 12.00
> and 13.00 UT normally they start around either 12.00 or 12.15 or 12.30 or
> 12.45 all the transmissions start with OM Kalthoum the legendary Egyptian
> singer for like 4 minutes mainly with one of two songs aroouh lemeen ...
> whom should I go to ... or Inta O'mry ... you are my life. Been following
> that station for sometime now ... the messages are mainly numbers in
> English and Arabic sometimes.
> I used to pick them up worming up around 07.00 UT as well with non stop OM
> Kalthoum song for like 45 Min or so, so by all means this is ain't Libya
> this is the voice of the Egyptian secret service ...
> For better refrences and Audio files as well ... check my friend's blog
> Manolis from Greece. He's a great follower of that station ... check his
> blog for E25 records ... you'll be amazed:
> <>
> And for more info about that station's history check Simon Masons
> wonderful website for number stations:
> <>
> I'm sure you'd enjoy reading that site as well ... will brings lot's of
> memories for you I guess ... specially about Stasi's stations ... in the
> 80s and early 90s :)
> <>
> "From at least 0800z to 1322z E25 was on air playing oriental music. At my
> QTH, signal strength was constant S9+. Towards the end of this lengthy
> test (?) session a song was repeated again and again several times ..."
> hello xxx, as usual Um Kalthoum with a song called HOB AYIH what's Love,
> she's blaming her lover for causing her so much pain ! one of her
> classicals as usual. Nice catch my friend. yours xxx 1 May, 2007.
> As usual Um Kalthoum with a song called HOB AYIH what's Love,
> she's blaming her lover for causing her so much pain ! one of her
> classicals as usual.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Arthur Pozner <>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2021 8:51 PM
> Subject: Re: [WOR] Mystery Station via E25 Rebeat transmitter, February 23
> > It appears to me that in Egyptian Arabic the letter P is not pronounced
> or
> > used in the same exact way as in English. It is actually the sound of B.
> > Especially in the Cairo dialect...
> >
> > On Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 2:05 PM Ivo Ivanov < wrote:
> >
> >> Repeat is Povtorenie - in Bulgarian language
> >>
> >> On Tue, 23 Feb 2021, 18:01 Ivo Ivanov via, <
> >>> wrote:
> >>
> >> Woman voice of the recording REBEAT, not REPEAT
> >>
> >> On Tue, 23 Feb 2021, 16:45 Wolfgang Bueschel, wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ----- Original Message -----
> >> From: "Glenn Hauser via" <>
> >> Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2021 6:03 PM
> >> Subject: Re: [WOR] Mystery Station via E25 Rebeat transmitter, Febr 23
> >>
> >> > ?? What and where is this ``Rebeat transmitter``? Where did you get
> >> that name/word? Glenn
> >> >
> >> > On Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 10:55:16 AM GMT+1, Ivo Ivanov
> >> > <> wrote:
> >> > EGYPT Mystery Station via E25 Rebeat transmitter, February 23:
> >> > 0925-0930 on 9400 unknown tx / unknown to ????, 1000Hz tone and
> >> > 0930-0940 on 9400 unknown tx / unknown to ????, Egyptian music.
> >>> > Fair to good via SDR Tambov Russia, over very weak signal of RTI
> >> > at same time 9400 PAO 100 kW / 205 deg to EaAs Amoy R.Taiwan Int
> >> > -- 73! Ivo Ivanov
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