CUBA   RadioCuba outlets of RHC/Rebelde/Progreso/Mesa Redonda
and CRI Latin AM relay Quivican Cuba site
need more monitoring, to check their spring settlements,
I guess A-21 Cuban schedule will be final on Wednesday March 31 then.

- - -

Last night there were some wrong 'on its way' in Cuban schedule

A-2 antenna HRS4/4/0.8  NY 10degr +30degr slewed EUR azimuth
1930-2000 15370 BAU 100   40 WeEu French     Europe now13680
2000-2030 15370 BAU 100   40 WeEu Portuguese Europe now13680
2030-2100 15370 BAU 100   40 WeEu Arabic     Europe now13680
2100-2300 15370 BAU 100   40 WeEu Spanish    Europe now13680
noted with powerhouse on 13680 kHz.

2100-0500  9535 BEJ 100  230 CeAm   Spanish  MEX-GTM-CTR-Panama
2100-0400  9650 BEJ  50  110 Antill Spanish  Antilles  QRM CRI  HQ1/03
2100-0200 11760 BAU 100  n-d NCAm   Spanish  non-directional    HQ1/08
2100-0500 11850 QVC 250  170 SoAM   Spanish  Chile Buenos Aires
RHC was NOT on 11850 kHz, but same scheme at 23.00-24.00 UT in English
\\ to African English sce. on 11950 kHz on March 23.

2200-2300  6000 QVC 250   10 ENAm Spanish Mon-Thur "Mesa Redonda"
towards Washington DC/New York.
2200-2300 11950 BAU 100  340 WNAm Spanish Mon-Thur "Mesa Redonda"
to Chicago.

A-3 antenna HRS4/4/0.8 RJ 130degr -30degr slewed SoAF azimuth
2200-2230 11880 BAU 100  100 SoAf French     Africa
2230-2300 11880 BAU 100  100 SoAf Portuguese Africa
2300-2400 11880 BAU 100  100 SoAf English    Africa okay on March 23

2230-2300 15730 BEJ  50  135 SoAm French     Mon-Sat  Rio, Buenos Aires
2230-2300 15730 BEJ  50  135 SoAm Esperanto  Sun Only
                               to Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires target.
2300-2330 15730 BEJ  50  135 SoAm Creole   Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires
2330-2400 15730 BEJ  50  135 SoAm French   Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires
BUT sounded like Portuguese at 23.30 UT on March 23, need more monitoring

2100-0400 13740 BAU 100  160 SoAm Spanish  Buenos Aires
wrong, started from 0000 UT March 24

Okay March 23-24, but 22-23 UT was Spanish likely "Mesa Redonda" instead:
2200-0500  6000 QVC 250   10 ENAm English  Washington

Okay March 23-24 at least at 2300 and 0000 UT check.
2300-0400 11670 BAU 100  130 SoAm Spanish  Rio de Janeiro
2300-0500 15230 QVC 250  160 SoAm Spanish  Buenos Aires

83 and 263 degrees CT2/1/0.8, TX #6
2100-2300  5040 BAU 100  n-d Cuba Spanish
2300-2400  5040 BAU 100  n-d Cuba English
0000-0030  5040 BAU 100  n-d Cuba Creole   okay on air March 24
0030-0100  5040 BAU 100  n-d Cuba French
0100-0200  5040 BAU 100  n-d Cuba empty carrier on air March 19
0200-0500  5040 BAU 100  n-d Cuba Spanish
0500-0600  5040 BAU 100  n-d Cuba English

CUBA  A-19 DST schedule, CRI La Habana Quivican San Felipe TITAN relay Cuba:
0000-0100  5990 QVC 250 n-dir NoAM  Spanish
0000-0100 15120 QVC 250  160 SoAM   Spanish  okay on air March 24
0100-0200  9580 QVC 250   10 NoAM   English
0200-0300  9580 QVC 250   10 NoAM   Chinese
0300-0400  9790 QVC 250  305 WeNoAM English
0400-0400  9790 QVC 250  305 WeNoAM Cantonese
1200-1300  9570 QVC 250   10 NoAM   Cantonese
1300-1400  9570 QVC 250   10 NoAM   English
1400-1500 11880 QVC 250  305 WeNoAM English not schedule request anymore
1500-1600 11880 QVC 250  305 WeNoAM English
2300-2400  5990 QVC 250 n-dir NoAM  English    okay on air March 23
2300-2400 13650 QVC 250  135 SoAM   Portuguese okay on air March 23

TITAN tx #1 and #5.
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews, monitored in A-19 NoAM DST March 14-18,
March 23-24)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX" Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs March 23, 2021

** CUBA. 6100, March 23 at 0630, S9 humbuzz from the only RHC still on
the air, otherwise just barely modulated if that`s the audio source.
Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 13435 trace, 13500, 13567 vs CODAR, 13633 S9; source 13700
S9+30; 13767, 13834, 13900 S5, 13967 & 14034 & 14100 traces at least
of F-natural tone, March 23 after 1418, distorted spurblobs today at
~65 kHz intervals, the closer ones with readable audio in NBFM; not in
the order tuned. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** CUBA. 11760, March 23 at 2332, the #1 historic RHC frequency is
humbuzzing at S9+20, much like that heard 17 hours ago on 6100:
suspected very same transmitter, except now it`s also fully modulated.
Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
This report dispatched at 0104 UT March 24
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