** ANTARCTICA. 15475.98-RCUSB, Sat April 3 at 1459 via Brasília SDR,
LRA36 is JBA S1-S2, historical narrative, Malvinas war timeline as we
are into another April anniversary. They won`t get over it. 1504
insert non-ID as ``Nacional, la Radio Pública`` --- could be this
stuff originate in Bs. As., and now on the only SW station of, if not
in, Argentina? 1510 music, 1521 announcement that this will repeat
Saturday at 15 horas. Yup. Then closing until next Wednesday, song
about another base, Marambio until 1527. 

Now I`ve switched to Pardinho which gets a better S7-S8 signal. 1537
``sign-on`` with IDs in Spanish, German, English and algo. 1542 the
Antarctica song, 1545 about the Malvinas war again, but dumped off the
air unceremoniously at 1547.5*. Early on I did check own receiver for
any trace of a JBA carrier, but none (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** BOLIVIA. 3310, April 4 at 0135, R. Mosoj Chaski is doing well,
S5-S7 into Brasília #2 Kiwi SDR, Andean music, intervals of Quechua
talk, but tonight I want to listen to their stream at sign-off. Listen
Live link at website goes to:
but it won`t connect. mail? Same link for pre-recorded broadcasts.
Galcom, they of the fixed-tuned radios so you`re stuck listening only
to the station that distributed it. Back to 3310 via Bsla2 before 0200
to hear the big hum resume at 0201.5 until off at 0207*. This would be
the best time for Quechuans to listen to it, avoiding being
evangelized out of their original religion (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 6060, April 3 at 0551, RHC English with the perpetual buzz;
6000 OK, 6100 off, 6145 VG, 5040 in Spanish. Something`s always wrong
at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** FRANCE. 17545, no sign of Bayto Yaikl Saturday April 3 at 1530,
via UTwente, Kuwait remotes. Had been Wed and Sat. Bottom of WRMI own
skedgrid not updated after B-20.

RMI clients via Issoudun --- HFCC A-21 info, trimmed, has all these
registrations. First group effective: 28-Mar-2021 30-Oct-2021

9490 0100 0200 11 Spa 285 150 1234567 [R República]
9490 0200 0300 11 Spa 285 150    5671 [expanded ThuFriSatSun]

17545 1530 1600 48 Mul 120 250 1234567  BYUSA [Bayto Yaikl]
15285 1600 1700 46S,47N,47SW,52NW Mul 170 250 1234567  RM [R Manari]
11760 1630 1700 48 Mul 125 250 36  NEW [Tue & Fri]
15340 1700 1800 48W Mul 127 250 1234567  DTWT [Alameda BF?]
15445 1700 1730 48W Mul 127 500 1234567  NEW

These are all NOT effective until: 03-Oct-2021 30-Oct-2021:
9490 0300 0359 11 Spa 285 150 1234567 DD
9490 0400 0459 11 Spa 285 150 1234567 DD

13710 0700 0800 46S,47N,47SW,52NW Hau 170 100 1234567 RM
13770 0700 0759 46S,47N,47SW,52NW Mul 170 100 1234567 DD

11860 1900 1929 37S,46 Fra 200 250 1234567 DD [Alameda BF?]
11860 1930 1959 46E Mul 180 500 1234567 DD

All but two are available 7 days a week, but we know some of the
broadcasts are only weekly, or NOT daily. Meaning of some of the
letters in last column unknown (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR iog) See

** GUAM. 12040, UT Sat Apr 3 at 2200, JBA SE Asian music rather than
Wavescan on KSDA, so guess that really is on UT Sundays, and rather in
Sundanese today --- very poor signal on all SDRs checked over there,
including Bandung (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** SPAIN. 17855, Sat Apr 3 at 1407, REE has still not managed to get
its N American transmitter back on the air, even on weekend morning
when it would have been a tremendous daypath improvement over 9690; if
not overestimating the MUF (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY [and non]. 9830, Sat Apr 3 at 2258, VOT is on the air
without RTTY but German IDs & IS; after English hour of mostly music,
promos and COVID-19 warnings, no mailbag. Something`s always erroneous
at Emirler. Sloppyrators haven`t turned it off, so German news starts
at 2301, good into Virginia SDR, but off before 2316 recheck. At least
The Mighty KBC no longer has to be concerned about TRT overruns on
5960 --- if it ever was, and in a month it`s to resume 9925 just like
Croatian Radio Zagreb used to do (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [non]. 15660, April 3 at 1820, S7-S8 dead air. Scheduled is
USAGM in Amharic via WOoFerton, UK; failed? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2080 monitoring: slept thru the Sat
Apr 3 at 1300 on WRMI 15770; did anyone hear it?

Confirmed Sat Apr 3 at 1600, now a real UT hour earlier on WRN

Confirmed Sat Apr 3 at 1957 on WA0RCR, 1860-AM via neighboring KB0FX
remote, about 3 minutes into so started late circa 1954.

NOT confirmed Sat Apr 3 at 2130 on WRMI 9955: this airing started
without notice a few weeks ago and now it`s gone again without notice,
replaced by some Galcom program. A quick search of WRMI skedgrid shows
the other known WOR airings still displayed.

Confirmed Sat Apr 3 at 2300 on WRMI 7780, G-VG S9/+10 into UTwente;
and VG S9+20 into Virginia. 

Confirmed from 0331 Apr 3 on WA0RCR 1860-AM, VG into KB0FX SDR. Next:

2200vUT Sunday    WBCQ 6160v Area 51 to WSW
2300 UT Sunday    WRMI 7780 to NE
0030 UT Monday    WRMI 7730 to WNW
0230 UT Monday    WRMI 7780 to NE, 5800 to SSE
1801 UT Monday    IRRS 7290 Bulgaria to WNW, 594-Italy [ex-1901]
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW
2100 UT Wednesday WRMI 7780 to NE
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
2200 UT Wednesday WRMI 9955 [jammed?] to SSE
0130 UT Thursday  WRMI 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary support:
thanks this week to Benn Kobb, Arlington VA, for a check to Glenn
Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702

One may also contribute, not necessarily in US funds, via PayPal to
woradio at yahoo.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9840, April 3 at 1407, no signal from WHRI, nor 17815, which
might have been active on a weekend; nor encountered it anywhen else
altho not thoroly checked. JBA carrier on minus side of 9840 likely
Vietnam always off-frequency, which must be glad WHRI be gone (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 5050, Sat April 3 at 2359, WWRB is on already with gospel
huxters, lo fi, who believe in UFOs but not in ungodly vaccines, S9+30
into Virginia SDR and of course also well audible here. At 0000 April
4, same g.h. inserts legal ID for `WWRB outta Manchester, Tennessee`.
Still going at 0135, 0208 chex, the latter also into Brasília I had up
to hear Chaski. And still at 0309; 0342 a screaming YL huxter.

So WWRB is back in business. Dave let his license expire last fall and
had to stay off the air while going thru FCC red tape to get it back

Harold Frodge had reported WWRB on 3185 last UT Sunday but did not
mark it as a momentous event: ``U.S.A.: 3185 WWRB Manchester TN;
0150-0203+, 3/28; Hymns to 0200:32 EE religihuxter interrupted
@0202:18 w/WWRB ID into dif-ferent religihuxter on “Challenge”. S20
peaks. 3185 not listed on their web program guide (Frodge-MI)`` 

Meanwhile, switched to summer frequency 5050, presumably as before
only active at weekends.

475v-MCW kHz, Dave Frantz`s MW beacon WA4SZE/BEACON I last logged on
Dec 31; it was so regular that I stopped logging it tho it stayed on a
while longer, but has been gone again since maybe mid-January. Here`s
the last? log of it by Harold Frodge: ``474.7 WA4SZE Manchester TN;
0318, 1/13; Sending WA4SZECOMWA4SZE/BEACON (Frodge-MI)`` (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** VATICAN [and non]. Due to a Catholic festival, Vatican Radio
scheduled some special broadcasts this weekend, April 2-3-4.

Original publicity labeled the skeds as in Vatican time rather than
God`s Mean Time. I checked out the one publicized as:

``3 April 2021
1925-2120 h [MESZ] Veglia Pasquale presieduta da Papa Francesco.
Arabic - Middle East: 7425 kHz
Chinese - Asia: 7225 kHz
English - Africa: 11935 kHz
Français Africa: 13830 kHz
Português - Africa: 15565 kHz
(via Dr Hansjoerg Biener 1 April 2021)``

Started out with real old-testament stories, Exodus etc., Jews
vilifying Egyptians. What`s that got to do with the much later alleged

From 1741 UT tune-in, 7425 is S9/+25 good into Kuwait SDR --- but
Arabic announcer keeps talking over the pope and the cantors! BTW,
original language is Italian --- whatever became of Latin, at least at
RCC HQ? It would not be until the very end, 1925, that the
catch-phrase in Latin would be uttered, ``Laudetur Iesus Christus``.
7425 stayed on with organ postlude until chopped off the air at 1930*

Back at 1745, 7225 also well audible to Kuwait, but secular music,
something else for sure unless a feed were lost. O, BBC Somali is sked
via UAE.

11935, English is JBA with ACI from 11940 Spain; direct to here at
1820 check, JBA carrier on 11935. 13830 and 15565 JBA to Kuwait, but
of course they are aimed more clockwise for Africa, if direct from

12050, RCM WEWN is carrying Spanish voice-over but can`t be bothered
to turn on their English frequency 15610 earlier than *1900 even for
such a special occasion. I do confirm 15610 at 1900 via Bonaire SDR.
After 1900, 12050 likely to be collided by Ndarason as usual.

All this is also on EWTN Spanish and English cable TV channels.
Radio-only cannot do justice to the cavernous splendour of the
basilica with gilded ornamentation. Crowd appears to be masked,
alternate seating less than 2 meters apart. 

Choirguys are not masked, not even ready below the chin for long
intervals they have nothing to sing. Pope himself is not masked, which
would be too worldly and defeatist for this special person who could
have been a role-model, but most of the assistants around him are. I
think the masks nicely complement the mitres, but they are
inconsistent in color-matching, mostly white, some blu..

There has been considerable speculation about transmitter sites which
of course VR failed to specify with the scheduling publicity. Who
cares? We know that they normally do use Madagascar for several
broadcasts to Africa; USAGM Grimesland for Latin America, and Tinang,
Philippines for east Asia; both violating Separation of Church and

Here`s the next and final VR special, but they obviously don`t care
about a Western Hemisphere audience, scheduling it in middle of our
night, 0755-1020 UT:

``4 April 2021 Easter Sunday
0955-1120 h Santa Messa del Giorno di Pasqua presieduta da Papa
1155-1220 h Messaggio Pasquale e Benedizione Urbi et Orbi
Arabic - Middle East: 15605 kHz
English - Africa: 17820 kHz
Français - Africa: 15575 kHz
Português - Africa: 17805 kHz
(Dr Hansjoerg Biener 1 April 2021)`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15340, April 3 at 1705, I`m checking an A-21 frequency
HFCC-registered for RMI via France, q.v.: there is a JBA carrier, but
it`s surrounded by DRM-like noise, where nonesuch is scheduled. Weak,
and I can`t get any remote to lock and decode it as DRM (Glenn Hauser,

This report dispatched at 0400 UT April 4
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