JRX Current Logs: Sunday, October 10, 2021Receiver (s): Degen DE1103Antenna 
(s): Sony AN-71All times and dates in UTC-GMT

AUSTRIA** 11955. Sun, Oct 10, 2021. 1840-1850, Adventist World Radio, 
Moosbrunn-AUT, in Arabic. A song; 1843 Man talks and says ID and website; 1844 
Man talks, preaching. Good reception: 55544.

BRAZIL** 11815. Sun, Oct 10, 2021. 1913-1923, Radio Brasil Central, Goiânia-GO, 
in Portuguese. Man announcer presents a program "Aquarela Brasileira", with 
ariety brazilian songs; 1917 Station ID jingle. Good reception: 45544.

FRANCE** 13815. Sun, Oct 10, 2021. 1829-1839, Radio Algérienne, Issoudun-F, in 
Arabic. Holy Qur´an program: Chant and recitation ( Recitation at 1838).Very 
good reception: 55555.

MALI** 5995. Sun, Oct 10, 2021. 1924-1934, RTV du Mali, Bamako-MLI, in Bambara. 
Man talks; Woman talks too; 1928 A song; 1930 Man says ID; Man and woman 
announcers talk. Fair reception: 35533.

PHILIPPINES** 7485. Sun, Oct 10, 2021. 2000-2010, Voice of America, Tinang-PHL, 
in Korean. A brief song; Man announcer presents news, presumably, during this 
log. Fair reception: 35533.

ROMANIA** 9500. Sun, Oct 10, 2021. 1947-1955, Radio Romania International, 
Galbeni-ROU, in Romanian. Woman announcer talks; 1953 A song by male singer; 
1955 Abrupt ends. Good reception: 45544.

SÃO TOMÉ E PRÍNCIPE** 9830. Sun, Oct 10, 2021. 1850-1900, Deutsche Welle, 
Pinheira-STP, in Hausa. Woman announcer talks and a brief piece of songs; 1853 
Woman talks; 1856 Man talks, says about Nigeria and Burkina Faso; 1858 Music; 
1900 Ends programming. Good reception: 45544.

SAUDI ARABIA** 9675. Sun, Oct 10, 2021. 1901-1911, Saudi Radio International, 
Riyadh-ARS, in Turkish. Man announcer talks news, presumably, during this log. 
Fair reception: 35533.

VATICAN CITY STATE** 17530. Sun, Oct 10, 2021. 1807-1817, Voice of America, SM 
di Galeria-CVA, in English. Man talks news; A conversation with an african news 
reporter; 1812 ID and news continues. Very good reception: 55555.

VIETNAM** 11885. Sun, Oct 10, 2021. 1818-1828, The Voice of Vietnam, Son 
Tay-VTN, in Spanish. Woman announcer presents a musical program; 1827 Man 
announcer says ID and ends programming. Fair reception with muffled audio: 

JRX (José Ronaldo Xavier)SWARL Callsign PR7036SWLCabedelo-Paraíba, Brazil 
(UTC-3)QTH Locator HI22NX
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