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Today's Topics:

   1. Fw:  SWLDXBulgaria News & DX RE MIX NEWS # 1222, December 7
      (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   2. Re: [WOR] Radiodiffusion Nationale du Soudan (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   3. Log of 12/08/2021 (Alex klauber)
   4. Glenn Hauser logs December 8, 2021 (Glenn Hauser)
   5. Glenn Hauser log roundup December 2-8, 2021 (Glenn Hauser)
   6. Kiwi_SDR Thailand (Wolfgang Bueschel)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2021 14:55:26 +0100
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "_ BCLNEWS" <>, "HCDX"
        <>,        "_ WOR" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Fw:  SWLDXBulgaria News & DX RE MIX NEWS # 1222,
        December 7
Message-ID: <A281442E98D548DA913246538D00EA34@HNPC1>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="UTF-8";

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <
To: "Ivo Observer" <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2021 
Subject: Re: [HCDX] SWLDXBulgaria News & DX RE MIX NEWS # 1222, December 7

On Wed Dec 8th:

4749.943 kHz CNR1-likely Qinghai S=8-9 signal in Hiroshima Japan at 13.05 

and accompanied
4750even kHz,
and 1000 Hertz TEST tone signal also at 13.05 to 13.11 tuned-in from
Dhaka Shavar.

73 wb df5sx

> BANGLADESH   External Sce of Bangladesh Betar in Nepali on 4750 kHz
> via Shavar, December 7:

> 1315-1345 on  4750*SHV 100 kW / non-dir to SoAs Nepali. Fair signal
> via SDR Tambov, Russia.

> * co-ch same  4750 XIN 050 kW / 270 deg to EaAs Chinese People
> Broadcasting Station Qinghai


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2021 18:54:33 +0100
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "HCDX" <>,     <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] [WOR] Radiodiffusion Nationale du Soudan
Message-ID: <558FF0ADE240437484DFDBE7BD1D982B@HNPC1>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="UTF-8";

see WRTH 2021 page #496 under Sudan Omdurman,
from Perseus Userlist Aoki Nagoya DX circle Japan.

9505 1630-1715  SDN  Voice of Africa  French   Al Aitahab
9505 1715-1800  SDN  Voice of Africa  English  Al Aitahab
9505 1800-1900  SDN  Voice of Africa  Hausa    Al Aitahab

wb df5sx

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Philby" <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2021 6:42 PM
Subject: [WOR] Radiodiffusion Nationale du Soudan

is that an error but La Voix d'Afrique
was heard today at 16h45 utc on 7205 kHz in French,
until 17h00 (Radio China start his program in esperanto) with a good 
reception in France.

After 17h00 utc I used a kiwisdr at Nairobi with a good reception, the 
speaker say that La Voix d'Afrique has the following schedule : 16h30-17h15 
in french on 9505 kHz and 17h15-18h00 in english on 9505 kHz. No mention of 
7205 kHz.
Nicolas (near paris / France with NRD525 double crossed loop LZ1AQ)


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2021 16:54:24 -0500
From: Alex klauber <>
Subject: [HCDX] Log of 12/08/2021
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Alex Klauber

Syracuse, New York USA

Receiver: Tecsun PL-660

Antenna: 42 foot (13m) insulated wire

All times UTC

Voice of America on 17655 at 17:56. Broadcast in Portuguese to Africa from

BBC From Ascension in English to Central Africa on 17830 at 17:56.

Voice of America at 18:06 on 15580 in English from Botswana to Africa.

African Pathways on 13670 at 18:11 in English to West Africa from
Mahajanga, Madagascar.

Trans World Radio in Arabic on 13810 to East Africa from Swaziland.

R. Exterior Espana on 12030 at 18:18 in Russian to the Middle East from

WBCQ on 9330 at 18:22 in French to Western Europe from Monticello.

Voice of America on 15730 in French at 18:43 to Africa from Botswana.


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2021 00:19:27 +0000 (UTC)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Cc: Short-Wave Radio Listening <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs December 8, 2021
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

** ANTARCTICA. 15475.98 RCUSB, Dec 8 at 1433, 1502, 1602 chex, NO
signal from LRA36 into Brasil SDR this Wed, despite surprise showup
Sat Dec 4 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CANADA [and non]. LW propagation is good from Canada, Dec 8 at
0737-0745 UT, but local high noise level blox above 350 kHz, even 515
PN Ponca City OK, normally the strongest, becoming JBA. Perhaps those
damn Xmas lites across the street which will probably be blazing for
another month. But below 350 these are well copiable:

346 MCW kHz, Dec 8 at 0738 UT, dash and YXL, 500 watt ND beacon from
Sioux Lookout, Ontario

335 MCW kHz, Dec 8 at 0738 UT, dash and YLD, 1000 watt NDB at
Chapleau, Ontario

332 MCW kHz, Dec 8 at 0739 UT, dash and QT, 1000 watt NDB at Thunder
Bay, Ontario; as usual well atop nearby IC Wichita KS, 400 watts

300 MCW kHz, Dec 8 at 0740 UT, dash and YIV, 500 watt NDB at Island
Lake, Manitoba; seldom heard this one straddling LW and MW

284 MCW kHz, Dec 8 at 0742 UT, dash and QD, 500 watt NDB at The Pas,

258 MCW kHz, Dec 8 at 0744 UT, dash and ZSJ, 1000 watt NDB at Sandy
Lake, Ontario; only one on 258 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 9700, Dec 8 at 0745, S9+30 of dead air, obviously RHC English
where something`s always wrong.

[non] 9330, Dec 8 at 0746, no signal from Cuban Spy Numbers despite
scheduling on Wednesdays this bihour, clear for WLCR/WBCQ S9+10.
Obviously spy would be blasting if active as RHC 9700 (Glenn Hauser,

** SPAIN. 9690, Wed Dec 8 at 2300, token English from REE, VG into
Maryland SDR. Justin Coe says after news, feature will be interview
with Steven Knight, keyboardist of a new Trans-Baroque group in
Madrid; then Justin mispronounces Omicron as ``omnicron`` -- this
happens a lot tho there is no such word. BTW, the first o is
``short``, not ``long``; that is why Greek has a separate Omega, which
is long. Interview is by Gil Carbajal: does that mean a dredge from
the archive or is he currently there? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY [non]. 5960, Dec 8 at 2259, poor signal of BBCWS ID and off*
as I am tuning in UTwente for a Turkey check, which never shows today.
BBC sked 22-23 UT only via OMAN. By 2307 I`ve checked all 5 TRT
frequencies supposed to quit at 2130 or 2200: not there either, 5970,
5980, 6120, 9610, 9625. The trouble is, nothing scheduled at 22-23, so
sleepyrator(s) in deep REM don`t wake up before 2300. Something`s
always erroneous at Emirler. From *2310, Chinese owns 5960 (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2115 monitoring: Richard Lemke, St. Albert,
Alberta, Canada, From the desk of Richard?s listening Post, Radio: JRC
NRD-535 HF, Antenna: random long wires in the trees, reports:

``Dear Glenn: World of Radio #2115, confirmed, below with details, B
21 season, Keep Christ in Christmas, Year is winding down closing out
2021, Happy New Year 2022, Details:

5950, jamming noise, 2344 half way mark, 2342, 2351 (45433), (55433), 
2359, Dec 3 UT 2021 [Fri]

5950, jamming, Utility radar, 0030, 0059 (55434), (55433), 0059, Dec 5
UT 2021 [Sun]

5950, QRN, also on 9955 kHz, 5950, 2330, 2344, 2359, 2359, 5950, Dec 5
UT 2021 [Sun]

9955, QSB fading, 2330, 2344 (55433), 2357, Dec 7 UT 2021 [Tue]

5850, 1030, 1044, 1059 (55433-4), 1059, Dec 8 UT 2021 [Wed] (Lemke,
Richard -AB)`` 

Also confirmed here Wed Dec 8 at 1053 the 1030 on WRMI 5850, VG.

Also confirmed Wed Dec 8 at 2200 on WBCQ 7490v, JBA on portable.

0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW, 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

New WOR 2116 should be ready by early UT Fri Dec 10 for
first airings at 0130 on WRMIs 5850, 7780

Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary
support. Thanks this week to Doug Brown, London, Ontario for a
generous US$ cheque on a US bank to
Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702
and comments, ``Thanks for another year of great information and DX
tips.``One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US
funds, to woradio at (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0019 UT December 9


Message: 5
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2021 01:27:19 +0000 (UTC)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
To: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser log roundup December 2-8, 2021
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Please note and spread the word - for those not on a list where my almost-daily 
all-band but mainly SW log reports appear -- or for those who are but find this 
a more convenient archive, weekly merged roundups of all these reports in their 
original form are posted early every UT Thursday via:

The latest one direct:

73, Glenn Hauser


Message: 6
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2021 03:37:55 +0100
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "_ WOR" <>,   "HCDX" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Kiwi_SDR Thailand
Message-ID: <49EF97298E04415097AB0CD24291FA2E@HNPC1>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

MYANMAR  {THAILAND}   Kiwi-Net unit by Uwe operator in eastern Thailand
start this week again via URL access


6030  2330-0130   MMR Thazin Radio     Burmese  Pyin Oo Lwin
6030  0130-0200   MMR Thazin Radio     English  Pyin Oo Lwin
Thazin Radio, lady presenter in English noted remotedly at 01.46 UT,
local Thai time 08.46 UT, Dec 9th. S=8 or -83dBm signal.

5915 kHz Myanmar Radio from new capital Nay Pyi Daw, some 210 kilometers
south of Pyin Oo Lwin bcast center. S=9+15dB or -62dBm in eastern Thailand
remotedly on Dec 9th at 01.40 UT.

5985 kHz Myanmar Radio from old capital Yeegu/Yangoon, S=9+10dB or -67dBm
in eastern Thailand. Burmese mx program at 01.43 UT on Dec 9th.

6165 kHz nothing from Pyin Oo Lwin in the clear, bad muschi mixture sigs.
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 9)

VIETNAM  {THAILAND non} Both Dac Lac regional relays in central Vietnam,
still on shortwave service in past two decades on 49 and 41 meterband.
Heard again on Kiwi-net unit in eastern Thailand:

6020 kHz  Voice of Vietnam #4th program, S=9+20dB or -52dBm, and
accompanied by two spurs on both sidebands, some 13.4 kHz apart distance.
01.50 UT on Dec 9th.
7210 kHz  Voice of Vietnam #1st program, S=9+20dB or -54dBm, and
accompanied by two spurs on both sidebands, some 13.8 kHz apart distance.
01.56 UT on Dec 9th.
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 9)

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 228, Issue 9

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