
I wonder if a 4-foot box loop (box not spiral, i.e. the NRC design) would let you null that offending station? You should be able to do that using a combination of rotation in azimuth and tilting in elevation, then back and forth to get the null deep enough to take them out. Back when I had strong locals I was able to do that using that loop. You ahve to be careful to get the loop balance just right. That's not hard to do if you follow the directions. And then you get a good really deep null.

It might be worth a try and you'd have another tool.

Have you tried tilting and rotating the FSL at all? Assuming the internal loopstick on the portable doesn't get any of the offending station. Otherwise nulling is harder. I would think that would work the same way an air-core loop does. I know the ferrite bar loops I built back in the day worked that way.

Rick Kunath, K9AO
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