Cyprus case :
603 RIK#3 , with songs of 50-70s on 13z+ and advert on 1330 and ID on1333 as 
Trito It was supp off duty as noted in a newsletter but info is wrong ( Liangas 
630 TRT 1 many mentions on Turkey 1358 and commercials Radio 1 ID in Turkish at 
1400 talks or news S8( Liangas 21/2)
963 RIK 1 1405 with news Cypriot Greek and international. Weather 1407 ID 
program "forever together» Also on 97.2FM as noticed -65 dbm S10+4db( Liangas 

Hungary case 540kHz 
Just tested 1703z  20/2 in both locally and via two kSDRs with good signal 
Another case of supposedly off station 
As far as I know they get off around 22z. leaving Spain in the frequency( 
Liangas 21/2) 

7110 R Ethiopia 1415 nearly marginal above the noise with talks Good modulation 
saves reception. Audible only with earphone
Better via Kuwait with $9/7 with pop-afro ,not afropop Also 6110 poss Fana and 
6090 ( Liangas 21/2)

5995 Mali 0625+ with traditional tunes. At 38/32 S/N level as shown in  my 
PL330 that means a Quite marginal to very poor signal . Someone switched on the 
light introducing more noise. After the light switched off 4 mins later the 
signal was lost in the standard noise (Liangas Feb 21 Olympus mountain)

 Netting on the band instead of lone listening?

 Zacharias LiangasAirspyHF+Discovery   with SDRConsole &2x16 mΛ &3x9m Δ
Icom  R75 /PL380 /  De1103  radios my main web pages 
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