NF9490 r Romania 1220 with pop  song then ID  as R Rom. Talks in Romanian . 
69/25 talking Abt petroleum
9535 Apsua radio 1223 still in the frequency with talks but signal is over the 
local noise
13770 CNR7  In Cantonese 1228+ with adverts or similar They long talks with 
music background 55/10

- al;ready posted- 
CGTN on 17490 with nearly local signal in the clear over the local noise at 10+ 
on listening to the news while in after lunch light napping Off 1358
NF ?? 17490 πrogram in Tibetan 1404z with news A ref to Istanbul 53/04 
alternate talks by man and woman  with various topics including Ukraine and 
Biden May  I suppose VoA?
New check on 31/3 too see what  is wrong in th above log: sudden stop of CGTN 
at 1252 VoA in Tibetan starts on 1400  Signal is -80/-105 dbm but poor sound 
reception die to harsh sounded noise .
Better reception in Kuwait and Cyprus albeit jammed with digital jammer ? with 
-60dbm levels . Many mentions of Putin noticed on 1425
IN Russia - Nizhny Novgorod the signal is nearly steady at -60dbm that I can 
suppose the transmitter is rather close: Tashkent? Faded 10 mins after with 
20dbm  levels
Novsibirsk and Izhnevsk kSDRs  show higher DRM like noise than signal

NF17530.0 VoA Africa mix 1256 start in -67dbm with Arabic song and program in 
17452 Kontayner at -80dbm for 14 minutes starting 1248
NF 6080 ViRI  1629 with Turkish songs Program in Arabic , mentions of Palestine 
and Iran  Indonesia  and Turkmenistan S9+20

NF 12025 BBC with talk in English  1850 themes in S Africa

5166an 5170 at 1800 talks in USB only unclear lang due to strong noise
9920 R Thailand  with longs adverts at 189 then short theme on Covid ID hen
NF 9570 at -55dbm CRIN with French program at 2117stating Chines lang program
NF 9820  VoA 1905  with news in English , and Arab song then changes into farsi 
Program (with ID!)  64/15 in PL330
5945  R Romania Intl 220030 in English beaming also  to Japan too -55dbm signal

Zacharias Liangas
Technical Radio monitor why SDR is better   Focus on Ukraine notices  - everyday  updates all my pages

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