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Today's Topics:

   1. Glenn Hauser logs April 28-29, 2022 (Glenn Hauser)
   2. JRX Current Logs: Fri, April 29, 2022 (Jota Xavier)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2022 16:40:17 +0000 (UTC)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Cc: Short-Wave Radio Listening <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 28-29, 2022
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

** AUSTRALIA [and non]. Tim Gaynor, Unique Radio, replies:

``Domestic HF Callsigns from Australia and Territories

Hi Glenn, I heard you mention during DXLD that HF Domestic Shortwave
stations in Australia (& territories), don't seem to have callsigns
in WRTH.

ACMA no longer issue callsigns for HF Domestic Shortwave stations in
Australia and territories and haven't for a while now. However, some
older licenses still do have callsigns.

If you enter either a full name or surname in there, you will find
licenses. If you enter - Hacko (Nickola) Radio DX, Gaynor (Timothy)
Unique Radio Australia, Tate (Peter) Station X, Schwartz (Kevin) Bay
Island Radio or Island FM 88 Shannon Shuttleworth (Also tech for K
Schwartz 5045 kHz)and Al Kirton 4KZ Innisfail QLD 5055 kHz. These are
the active ones or semi active.

You can also look up frequencies here in

ACMA main page:

I hope that helps, Glenn, and I find this a valuable resource of
looking up licensed stations in Australia and its territories. Best
regards, Tim Gaynor. Unique Radio, Australia`` (via Glenn Hauser, OK,

** CUBA. 6100, April 29 at 0629, only RHC frequency still on and in
wrong language, Spanish: English frequencies gone: 6165, 6060, 6000,
5040 all off. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** MALDIVES [non]. 11620, April 29 from 1500, VOMK Maldives, secret
site, YL preacher in Dhivehi, S9/+10 into Coimbatore, India SDR, 1528
switch to music, 1529.5 s/off in English, and off 1529.8* in time for
Vatican Arabic, much weaker crash-starting at *1530 (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** NORFOLK ISLAND. Re the 5045 tests of Radio DX:

``[WOR] That's all from Norfolk 5045 - at least for now
Apr 28 at 10:05 PM vk2dx <>

A quick report after two evenings of on-air tests. First, massive
thank you to all listeners who invested their time and tuned in. You
are a dedicated crowd, and I have an enormous respect for legends who
have been listening for 20, 40 or 70 years, and keep tuning the knob
to this day. Actually, the only reason even to attempt to get on air
from Norfolk is to serve you by 'giving you a chance to log a new
one'. Serving you is a pleasure and honour.

Another massive "thank you" goes to Glenn. There is nothing I can tell
you about Glenn and his devotion to radio that you already don't know.
To have him as an honorary station announcer was a thrill.

A word about Norfolk: my wife and I moved here in October last year.
We still travel to Sydney on regular basis, but Norfolk is now
(almost) a home. Life on island is complex and 'to get things done'
takes far more time and patience than on mainland. Transport of goods
to island is almost non existent, and people are still worried about
covid. Medical resources are very limited. Same apply to food. The
shops are empty and when fruit and vegetables are available, the
prices are simply unbelievable. A kilo of apples goes for $15;
potatoes are $10 and whole cabbage $50. Meat is reasonably affordable
thanks to local producers (there are two butchers on island). Wires,
tubing, timber, aluminium, steel, cement and building material appear
on island occasional - and disappears fast. We have brought with us so
far over 450 kg of various radio equipment and every piece was hand
carried between two of us. Internet is painfully slow and even local
phone calls are $1 per minute (and no one would dare to call overseas
on land line or mobile!).

The relationship between local population and Australian Government is
complex. There is a very strong desire for independence and self
governance. Clearly, as a newcomer I am trying to see both sides of
the story from unbiased standpoint, but there is no clean cut nor fast
solution to a complex problem.

On the other hand, the island itself is a pure magic and living here
is simply 'worth the trouble'. Playing radios is amazing; at our
location we have no man made noise and bands are open to somewhere 24
hours per day. Made 40,000 QSOs already! Norfolk is one of the best
places in world to enjoy Amateur radio, fishing and astronomy, and
probably one of few where you can enjoy all three.

To broadcasting: a steep learning curve. Quite frankly, I am
disappointed that my signal was rather 'amateurish' - it barely made
it to West Coast of USA and Canada and even reports from New Zealand
were rather modest. There are two reasons for this rather
below-average performance: unreliable transmitter which failed to
perform as per specs. The overheating protection was kicking in too
often. A KW rated transmitter was barely producing 200-300W and most
of the TXing was at 100W. 

The second 'problem' are propagation on 60m which at this time of year
favour north rather than north east. As many have reported, the second
night was significantly worse than the first. The good news is that
the 14m vertical worked as expected. This is a home made 14m radiator
with 16 radials, tuned to 5045 with SWR 1:1 so no issues there.

Where do we go from here? Clearly, an investment in a professional
grade transmitter is a must. My license allows me to run 1 KW and this
is what is the power level required to produce a decent signal. If you
have any suggestion to make or model, please do let me know. Of
course, this is not-for-profit radio setup so money is a factor, but I
am really looking for transmitter which will be turn on, and left
alone, capable of transmitting 24/7 if required.

I will be also reaching out to Tim who is on this mailing list with
request for mentoring. There is fair bit to learn about broadcasting -
and if I am to put a signal on air, then I do need to do it right and
in a professional way. I remain open to all suggestions, especially
from fellow members who have been through similar process themselves.

Also, my plan is to apply for secondary frequency as well. It is yet
to be seen how ACMA will deal with application, but in my opinion
co-sharing a channel is less then ideal solution.

Finally, the bit that probably interest you the most: when is the next
transmission? At this stage, assuming than new equipment could be
obtained and delivered relatively fast, the next 'proper' transmission
should be in September.

Best regards to all, thank you for your support and happy listening!

PS: yes, QSL cards will be printed and mailed out to all who have
submitted listening report. No money is required, just make sure I
have your mailing address. Unfortunately Norfolk Island stamps are no
longer in circulation, sorry. Nick Hacko VK9DX``

{for the historical record, not for undeserved QSLs: gh}

``I recorded most of both nights` tests. I loaded some to Dropbox for
Nick to check. Here's a snippet from the first night recorded at my
home in New Zealand:
73 Chris Mackerell`` [of World FM]

``Audio of taped WOR segment of Nick?s test from 0640:50 to 0650:42 UT
on 27 April 2022 (recording made from the KiwiSDR at Half Moon Bay, CA
using the TCI 532 log-periodic antenna pointed 222 degrees):
Bruce Churchill``

``The 28 April transmission from Radio DX commenced at 0552:20 and
concluded at 0738:34 UT. Frequency right on 5045.000. Island FM on the
other hand is on 5044.997 - its transmissions are heard later and, as
Bruce says, were on air at 1300 UT 28 April. I've noticed them
breaking from their continuous music format just after the hour to
carry a commercial or public service announcement plus station
identification. Regards, Bryan Clark, Mangawhai - NZ`` (all from WOR
iog via Glenn Hauser)

** UKRAINE [non]. 7730, April 29 at 0501-0507, Ukra?nske Radio 1 via
WRMI with English segment `Ukraine: Security Issue`, by YL this time,
summary of latest war news; including voice-over translations, but not
fading out the UU voice-unders causing self-QRM. VG into Maryland SDR,
good into UTwente, but VP if at all into western Russia SDRs which
tend to block this portion of spectrum (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2136 contents: Australia, (Austria), Brasil,
(Bulgaria), Chile, China, Estonia, Ethiopia and non, (France),
(Germany), India, Indonesia, Korea South, Kurdistan non, Maldives non,
Nigeria non, NORFOLK ISLAND, Per?, Pridnestrovye, Russia non, Taiwan,
Ukraine, USA, Vanuatu, (Vatican); streaming; DRM; Propagation outlook.
() countries mentioned not in order

WOR 2136 is available as of 0114 UT Friday April 29, 2022

(mp3 stream)
(mp3 download)

Or via
Also linx to podcast services.

The shortwave+ broadcasts should be:

0130 UT Friday WRMI 5850 to NW, 7730 to NE
1430 UT Friday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed?]
1815 UT Friday IRRS 7290-Bulgaria to WNW, 14580, 1323 & 918?-Italy
2030 UT Friday IRRS 1323 & 918?-Italy
0130 UT Saturday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0400 UT Saturday WBCQ 4790 to WSW
0700 UT Saturday Unique R, Australia 5035-USB or 3210-USB
1930 UT Saturday WRMI 15770 to NE
1930vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM
0030 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to SW
0300vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315; as late as 0430]
1324vUT Sunday WMRI Europe via Ch 292 Germany 9670
2000 UT Sunday IRRS 1323 & 918?-Italy
2230 UT Sunday WRMI 5950 to NNW [to be canceled? still Apr 24]
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to SW
0300vUT Monday WBCQ 6160v Area 51 to WSW
0030 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW; 9455 to WNW
2230 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed]
1000 UT Wednesday Unique R, Australia 5035-USB or 3210-USB
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW; 9455 to WNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S; 9395 to NNW

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:
Thanks this week for financial support from Mike Lewis, Alexander
City, Alabama who sent a generous check to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684,
Enid OK 73702, and testifies: 

``I have been an on-and-off World of Radio listener since the late
1970?s ... I regret that I have utterly neglected the most valuable
and thankfully still enduring radio resource, World of Radio! ...
Fortunately, World of Radio is still with us. I am finally doing the
right thing and offering a contribution, and plan to do more in the

Also, last week`s thankee, Joe Caberlin, Ontario, would always also
like to be known as VE1EJ; originally from Nova Scotia

One may also contribute via PayPal not necessarily in US$, to:
woradio at 

WOR 2136 confirmed first broadcasts UT Friday April 29 at 0130 on
WRMIs: 5850, S9+32 into Missouri SDR; 7730, S9+15 into UTwente but
with rapid clicking QRM on USB only, OTH radar?

NOT confirmed Friday April 29 at 1430 on WRMI 9955: on the air S9/S5,
but open carrier/dead air only! From tune in 1429 past 1632. At least
that means a little less BS after 1500. 9395 & 9455 are modulating
normally. Something`s odd at Okeechobee. Next: as above Fri 1815 on
IRRSes (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9940, April 28 at 2141, WTWW #? in dramatic Ukrainian,
probably Biblical (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9975, April 29 at 0634, KVOH still on past nominal 0600*
with S9+30 of music (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) 

** VANUATU. 11835, April 29 at 0634, R. Vanuatu good on 3 x 3945,
usual canned ID with music and YL and music mentioning Kingdom of
Tonga, Papua New Guinea; delusions of grandeur? (Glenn Hauser, OK,


``Michael C. Lewis, Alexander City, Alabama 35010. April 17, 2022

Dear Glenn,

I have been an on-and-off World of Radio listener since the late
1970?s when I was first introduced to international broadcasting via
shortwave at the age of 17 (by borrowing my grandmother?s shiny new GE
8-Band radio). In addition to quickly becoming addicted to the SWL
hobby, I obtained my Novice Ham license in 1980 and remain on the air
today (KA4JGP).

While spending lots of time and money on too many radios and
associated listening books over the years (like we all do in this
hobby), I regret that I have utterly neglected the most valuable and
thankfully still enduring radio resource, World of Radio! 

This point finally hit home last night when I stumbled upon the
shortwave radio archive website and listened to a tape of RCI?s final
edition of the Shortwave Listener?s Digest with Ian McFarland. If it
was not poignant enough, I caught your last DX report on that show in
which you both exchanged hopes that you would meet up again. 

It then registered with me that I should support your noble efforts.
I bumped into Ian at one of the Winter SWL Festivals in Kulpsville, PA
in the mid 90?s after he had left RCI. He was selling coffee mugs from
his show noting it began about same time I became an active SWL (June,
1977). I really miss Ian and his show and of course your regular
contributions to it. Fortunately, World of Radio is still with us.

That said, I am finally doing the right thing and offering a
contribution, and plan to do more in the future. I?m near retirement
from more than 30 years in local broadcasting and government work and
have more time to tune in. Thanks for staying with us SWL?s and long
life and good health to you. 73?s Mike Lewis``

This report dispatched at 1639 UT April 29


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2022 22:07:31 +0000 (UTC)
From: Jota Xavier <>
To: WOR DXLD <>,  ""
Subject: [HCDX] JRX Current Logs: Fri, April 29, 2022
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8


JRX Current Logs: Fri, April 29, 2022
Receiver (s): Tecsun S-2000
Antenna (s): Sony AN-71
All times and dates in UTC/GMT

** 11610. Fri, Apr 29, 2022. 2002-2015, BBC, Woofferton-G, in Hausa. Interview 
with a man; 2006 Stop transmission and returns at 2007, now, woman interviews a 
man. Fair reception: 45533.
Parallel logs on 9410asc, poor reception: 25422; 11660asc, good reception: 

** 11750. Fri, Apr 29, 2022. 2132-2142, AWR Asia/Pacific (KSDA), Agat-GUM, in 
Chinese. To seems be questions and answers between woman and the man Pastor; 
Presumed! Fair reception: 35533.

** 13760. Fri, Apr 29, 2022. 2030-2040, Voice of Korea, Kujang-KRE, in French. 
Woman announcer presents a musical program. Good reception: 45544.
Parallel logs on 15245kuj, fair reception: 35533.

** 9765. Fri, Apr 29, 2022. 2121-2131, MWV-Palavra Alegre, Mahajanga-MDG, in 
Portuguese. Music; 2124 IS, ID, website and repeat a few times; 2127 "Moment of 
Reflection": The word of God; by man Pastor. Good reception: 45554.
** 11610. Fri, Apr 29, 2022. 2111-2120, MWV-The Light of Life, Mahajanga-MDG, 
in Chinese. Man talks, preaching, presumed. Poor reception: 35322.
** 11965. Fri, Apr 29, 2022. 2041-2050, MWV-African Pathways Radio, 
Mahajanga-MDG, in English. Music; Woman and man communication; 2045 Music. Fair 
reception: 35433.

** 15520. Fri, Apr 29, 2022. 2145-2158, Radio Exterior de Espana, Noblejas-E, 
in Arabic. Woman announcer interviews a arabic woman; 2150 Piece of songs by 
guitar and trumpet; 2156 Woman talks and other song by guitar. Good reception: 

** 9880. Fri, Apr 29, 2022. 2016-2026, Voice of Turkey, Emirler-TUR, in French. 
Turkish song; 2017 Woman talks; ID and music; 2023 Woman says VOT sked in 
french; IS; The end at 2024. Fair reception and fading: 45433.

** 7360. Fri, Apr 29, 2022. 2058-2110, Radio Vaticana, SM di Galeria-CVA, in 
Portuguese.? IS; ID and programming of the day; News of Church and Pope by man 
and woman announcers; 2108 A brief music and news continues. Good reception: 

JRX (Jos? Ronaldo Xavier)
SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL
Cabedelo-Para?ba, Brazil (UTC-3)
QTH Locator HI22NX


End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 232, Issue 30

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