** Thailand (non)

7410 KHz  V. Of America broadcasting in Burmese from 2330 to 0030z from
Udon - Thani. Signal steady S6 to S7 Newton,N.H.SDR.

** Armenia (non)

7600 KHz AfghanIstan International (2344z)
Speaking pashto man and YL commentating...
Good signal S9 plus 5db.(-62 dBm) Vermont,SDR.

///////////////// 05/03/2022////////////////

** Romaina

7375 KHz Radio Romaina International
broadcasting English program 0000z to 0057z.Top news first six minutes
Followed by what else,more news great signal S9 plus 40db (-33 dbm)
Shrewsbbury,Vermont SDR.


R.FARDA speaking Persian ID at 0130z man ann. Then music
Starting at 0136.Signal S9 along w/ the static crashes.
Shrewsbury, Vermont.


6195 KHz  ( BBC ) broadcasting in dark via AL-Dhabbia Seela Relay
0244z Signal S9 along with static crashes in Vermont SDR...


6185 KHz XEPPM R. Education Broadcasting in Spanish
Good S9 plus signal but very undermodulated...


5020 KHz Solomon Islands BC 0800z pidgen eng. Music w/ male Ann.I
news at 0803z Signal S7 to S9 San Francisco,SDR...


9965 KHz Hope radio station T8WH playing song 0807z to 0810z In Christ
0810z to 0827.MFC Ministries  religious message. Signal S9 plus 25db San
Fran Ca.SDR..

** 16meters
Only two stations coming thru at this time.(0930z )

**Thailand (non)
17485 khz V. of America in Chinese Id and news 0930z
Signal S7 to S8 KFS/NW. San Francisco SDR..

** China
17530 Khz C.R. I. broadcasting Chinese from Xianyang,China
Signal S7 to S8 KFS/NW San Francisco SDR..0930z

Solar flux 112  K= 3  minor radioblackout day side SE.Asia
Major radio blackout R3 1325 UTC day side parts of NA,Sa,EU and Middle East.

** Great Britain   12050 Khz Radio Ndarason International
Music and commentary spoken in Kanuri at 2023z (Wofferton)
Signal S9 plus 20db.Shrewsbury,Vermont SDR.

** Vietnam 11885 kHz Voice of Vietnam
Music intro and ID at 2030z ( French ) program 2030z to 2100z
Signal S7 Vermont SDR.

** MALAWI. (non) China Radio Inter.
11640 KHz 2049z English program man and YL announcers talking
About various topics..Signal S9 plus 10 db Vermont SDR.
Xmtr: Bamako,Malawi

Dispatched: 2100z
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