4765  1555 Tajik Radiosu with S9+10 dbmsignal . Man with talks then immediately 
nto a turkick song  YL with ID and slowly talking Possiblyreligious?  
3985 CNr2 in //9820  CBRadio (CNR2 ) withnice pop song 1557 S9 off 1600 
4010.02 Kirgiz radio 1604 with news in English! [spelling reminds BBC ]!! 
bestreception is only in SSB 1606 back to Kirgiz language at 1613 the volume 
isbetter 1613 ID in Russian (eve informatione) 
4712  Roskov calling?  Novosibirsk radio   , YL talking from the radio center 
at -80dbmfor two minutes till 1607 
4930 VoA via BOT with news in English 1610 with signal S9  !!
4965 V o Hope Africa (!!) received 1615 with S7 signal and just music 
6015 Xinjiang PBS in Kazakh  1621 at S20signal with talks by woman 
6120 Xinjiang PBS in Uigur  1624 with s20signal . tihsis the ‘lightest’ in 
hearing language 
6190 Xinjiang PBs in Mongolian  1622 manwith talks and S20 signal !this sounds 
the most Turkish amongst all 
10460   a Russian ham pirate , thanks toothers checked in the band that time ! 
9515  KBS in English 1632   , talking on elections on the next year S20 

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