** ANTARCTICA. 15475.98 RCUSB, Sept 2 at 1456-1555, NO signal from
LRA36 into Argentine SDR: checking this Friday in case a makeup for
Wednesday failure. Next chance: Saturday (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CONGO [and non]. 6115, Sept 2 at 1828, Canary SDR gets no signal
from R. Congo; might not get it well anyway at this early hour, but
Bruce Churchill was hearing it from 1819 to 1827.5* via Adelaide SA
SDR so I just missed it! Other reports have come in that this is a new
50 kW Chinese transmitter tnx to aid from PRChina. For the first time
this date, Manuel Méndez, Spain was also hearing it in morning, 0550
till eclipsed at 0600 by France DRM - which is supposedly in a limited
test period. MM also thinx it`s too weak for full power 50 kW. So I
have not heard it at all yet (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** EGYPT. 9439.995, Sept 2 at 2153, yay! No horrible signal at all
from R. Cairo, English into UTwente (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** IRELAND. 8957 USB, Sept 2 at 0621, VOLMET by YL in English, JBA and
I can never copy any location or ID, but thought I heard ``Bahamas``
mentioned more than once: probably not. Seems live and current with
times given as 0620zulu. Not in order, but includes visibility in km;
ceiling in feet?; temp and dewpoint in Celsius; altimeter e.g. 1015;
winds in knots and degrees, still past 0647. EiBi shows this is
Shannon, 24h (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NIGERIA [and non]. 7255-, Sept 2 at 0615, NO signal from VON
direct. Sept 2 at 1655 & 1727, NO signal from VON into Canary SDR, not
even a signature off-frequency carrier detected, just storm crashes
from central Morocco to northern Algeria. Further chex: no VON at
1828, 1841; 1858, S9+20/30 from CRI Turkish (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NORFOLK ISLAND. ``Hi Nick, Well, September is here so it`s time to
enquire how your plans are going to resume SW broadcasting? Hope
things are going well for you otherwise. Now that Norfolk has achieved
SWBC Radio Country status, I am sure there will be a lot of interest
in what`s next. 73, Glenn`` (to Nick Hacko, NSW, Sept 1)

``Hi Glenn, I am back to Norfolk on 18th. I am still looking for a 1
KW AM transmitter with no luck whatsoever. Had some preliminary
exchange with a firm in Slovenia, they are out of components. The
other manufacturer who advertises 1KW TX admitted they actually never
made one. Also my power bill on Norfolk is $1200 per quarter about 4
times more than on Australian mainland. Design for QSL cards has been
sent to printer in Ukraine --- God knows when they will be printed and
shipped. Bottom line: frustrating, but I'll be back on air - hopefully
one day soon. 73 Nick Hacko, VK2DX``

Radio DX, 5045, tested from Norfolk Island with World of Radio
participation until April 28; Nick said he hoped to resume in
September. Not to be confused with the Queensland station continuing
on 5045 (Glenn Hauser, as on WORLD OF RADIO 2154)

** OKLAHOMA. OETA has been screwing up this month, concerning what`s
on OETA-2, the `World` channel. On Sept 1 at 16 UT, something else
replaced Amanpour tho still on sked, and 17 show was wrong too. I
contacted via webform, and receptionist Kristi Wren assured me that
Amanpour would still be at 11 am for weeks/months to come; and it was
back the next day -- including first topic, what the ChiCom are doing
to the Uyghurs. In case you think I shouldn`t denounce:

``REPORT: In China, Possible Crimes Against Humanity Reported by U.N.
China may have committed crimes against humanity in Xinjiang,
according to a long-awaited report from the United Nations. China’s
vast western region of Xinjiang is home to a number of predominantly
Muslim ethnic groups, with the Uyghurs the largest population among
them. The report condemns what journalists and human rights
organizations have reported for years: the arbitrary, discriminatory
and violent detention of a people Beijing sees as a threat. While
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi claims Xinjiang is a “shining
example” of human rights progress, the United Nations says the
“serious human rights violations” there cannot be denied. Beijing has
denounced the report with the claim it is based on disinformation.
Correspondent Anna Coren reports.``

Audiovideo may be restricted to subscribers, but full transcript, page
down until you find it start:


Then Sept 2 at 2100 UT, 13-2 started playing BBC news instead of
scheduled DW, fixed it about a minute later. At 2130, 13-2 started
playing PBS Kidvid same as on 13-1, fixed that to BBC about a minute
later. Maybe they have a new inexperienced crew/person if such
switching be axually handled manually (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)

** SPAIN. 17855, Fri Sept 2 at 2200, token English from REE, VG into
UTwente; after news, concluding with horrible COVID figures, 2207.5
Amy Egan feature about two pandas gift/loan from China to Madrid zoo,
which then gave birth Sept 4, 1982. Panda mom will attend to only one
cub if she have two. Humans tried to raise the extra but it died. And
stories of further generations. Since then China has stopped lending
pandas. Amy`s narration in English is *followed* by what was just said
in Spanish interviews, not a bad idea for touching up one`s Spanish.
Spiced with nice Chinese music, and 2218 a panda song in Spanish. 2220
another song about China, in English. 

Helena Rigobert (sp?) is the new third person in the English sexion
that Justin Coe credits at 2225 before playing ``Ain`t Misbehavin```
to fill out to 2230 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 9830, Sept 2 at 2201, NO signal from VOT English into
UTwente, leaving us no choice but SPAIN. Just the JBA Chinese at + 3
Hz, same at 2230 and 2250 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** UKRAINE [non]. (7730), circa 0500 on WRMI, UR1 relay of `Ukraine:
Security Issue` as copied later:

For Aug 31, Day 189, including: Pres. Z stresses threat of nuclear
disaster does not diminish. Entire zone around Zap. station must be
demilitarized. Must be completely under control of U state. No info on
when IAEA will be able to enter due to R shelling. Occupiers allow
only one day for visit. Kharkiv shelling is more frequent, of hi-rise
buildings, kindergartens; more than 1000 civilians killed in region,
including 50 children. R forced to retreat in south, bridges
destroyed. S300 anti-aircraft missile systems destroyed, were used to
attack Mykolaiv. Donetsk evacuation continues. No electricity, gas,
water, shortage of medicine. Evac convoys fired upon. People hid under
cars. R exhausted recruiting in some areas. Lost almost 48
kilosoldiers in first semiyear.

For Sept 1 = Day 190:

including: R violated agreements re IAEA visits to NPP; refused
special passes, shelled the trip. Civilian struxures destroyed. R also
targets Zap. NPP, it had to be turned off. Damaged supply lines.
Demanded R withdraw and turn it into DMZ. (Zap. NPP story occupies
entire first half of this edition). U confidently advancing on
southern front, destroying military depots and command posts of
invaders. R trying to use stolen barges, human shields. Kharkiv
continues to be shelled. Using old weapons, not accurate scattering,
hitting civilians, S-300 missiles, old Soviet models. Sept 1 beginning
of new school year in U. Some students will never see schools, only
virtual. R damaged more than 2400 educational institutions, destroyed
270 more. Only 3 teachers for 7 first grades in some places. Parental
rights denied. Kids sent to Russian schools (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 13565 CW, Sept 2 at 1448, K6FRC ID over and over, JBA vs
stronger CODAR, the HIFER beacon I last logged June 27, q.v. for
details. I bandscan past here every morning, so it`s been more than a
bimonth. Claiming only 1.8 milliwatts, a significant catch whenever,
if true. And never audible at any other daypart; is it not 24/7?? And
neither all the others HIFERs listed 13550-13570 (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2154 monitoring: confirmed first
SWBCs, UT Friday September 2 at 0130 on WRMIs, 5850 VG direct; 7730
S9+10/15 into Maryland SDR. This time some percussion intruded between
ID and start of WOR; and my last few words closing overcome by BBB
butting in as usual.

Also confirmed UT Friday September 2 at 0330 on WRMI 7780, S7/S9+10
into Maryland SDR despite far offbeam if still aiming SW from FL. 

Also confirmed Friday September 2 at 1430 on WRMI 9955, S9/S5 deep
fades and undermodulated but no jamming. 

Also confirmed Friday September 2 from 1815.2, S7/S8 on IRRS SW via AM
Italia, Villa Estense, 1323 kHz but never on 207 or 918 kHz any more
tho I pointed out old 918 had less QRM. Now the CCI in German from
Romania`s 15 kW minority service is almost equal to us and sometimes
overtakes, but my Amerenglish speech is sharper and more readable, at
least to me. This time usually conflicts with my call to lunch, so not
paying close attention nor tuning around. 

// 7290 IRRS via BULGARIA presumably came on about *1800.8, but not
separately checked until 1828 on the Canary SDR which I already have
running to chase NIGERIA and CONGO: now it`s S6/S8 with storm crashes.
At 1833 I try UTwente closer to its target, S8/9+5; and also JBA on
14580 = 2 x 7290, but not at Canary. Plays to completion at 1844.

Pre-and post monitoring: 1323 tuned in at 1756 during music; 1800 IRRS
SW s/on and FSN as usual then music fill, 1813 German CCI overrides;
1815 IRRS SW ID and into WOR. 1844 on 7290 ID and music, 1848 old PSA
about driving accidents, don`t speed! 1849 opening `Country Jamboree`
but immediately into sub?title, `Country Style USA`, by transcription
from the US Army, DJ Hawkshaw Hawkins, I had never heard of but a
character to look up on Wikipedia: died in plane not auto crash in
1963*; 1855 US Army recruiting promo promising all kinds of benefits
except KIA. *1857 heavy ACI splash from S9+15/20, 7295, CRI English
has just come on, and IRRS cuts off within seconds, as if coördinated
but its usual time regardless of programming in progress. Back to
1323: milicountry music continues a bit; before 1900, IRRS ID mixed
with few seconds of tone from Romania before it turns off. Leaving
1323 relative clear for us an hour too late.

WOR 2154 also confirmed Friday September 2 at 2057 the 2030 on IRRS SW
via AM Italia, 1323, S9+20/25 into Vinci SDR which is getting it as
well or better than nearer Noale which has timed out. 2059 bit of
music, IRRS ID and Feature Story News, not closing down yet, but quite
a fade-down at 2103. Only lite CCI from algo now, but storm crashes:
little lightnings along Italy`s northern border; bigger storms in
eastern France and off south coast in Mediterranean. Next:

0400 UT Saturday WBCQ Radio Angela 5130v to WSW
1930vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM
0030 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to SW
0300vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315; as late as 0430]
2000 UT Sunday IRRS 1323 & 918? & 207?-Italy
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to SW
0300vUT Monday WBCQ Area 51 6160v to WSW
0030 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
2230 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed by Cuba]
2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

A noncommercial service for which financial support is appreciated to
Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702, by money order or check on
a US bank.

Or via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to woradio at yahoo.com 
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9330v, Sept 2 at 1446, WBCQ/WLCR absent again: getting to be
habitual; not even trying for 24h? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 8960 AM, Sept 2 at 0630, next to 8957 IRELAND, mixture of
two talk signals, goes away if below Preamp 2 on R75, so probably
receiver overload. Local talker KGWA 960 involved? but no strong SW
signals to be expected on 8000 or 9920. 8960 does happen to be even
7th harmonic of 1280, 8th of 1120, 14th of 640, 16th of 560 --- ahá,
8960 minus 1390 KCRC = 7570 WRMI TOMBS (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9975, Sept 2 at 0650, soft music at only S3/S5, must be KVOH
nominally until 0600*, not unusual staying a bit later, but not this
late. Earlier blasts in but now struggling against falling MUF. EiBi
says irregularly as late as -0800. Only other 9975 is KTWR but not
until much later, 1200-1230 via Tajikistan, 1300-1400 really Guam
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. RF 31, 26, 21, 10, Sept 2 at 1504 UT, BAD DTV signals on
these `open` channels, correlating with Wichita market, as tropo maps
also show enhancement thataway. Also RF 15 OKC has become BAD no doubt
due to DX QRM. As always, my rooftop antenna remains fixed toward

While researching this I also look for what DX I might get since
Enid`s only `local` TV station, K17JN-D of 3ABN, remains kaput, I hope
forever, but since it vanished, no DX logged on 17. KS and OK FCC
possibilities: KLBY Colby KS 400 kW; KAAS Salina KS 65 kW/CP 150; KTEN
Ada OK 1000 kW; and 4 scattered OK LP or translators. KTEN had been
seen several times when it was on 26 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** VATICAN. 11835, Sept 2 at 0651, RV X 3 still missing (Glenn Hauser,

This report dispatched at 2317 UT September 2
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