ALG  Qurgla shortwave Ampegon 300 kW 210 degr
3 masts  31°55'27.83"N  05°04'28.66"E

ALG  SW antennas_RTA Ourgla
31 55 27.96 N  05 04 28.64 E
ITU zones 46,37SW 300kW 210degr 146=curtain dipole
already erected 27 April 2017

Zach, I need to get up early and listen to that 6300 kHz signal for example.

Generally speaking, any TDA  Maghreb/Arabic signal can be a cause of
INTERMODULATION at the TDA Ourgla site - tentativelly,

phys/math formula like

SW fundamental 6100 kHz Ourgla
+ / - 198 kHz small LW Ourgla exciter signal:

on 6298 and 5902 kHz signal spurs appearance too ? -

most likely - just an idea -
73 wb  df5sx

ps.  or the TDA technicians generally broadcast
    - another incompetence example -
    straight put out on the frequency 6300 kHz,
    instead of 7200 kHz,
    rather Keyboard slipping, I guess.

----- Original Message ----- From: Zacharias Liangas via Hard-Core-DX
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2022 10:23 AM
Subject: [HCDX] 6300 strikes back(?)

6300 once again I heard the Arabic priest station with even better signal
S7 in Maui -100 dbm at 0700 and S7also in Canary Islands (very high SNR) and
Santarem Spain A few more kSDRs can receiveit in W Europe, so supposedly the
station transmits from a Canariesnearby place ie NWAfrica. At 0730 the
chants ended and continued nearly immediatelywith chatter for at least 25

Just to remind hat Tarek Zeidan identifiedquite earlier that language is
Gulf Arabic. I feel that someone today is usingalso Tamazight or the like as
it is quite different than the typical Arabic

Most of kSDRs have disactivated TDoA

Zacharias Liangas
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