** AUSTRALIA. 28370 USB, Oct 8 at 2216, VK3CWB, Moz, ``Mose``, says he
is in NW Victoria, contacting a WA- station. QRZ.com:
VK3CWB Australia flag Australia
PO BOX 2742
Lots of info here including laments for increasing lack of properating
etiquette on CW:

28397 USB, Oct 8 at 2218, VK4VO - I thought he said VK2VO, but that`s
another guy really in NSW with nothing about Qsld, while the one I
hear says he`s N of Brisbane on the Gold Coast, i.e.:

VK4VO Australia flag Australia
18 Cannon Place
Kooralbyn QLD 4285
``Ham radio is my main passion and also surfing and as I live not too
far from the Gold Coast in SE Queensland`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** BELIZE. 28405 USB, Oct 8 at 2219, British accent running 400 watts
from San Ignacio, near the Mexican border, but fails to ID at two
cambios before I move on. Says a community of Canadian snowbirds there
he often contacts when they are back home. Can`t be too many hams in
this place? QRZ.com shows eleven V31s there (Glenn Hauser,  OK, WOR)

** BRAZIL. Stephen Luce, Houston TX, replies at 0129 UT October 9:
``Glenn, notes on two of your items: I have recently noticed Voz
Missionária drifting upwards again, between 9667 and 9668, but moments
ago it was around 9664.8``

It was missing at my last check; now Oct 9 at 0650, Brazuguese talk
rather than usual music, on 9664.859 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CANADA. 530 kHz, Oct 9 at 0706 UT, South Asian talk and song, no
sign of CUBA, off? Surely CHLO Brampton [Toronto], 250 watt
``Multi-Cultural`` ethnic format. Look at all the blank blox on their
including now at 3 am Sunday. Otherwise mostly Hindi or Punjabi except
for bits in Filipino, Spanish, Italian (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 6060, Oct 9 at 0655, the only RHC during jazz show on English
service, S9+20. At 0700, Esperanto is starting as clueless hostess
claims it`s at 0800 Sundays on 6100; and 1600 on 11760; also heard at
1508 on 15140 S9 and 11760 S9+10 undermodulated. Something`s always
wrong at RHC. The other side:

Emigration --- The exodus from Cuba will aggravate hunger and hamper
reconstruction --- 'This many Cubans have never emigrated in such a
short time span, and this should be considered a record on the
Roberto Álvarez Quiñones, Miami 03 Oct 2022 - 16:11 CEST

Cubans awaiting a transit visa in front of the Panamanian Embassy in
Havana, March 2022. EFE [caption]

"El último, que apague la farola del Morro" ("Whoever’s the last one
to leave, please turn off the lamp in the Morro lighthouse.") This was
a popular phrase in Cuba that I heard many times in Havana in the
early 90s, after Castroism's weaning from its Soviet nurse, which had
just died of natural causes.

The phrase, typical of Cuban wit, arose in the face of the flood of
Cubans abandoning the country due to the privations of the "Special
Period." Today, more than 30 years later, the expression is timelier
than ever in the 63 years of Castroist dictatorship.

In August of 2022 alone, 20,000 Cuban immigrants arrived in the United
States illegally, an average of 645 daily. In just 31 days the number
of Cubans arrived that can emigrate to the neighboring country
annually with passport visas under the agreement between Washington
and Havana...
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** EGYPT. 9439.995, Oct 8 at 2237, R. Cairo extremely distorted
presumed English, total failure but at S9+35 signal into UTwente, not
what counts (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** KIRITIMATI. 846 kHz, Oct 9 at 0635, no JBA carrier from R.
Kiribati, as typically silent Sunday nights (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** MALDIVES [non]. 11620, Oct 9 at *1500, V of Martyrs/Korea, secret
site, sign-on in English for Maldives, by 1501 immediately into
Dhivehi, S9/+20 compared to simulmyanmarianese on 11825 only S7/S9
which is admittedly KNX Kununurra, Australia, HCJB/RBA (Glenn Hauser,

** NIGERIA. 7255-, Oct 9 at 0637, no signal from VON direct.

7255-, Oct 9 at 1742, JBA signal into Alicante, Spain SDR as Canary is
in use by its ham, -67v Hz offset which points to VON as on 7254.933v,
its typical offset. Not even that at 1854 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NORTH AMERICA. Saturday evening primetime, and no pirates 6.9+ MHz
except a 6920 JBA carrier -- but there`s a good S9 signal on 6880 USB
at 0053 UT Sunday October 9, pirate music but breaks at 0055, back at
0056; 0100 ID and song `*ock*ucking Ball`; 0102 Radio 48 ID and
reports to radi...@protonmail.com - I guess, with numbers in it. 0103
NORML PSA by Willie Nelson, then anti-drug PSA. 0105 Radio 48. 0113 &
again 0116, double ID for Radio 48, then Mix Radio International. 0121
sirens SFX and M-R-I-. 0123 song `Dirty Old Boogie`. 0126 Radio Free
-something- and M-R-I- IDs. Then I find another pirate, stay on it for
a while. Lots more 6880 logs as early as 2212 Oct 8, no SSTV:
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6930 LSB, Oct 9 at 0130, pirate music I can`t get to
resolve circa 6928 USB until I try LSB! Then fake gospel huxter
entreaty; 0134 DJ in Spanish and English, song in Spanish about
Maracaibo. 0137 fake ad by FB player who reduced to 300 lb tnx to some
video program available on Beta and VHS formats; another frenetic song
in Spanish. 0142 says myteaquinn knows what station this is; 0144
hi-pitched repeating tune like on a fife but eventually morphs into a
song. 0151 some more of that and weakening to S5. Outhouse Radio,
thread started by myteaquinn:
but no SSTV imagery (Glenn Hausere, OK, WOR)

** NORTH AMERICA. 6920 AM, Oct 9 at 0107 JBA carrier; 0634, JBA,
suspect R. Pushka [Rifle], weak but long-hours Russian? ethnic pirate,
like here, before and after:
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY [non]. 9830.001, Oct 8 at 2220 JBA carrier direct, suspect
no VOT; and at 2238 into UTwente, where measured, only weak Chinese at
S7. Another no-show by TRT; something`s always erroneous at Emirler
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 341 MCW kHz, Oct 9 at 0642 UT, OIN, 25 watt ND beacon at
OberlIN KS, under and alternating with local EI, EnId; and this time
no sign of the other nearby 341, DNI Denison TX. Suspected OIN had
been off the air, last logged Aug 11. Oberlin in NW corner of Kansas;
once shared a TV channel with McCook, Nebraska, just up US 83 (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 13565, Oct 9 at 1511, JBA CW vs CODAR, too weak to copy a
single letter, but likely HIFER beacon in CA, K6FRC, allegedly only
1.8 milliwatts - despite this, the most likely one to be heard on this
ISM band despite many others listed. Last definite log was Sept 2 and
before that, June 27. And despite random bandscans at many other
hours, never traced much earlier nor later than 1500 (Glenn Hauser,

** U S A [and non]. Another check for 10m beacons Oct 8 at 2205-2217
finds several of exactly same ones logged 24 hours ago q.v. from New
England: WA1LAD/B, W1DLO/B, N1ME/B, W1VCM/B; and outliers from BC,
VE7MTY/B; and a Mexican relog from Sept 24, XE1RCS/B. And a new one:

28245, Oct 8 at 2211, just K1RGO/B repeating slowly:
January 16
Salvatore J DeFrancesco, K1RGO
``I also run a 2 watt 10 meter Beacon, K1RGO/B on 28.245 MHz``

Just before the beacon check I found the extended 27 MHz CBand hopping
with Spanish, one mentioning México (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2159 monitoring: confirmed Saturday
October 8 at 1928 already underway on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO, S9+19 into
nearby SDR, about 11 minutes into so started early circa 1917.

Also confirmed UT Sunday October 10 underway at 0319, on WA0RCR, 1860
AM, S9+15 into nearby already in progress until 0339 so started early
circa 0310. Next:

2000 UT Sunday IRRS 1323 & 918? & 207?-Italy
0030 UT Monday WRMI 5950 [NEW]
0030 UT Monday WRMI *7780 to SW
0300vUT Monday WBCQ Area 51 6160v to WSW
0030 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
2230 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed by Cuba]
2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI *5850 to NW
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S

*WRMI frequencies not yet reactivated, and may be considerable delay.
At those scheduled times, check all other active WRMI frequencies in
case there have been a schedule switch, at least temporarily.

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

A noncommercial service for which financial support is appreciated to
Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702, preferably by money order
or check on a US bank. 

Or via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to woradio at yahoo.com 
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. ``For WRMI on 9455: Around 1100 UT October 7 I found it with
very strong splatter up to 50 kHz below the fundamental, with
additional traces down as low as 9360. Have not checked since then.
Stephen Luce, Houston, Texas`` 

9455 is OFF again at 0652 Oct 9 while 9395 & 9955 are S9+20, hope
because of the splatter problem, still off at 1437. Nothing about this
yet on WRMI`s FB (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 5010, Oct 9 at 0655, another WRMI reactivated, and initially
at least on expanded schedule, now TOMBS // 5800 & 9955. 
5010 supposed to last until 1600 today but not reconfirmed.

5800, S9+10/20 also vs Cuban pulse jamming due to counterproductive
decision to put R. República on it for one hour, earlier (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** UZBEKISTAN. 15509.780, Oct 9 at 1504, S8/S9 of talk with flutter
stix out: I bet it`s Tashkent site in systemic offfrequenciness. Yes:
EiBi and Aoki show IBRA Media/Radio Ibrahim in Bengali daily 1500-1530
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** VANUATU. 7260, Oct 9 at 0638, R. Vanuatu, music at S8/S9.

11835, Oct 9 at 0702, now RV has switched to the harmonicizer 3945
where nothing is audible, but S5/S8 of talk here on X3, and unlike
last night, only one carrier. Also JBA carrier on X2 = 7890; nothing
on X4 = 15780 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic carriers: Oct 9 at 0635 without
Kiritimati on 846, I do have traces on 774, 747, 711: likely Spain,
Canary, Morocco (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 3240, Oct 9 at 0659 UT, JBA carrier. Aoki has no SWBC;
EiBi only TWR Swaziland twice a week at 1630-1645. Suspect harmonic
from MW 1620, 1080, 810, 648 or 540 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. 17810, Oct 9 at 1502-1503* open carrier at S8/S9, 2nd
SSOB below only 17855 Spain; with heavy flutter both vertically in
strength, horizontally Doppler in frequency. Not a 1500* overrun as
EiBi & Aoki show nothing on 17810 between 1200 and 0155; elsewhen used
by BBC Oman, RFA Tinian and ChiCom jamming, and Japan, maybe one of
them testing (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report despatched at 1953 UT October 9
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