The Courtesy Program Committee (CPC) of the National Radio Club and 
International Radio Club of America wants to remind DXers that late tonight 
will be the Christmas Eve DX Test for WCGA 1100 in Woodbine, Georgia. 

Station owner Wesley Cox explained, “WCGA is a daytime-only station that 
broadcasts a news/talk format to the Georgia coast at 10,000 watts. We sign off 
at sundown to protect WTAM in Cleveland, Ohio. But we need to do some 
maintenance on our Harris DX-10 transmitter and the audio chain, so we thought, 
let’s do it on Christmas Eve.” 

The station will broadcast test tones, Morse Code identifications, 
long-duration 1 kHz test tones, and Christmas music produced using a modular 
synthesizer. The testing will begin at 12:01 AM Eastern Time (05:01 UTC) on 
Saturday morning, December 24th. 

The test can be received at great distances, perhaps even in Europe and 
Scandanavia. Cox welcomes reception reports from faraway listeners, “We’re 
especially interested in hearing reports about the audio coming from the 
station, noting any distortion or modulation issues.” 

Listeners who hear the test are asked to submit reception reports to the CPC, 
who will handle the station's reception reports. Please follow the requirements 

Send an email of your report, along with a two-minute long recording of your 
reception in .MP3 or .WAV format to: <>

The email should include the following: 

John Doe, W4DOE                 
123 Main Street                         | Contact Information of DXer
Anytown, AL 35112                       |
USA                                                     | <>                  | Email Address 
of DXer

Member of both IRCA & NRC               | Please note your membership in our 

Drake R8B with a 40’ longwire   | Information about the equipment used to 
receive the station. 

Remarks                                         | Comments about the station’s 
audio, interference, frequency stability, or 
                                                         other information 
you’d like to share. 

WCGA.mp3                                        | Attach a copy of the audio 
you received. 

All emails should be formatted exactly as above. Start with your contact 
information, and be sure to include the email where you want the QSL emailed. 

Reception reports must be received within the next 30 days. The use of remote 
SDRs to receive the test is discouraged unless it is a receiver location that 
you have built and maintained specifically for DXing. If a remote SDR is used, 
you must disclose the location of the receiver and the name of the owner, if 
known. The remote receiver must be located at least 500 miles from WCGA. 

One QSL per DXer. 

The CPC would like to thank station owners Wesley and De Cox, along with 
everyone at Cox Broadcast Group, Inc for working with the DXing community to 
coordinate the station maintenance. “We wanted to give something back to 
hobbyists who love radio as we do. It’s also a great way to celebrate the birth 
of Jesus. Something that gets lost too often in all the hustle of the season. 
We hope our local listeners will enjoy it too.” 

The station will be on the air testing for two hours, using their daytime power 
and pattern. Their antenna is a six-wire Ron Knott folded unipolar. Don’t miss 
this chance to hear a rare daytime-only station and put a new one in the 
logbook. Anyone who fails to receive the test will receive coal in their 
stocking. I got that straight from the Big Man, so you’ve been warned. He 

DXer John Johnson at the WCGA Transmitter Site 


Les Rayburn, N1LF <>
121 Mayfair Park
Maylene, AL 35114

NRC & IRCA Courtesy Program Committee Chairman

Perseus SDR,  AirSpy + Discovery, SDRPlay RSP Duo, Sony XDR-F1HD [XDR Guy 
Modified], Korner 9.2 Antenna, FM-6 Antenna, Kitz Technologies KT-501 Pre-amps, 
Quantum Phaser, Wellbrook ALA1530 Loop, Wellbrook Flag, Clifton Labs Active 

“Nothing but blues and Elvis, and somebody else’s favorite song…” 

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