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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. SDR  Logs for 22/1 (Zacharias Liangas)
   2. 5045 khz reception (Bill Smith)
   3. SWLDXBulgaria News, January 25-26 (Ivo Observer)
   4. JRX Logs: January 26, 2023 (Jota Xavier)
   5. Logs January 25 & 26, 2023 (Claudio Galaz)
   6. Glenn Hauser logs January 26, 2023 (Glenn Hauser)
   7. Recent Top news (Zacharias Liangas)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2023 09:11:58 +0000 (UTC)
From: Zacharias Liangas <>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [HCDX] SDR  Logs for 22/1
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Not posted due to huge work
using Youloop and Airspy Disc kSDR
963? a mincing between a French? songs station and Cyrpus? on 2035 both with 
songs? though Klonaridis from the greek program is one of my favs singers the 
French mellow get more interest to me ! Song ?melodie?? by Girard making this 
must be Tunis and checked to be in //? with the live via the mwlist link at 
2040? the QRN was increased making reception bad
Also good using the Airspy RX with 45+ db SNR

1386 Greek pirate 2042 with strong hum is still higher in the SAM mode , 
wandering carrier a operator ID as Makis ith program between 8-11 pm. This is 
Radio 13 testing in coincidence with another on 1395 using the same ID 
1494 Moldova with ID after the clock then immediate -96/140dbm signal
531 good signal at 2102 with news in Arabic at 2103 with promo in French
549 Jil FM very rare here 2109 to be received at -100 38dbSNR with interesting 
tribal Amazir songs I could prefer if they used the 531 kHZ? instead of that 
Signal lowered after 2115 by 5-10 db
936 typical IRIB with instrumental music on 2323 as tested with SDR# Studio 
1906 on the Airpsy HF+ D? was bear IDed wih Farsi lang talks by YL then 
starting Persian song . Underground station RNE? 36 db SNR and good reception
1660 QSOnet at 2330 at quite late in GR (130 in the morning ) with 45db SNR 
Also another on 1700 exact ?
171 Medi1 with pop songs 2339 and jiggle ID medi1 with 45dbSNR (-73dbm)
Also? 198 with 23db SNR nothing nearly can heard

Zacharias Liangas
Hard Core Radio monitor and gear tester disclaimer on my writing why SDR is better all my pages 


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2023 11:52:03 +0000
From: Bill Smith <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [HCDX] 5045 khz reception
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"

January 26 10:30 ? 11:00 UTC faint sporadic mostly unintellible but man 
speaking and possibly some faint CW.  Prior to 10:30 noticeable CW but too fast 
for me. I have MP3 tape of 10 minute segment if anyone has enhancement 
capability.  Bill Smith, Douglas, MA  Palstar R30A, 529 foot horizontal loop.
Sent from Mail<> for Windows


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2023 12:41:56 +0000
From: Ivo Observer <>
To: Ivo Observer <>
Subject: [HCDX] SWLDXBulgaria News, January 25-26
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

SWLDXBulgaria News, January 25-26 (publications ?34456-?34466)
ARMENIA(non)   TWR India in Kurukh on 12075 kHz & Hindi on 9965 kHz
via CJSC Yerevan, January 25
1315-1330 on 12075 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs Kurukh Wed-Fri. Very
good via SDR So Phisal, THA
1415-1430 on  9965 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs Hindi Mon-Fri.
Fair/good via SDR Heimiswil,

CUBA   Radio Habana Cuba in Spanish on 11760 Bauta & 6000 kHz via
Titan Quivican, January 25:
from 1202 on 11760*BAU 100 kW / non-dir to NCAm Spanish. Very good via
SDR Frostburg MD, USA.
from 1230 on  6000 QVC 250 kW / non-dir to NCAm Spanish. Very good but
distorted via same SDR
* co-channel 11760 KUN 500 kW / 135 deg to AUS  English CGTN China
Radio International,

CUBA   Fair/good signal of Radio Habana Cuba in several wrong
languages on 13680 Bauta, January 25:
2030-2100 on 13680 BAU 100 kW / 040 deg to WeEu Creole, instead of
French via SDR Frostburg MD, USA.
2100-2130 on 13680 BAU 100 kW / 040 deg to WeEu French, instead of
Portuguese via SDR Frostburg, MD.
2130-2200 on 13680 BAU 100 kW / 040 deg to WeEu Portuguese, instead of
Arabic via SDR Frostburg, MD.
2000-2130 on 15140 BAU 100 kW / 340 deg to WNAm English/French Radio
2100-2200 on 11880 BAU 100 kW / 100 deg to SoAf French/Portuguese
Radio Habana Cuba ALSO NOT ON AIR!
Something`s always wrong at Radio Habana Cuba & something`s always
wrong at Bauta transmitter

INDIA(non)   DX program Dxers Diary in English on 11965 kHz via Agana
and 9965 kHz via CJSC Yerevan, January 25
from 1101 on 11965 TWR 100 kW / 263 deg to SEAs English Wed KTWR
Agana. Very good via SDR So Phisal, Thailand &
from 1431 on  9965 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg to SoAs English Wed TWR India.
Fair/good via SDR Heimiswil,

NUMBERS STATION   Very good signal of Cuban Spy HM01 on 11635 kHz via
Bejucal, January 26:
from 0804 on 11635 BEJ 050 kW / unknown to Eu/Am Spanish Tue/Thu/Sat
via SDR Frostburg,

TAIWAN(non)   Reception of National Unity Radio Free Chosun on 5900
kHz via Tamsui, January 26
1100-1258 on  5900 TSH 300 kW / 352 deg to NEAs Korean. Very good via
SDR So Phisal, 

U.K.(non)   Reception of Mizzima Radio on 17730 kHz and Radio ERGO on
17845.1v Khz via ENC-DMS Dhabbayya, January 26:
1130-1300 on 17730.0 DHA 250 kW / 090 deg to SEAs Burmese Mizzima
Radio. Very good+jamming via SDR So Phisal Thailand
1200-1300 on 17845.1vDHA 250 kW / 225 deg to EaAf Somali  Radio ERGO.
Fair to good signal via SDR So Phisal,

USA   EWTN WEWN-2 Radio Catolica Mundial in Spanish on 12050 kHz via
Vandiver, January 25
1200-1356 on  5970 EWN 100 kW / 160 deg to CeAm Spanish EWTN WEWN-3 IS
from 1400 on 12050 EWN 100 kW / 155 deg to CeAm Spanish. Very good via
SDR Frostburg, 

USA   WRMI-07 relay Radio Africa Network in English on 17790 kHz via
Okeechobee, January 25
1500-2100 on 17790 RMI 100 kW / 160 deg to LaAm English. Good signal
via SDR Frostburg,

USA   Good signal of WMLK Radio Assemblies of Yahweh on 9275 kHz via
Bethel, January 25
1700-2200 on  9275 MLK 300 kW / 053 deg to WeEu English Mon-Fri via
SDR Frostburg MD,

USA(non)   Voice of Indonesia in Indonesian/English on 7780 kHz via
WRMI#13 Okeechobee, January 26:
0800-0900 on  7780 RMI 100 kW / 222 deg to CeAm English Sun-Thu. Fair
to good via SDR Frostburg,


73! Ivo Ivanov

More information on the shortwave listening hobby,
please visit to

QTH-1: Patreshko, Bulgaria
Receiver: Afedri SDR
Software: SDR-Console v2.3(using remote connection)
Antennas: various Inverted V and beverage antennas.

QTH-2: Sofia OK2, Bulgaria
Receiver: Sony ICF-2001D
Antenna: 30 m. long wire


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2023 21:19:48 +0000 (UTC)
From: Jota Xavier <>
To: WOR DXLD <>, Hard-Core-DX
Subject: [HCDX] JRX Logs: January 26, 2023
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

JRX Logs: January 26, 2023 
Receiver (s): Tecsun S-2000
Antenna (s): Longwire 7,5m
All times Universal Time

** 9770. Thu, Jan 26, 2023. 1941-1951, China Radio International, Kashgar-CHN, 
in Cantonese. A musical program presented by woman announcer: She talks before 
every song. Fair reception: 35533.

** 12050. Thu, Jan 26, 2023. 2000-2010, Radio Ndarason Internationale, 
Ascension Island-ASC, in Kanuri language. Woman announcer presents news, 
presumably; 2008 Man participates, too. Good reception: 4-55544.

** 9845. Thu, Jan 26, 2023. 1952-1959, MWV-New Life Station, Mahajanga-MDG, in 
Russian. Music; 1956 Man announcer talks, says ID and website; Music; 1958 Man 
talks; 1959 Ends. Poor reception: 35422.
** 15360. Thu, Jan 26, 2023. 1915-1926, Adventist World Radio, Talata 
Volonondry-MDG, in Hausa. Man/woman communication. Poor reception: 25422.

** 9575. Thu, Jan 26, 2023. 2011-2022, Voice of America, Tinian-MRA, in Korean 
language. Man announcer in conversation with a woman; 2016 Woman and man 
announcers talk. Fair reception: 35533.

** 9500. Thu, Jan 26, 2023. 2044-2056, Radio Romania International, 
Tiganesti-ROU, in Spanish. ID by man; Woman talks and presents a "Clase de 
Rumano" (Romanian Class); 2053 Man announcer presents a RRI B22 sked in 
spanish; 2056 IS. Good reception: 45544.

** 9690. Thu, Jan 26, 2023. 2023-2042, Radio Exterior de Espa?a, Noblejas-E, in 
Spanish. Man announcer in conversation with a mexican citizen; 2027 Now,
begins conversation with a woman; 2035 A brief music and returns man 
communication, now, with an interview with Mr Ricardo. Good reception: 4-555544.
REE parallel logs this time:
_11940nob, 45544;
_11685nob, out;
_12030nob, 35533.

** 11985. Thu, Jan 26, 2023. 1928-1939, Adventist World Radio, Trincomalee-CLN, 
in Arabic. Man pastor makes a preaching during this log and more. Poor 
reception: 25522.

JRX (Jos? Ronaldo Xavier)
SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL
Cabedelo-PB, Brazil (UT-3)
DX Map Location HI 22 NX


Message: 5
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2023 21:15:02 -0300
From: Claudio Galaz <>
To: WOR DXLD <>, hard-core-dx
Subject: [HCDX] Logs January 25 & 26, 2023
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

MEXICO. 6185. R. EDUCACION. Jan 26. 0053 - 0125 UTC. Instrumental music.
35333. Audio: (Claudio
Galaz, Receiver: XHDATA D-808; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV
Regi?n, Chile)

NEW ZEALAND. 15720. RNZI. Jan, 25. 0520 - 0559 UTC. News. 45343 (Claudio
Galaz, Receiver: XHDATA D-808; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV
Regi?n, Chile)

PERU. 4810. R. Logos. Jan 26 0022 - 0032 UTC. Music. 35232 (Claudio Galaz,
Receiver: XHDATA D-808; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Regi?n,

PERU. 5025. R. Quillabamba. Jan 26. 0035 - 0050 UTC. Political talk show.
45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: XHDATA D-808; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH:
Barraza Bajo, IV Regi?n, Chile)

PHILIPPINES. 9335. VOA. Jan 26. 2347 - 2359 UTC. Informations in Burmese.
42442 // 9380 35333 (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: XHDATA D-808; Antenna: Long
Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Regi?n, Chile

ROMANIA. 9430. RRI. Jan 26. 2145 - 2155 UTC. Cultural news in english, ID,
and more news. 45343 (Claudio Galaz, Receiver: XHDATA D-808; Antenna: Long
Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Regi?n, Chile)

USA. 9265. WINB. Jan 26. 0130 - 0145 UTC. Talk show. 34232 (Claudio Galaz,
Receiver: XHDATA D-808; Antenna: Long Wire, QTH: Barraza Bajo, IV Regi?n,


Message: 6
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2023 02:27:02 +0000 (UTC)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Cc: Short-Wave Radio Listening <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs January 26, 2023
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

** CANADA. 300 MCW kHz, Jan 26 at 0706 UT, dash and YIV, 500 watt ND
beacon at Island Lake, Manitoba; seldom heard. Unfortunately my local
high line? noise level 350-420 kHz peaking about 385 has resumed.

328 MCW kHz, Jan 26 at 0707 UT, dash and YTL, 1000 watt NDB at Big
Trout Lake, Ontario; seldom heard. Only lightning around N America off
the Carolina coasts, and off Yucat?n (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** ETHIOPIA [non]. 15185, Jan 26 at 1610, S9/+10 with flutter but just
barely modulated. EiBi shows Oromiya Public Media, clandestine at
1600-1630 via FRANCE in TIG (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** FRANCE. 11760, Jan 26 at 0719, S5/S8 talk in something; could it be
RHC on very late again? Also 13740, Jan 26 at 0725 algo here JBA,
another RHC frequency: but No, scheduled 0700-0730 both RFI in Hausa
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** GERMANY. 9670, Jan 26 at 0731, pop music S5/S7, presumed Channel
292, nothing else in EiBi at this hour. No specific program sked at
this time, so not filling
up all extra time with TOMBS (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** KIRITIMATI. 846 kHz, Jan 26 at 0711, JBA carrier from R. Kiribati,
only 9/kHz split audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 13565 CW, Jan 26 at 1607, HIFER beacon K6FRC ID over and
over, JBA vs CODAR, 1.8 milliwatts from Patterson CA (Glenn Hauser,

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2174 monitoring: confirmed UT
Thursday January 26 at 0130 on WRMI 9395, S9+10/15, and 5010, S7/S9,
both into Maryland SDR. Unknown bit of music intruded between ID and
start of WOR on 9395.

WORLD OF RADIO 2175 contents: Antarctica, Argentina and non,
(Armenia), Austria, (Bulgaria), Colombia, Cuba, (Cyprus), Europe,
(Germany), Indonesia, Israel, (Italy), Kazakhstan, (Japan), Korea
North non, Korea South, Kyrgyzstan, New Zealand, Romania, Sa`udi
Arabia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, UK, USA, (Uzbekistan), Vanuatu,
(Vatican non), Vietnam; SWL Fest; propagation outlook. (countries
mentioned with others not in order)

WORLD OF RADIO 2175 available from 0140 UT January 27

(mp3 stream)
(mp3 download)

Or via
Also linx to podcast services.

The shortwave+ broadcasts should be: 

0330 UT Friday WRMI 7780 to SW
1530 UT Friday WRMI 9955 to SSE [webcast only?][jammed by Cuba?]
2130 UT Friday IRRS 1323 & 918? & 207?-Italy
0130 UT Saturday WRMI 5850 to NW
0500 UT Saturday WBCQ Radio Angela 5130v to WSW 
2030vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM
2230 UT Saturday WRMI 15770 to NE
0030 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to SW
0400vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415; as late as 0530]
0800 UT Sunday Unique R, Australia 5035 USB [low power]
2100 UT Sunday IRRS 1323 & 918? & 207?-Italy
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to SW
0400vUT Monday WBCQ Area 51 6160v to WSW
0130 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0030 UT Wednesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
1000 UT Wednesday Unique R, Australia 5035 USB [low power]
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW [canceled?]
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Like our website, a noncommercial service for which financial support
is appreciated. Thanks this week to Ray Lappeus, Freeland, Michigan,
with a contribution via PayPal to woradio at -
in US funds but not necessarily.

One may also contribute by MO or check on a US bank to:
Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 5890, Thu Jan 26 at 0715, WWCR-4 is S9+30 with unknown
gospel huxter not // 5850 WRMITOMBS, despite supposed to run overnight
only on Sat & Sun (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** VANUATU. 11835, Jan 26 at 0718, R. Vanuatu X 3 with island music at
S7/S9, while X 2 on 7890 is JBA carrier only (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0226 UT January 27


Message: 7
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2023 08:58:50 +0000 (UTC)
From: Zacharias Liangas <>
To: _ DF5SX <>, "" <>,   DX1
Subject: [HCDX] Recent Top news
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Hello?I m using also the HC email I cannto reach you direct Your ISP system 
thinks i m a spamer.? 
Regarding the top news , your new format is very dificult to be processed for 
printingFortunately the attcched full text file worked OK as before . Pleae 
swtop using LF inside paragpaphs.? 

Zacharias Liangas


    On Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 07:24:06 PM GMT+2, <> wrote: 
BC-DX 1530?????????????????????????????????????????????????? 25 Jan 2023
 Verwendung der Meldungen fuer Hobbyzwecke ist gestattet, jede
kommerzielle Verwendung bedarf der Zustimmung des Newslettereditors.?Any items 
from Glenn Hauser, World of Radio iogroup or broadcasts may be
reproduced or broadcast only if full credit be maintained at all stages,
from the original source and publications quoting are made available to gh
in exchange.?Weekly merged roundups of Glenn Hauser's almost-daily, all-band 
but mainly
SW log reports are posted early every UT Thursday via:
<>?Reproduction of items from BC-DX 
/ Top Nx is allowed, provided that due
credit is given to the contributor and to BC-DX / Top News.?Permission is 
granted to reproduce items of this document by individual
hobbyists or non-commercial organizations only. Any commercial use only
with prior written consent of the editor of BC-DX / Top News.?This file is put 
together on a voluntary basis and is also included in our
WWDXC WWW homepage-German AGDX Club address:?<>?? 
or?<>?or via Link of Homepage:? 
<>?Both actual and previous week issue are available, 
previous week under:
<>?e-mail? <mail @>?#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*?ALASKA??
 HAARP bedankt sich bei Funkamateuren fuer ihre Hilfe:?Am 27. Dezember 
unternahm das High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Pro-
gramm, kurz HAARP, sein neuestes Ionosphaeren-Experiment, bei dem Funksig-
nale von einem Asteroiden reflektiert wurden, der nahe der Erdumlaufbahn
vorbeiflog. Funkamateure und Funkastronomen wurden aufgefordert, den Test
zu ueberwachen und ihre Ergebnisse zur Analyse an HAARP zu senden.?Die 
Ergebnisse des Experiments werden zwar erst in einigen Wochen vor-
liegen, doch laut Jessica Matthews, HAARP-Programmmanagerin, war die Hilfe
sehr willkommen.?"Bislang haben wir ueber 300 Empfangsberichte von 
Funkamateuren und Radio-
astronomen von sechs Kontinenten erhalten, die die HAARP-Uebertragung
bestaetigt haben", so Matthews. Laut HAARP-Beamten koennten die Ergebnisse
des Experiments dazu beitragen, die Erde vor groesseren Asteroiden zu
schuetzen. Sie haetten das Potenzial, erhebliche Schaeden auf der Erde an-
zurichten. "Wir werden die Daten in den naechsten Wochen auswerten und
hoffen, die Ergebnisse in den kommenden Monaten veroeffentlichen zu
koennen", sagte Mark Haynes, leitender Forscher des Projekts und Radar-
systemingenieur am Jet Propulsion Laboratory der NASA in Kalifornien.?"Dieses 
Experiment war das erste Mal, dass eine Asteroidenbeobachtung bei
so niedrigen Frequenzen versucht wurde", so Haynes. "Dies zeigt den Wert
von HAARP als potenzielles kuenftiges Forschungsinstrument fuer die Unter-
suchung erdnaher Objekte."?Die University of Alaska Fairbanks, kurz UAF, 
betreibt HAARP im Rahmen
einer Vereinbarung mit der Air Force, die HAARP entwickelte und besitzt.
Die Forschungsinstrumente wurden allerdings im August 2015 an die UAF
uebertragen. Darueber berichtet die ARRL auf ihrer Webseite.
(DARC Rundspruch Jan 19)?ALGERIA?? 15410 kHz on Tue, Jan 24, at 1825-1835 UT, 
Radio Algerienne,
Ouargla-ALG, in Arabic. Holy Qur'an program: At this moment, muslin and
woman teaching a child to chant The Qur'an, correctly; 1830 UT Qur'an
chant and recitation by baritone man; 1832 UT Quran chant. Good recep-
tion: 45544.
(Jota Xavier-PB-BRA, hcdx Jan 24)?ANTARCTICA?? 15475.98 kHz? RC USB, Wed Jan 18 
at 1608 UT, not up to check
earlier, but as expected no signal from LRA36 into Argentine SDR. Also
checked after 1600 UT Sat Jan 14, nothing to log, presumably still in mid-
summer hiatus. HOWEVER, it's coming back Sat Jan 21 as Horacio Nigro
informs the WOR iog:?Special broadcast of 15476? LRA 36 announced for next Jan 
("Joining voices", would be a possible translation from the original name
in Spanish). This is a special program produced together with RAE (Radio-
difusion Argentina al Exterior) and dedicated to shortwave listeners,
DXers and radio amateurs from all over the world.?The broadcast will take place 
on SATURDAY JANUARY 21 at 15 UTC with a re-
peat at 19 UTC on the frequency of 15476 kHz (USB mode) in the 19 meter
band and will count on the participation of Adrian Korol, Director of RAE
and Juan Benavente, member of the Antarctic Joint Command, together with
Marcelo Ayala, journalist of Radio Nacional who conducts during January
from LRA36 the morning "Panorama Informativo" for all the stations of the
network of the Argentine Public Radio.?The contents include live interviews, 
interesting material from the sound
archive of LRA36 such as audios of its first transmission, different IDs,
audios of listenings of DXers in different times, and material from
'LA ROSA DE TOKIO', the program of Omar Somma and Arnaldo Slaen-ARG, who
is the DX Editor of RAE.?This year is very important for LRA36. During the 
month of February, the
shortwave transmission and radiating system will be evaluated and measured
in order to provide a NEW SHORTWAVE TRANSMITTER to the beloved Antarctic
transmitter, and the 10 KW CCA transmitter will also be returned to the
mainland for repair.?A new antenna will also be installed for the FM signal on 
96.7 MHz, which
will broadcast with a power of 250 watts (currently it runs with 25).?As always 
we look forward to your comments and reception reports at?<lra36nacional -at->? I_G: lra36radionacional
F_B: Arcangel San Gabriel - Antarctica
We appreciate the further diffusion of this information".?Signed by Adrian 
Korol, RAE, Argentina, via F_B and Whatsapp group
messages, translated and slightly edited from original writing
in Spanish, by Horacio Nigro, Montevideo, Uruguay, CX3BZ, Jan 18, 23)."
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor iogroups)?AUSTRALIA?? B-22 shortwave schedule of 
Reach Beyond Australia?0900-0930? 9860 KNX 100 kW? 335 deg to NoEaAS Korean 
1100-1130 11905 KNX 075 kW? 005 deg to EaAS?? Japanese Sa/Su
1130-1145 11865 KNX 100 kW? 335 deg to SoEaAS Rohingya Daily
1145-1200 11865 KNX 100 kW? 335 deg to SoEaAS Burmese Daily
1130-1145 15320 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Dzongkha Tue-Thu/Sa/Su
1130-1200 15320 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Nepali Mo/Fr
1145-1200 15320 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Tsangla Tue-Thu/Sa
1145-1200 15320 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Dzongkha Su
1200-1230 11945 KNX 100 kW? 335 deg to SoEaAS Burmese Sa-Thu
1200-1230 11945 KNX 100 kW? 335 deg to SoEaAS Matu Fri?1200-1215 11875 KNX 100 
kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? English Fr-Mo
1200-1215 11875 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Hindi Tue-Thu
1215-1300 11875 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Hindi Daily
1300-1315 11875 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Punjabi Mo
1300-1315 11875 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Kurux Tue
1300-1315 11875 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Bhojpuri Wed
1300-1315 11875 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Himachali Thu
1300-1315 11875 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Marathi Fri
1300-1315 11875 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Chattisgarhi Sa/Su
1315-1330 11875 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Telugu Tue
1315-1330 11875 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Hindi Wed
1315-1330 11875 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Marathi Thu
1315-1330 11875 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Punjabi Sa
1315-1330 11875 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Oriya Fri/Su/Mo
1330-1345 11875 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Nepali Mo-Fri
1330-1345 11875 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Tibetan Sat/Sun
1345-1400 11875 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Urdu Mo/Sa
1345-1400 11875 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Bhojpuri Tue
1345-1400 11875 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Punjabi Wed
1345-1400 11875 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Nepali Thu
1345-1400 11875 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Bangla Fr
1345-1400 11875 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Gujarati Su?1200-1215 15380 KNX 
100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Kannada Mo-Fr
1200-1230 15380 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Tamil Sa
1200-1300 15380 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? English Su
1215-1230 15380 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Hindi Mo-Fr
1230-1245 15380 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Punjabi Fri
1230-1245 15380 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Hindi Mo-Thu/Sa/Su
1245-1300 15380 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Telugu Mo/Sat
1245-1300 15380 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Kurux Tue
1245-1300 15380 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Gujarati Wed
1245-1300 15380 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Bangla Thu
1245-1300 15380 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Marwari Fr
1300-1315 15380 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Tamil Daily
1315-1330 15380 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? English Mo/Wed/Fr
1315-1330 15380 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Tamil Tue
1315-1330 15380 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Telugu Thu
1315-1330 15380 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Urdu Sa
1315-1330 15380 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoAS?? Nepali Su?1330-1345 11945 KNX 100 
kW? 335 deg to SoEaAS Hindi/English Daily
1345-1400 11945 KNX 100 kW? 335 deg to SoEaAS English Daily
1400-1430 11825 KNX 100 kW? 310 deg to SoEaAS Burmese Daily
2230-2300 15420 KNX 075 kW? 005 deg to EaAS?? Japanese Daily
(via Walter Eibl-D, wwdxc DX Magazine Jan - 2023)?AUSTRALIA?? 11875 kHz QSL. 
E-QSL card from Radio Reach Beyond Australia.
Program was transmitted on 14 Jan 2023 in Punjabi and Tibetan on 11875
kHz. You can watch it here:
(Piotr Skorek, Poland; via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1221 via wwdxc BC-DX
TopNews Jan 22)?AUSTRALIA?? 11875? 1200 UT? Reach Beyond Australia via 
Kununurra s/on with
Kookaburra call and English id then into "Spotlight" priogramme in English
10 Dec DL.? {11874.971 kHz Nepali 13.28 UT measured Jan 25, wb.}?11905? 1100 
UT? Reach Beyond Australia via Kununurra, good with Bible Talk
programme in Japanese 04 Dec DL?11905? 1157 UT? Reach Beyond Australia via 
Kununurra good with sign on
with music, English id's and Kookaburra then into Japan Shortwave Club
(JSWC) 70th anniversary broadcast in Japanese 31 Dec DL?11945? 1208 UT? Reach 
Beyond Australia via Kununurra good in Burmese with
programme "Hingna Awl" through to sign off at 1230 UT after English ID
and s/off announcement and Kookaburra call 11 Dec DL.
{11944.990 kHz Hindi 13.32 UT measured Jan 25, wb.}?15320? 1130 UT?? Reach 
Beyond Australia via Kununurra good in Dzongkha to
Bhutan with programme "Voice of Salvation" through to sign off at 1200 UT
10 Dec DL.
(Dene Lynneberg, Pukerua Bay,? Wellington-NZ; via
NZL DXTimes Jan 2023, pages 56 / 57, Jan 10)?AUSTRIA?? Reception of Radio 
Pravda dlja Rossii in Russian on
9745 kHz via ORS Moosbrunn bcast center January 21
1500-1600? 9745 MOS 100 kW 55 deg to EaEUR Russian Sat. Very good signal
via SDR Heimiswil Switzerland
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, direct and hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews Jan 23)?AUSTRIA?? 9535 
kHz on Tue, Jan 24, at 2045-2059 UT, Adventist World Radio,
Moosbrunn-AUT, in French. Man Pastor makes a preaching about "Le Parole de
Dieu"; 2050 UT Music; 2053 UT Woman announcer says ID and POBox to Cote
d'Ivoire; Music; Man and woman repeat ID and POBox, sometimes; 2056 Music;
2059 UT Ends. Fair reception: 45533.?11955 kHz on Tue, Jan 24, at 1848-1859 UT, 
Adventist World Radio, via ENC
Moosbrunn-AUT, in Arabic. Man preaching, presumably; 1858 ID, music. Poor
reception: 35422.
(Jota Xavier-PB-BRA, hcdx Jan 24)?BRAZIL?? Reception of ZYE855 Radio Legiao da 
Boa Vontade 9550.1v kHz via
Porto Alegre, January 22:
from 0945? 9550vPTA? 10 kW non-dir to BRA? Portuguese. Very good
signal via SDR Pardinho SP, BRA
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, direct and hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews Jan 23)?BRAZIL?? 
6180v? Radio Nacional da Amazonia,Brasilia DF or Manaus AM,as re-
ported some websites,in Portuguese Jan 21 at 2139-2203 UT music program
playing local pop romantic songs, w/ man enhanced announcement at times,
woman/ man announcements talk ment ID (Radio Nacional), other man w/ brief
announcement, continuing w/ music program, at about 2155 UT man ID (Radio
Nacional), other man announcement, and playing local songs, from 2200 UT
man/woman announcements ment ID, and talk by man; better in usb/lsb sync,
non stop rapid no deep qsb, moderare qrn rustle, fair/almost good; in \\ 
11780 kHz poor in ssb sync; in \\ 
w/ few seconds of delay.
(Gianni Serra, Rome-Italy, via wor Jan 22)?BRAZIL?? 9664.97 kHz? Voz 
Missionaria; 0122 UT, Jan 21; M in Port w/talk
sounding not very rlgs; mentioned Bahia & politico. SIO=453 +++ 0126 UT,
Jan 22; More non-rlgs sounding cmtry; mentioned onda corta, Brasil, Para-
guay, Amazonas, America do Sul. RVM ID @0130 SIO=343+.
(Harold Frodge-MI-USA, Mare DXpedition log via wor Jan 23)?CHINA?? Scheduling 
changes apparently caused by the Lunar New Year!?Voice of Strait still silent 
on 4940 kHz, with 4900 kHz only with
a very abbreviated schedule. Today (Jan 24) noted at 1147 UT till cut off
mid-song at 1301* UT (same noted on Jan 21, from 1145 UT till cut off at
1301* UT).
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, direct Jan 24)?CHINA??? Chinese New Year's Eve Gala - 
January 21 - The following SW sta-
tions were carrying the live audio feed from CCTV; all seemed to have non-
stop coverage from 1210+ UT, with singing, comedy, etc.?YouTube video -? 
<https:\\>?4750 CNR1
4800 CNR1
4820 PBS Xizang (Tibet)
4990 PBS Hunan
5925 CNR5
5945 CNR1
6125 CNR1
6175 CNR1
7205 PBS Xinjiang
7230 CNR1
7275 CNR1
7290 CNR1
7305 CNR1
7345 CNR7 (The Voice of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area)
7365 CNR1
7385 CNR5
7420 PBS Nei Menggu
7450 PBS Xizang (Tibet)
9500 CNR1
9520 PBS Nei Menggu
9780 PBS Qinghai (Qinghai News Comprehensive Broadcasting)?At 1054 UT, noted 
'Voice of Strait' was off the air on both 4900 & 4940
kHz, but later did hear only 4900 kHz from 1145 UT till cut off at 1301*
UT, programming with NO coverage of the Gala; 4940 kHz was not heard at
all today. They must have started celebrating the Lunar New Year early and
decided to close down the station. Please note that during the Spring
Festival Holiday (Lunar New Year's Festival), other Chinese stations will
probably have some anomalies too. The lunar new year is on January 22
(the year of the rabbit).
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, wor Jan 21)?CHINA {and Latin AM relay Quivican San Felipe 
TITAN Cuba; and
Africa relay site Bamako II, Mali}?B22 CHINA RADIO INTERNATIONAL October 30, 
2022 - March 26, 2023:
0000-0100 Cantonese? 17490/Be, 11820/Xi
????????? Chinese??? 13655/Xi, 13580/Be, 12035/Xi, 11975/Kun, 11900/Be,
???????????????????? 11780/Jin, 9620/Kun
????????? English??? 11790/Xi, 9560/Be, 7425/Kash
????????? Hakka????? 9860/Jin, 9610/Kun, 9550/Kun, 9460/Kun
????????? Khmer????? 11990/Nnn, 9765/Nnn, 684/dof-hai
????????? Mongolian? 9470/Xi, 7295/Be
????????? Portuguese 9710/Kash, 6100/Be
????????? Russian??? 7415/Huh, 5990/Huh
????????? Spanish??? 5990/Cuba-q
????????? Vietnamese 13770/Xi, 11770/Be, 603/dof-hai
0000-0200 English??? 15125/Be, 11885/Xi, 7350/Kash, 6180/Kash, 6075/Kash
0100-0200 Amoy?????? 17490/Be, 15425/Xi, 11980/Kun, 11945/Kun, 9860/Jin,
????????????????????? 9610/Kun, 9550/Kun, 9460/Kun
????????? Chinese??? 15160/Jin, 13655/Xi, 13580/Be, 11770/Nnn, 11640/Xi,
????????????????????? 9655/Nnn, 7300/Kash, 7250/Ur
????????? English??? 9675/Kash, 7370/Kash, 6180/Cuba-q
????????? Russian??? 9440/Xi, 5905/Kash
????????? Urdu?????? 7240/Kash, 6020/Kash
0100-0300 Spanish??? 9710/Kash, 9590/Kash
0130-0230 Nepalese?? 13780/Kun, 11860/Kun
0200-0230 Pashto???? 11740/Xi, 7350/Kash, 6065/Kash
0200-0300 Amoy?????? 17490/Be, 15425/Xi
????????? Bengali??? 11640/Kun, 9655/Kun
????????? Chinese??? 15160/Jin, 13655/Xi, 11780/Be, 9825/Ur, 7330/Kash,
????????????????????? 6180/Cuba-q
????????? English??? 11770/Kash, 9610/Kash
????????? Russian??? 11980/Xi, 5915/Kash
????????? Tamil????? 11870/Kash, 9800/Kash
????????? Urdu?????? 7290/Kash, 6020/Kash
0230-0330 Nepalese?? 13780/Kun, 11730/Kun
0300-0400 Chinese??? 17540/Be, 15160/Jin, 15130/Be, 13655/Xi, 9450/Kash
????????? English??? 15120/Be, 13800/Kash, 13590/Be, 13570/Xi, 11770/Kash,
????????????????????? 5910/Cuba-q,
????????? Hindi????? 11700/Kash, 11640/Kash, 9870/Kash, 9695/Kash
????????? Russian??? 17710/Jin, 15435/Xi, 11710/Ur, 7325/Kash
????????? Tamil????? 13730/Kash, 13600/Kun
0400-0500 Cantonese? 15160/Jin, 13655/Xi, 5910/Cuba-q
????????? Chinese??? 15170/Kash, 15130/Be, 13640/Kash
????????? English??? 17855/Be, 17730/Xi, 15120/Be, 13590/Be, 13570/Xi
????????? Hakka????? 17710/Be, 17510/Xi, 15350/Kash, 13740/Kash
????????? Russian??? 17640/Xi, 15665/Ur, 15445/Kash, 7325/Kash
0400-0600 Vietnamese 17740/Xi, 11650/Kun, 603/dof-hai
0500-0600 Cantonese? 15160/Jin, 13655/Xi
????????? Chinese??? 15130/Be, 15120/Be, 15110/Kash
????????? English??? 17855/Be, 17730/Xi, 17510/Kash, 15465/Kash,
???????????????????? 15430/Kash, 15350/Kash, 11895/Kash
????????? Russian??? 15665/Ur, 15445/Kash
0500-0700 Arabic???? 17485/Ur
0600-0700 Chinese??? 17740/Xi, 17650/Kash, 15160/Jin, 15120/Be, 13750/Kun,
???????????????????? 13655/Xi, 11710/Nnn
????????? English??? 17710/Be, 17510/Kash, 15465/Kash, 15430/Kash,
???????????????????? 15350/Kash, 15145/Kash, 13645/Xi,
???????????????????? 11925/Nnn, 11895/Kash, 11870/Kash
????????? Italian??? 15620/Kash
0600-0800 French???? 15220/Kash
????????? German???? 17720/Kash, 17615/Ur
????????? Spanish??? 15135/Kash
0700-0800 Cantonese? 13610/Xi, 11640/Jin
????????? Chaozhou?? 15145/Xi, 17750/Xi
????????? Chinese??? 17740/Xi, 17650/Kash, 17520/Kash, 13750/Kun,
???????????????????? 11875/Nnn, 11710/Nnn
????????? English??? 17710/Be, 13660/Xi
0700-0900 English??? 17670/Kash, 17490/Kash, 15465/Kash, 15350/Kash,
???????????????????? 15185/Kash, 11895/Kash
0800-0900 Chinese??? 17650/Kash, 15560/Xi, 15550/Kash, 13610/Xi,
???????????????????? 11640/Jin, 9880/Be
????????? Russian??? 15665/Ur, 15335/Kash
0800-1000 English??? 9415/Xi
0830-0930 Indonesian 17735/Kun, 15135/Kun
0900-1000 Chinese??? 17670/Kun, 15560/Xi, 15440/Kun,
???????????????????? 11895/Nnn (Voice of the South China Sea),
???????????????????? 9880/Nnn, 9440/Xi, 7430/Jin
????????? English??? 17750/Kash, 17690/Jin, 17650/Kash, 17570/Ur,
???????????????????? 17490/Kash, 15350/Kash, 15210/Kun
????????? Romanian?? 15260/Kash
????????? Russian??? 15665/Ur, 15335/Kash
0900-1100 Chinese??? 15525/Ur, 15340/Xi, 15250/Kun, 13850/Be, 13780/Kash,
???????????????????? 11980/Kun, 9460/Nnn, 5965/Be
0930-1030 Malay????? 17680/Kun, 15135/Kun
1000-1100 Cantonese? 17670/Kun, 15440/Kun
????????? Chinese??? 17650/Kash, 9880/Be, 7255/Xi
????????? English??? 17750/Kash, 17690/Jin, 17490/Kash, 15350/Kash,
???????????????????? 15210/Kun, 13720/Xi, 13590/Be, 11635/Be, 7215/Xi,
????????????????????? 5955/Xi
????????? Hungarian? 17570/Kash, 15220/Kash
????????? Japanese?? 9440/Xi, 7325/Jin
????????? Russian??? 7390/Huh, 7290szg, 5915/Huh, 1323/htb, 1116/har,
???????????????????? 963/hua-jil
1030-1130 Khmer????? 17680/Kun, 15160/Nnn, 684/dof-hai
????????? Indonesian 15135/Kun, 11700/Kun
1100-1200 Bulgarian? 15180/Kash
????????? Burmese??? 9880/Kun, 1188/Kun-yun
????????? Cantonese? 13580/Kun, 9645/Be, 9590/Kun, 9540/Be, 7370/Nnn,
???????????????????? 603/dof-hai
????????? Chaozhou?? 11875/Kun, 9440/Kun
????????? Chinese??? 17650/Kash, 15440/Kun, 11980/Kash, 11750/Be,
???????????????????? 9515/Kash, 7435/Be
????????? Czech????? 17570/Kash, 15225/Kash
????????? English??? 13720/Xi, 11795/Kash, 9730/Be
????????? Esperanto? 9450/Xi, 7210/Ur
????????? Japanese?? 7325/Jin, 7260/Xi, 1044/hnl-jia
????????? Korean???? 5965/Xi, 1323/hua-jil, 1017/cah-jil
????????? Mongolian? 7390/Huh, 6100/Ur
????????? Russian??? 7290szg, 6080/Be, 5915/Huh
????????? Vietnamese 11990/Xi, 11785bji, 9550/Be, 1296/Kun-yun
1100-1300 English??? 17490/Kash, 12015/Kash, 11650/Ur, 7250/Kash,
???????????????????? 5955/Be, 1269/xua-yun
1130-1200 Filipino?? 12070/Xi, 11955/Kun, 7410/Jin, 5985/Be, 1341/hdu-gua
1130-1230 Thai?????? 9785/Kun, 7360/Kun, 1080/xua-yun
1200-1230 Filipino?? 11955/Kun, 9720/Xi (Voice of the South China Sea)
1200-1300 Amoy?????? 11910/Be
????????? Cantonese? 9570/Cuba-q
????????? Chinese??? 13720/Kash, 9655/Kash, 9520/Ur, 7390/Be, 7205/Kash
????????? English??? 13790/Ur, 11980/Kun, 11760/Kun, 11690/Xi, 9760/Kun,
???????????????????? 9730/Kun, 9645/Be, 9600/Kun, 9460/Kash, 1341/hdu-gua,
???????????????????? 1269/xua-yun, 1188/Kun-yun, 684/dof-hai
????????? Japanese?? 7325/Jin, 7260/Xi, 1044/hnl-jia
????????? Khmer????? 11680/Nnn, 9440/Kun
????????? Korean???? 5965/Xi, 1323/hua-jil, 1017/cah-jil
????????? Mongolian? 5990/Huh, 5915/Huh, 1323/htb
????????? Russian??? 9685/Ur, 9590/Szg, 7410szg, 7215/Xi, 6100/Be,
???????????????????? 5905/Kash
????????? Serbian??? 15180/Kash
????????? Vietnamese 11720/Be, 11640/Xi (Voice of the South China Sea),
????????????????????? 9550/Be, 1296/Kun-yun
1200-1400 Chinese??? 13810/Kash, 11790/Kash - News Radio
????????? Chinese??? 9855/Be, 9540/Kun, 7440/Nnn
????????? French???? 13570/Kash
1230-1330 Lao??????? 9785/Kun, 7360/Kun
????????? Malay????? 11955/Kun, 11700/Kun (Voice of the South China Sea)
1300-1400 Bengali??? 11610/Kun, 9600/Be, 9490/Kun, 1188/Kun-yun
????????? Burmese??? 9880/Kun, 7400/Kun
????????? Chinese??? 13855/Kash, 9520/Ur, 7215/Xi, 7205/Be
????????? English??? 13790/Ur, 11980/Kun, 11910/Be, 11900/Kun, 11760/Kun,
???????????????????? 11640/Kash, 9870/Xi, 9765/Be,? 9730/Nnn, 9655/Kash,
???????????????????? 7300/Kash, 5955/Be, 1341/hdu-gua
????????? Esperanto? 9695/Be, 9440/Nnn
????????? French???? 17880/Mali, 13720/Kash, 13685/Mali
????????? Hindi????? 9450/Kash, 7265/Ur, 1422/Kash-xin
????????? Japanese?? 7410/Jin, 7325/Xi, 1044/hnl-jia
????????? Korean???? 5965/Xi, 1323/hua-jil, 1017/cah-jil
????????? Mongolian? 7285/Be, 6100/Ur
????????? Russian??? 9665/Xi, 7255/Szg, 5990/Huh, 5915/Huh, 5905/Kash
????????? Vietnamese 9685/Xi, 9550/Be, 1296/Kun-yun, 684/dof
1330-1430 Indonesian 11955/Kun, 11805/Kun (Voice of the South China Sea)
????????? Thai?????? 9785/Kun, 7360/Kun, 1080/xua-yun
1400-1500 Amoy?????? 1650/Kun, 9655/Kun
????????? Bengali??? 11610/Kun, 9490/Kun, 1269/xua-yun
????????? Burmese??? 7445/Kun, 900/deh
????????? Chinese??? 11785/Kash, 9730/Kash, 9590/Kash, 9520/Ur, 7410/Be,
???????????????????? 7235/Kash, 7210/Be, 6040/Xi
????????? English??? 11880/Kash, 9795/Ur, 9765/Xi, 9460/Ur, 7300/Ur,
???????????????????? 6100/Ur, 1422/Kash-xin
????????? Japanese?? 7410/Jin, 7355/Xi, 1044/hnl-jia
????????? Khmer????? 9880/Nnn, 6055/Nnn, 684/dof
????????? Korean???? 5965/Xi, 1017/cah-jil
????????? Mongolian? 5990/Huh, 5915/Huh
????????? Nepalese?? 7435/Kun, 7220/Xi, 1269/xua-yun, 1188/Kun-yun
????????? Russian??? 7435/Szg, 7330/Xi, 5905/Kash
????????? Sinhalese? 9665/Jin, 7265/Kash, 1188/Kun-yun
????????? Tamil????? 9610/Kash, 5965/Kash
????????? Urdu?????? 7285/Kun, 6075/Kash, 1422/Kash-xin
????????? Vietnamese 9685/Be, 9550/Be, 1296/Kun-yun, 684/dof-hai
1400-1600 English??? 17630/Mali, 13685/Mali, 6135/Xi, 5955/Be
1430-1500 Filipino?? 11640/Be, 7325/Be, 1341/hdu-gua
1430-1530 Lao??????? 9675/Kun, 7360/Kun, 1080/xua-yun
1500-1530 Pashto???? 9665/Kash, 7435/Kun
????????? Persian??? 9600/Kash, 6165/Ur
1500-1600 Bengali??? 9690/Kun, 9610/Kun
????????? Chinese??? 9705/Kash, 9590/Kash, 9560/Kash, 9455/Kun, 7255/Be,
???????????????????? 7235/Kash, 6100/Be
????????? English??? 9880/Nnn, 9785/Jin, 9720/Ur, 9675/Kash, 9525/Kash,
???????????????????? 7395/Ur, 7325/Be, 6095/Kash, 1323/htb-xin
????????? Hindi????? 7265/Kash, 7225/Ur
????????? Japanese?? 7220/Jin, 5980/Xi, 1044/hnl-jia
????????? Nepalese?? 9535/Xi, 7215/Kun, 1188/Kun-yun
????????? Russian??? 6180/Ur, 6105szg, 6025/Xi, 5990/Huh, 5965/Be,
???????????????????? 5915/Huh, 5905/Kash
????????? Tamil????? 9490/Kash, 7360/Kash
????????? Turkish??? 9565/Kun
????????? Urdu?????? 7285/Kash, 6075/Kun, 1422/Kash-xin
????????? Vietnamese 6190/Be, 684/dof-hai, 603/dof-hai
1530-1600 Pashto???? 9665/Kash, 7435/Kun, 6165/Ur
1600-1700 Arabic???? 17880/Mali, 15125/Mali
????????? English??? 9880/Nnn, 9875/Kash, 9675/Kash, 9570/Be, 7435/Jin,
???????????????????? 7420/Ur, 7255/Kash, 7235/Kash,
???????????????????? 6175/Nnn, 6060/Kun, 1323/htb, 1080/xua
????????? Hakka????? 7325/Ur, 6090/Xi
????????? Hindi????? 7410/Kun, 5915/Kash, 1422/Kash-xin, 1269/xua-yun,
???????????????????? 1188/Kun-yun
????????? Russian??? 7265/Be, 7215szg, 6040/Ur, 5905/Kash
????????? Swahili??? 7245/Xi, 5985/Be
????????? Turkish??? 7325/Kun, 6165/Ur
????????? Vietnamese 7315/Kun, 6010/Be, 684/dof
1600-1800 Arabic???? 7300/Kash
????????? French???? 7350/Kash
????????? German???? 7380/Be, 5970/Xi
1630-1730 Hausa????? 9665/Kun, 9620/Kash
1700-1800 Cantonese? 7325/Ur, 7220/Xi
????????? Croatian?? 9410/Kash, 7335/Be
????????? English??? 9880/Nnn, 9570/Be, 7435/Jin, 7420/Kun, 7410/Kash,
???????????????????? 7255/Kash, 7235/Kash, 6175/Nnn, 6165/Be, 6140/Kash,
???????????????????? 6100/Be, 6090/Kun, 1323/htb-xin, 1080/xua-yun
????????? Esperanto? 7420/Xi, 7205/Be
????????? Hindi????? 5910/Kun, 1269/xua-yun
????????? Russian??? 7410bji, 7265/Ur, 6070/Xi, 6040/Ur, 5915/Kash
????????? Swahili??? 15125Mali, 13645/Mali, 7245/Xi, 5985/Be
1730-1830 Chinese??? 9695/Kun, 7445/Ur, 7315/Kun, 7305/Ur, 6150/Szg
????????? Hausa????? 13645/Mali, 11640/Mali fr 1800, 9685/Kun, 9450/Kash
1800-1830 Persian??? 7415/Xi, 7325/Be
1800-1900 Chaozhou?? 7285/Xi, 6010/Ur
????????? English??? 7210/Be, 6100/Be
????????? Italian??? 7435/Jin, 7340/Kash
????????? Russian??? 7255szg, 7240/Ur, 6070/Be
1800-2000 French???? 7360/Xi
????????? German???? 9615/Ur, 7395/Kash, 6160/Xi
1830-1900 Bulgarian? 9695/Kun, 7265/Ur, 6020/Szg
????????? Persian??? 7415/Xi, 7325/Be
1830-1930 Arabic???? 13685/Mali, 11640/Mali
1830-2030 French???? 9645/Kun, 7350/Kash
1900-1930 Czech????? 7415/Ur, 7325/Szg
????????? Hungarian? 9560/Ur, 7440/Xi
1900-2000 Albanian?? 7385/Kash, 6020/Szg
????????? Cantonese? 9770/Kash, 7215/Be
????????? English??? 9440/Kun, 7295/Ur
????????? Portuguese 9730/Kash, 9535/Be, 7365/Be, 7335/Jin, 7205/Xi,
???????????????????? 5985/Be
????????? Romanian?? 7440/Xi from 1930, 6090/Ur
????????? Russian??? 7245/Be, 6110/Xi, 6100/Be
????????? Turkish??? 9655/Kun, 7255/Kun
1930-2000 Czech????? 7415/Ur
????????? Portuguese 13630/Mali, 11640/Mali
1930-2030 Esperanto? 9745/Ur, 7265/Ur
2000-2030 Serbian??? 9585/Kash, 7390/Xi, 7325/Ur
2000-2100 Chinese??? 9865/Kun, 7440/Be, 7335/Szg, 7245/Kash, 7205/Xi
????????? English??? 9600/Kash, 9440/Kun, 7415/Kash, 7295/Ur, 7285/Xi,
???????????????????? 5985/Be
????????? Polish???? 7305/Ur, 6020/Szg
????????? Russian??? 7255/Be, 6155/Be
2000-2130 English??? 13630/Mali, 11640/Mali
2000-2200 Arabic???? 6100/Xi
2030-2100 Bulgarian? 9720/Ur, 7320/Kun
????????? Hungarian? 9585/Kash, 7390/Jin
2030-2130 Italian??? 7345/Kash, 7265/Ur
2030-2230 French???? 7350/Ur, 6115/Be
2100-2130 Serbian??? 7445/Kun, 7325/Xi
2100-2200 Croatian?? 7225/Be, 6135/Be
????????? English??? 9600/Kash, 7415/Kash, 7325/Be, 7285/Xi, 7205/Xi
2100-2300 Korean???? 7290/Xi, 1323/hua-jil, 1017/cah-jil
????????? Spanish??? 9640/Kash, 6020/Szg
2130-2200 Hungarian? 7445/Ur
2130-2230 French???? 13630/Mali, 11975/Mali
2200-2300 Chinese??? 7440/Jin, 7325/Kun, 7305/Be, 7290/Ur, 7265/Kun,
???????????????????? 6180/Kun, 6140/Kun, 6100/Kun, 5975/Be
????????? English??? 5915/Be
????????? Esperanto? 9860/Kash, 7315/Kash
????????? Japanese?? 7430/Jin, 5985/Xi
????????? Portuguese 9685/Kash, 9410/Kash, 7260/Ur, 6175/Xi
????????? Spanish??? 6100/Be
2200-2400 Spanish??? 7250/Ur
2300-2400 Khmer????? 9765/Nnn, 7430/Nnn, 684/dof-hai
????????? Cantonese? 11945/Kun, 9630/Jin, 7325/Kun, 6180/Kun, 6140/Kun
????????? Chinese??? 11975/Mali, 9555/Be, 7300/Ur, 7295/Mali
????????? English??? 11790/Xi, 9535/Kun, 7410/Kash, 7350/Kash, 6145/Be,
???????????????????? 5990/Cuba-q, 5915/Kash
????????? Japanese?? 9720/Xi, 9695/Jin
????????? Mongolian? 7205/Xi, 6185/Xi
????????? Portuguese 13650qvc, 6100/Be
????????? Russian??? 7415/Huh, 5990/Huh
????????? Vietnamese 9415/Be, 7220/Xi, 603/dof-hai
2300-0100 Spanish??? 9800/Kash, 9590/Kash
2330-0030 Sinhalese? 7260/Kash, 6100/Kun
(via Tom Laobaixing / China media monitors)?Sites used for international MW and 
international and domestic SW:
/cah?? Changchun: 1017 kHz
/dof?? Dongfang:? 603/684 kHz 600kW
/hdn?? Huadian:?? 1323 kHz 600kW
/huadu??????????? 1341 kHz
/hei?? Heilongjiang Province: (*) 1323 kHz
/hnl?? Changzhou, Henglin: 1044 kHz 1000 kW
/htb?? Hutubi:??? 1521 kHz 500 kW
/Kash? Kashgar:?? 1422 kHz 600 kW
/Kun?? Kunming:?? 1080/1296 kHz
/lha?? Lhasa:???? 1323kHz
/nei?? Nei Menggu Aut. Reg.: (*) 963 kHz
/xjg?? Xinjiang Uyghur Aut. Reg.: (*) 1323 kHz
/xuw?? Xuanwei:?? 1188/1269 kHz 600 kW
(*) Exact location unknown?SW (approximate transmitter numbers)
/Be Beijing, 3 sites: Doudian (G.C. 39N38 116E05) 4x150, 6x500 kW;
????????????????????? Matoucun 12x100 kW; Shuangqiao 8x100, 6x150 kW.
/Gem Golmud:? 4x100 kW
/Huh Hohhot (Bikeqi): 3x100 kW
/Jin Jinhua:? 3x500kW
/Kash Kashgar (Saibagh): 4x100, 8x500 kW
/Kun Kunming (Anning ):? 4x100, 4x150, 4x500 kW
/Lha Lhasa:?? 13x100 kW
/Lin Lingshi: 6x100 kW
/Nnn Nanning: 2x15, 3x100, 1x150 kW
/Szg Shijiazhuang, two sites: Nanpozhuang G.C.: 2x500kW; Huikou: 6x100 kW
/Ur Urumqi, Hutubi: 9x100, 8x500 kW
/Xi Xi'an, three sites: Xianyang 4x150, 6x500 kW; 
??????????????????????? Baoji, Sifangshan: 6x100 kW;
??????????????????????? Baoji, Xinjie 1x150 kW
(info from 2020, no reliable update possible - we.
via Walter Eibl-D, wwdxc monthly 'DX Magazine' Jan 2023, Jan 21)?Reception of 
PBS Xizang Holy Tibet in English on 9490 and 9580 kHz via
Lhasa, January 6:
0700-0800? 9490 LHA 100 kW 085 deg to EaAS English.
0700-0800? 9580 LHA 100 kW 290 deg to EaAS English.
Fair signal via SDR So Phisal, Thailand
(DX MIX 1276)?CUBA??? NUMBERS STATION? Reception of Cuban Spy Numbers HM01 
16180 kHz via
Bejucal site, January 21
from 2108 16180 BEJ 050 kW unknown to Am/EUR Spanish Tue/Thu/Sat.
Good via SDR Frostburg MD USA.
 STATION?? Good signal of Cuban Spy Numbers HM01 10715 kHz via
Bejucal site, January 22
from 2215 10715 BEJ 050 kW unknown to Am/EUR Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri via
SDR Corinne Utah in USA.
 STATION?? Reception of Cuban Spy Numbers HM01 10860 kHz via
Bejucal site, January 23:
till 0600 10860 BEJ 050 kW unknown to Am/EUR Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri. Very
good via SDR Frostburg MD USA.
 STATION?? Cuban Spy Numbers HM01 wrong 10860 kHz, instead of
10345 kHz via Bejucal site, January 23:
from 0600 10860 BEJ 050 kW unknown to EUR/AM Spanish Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri.
Good signal via SDR Frostburg MD USA.
Something's always wrong at Radio Cuba & something's always wrong at
Bejucal transmitter center.
 STATION?? Cuban Spy Numbers HM01 wrong 10860 kHz, instead of
9330 kHz via Bejucal bcast center, January 23
from 0700 10860 BEJ 050 kW unknown to EUR/AM Spanish Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri.
Very good via SDR Frostburg MD USA.
Something's always wrong at Radio Cuba & something's always wrong at
Bejucal transmitter center.
 STATION?? Cuban Spy Numbers HM01 wrong 10860 kHz, instead of
9065 kHz via Bejucal, January 23
from 0805 10860 BEJ 050 kW unknown to EUR/AM Spanish Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri.
Weak/fair via SDR Frostburg MD USA.
Something's always wrong at Radio Cuba & something's always wrong at
Bejucal transmitter center.
 STATION?? Cuban Spy Numbers HM01 wrong 10860 kHz, instead of
9240 kHz via Bejucal, January 23:
from 0910 10860 BEJ 050 kW unknown to EUR/AM Spanish Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri.
Very good via SDR Half Moon Bay.
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, direct and hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews Jan 23)?ECUADOR?? 6050 
kHz? QSL? La Voz de los Andes, HCJB (EQA).
e-QSL: 6050 kHz 04.28-05.00 UT, Jan. 15, 2023.?In St. Petersburg, the signal of 
a transmitter from Ecuador with a power
of 1 kW (on the site? <https:\\>
information about 10 kW is not true) becomes audible after 4 hours UT,
when the Chinese PBS operating on the same frequency Xizang is no longer
passing. This results in a rather small reception window, and besides, at
this time, HCJB is only on the air on Sat and Sun. A report in English
(program in Spanish) was sent to? <deutsch -at->?and received a 
response two days later. Thanks to Evgeny Kornykhin 
(Moscow) for informational support. Blog:
(Konstantin Barsenkov, St.Petersburg-RUS, "deneb-radio-dx"
via RUSdx #1221 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 22)?GERMANY?? Additional broadcast 
of Bible Voice Broadcasting
via MBR Nauen:
 of Bible Voice Broadcasting in English on 11900kHz via MBR Nauen
January 21
1430-1500 11900 NAU 250 kW 102 deg to SoAS English Sat. Very good signal
via SDR Albertirsa-HNG.
 of PAB Frank & Ernest Discussion 17715 kHz via MBR Nauen, Jan 22
1400-1415 17715 NAU 250 kW 094 deg to SoAS English Sun. Very good signal
via SDR So Phisal.
 of Bible Voice Broadcasting in Dari 11900 kHz via MBR Nauen,
January 22:
1430-1500 11900 NAU 250 kW 102 deg to SoAS Dari Tue/Thu/Sun. Very good
signal via SDR So Phisal.
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, direct and hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews Jan 
23)?GERMANY/EUROPE?? DARC? Bayern Ost Rundspruch, Notfunk von Alfred, DJ?GM
Notfunkreferent OV C22 Satelliten Notruf ueber Smartphone 
- ohne App, ohne Netz ??Info zum Thema Satelliten Notruf ueber Smartphone - 
ohne App, ohne Netz
und Verlaengerung Duldungsregelungen zu 50 MHz, 70 MHz etc. fuer 2023?Seit dem 
13. Dez. 2022 sind die L-Baender und einige Kanaele der Geo-
Satelliten fuer Notrufe freigeschaltet. Der Satellitennotruf kann getae-
tigt werden, wenn kein GSM-LTE Funknetz und kein WLAN vorhanden ist. Das
funktioniert bereits mit neueren Smartphones wie iPhone 14.
Weitere Smartphones werden sicher bald folgen.?Das Smartphone hat eine 
Frequenzerweiterung fuer das LBand im 1600 MHz
Bereich und muss im Freien sein. Die Uebertragung ist das bekannte WCDMA
Multiplexverfahren. Fuer Android gibt es diese Funktion derzeit noch
nicht, in Planung ist, ueber Low Orbital "Starlink" einen Notruf abzu-
setzen. Erste Test SMS ueber Geo-Satelliten haben gezeigt, dass diese
Funktion tatsaechlich stabil funktioniert.?Moeglich ist dies seit einer Woche 
mit dem Sprach-Notruf ueber 112 und
weit stabiler noch mit einer SMS. Dazu muss das Smartphone im freien
Gelaende ohne Gebaeudebeeintraechtigungen sein. Die zweite Bedingung:
es funktioniert erst, wenn absolut kein Netz mehr vorhanden ist. Andere
normale Gespraeche sind damit nicht moeglich. Es wird derzeit noch dis-
kutiert inwieweit man diese Kanaele gegen Gebuehr auch fuer andere Zwecke
freigibt oder ob man auch fuer die Notruffunktion Gebuehr bezahlen muss.
Deutschland, Frankreich, Grossbritannien und Irland haben den Dienst nun
am 13. Dez. 2022 freigegeben.?Die Satelliten sind vor allem geostationaer: 
Iridium, Inmarsat, Globalstar
und Thuraya. Ebenfalls gibt es eine Testfunktion auf dem Handy. Dazu muss
man das Menue ganz nach unten scrollen. Eine Kommunikation untereinander,
wie dies zwingend im K-Fall und im Notfunkbereich benoetigt wird, ist
damit aber nicht gegeben. Fuer Notrufe bei Netzausfall oder wenn kein Netz
zur Verfuegung steht, ist dies jedoch eine sinnvolle Erweiterung.
Info Gerd DL7GA, Referat OeA Distrikt-U?Verlaengerung Duldungsregelungen zu 50 
MHz, 70 MHz etc. fuer 2023,
Im veroeffentlichten Amtsblatt 
24/2022?<https:\\>?hat die BNetzA dem Antrag 
des RTA entsprochen und alle "befristeten Er-
laubnisse" fuer den Amateurfunkdienst verlaengert, deren Gueltigkeit am
31. Dez. 2022 erloschen waere.?Nutzung der Frequenzbereiche 2320 - 2450 MHz und 
5650 - 5850 MHz durch
Klasse E Nutzung des Frequenzbereichs 50 - 52 MHz (750 W PEP Klasse A bzw.
100 W PEP Klasse E zwischen 50,0 - 50,4 MHz).?Befristeter Zugang 70,150 - 
70,210 MHz.
Nutzung der Frequenzbereiche 1850 - 1890 kHz und 1890 - 2000 kHz mit 750 W
bzw. 100 W an Wochenenden; Contestbetrieb.
(DARC? Bayern Ost Rundspruch, Notfunk von Alfred? DJ?GM,
Notfunkreferent OV C22, Jan 14, 2023)?HUNGARY?? 540 kHz? eQSL cards - Kossuth 
Radio & Danko Radio. Reception
in Moscow at 540 kHz (Kossuth Radio from Solt) and 1251 kHz (Danko 
(Igor Kolke, Moscow-RUS, <https:\\>
via RUSdx #1221 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 22)?INDIA?? Republic Day Broadcast 
by AIR on 26 Jan 2023.?All India Radio will broadcast the Live Commentary of 
the Republic Day
Parade from New Delhi 26 January, 2023 from 0410 UTC as follows:?English 15030 
kHz via Bengaluru (500 kW)
Hindi??? 9950, 11560 kHz via New Delhi (100 kW)?External Services above 
frequencies that day at that time is cancelled.
All stations of AIR will relay it which will be also available live
streaming in? <https:\\>
<https:\\>?This will be available 
Doordarshan TV as follows:
(Jose Jacob-IND? VU2JOS, DXindia iogroups Jan 24)?INDONESIA?? RRI shortwave 
broadcast requests in A23 season from March 26:?3325 1700 0600 54E??? PGA 40 0 
0 700 2603-291023 Eng INS RRI
4750 0200 0500 51,54E JAK? 3 0 0 700 2603-291023 Eng INS RRI
7290 0500 0800 51???? NAB? 1 0 0 700 2603-291023 Eng INS RRI?Note the low 
transmitting power of Nabire 1, Jakarta Cimanggis 3 or Palang
Karaya 40 kW; - and antenna type ITU #700 i.e.
'Curtain antenna, arrays of horizontal half-wave dipoles, centre fed,
without reflector.. '? (Jan 25)?IRAN? In early December, Radio Kermanshah, 
Paveh was being heard in Europe
off-frequency on MW 1377.8 kHz.
(Mauno Ritola MW Offsets ioGroup; via NZL DXTimes Jan 2023, page6, Jan 
10)?ITU/IARU?? IARU Monitoring System Region 1 Newsletter Dec 2022
Please, find here the IARU Monitoring System Region 1 Newsletter Dec 
 wishes for this new year 2023!
73, HNY, - Gaspar Miro, EA6AMM
IARUMS R1 coordinator
(INTRUDERALERT mailing list, Jan 15)?JAPAN? {to KOREA? D.P.R.}? Shiokaze/Sea 
Breeze via KDDI Yamata Ibaraki
Koga station, ?G.C. 
 \\ 7280 kHz, with a different schedule for some reason. TUESDAY (Jan
24), in ENGLISH, from tune in at 1302+ UT; the same program repeated 1330-
1400 UT.?Reading a RFA article about Korean War soldiers finally IDed, killed
73 years ago in the war. What will their Wednesday program be ? In the
past was always in English, not on Tuesday!
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, direct Jan 24)?KOREA, REP OF? [SOUTH]? HLAZ FEBC Korea, 
1566 kHz verified with full data
e-QSL in 9 days. Report sent to the following E-mail address:
<chungsookorea -at->
V/S: Chung Soo Kim, Manager of International Relations, Far East Broadcast-
ing Company - Korea.
(Antonello Napolitano-ITA via DX Fanzine 11-12/2022; via
NZL DXTimes Jan 2023, page 6, Jan 10)?KYRGYZSTAN?? 4010 kHz? Birinchi Radio 
(tent), Bishkek on Jan 21 at 1609-
1615 UT some slow music barely audible w/ audio up and down the qrn thres-
hold, from 1613 UT carrier only; better in usb/lsb sync, continuous rapid
qsb, strong qrn, very weak audio w/ moderate signal.
(Gianni Serra, Rome-Italy, via wor Jan 22)?4010.010 kHz at 16.40 UT on Tue Jan 
24, Birinchi Radio Krasnaya Rechka
Bishkek bcast center, Kyrgyz Republic. wb.?MADAGASCAR?? 13670 kHz African 
Pathways Radio, via MWV New Life Station,
Mahajanga, MDG, Madagascar; 1822UT, Jan 20; Afro High-Life music 1826:20UT
APR ID into En religihuxterage. SIO=4+54.
(Harold Frodge-MI-USA, Mare DXpedition log via wor Jan 23)?MOLDOVA (?) / 
The unidentified station playing non-stop disco version of USSR
National Anthem in Russian and mentioned in the weeklies RUS-DX #1220
news in English and RUS-DX PLUS #594 in Russian, is the same, first
observed on Oct 14, 2022 at *0400-0500* UT on 9900 kHz (till 0430 UT
over Iran), changing in B22 season the bc time to 0500-0600 UT etc.?Only Baltic 
States, Ukraine and Moldova and Pridnestrovye (from
ex soviet states now) have DST and in B22 UTC+2 hours that rather the
transmitter is from Grigoriopol Maiac Pridnestrovie and the signal here
is powerhouse label.
(Rumen Pankov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 19)?NETHERLANDS?? 13864.89 kHz 
Radio Piepzender, Zwolle, in English on Jan 15,
at 1550-1607 UT playing various kind of songs (hard rock, folk, mellow
songs etc), at 1604 UT woman ID and hinting some words (Radio Piepzender
from Netherlands ...); moderate rapid qsb, lite / moderate qrn rustle,
almost good in am w/ strong audio.
(Gianni Serra, Rome-Italy, via wor Jan 22)?PALAU?? 9965 kHz? QSL? Hope Radio, 
T8WH? Angel 5 (PLW); e-QSL of
9965 kHz, 11.00-11.34 UT, Jan. 8, 2023. Blog: 
(Konstantin Barsenkov, St.Petersburg-RUS, "deneb-radio-dx"
via RUSdx #1221 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 22)?PHILIPPINES? {and non}?? "wrong 
schedule of Radio Teos" in Russian.?Radio Teos, Russia in Russian via {via FEBA 
Iba site, wb.} in Philippines
at 15-16 hrs UTC on 9920 kHz announcing 11620 kHz (their A22 freq ?)?9920 
1500-1600 PHL FEBC Radio Teos Iba Rus Bocaue 1-7
9920 1530-1600 PHL FEBC Radio Teos Iba Ukr Bocaue 1
(Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 8, 2023)?As Ivo Ivanov keeps noting 
the announced schedule of the Russian program-
mes of Radio Teos is incorrect. I think this is due to the repeat of old
programmes. Many years ago, they had repeats of very old programmes in
German which was inconsistent with their schedules, either.
(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 19)?Okay, okay, ich habe 
keine weiteren TEOS Infos zur Hand;
? Frage: Hast Du denn neuere korrekte Daten ? (wb, Jan 20)?Statt in Englisch 
... also in Deutsch: Ich bezog mich auf Rumen Pankows
announcing und die Frage, ob das wohl die Frequenz von A22 war. Ivo Ivanov
merkt schon lange bei seinen Meldungen fuer Radio Teos an, dass der an-
gesagte Sendeplan (Sendezeit, Frequenz) nicht stimmt.?Radio Teos war eine 
christliche Radiostation in St. Petersburg, die auf
MW 1089 kHz sendete. Sie wurde 2003 in die Arbeit der FEBC in Russland
integriert. Die FEBC begann 1992 mit Rundfunksendungen im asiatischen Teil
Russlands. Die Flaechendeckung ermoeglichenden, groesseren Sendestrecken
auf Kurzwelle via KFBS, der FEBC-Station auf Saipan (Noerdliche Marianen),
blieben noch lange erhalten.?Beim Sendeende von KFBS Saipan blieb eine 
Kurzwellenstunde in Russisch
uebrig. Sie wurde nun von FEBC auf den Philippinen ausgestrahlt.
Die Stunde wechselte 2018 von 11650 (!) kHz nach 9920 kHz. Wenig zuvor
hatte FEBC Russland 2016 seine terrestrischen Senderechte in Russland ver-
loren und war zur Internetstation geworden.
(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 
21)?RUSSIA/MOLDOVA/KALININGRAD Branch of RTRS?? ?Russian powerful medium wave 
broadcasting as of Jan 19, 2023.?Tests. (Working days between 06.00-14.00 
UT:?kHz / kW / Transmitter / Possible coverage / Note
549 / 75 / Bolshakovo / Eastern Europe, Baltic States, Ukraine, Belarus,
European part of the Russian Federation / (capacity varies):?1143 / 150 / 
Bolshakovo / Eastern Europe, the Baltic States, Ukraine,
Belarus, the European part of the Russian Federation.?1215 / 150 / Bolshakovo / 
Eastern Europe, the Baltic States, Ukraine,
the European part of the Russian Federation.?1089 / 1200 / Kuban RC {Armavir 
Krasnodar} / Eastern Europe, Baltic
states, Ukraine, European part of Russia, Crimea, Caucasus.?Actual broadcast.
999 / 500 / Pridnestrovskiy RC {Grigoriopol Maiac} / Eastern Europe,
Baltic states, Ukraine, European part of the Russian Federation, Belarus,
Crimea, Caucasus / 16.00-22.00 UTC.?1413 / 500 / Pridnestrovian RC {Grigoriopol 
Maiac} / Ukraine,
European part of Russia, Crimea, Caucasus / 24 hours.
(via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1221 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 22)?RUSSIA?? 
Khabarovskiy kray. 765 kHz Radio Vostok Russia 2000-1200 UT
\\ FM 103.7 MHz Berezovy 5 kW, Bikin 5 kW, Bogotodskoye 5 kW,
Chegdomyn 5 kW, De-Kastri 5 kW, Khabarovsk 20 kW, Komsomolsk-na-Amur
Khabarovskiy 20 kW, Krasnoe 5 kW, Sovetskaya Gavan 5 kW, Troitskoye 5 kW,
Zimmermanovka 5 kW.?KiwiSDR Receivers:
Khabarovsk?? <https:\\>
Novoskbirsk? <>? <https:\\>
(Author: Radio Heritage Foundation
Bruce Portzer's Pacific-Asian Log (PAL) Guide. January 2023 Update.)?WEB:? 
Khabarovsk Territory: 765 AM
Khabarovsk: 103.7 FM
Komsomolsk-on-Amur: 88.9 FM
Amursk: 100.9 FM
Vanino: 105.8 FM
(via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1221 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 22)?TAIWAN?? 
9490 kHz QSL? Radio Taiwan Int'l, Russian Sce (TWN). QSL-card:
9490 kHz, 11.00-12.00 UT, Dec. 27, 2022. Envelope sent from Taipei on
January 6th, received on January 19th, 2023. RTI's desk calendar for this
year also arrived last week. Blog: 
(Konstantin Barsenkov, St.Petersburg-RUS, "deneb-radio-dx"
via RUSdx #1221 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 22)?TAIWAN??? 9774 \\ 9410 kHz 
(strong QRM), Fu Hsing BS, still on the air at
1140 UT, Jan 24 !! Believe they went off about 1200 UT; long past their
normal 0900* UT. Their \\ 15375 kHz channel was not heard.
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, direct Jan 24)?THAILAND? 9940 kHz HSK9 Radio Thailand; 
Udorn Thani site at 1227-1229:35*,
UT on Jan 22; En feature Thai tourism into world news; off abruptly. 454.
(Harold Frodge-MI-USA, Mare DXpedition log via wor Jan 23)?UKRAINE??? Ukraine 
MW off the air.?Ukrainian MW transmitters on 657, 873, 1278, 1404 kHz have been 
off air
since January 1. It seems that somebody decided to switch them on only
upon improvement of the situation with power supply. Or at least allo-
cation of some funds ...?In addition, the transmitter in Kurisove (1278 kHz) 
has some technical
malfunction according to a recent interview given by an ex-Vice-Director
of the National Radio Company of 
<Alex Miatlikov-UKR; to MWlist iog (Jan 23), wor Jan 25)?U.A.E.? Reception of 
Mizzima Burmese 17730 kHz via ENC-DMS Dhabbayya,
January 23. 1130-1300 17730 DHA 250 kW? 90 deg to SoEaAS Burmese.
Very good via SDR So Phisal in Thailand.
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, direct and hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews Jan 23)?Reception of 
Radio ERGO in Somali 17845.1v kHz via ENC-DMS Dhabbayya,
January 23
1200-1300 17845.1vDHA 250 kW 225 deg to EaAF Somali. Weak/fair via
SDR Albertirsa, 
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, direct and hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews Jan 23)?U.K. Does 
anyone happen to have any idea when the remaining Absolute Radio
transmitters 1215 kHz are likely to pull the switch at all ?
(Andrew Tett-UK, BrDXC-UK iogroups Jan 23)?Hi Andrew. I understand all but the 
Brookmans Park transmitter are due to
be switched off today, and it's clear from other posts today that a number
have already had the power cut off earlier today. According to a post
Medium Wave Circle, from an ex-engineer at Virgin 1215 kHz, the previous
station that used the 1215 kHz network, Brookmans Park might get a re-
prieve until Thursday {Jan 26}, but he seemed by no means certain. He ob-
served it would be interesting to see how it performs its own, without
phasing interference and heterodynes and echoes from the co-channel
(Ian Kelly, Tilehurst, Reading-UK, BrDXC-UK iogroups Jan 24)?Re:? MW 1215 kHz - 
Over and Out - But When ?? Hi all,
my local 1215 kHz transmitter at Droitwich was taken off the air much
earlier today Jan 23. Don't know exactly when. It was this morning before
08:00, but had gone by lunchtime. Now we have darkness I have quite a
strong signal with fading which I'm guessing is probably Moorside Edge as
I believe Brookmans Park has now bitten the dust. On my XHDATA D808 I can
hear very weak signals 1197 kHz, 1242 kHz with a slightly stronger signal
1233 kHz.
(John Gleeson, Birmingham-UK, BrDXC-UK iogroups Jan 23)?Re: [BrDXC-UK DX-news] 
1215 kHz TX close-down's.
Bournemouth off on 1197 kHz.
(David James-UK, , BrDXC iogroups Jan 24)?Westerglen is now down on 1215 kHz 
too. I can hear one of the other trans-
mitters still going on 1215 kHz.
(Ellie McNeill-UK, BrDXC iogroups Jan 24)?Absolute Radio Moorside Edge 1215 
kHz? went off between 1000 & 1100 UT
today with me (Jan 25) Stoke 1242 kHz seemed to disappear between 1100 &
1120 UT. This just left Absolute Nottingham on 1197 kHz, which still
appears to be on at 1210 UT.?There is a weak Absolute signal on 1215 kHz at the 
moment using a fence
wire, presume Brookmans Park ??At the moment (1445 UT Jan 25) Absolute Radio 
Nottingham 1197 kHz is still
on. There is also a weaker (with me) Absolute R. still radiating the loop
on 1215 kHz.
(Nick Rank, Buxton-UK, BrDXC iogroups Jan 25)?Brookmans Park is off as of now 
1335 GMT. Don't know when it went off, it
was on last night.
(Gareth Foster-UK, BrDXC iogroups Jan 25)?Re:? 1215 kHz. The Absolute Radio 
retune loop tape still running on 1215
kHz is now just Lisnagarvey, Northern Ireland I think (and maybe also
Newcastle?).?Also still on 1197 kHz (Nottingham) and 1260 kHz (Lydd, Kent?).
(Alan Pennington, Caversham-UK, BrDXC iogroups Jan 25)?U.K.? BBC Far Eastern 
Relay Station: Supplementary Relay Service via Japan?From the script of AWR 
"Wavescan" DX Programme #437 courtesy of Dr Adrian
M Peterson: On two previous occasions here in Wavescan, we have presented
the story of the BBC Far East Relay Station; at its first location in
Tsang Tsui Hong Kong 
{ formerly location Tsang Tsui? <> }?and 
then at its subsequent location in Nakhon Sawan Thailand.
The Hong Kong station was on the air from 1987 to 1997, and the Thailand
station was on the air from 1996 until the end of 2016.?However, during this 
same era, not so well known is the fact that the BBC
was on the air also from a high powered shortwave relay station in Japan.
That is the story here in this edition of the international DX program,
Wavescan.?We go back in the pages of time to the year 1941, and that was when 
Japanese government began the construction at Yamata of what was then a
modern new shortwave station, almost adjacent to the older station at
Nazaki. These twin shortwave stations were installed in rolling country-
side some 50 miles north of Tokyo that is these days heavily built up and
intensively cultivated.?The first transmitter at Yamata was a 50 kW unit that 
was apparently manu-
factured in Japan and it was taken into service on 1 January 1941. This
unit was in use to beam programming in Japanese and English to North
America, Europe and China. This new unit was identified on air under call-
signs in the JL series, such as JLT on 6190 kHz and JLG3 on 11705 kHz.?At the 
time when the Pacific War began (7 December 1941), the programming
of Radio Tokyo in Japanese and English was on the air from five shortwave
transmitters located at Nazaki and Yamata, two at 20kW and three at 50 kW.?At 
Yamata, it would appear that there was just the one transmitter at 50kW
with the JL callsigns, though there may possibly have been one additional
transmitter at 20 kW also.?Towards the end of the Pacific War, probably early 
in the year 1945, some
of the electronic equipment in each of the shortwave stations in Japan was
removed and hidden for safety in a country location. However, at both
Nazaki and Yamata, there was still sufficient equipment remaining in ser-
vice to keep the stations on the air.?In August 1945, Yamata was taken over by 
Allied Military Forces and it was
used for both international communication as well for the broadcast of
programming in Japanese and English.?Initially, there was just one shortwave 
transmitter on the air at Yamata
and this was a single 5 kW unit. When the station was on the air on 7257.5
kHz with a relay of programming in Japanese from mediumwave JOAK, the
shortwave callsign was JKC; but when it was on the air on 9605 kHz with a
relay of English programming from the American AFRS station WVTR, the
shortwave callsign was JKE. In 1949, the callsign for the Japanese pro-
gramming was adjusted from JKC to JKH, and the callsign for the English
programming was adjusted from JKE to JKL.?A new 50 kW shortwave transmitter was 
inaugurated at Yamata on 1 February
1952 under a new callsign series, JOA; and shortly afterwards another
50 kW was installed under the consecutive callsign JOB. Both units could
be combined into 100 kW output on the same channel as needed.?Over the years, 
many additional transmitters have been installed at
Yamata, and in 1990 for example the WRTVHB listing for Japan showed
2 X 20 kW, 2 X 50 kW, and 8 X 100 kW. Ten years later, the WRTVHB list
showed 3 X 100 kW and 7 X 300 kW. Incidentally, the official callsign
for the Yamata shortwave station, which is owned these days by the commer-
cial company KDD, is JOD, though this call is never used on air.?21 It was 
during the year 1993 that the BBC in London took out a supple-
mentary relay from shortwave NHK-KDD at Yamata and this was in addition to
the program output from the quite new 6 year old BBC relay station which
was located at Tsang Tsui in the interior jungle area of Hong Kong.?location 
at? 22.421273798247842 N? 113.92095414351077 E
G.C.? <>?Initially, the BBC relay via 
Japan was for around four hours daily, though
this was soon increased to around seven and eight hours daily. The BBC
programming from Japan was beamed to China in English and Mandarin via
one of their 300 kW transmitters.?When the BBC Far Eastern programming was 
transferred from their station in
Hong Kong to their newer station at Nakhon Sawan in Thailand during the
years 1996 and 1997, the BBC continued the usage of the supplementary
relay service of programming from Japan. In fact three years later, the
BBC relay service via Japan was increased to ten hours daily, though still
in English and Mandarin to China.?The supplementary BBC relay via Yamata in 
Japan was terminated during the
year 2007, at the end of a fifteen year jaunt. As far as is known, there
are no QSL cards anywhere verifying the BBC relays via Yamata in Japan,
not from the BBC nor from NHK Tokyo.
("Communication" monthly magazine Jan 2023,p#21, BrDXC-UK iogroups Jan 16)?USA 
/ CHINA??? WWV Standard and Time Signal station.?I received such an interesting 
letter in response to a report for WWV:
"Thank you for your letter and interest in WWV.?I believe the acceptance report 
you submitted is not WWV. Our broadcast
includes a verbal announcement of the time of day just before the start of
a new minute. It would be a male voice saying "on signal..." and announc-
ing the time UTC.?Also, seconds are indicated by a ticking sound, not short 
We have had several QSL requests similar to yours, but with an audio
recording of a temporary station similar to the one you describe. We don't
know where the station is, but it broadcasts on the same frequencies as
WWV from US.?For your information, WWV broadcasts on 2.5, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0 
25.0 MHz. NIST radio station WWVH broadcasts on 2.5, 5.0, 10.0, and 15.0
MHz from Hawaii.?Best wishes,
Glenn Nelson
technician?National Institute of Standards and Technology
WWV/WWVB radio stations".?{China}? About the time and frequency station 
operating in AM at 15000 kHz
exactly, so it really was Chinese NTSC: at 59 minutes - Morse signals, 
at 00 minutes - a voice message in Chinese, a female voice.?(Andrey, Russia; 
Radio reception - Telegram;
via RUSdx #1221 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 22)?USA?? 17790 kHz? Radio Africa 
via WRMI Okeechobee-FL; 1852-1901+ UT, Jan
20; Christ Gospel B'cast from Jeffersonville IN (everything is bad); 1859
UT WRMI / Pan American B'casting ID into deceased child molester Tony
Alamo "using the Book of Peter". S9 w/ buzz QRM.
(Harold Frodge-MI-USA, Mare DXpedition log via wor Jan 23)?UZBEKISTAN??? TVOM 
Voice of Martyrs in Chinese 7630 kHz via RRTM Tashkent,
January 21
from 2101? 7630 TAC 100 kW 066 deg to EaAS Chinese. Very good via
SDR So Phisal in Thailand.
(Ivo Ivanov-BUL, direct and hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX Topnews Jan 23)?5819.93v kHz 
CLANDESTINE Nippon no Kaze (pres) via RRTM Tashkent Uzbeki-
stan, in listed Korean Jan 8 at 1729-1742UT slow music, woman unclear talk
above music, sudden s/off at 1730 UT, again air at 1732 UT w/ same woman
talk w/ Far East accent, music break at 1739 UT, man talk; better in usb
sync, non stop rapid qsb, strong qrn rustle, qrm moderate unid ute,poor/
very poor at times/from about 1739 UT fair.
(Gianni Serra, Rome-Italy, via wor Jan 22)?VIETNAM?? 11885 kHz? Jan 18 at 1643 
UT music, then talk in Russian. Yes,
VOVTN this semihour is scheduled. It's extremely wobbly, at first suspect-
ing two signals beating, but this would not be jammed. Rather it's
Doppler flutter as evident on many other weaker Asian signals on 25m.
"Solar-terrestrial indices for 17 January follow.
Solar flux 222 and estimated planetary A-index 6.?The estimated planetary 
K-index at 1500 UTC on 18 January was 2.67.
Space weather for the past 24 hours has been minor. Radio blackouts
reaching the R1 level occurred."
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor iogroups / hcdx Jan 
 de Wolfgang DF5SX

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 241, Issue 27

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