** ANTARCTICA. 15475.98 RC USB, Feb 18 at 2039, LRA36 on air again,
replaying that clip of LRA60 in Islas Malvinas, 2 April 1982. Seems
like whole transmission will be a rerun. Tnx to Manuel Méndez, Spain,
and Horacio Nigro, Uruguay, for forwarding advance notice from Adrián
Korol of RAE about another test today at 2000-2300. The 1 kW temporary
transmitter is not there until next week, recalibrated, so we`ll know
it`s on when 15475 becomes the frequency. Yet now the old one is VG
S9+5 via Argentine SDR. Says the inoperable 10 kW transmitter is being
moved back to General Pacheco to be repaired, eventually so RAE can
resume own SW BCs direct. Meanwhile tnx to Jeff White`s WRMI relays
for proving to bosses that SW is still viable. Still anticipating a
replacement 10 kW for LRA36 by next January (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** EGYPT. Re my report of 9440, R. Cairo reactivated on Feb 14 only,
Richard Langley, NB, replies on the WOR iog:

``I automatically record 9440 kHz every day using the U. Twente SDR
receiver. I can confirm that 14 February was the first time in a long
time that Cairo tried to transmit its English service at this time.
The modulation was quite low initially and not as distorted as usual
but with a noticeable 100 Hz hum. The accented English was actually
(painfully) understandable for stretches at a time. Time pips and
usual theme music and ID at about 22:00 UTC (brief recording
attached). At about 22:15 UTC, they increased the modulation level a
bit and the audio became more understandable but not for long. Most of
the following recorded segments were heavily distorted right up until
s/off at about 22:43 UTC with an approximately 1000 kHz test tone for
a few seconds. The transmission has not been noted since, including
yesterday 17 February, not even a carrier. -- Richard Langley`` (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** KIRITIMATI. 846 kHz, Feb 18 at 0743, JBA carrier from R. Kiribati,
again the only 9/kHz split detectable circa this hour (Glenn Hauser,

** NIGERIA. 7255-, Feb 18 at 0809, signature off-frequency carrier
from VON, keeping VANUATU company (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** RUSSIA. 9310 USB, Feb 18 at 0534-0545, Soviet/Russia national
anthem station, repeating every 3 minutes and 29 seconds including
pause between them, S3/S5 into Maryland SDR. The pace is a bit faster
than usual? as it would sound more majestic to me. Also somewhat rough
and distorted modulation. Here`s a good source for more info about it,
including lyrix transliterated and translated:
Putin not mentioned in lyrix, just: ``The melody and lyric combination
heard today was established in 2000 by the Putin regime`` (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. Re 26110 NBFM, KOVR-TV talkback transmitter in last report
before 0100 UT Sat Feb 18: Nothing further heard from it after 0100
until maybe 0110, tho newscast supposedly ran another sesquihour.
Rabbitears.info shows it`s really on RF 25, virtual 13. And:
``Operator: CBS Corporation 

IIRC, KOVR was originally a Stockton station, and yes, as Wikipedia 
explains its convoluted history:

``KOVR (channel 13) is a television station licensed to Stockton,
California, United States, broadcasting the CBS network to the
Sacramento area. It is owned and operated by the network's CBS News
and Stations division alongside CW affiliate KMAX-TV (channel 31).
Both stations share studios on KOVR Drive in West Sacramento, while
KOVR's transmitter is located in Walnut Grove, California.

KOVR began broadcasting in September 1954 from studios in Stockton and
a transmitter atop Mount Diablo. This facility provided wide coverage
from San Francisco to Sacramento and beyond, but KOVR could not obtain
a network affiliation in the San Francisco market, whereas its move
completely into the Stockton/Sacramento area in 1957 resulted in an
affiliation with ABC. After moving, the station was sold twice before
being acquired by newspaper publisher McClatchy in 1963. McClatchy
would sell the station in 1980 under intense pressure on owners of
newspaper-broadcast combinations, and it changed hands another six
times from 1983 to 1996. The station became a CBS affiliate in 1995 as
the result of an affiliation switch and was purchased by CBS in 2005;
uniquely, it broadcasts prime time programming one hour ahead of other
West Coast stations. Traditionally a third-rated station in local
news, ratings have gradually improved for its newscasts since the

There is much, much more about KOVR, including 117! footnote
references; but nowhere any mention of 26.11 MHz or 26110 kHz, despite
being a co-pending auxiliary! And far more likely to reach worldwide
coverage than on DTV. RF 25 transmitter site is Walnut Grove, so is
26110 there or at studio? Nominal city-to-city distance between
Stockton and Sac`to is 44 miles. W.G. roughly halfway between them.

Nothing on 26110 at 2005 UT Feb 18, since it`s Saturday with no noon
news. See sked in previous report. With increasing solar activity, F2
MUFs normally well above 26 MHz on day paths, but closer distances and
at night may be sporadic E, which also typically attains 72 MHz MUFs,
no good for FMBC DX, but maybe lowband VHF DTV. To check current 10m
active paths, pick N. America and 28 MHz at:
Keep tuning across 25.8-26.5 MHz for others (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2178 monitoring: confirmed UT
Saturday February 18 at 0130 on WRMI 5850, VG S9+25/35 into Missouri

Also confirmed UT Saturday February 18 at 0500 on WBCQ Radio Angela,
S9 into Maryland SDR on 5130 minus 15 Hz = 5129.985, closer to
frequency accuracy than any other WBCQs. This airing always starts
exactly on time.

Also confirmed Saturday February 18 at 1700 on WRN N America webcast.

NOT confirmed Sat Feb 18 at 1800 or 1826 on IRRS SW, 7295 via
Bulgaria, into UTwente, rather music; when WOR appeared without notice
by surprise last week. 

Also confirmed Sat Feb 18 from 2027 on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO, S9+20 into
nearby SDR. This does not mean the repeat at nominal 0415 UT Sunday
will be nearly on-time; like last week could be a sesquihour+ delayed.

2230 UT Saturday WRMI 5850 to NW
2230 UT Saturday WRMI 15770 to NE
0030 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to SW
0400vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415; as late as 0557]
0800 UT Sunday Unique R, Australia 5035 USB [low power]
0830 UT Sunday Unique R, Australia 5035 USB [previous episode]
2100 UT Sunday IRRS 1323 & 918? & 207?-Italy
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to SW
0400vUT Monday WBCQ Area 51 6160v to WSW
0130 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0030 UT Wednesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
1000 UT Wednesday Unique R, Australia 5035 USB [low power]
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Like our website, a noncommercial service for which financial support
is appreciated. Thanks this week to Joe Caberlin, VE1EJ, Ontario for
some US$ and a book to Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 USA

One may also contribute by MO or cheque on a US bank to above address;
or via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to 
woradio at yahoo.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. (7490v), UT Sat Feb 18 at 0100, `AAAWWW`, a new one on WBCQ,
listening via webcast but SWs also checked at 0140 into Missouri SDR:
7490 -71 Hz = 7489.929, 6160 -67 Hz = 6159.933, 5130 -4 Hz = 5129.996;
3265 off; 9330v with WLCR +36 to 55 Hz = 9330.036/9330.055. Thus their
SuperStition is also the most unstable. Starts off with ``time to get
to work`` and spends several minutes trying to recruit two new
engineers; implies an EEO, doesn`t care if they are aliens or females,
but must have experience with high power transmitters, such as UHF TV
employing Klystrons. Again compares the rotatable curtain antenna to
the Grand Canyon. Living in northern Maine: you either love it or hate
it: AW the latter spending winters in Florida. 

Then about Model T Fords --- some museums will teach you how to drive
one. 0129 looking for new issue of Free Radio Weekly, but can`t find
it because this week alternating editor Dave Turnick never finishes it
before Saturday mornings. Asks Larry Will to forward it but all he can
do is resend last week`s, from which AW finally pix some items at
0156. Meanwhile at 0130 reading an article about how US DJs used to
play rock hits from Britain analog tape-recorded at 50 Hz, on 60 Hz
equipment, speeding them up and raising the pitch, which was just fine
so more commercials could be squeezed in. No more of that once CDs
came in. 0135 stats of radio listenership concerning World Radio Day
Feb 13 which he forgot to mention last week. 0144 lets himself be
interrupted by a call from Mike. Hasn`t heard from Freddie in some
months; etc., etc. Not much politix this week, whew (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** VANUATU. 7260, Feb 18 at 0809, RV still here, JBA (Glenn Hauser,

This report despatched at 2054 UT February 18
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